Robotic Interception Suit Escort
Welcome to the future! You are a member of R.I.S.E. - robotic interception suit escort. Your only parkour is to protect your client.
Unfortunately, your client operates his own cityship and is under constant assault from enemy carriers.
You do not know how long their barrage will last. You do not care how long the barrage will last.
All you need to do is shoot down any enemy missiles before they hit the cityship.
If the cityship falls, your contract is terminated and you will be dismissed.
Will you become a legendary ace or just another rookie without the right stuff?
WHAT IS RISE?RISE is a project being worked on by four individuals for an engineering class at MSU. It is a game that emulates the gameplay of Super S.C.O.P.E. 6 - Intercept and adds some unique flavor.
END GOAL OF RISE?It is REQUIRED to be a fully finished project that runs on an Android device.
The professor has the same expectations for all groups(solar car, android project, wheelchair access, or robot fighter): set small goals, distribute work, collect data, and present a finished project.
TOOLS OF THE TRADE?So far: Audacity, Game Maker Studio: Professional with all export options, Paint.NET, and Google Docs.
CREDITS?At this point: all artwork is original or edited from cc0 art from opengameart.org. G.G. for the robot design and some special
WHERE TO DOWNLOAD?Glad you asked! The entire project is currently viewable on GitHub! Released under MIT so have fun until if/when our group decides if we want to monetize anything(probably not).
https://github.com/BrovaloneCheese/RISE-EGR100/tree/master/RISE.gmx/BIN/Release Contains both an EXE and an APK!
Current in-game screenshots
Less serious stuff:
Most of the coding work is on me. No big deal because I do not have to worry about reports, data collection, and other "office" type work in our group.
Hope you guys enjoy as it comes along. This is 50% of our grade for the entire class. The entire game idea was pitched including how similar it was to the inspiration material.
As long as we do not have any IP conflicts with the release version, we have the greenlight!
The biggest hurdle is going to be mechs. We had to add something onto the gameplay to fulfill a "A.I." requirement. We decided every five waves to have a boss fights similar
to the mech fights in Battleclash on SNES. I can code the fights, but I do not think we have anyone too artistically inclined on the squad to pull off cool stuff. We want to stick
to original or cc0(attribution is a nightmare) for everything.
Music will be another decent hurdle. Just need a few tracks but getting an SNES feel is important to us.
Other than that, you guys are free to !@#$%-talk my code, offer suggestions, pretend you don't know me, etc.