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Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:10:50 am »
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And here we are at Chapter 4, the Goron Arc!

What we have so far is that the Gorons are plagued by a bone/tooth/whatever the hell it is rot disease.  Many of them have retreated to the depths of the Goron Mines to escape the disease.
Unlike Gorons of previous Games, they live on the outside of the mountain instead of in a giant cave.

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 07:18:17 am »
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I'd say tooth rot. That would make it hard to eat the rocks that are the staple of their diet. If the Goron Mines have some... volcanic activity within them, perhaps they'll have fled there because the rocks are softer?

Thought I'd try adding some explanation (plus, Gorons are my fav Zelda race so yeah)

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 04:54:12 pm »
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Mirby, chiming in is great, 'cause the story team seems to have mostly dwindled down to me and Steve :p

So, here was my idea for the Goron's backstory:

Years ago, a young Goron prospector was digging a new tunnel and stumbled across a vain of an undiscovered mineral. This mineral was named Goro Ore. Goro Ore is incredibly hard, and metal forged from it is known for never breaking or rusting. As such, it was alloyed with other metals for use in steam pipes and pneumatic systems in the Goron Carbon mines. Some swords were been forged out of pure Goro Metal, and they are prized and passed down for generations. Occasionally, one was be awarded to an Officer in the Hylian Guard for outstanding service. Notably, Gorons ate small quantities of Goro Ore for strong teeth.

The Goro ore vein, wonderful as it was, quickly ran out. The Gorons found another vein that seemed similar to the Goro Ore Vein. When forged, it showed many of the properties that Goro Ore has, and was more plentiful. The material was dubbed Violet Ore for its color. A large mining operation was set up. Long tunnels were bored into the vein, until disaster struck on two fronts.

Goron workers began to go missing, and a plague struck the Gorons, who had been eating rocks from this new vein. Working with a Hylian geologist and blacksmith, Blaine, the Gorons tested the Violet Ore and found out that the rock, except for it's hardness, was nothing like Goro Ore. It was normal granite that had become tainted with some sort of poison, and although it caused strong material, it also caused Goron tooth rot.

Mining operations were shut down, even as more Gorons went missing. Rumors of some sort of monster spread, and although this was neither proved or disproved, the mine was sealed shut. The Gorons ceased trade with the rest of Hyrule and became suspicious of outsiders. The Goron Elder shut down the Gorons' borders until they figured out how to deal with their problem.

This is the state of the Goron mountains when Link arrives...

I haven't actually given much thought to what Link will actually do there. Here's the general things I was thinking:

- Link needs to find out Maple's backstory, if he hasn't yet, to realize that she wants the cogs to become the greatest witch. If Maple hasn't already said this in battle. She probable should have said this in the Deku or Zora areas, actually...

Also, the poison in the Violet Ore comes from a monster, the dungeon boss, who lives deep in the mountain. It'd been taking Gorons from the mines, and Link will free them through the dungeon, like the fire temple in OoT. Also, I was thinking, at the boss, Link and Maple could team up to fight it.

After defeating the boss together, Maple swoops in a grabs the cog. Victory is finally hers, for once, but looking at Link, she pauses. Reflecting, she realizes that all this time, even without getting any other cogs, she has grown in her magic. She never would have been able to face that boss before. Even without the cogs, just by believing in herself, she became a better witch. She also takes time to realize that she can help people, inspired by Link's constant care. Using the cog and the venom of the boss, she whips up a potion that can cure the Gorons. Then she hands Link the cog and the potion, and tells him to deliver the cure to the Goron people. She's going back to her mentor, Syrup, to apologize to her for running away, and complete her witch training!

Link would then deliver the potion to the Goron Elder, curing them, proving to the elder that the Gorons CAN use the help of other people and shouldn't just withdraw and be stubborn, and finishing up their story arc.

Link then moves on toward the Shiekah arc.

I think this is the most satisfying ending for Maple, since the Gorons need a magic cure, and she's a witch and going back to this after the Shiekah dungeon wouldn't really work. The problem is that this takes Maple out of the equation for the next arc. I think we can use this to our advantage, though, and have Link confront the ancient hero directly, which is a good place to start instilling doubt about the Gerudo King's true motives. Also, the shiekah, if Link talks to them, would serve a similar purpose.

Sooo, anyway, we've gotta figure out what Link will do upon arriving in the mountains, how he'll get in if the Gorons are being isolationist, and what he'll do to get access into the Goron mines.
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 11:53:45 pm »
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That all sounds pretty good and it closes up Maple's purpose in the story.  That in itself gives reason to face the Hero directly as you said in the valley.

As for what to do, Link needs to acquire the bow in the mountains before moving to the mines.  Maybe there's an overgrowth of bomb flowers due to the poison and it's interfering with their steam-based technology used for mining and such?

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 04:44:53 am »
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Bomb sniping. Use it as a puzzle element. :D

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 03:05:26 pm »
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Yeah, I like bomb sniping! That'd be a cool puzzle element. Bomb flowers are awesome, we should definitely use them somehow.

I dunno about interfering with the mining, though, if the Gorons' teeth are all rotting, what are they mining for? I was imagining that they had kinda shut everything down, but... I guess we should figure out what exactly the Gorons are doing. They haven't starved to death, which I guess means they must be pre-chewing the rocks, by crushing them up to a powder or something. Which is embarrassing, that's probably one reason that they don't want anybody coming in to see them.

What Im thinking is that with the Deku and Zora, they had problems solved before Link could advance, which makes sense, gameplay wise. We need a specific thing for Link to do before he can get into the mines. We've before stated, I believe, that the Goron Elders won't let anybody into the dungeon - the Violet Ore mines- and have shut down the mine cart track that leads there. So Link needs to do something that will prove to the elders that he is worthy of entering. Or sneak in. Whichever.

So Deku were fighting within themselves, Link helped get a leader. Then he defeated their outside attacker, the fungus.
The Zora were missing their leaders, Link rescued them. Then he defeated the outside attackers, the Zola.
The Goron... Have a smaller problem, we don't know what. Then Link will solve their major problem which caused the smaller one, the tooth rot.

So, we've gotta come up with a smaller problem for Link to solve. And also keep in mind that the bow doesn't even have to be on the mountain, Link could get it before venturing up there. And we've also got the chance to have some stuff back in Hyrule Town.

Back in Hyrule Town, what needs to be developed? Link has aldready been told the next cog is with the Gorons. Link needs to start reuniting with gang members, if he hasn't already. Perhaps it was optional before, but now is mandatory. Here's one way to do that:

You can do this any time after defeating the Deku dungeon. One of Link's gang members is in the city somewhere, and needs help, per this idea:


I'm still partial to that sidequest, but if we decide against it, then we could just use the fighting another gang mechanic once, here.

Basically, any time after the Deku dungeon, there will be a few kids from a rival gang blocking off an area. Link can fight their leader, and if he wins, they will run away. One of Link's gang members will run up and explain that the other gang has been taking over Link's gang's turf, and attacking them if they try to pass by. Now that they're gone, Link can enter this area, and that gang member will be found around town, now sympathetic to Link and convinced that Link didn't betray them.

The area Link has unlocked by beating these guys will have an entrance to the sewer. Swimming won't be necessary for this part, but by traversing through it, Link comes out outside the city walls to a small grove where there is a shrine. Defeating a stronger enemy here will make a chest containing the bow appear.

This way, the player can get the bow anytime between the Deku temple and trying to get into Goron mountain, but he won't be able to get into the main part of Goron mountain until he has the water cog, to preserve the sequence, but still allow some flexibility.


Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2013, 08:48:54 am »
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Ooh I like the sound of that. Always love when I can get items earlier than normal in a Zelda game.

Hmm... maybe Link could help them find a hidden vein of edible rocks for the gorons? it would be small, so it would only last a little while... Bomb sniping could be used to explode distant bombs and ultimately reveal the hidden vein. But shortly after, that vein is lost so you need to destroy the root of the problem. It was the bad rocks, the Violet Ore, that caused the tooth rot, no?

My thinking is that if the Gorons haven't been able to eat a lot of rocks, perhaps they're getting close to hunger. A smaller problem would be the hunger issue, and finding the hidden vein of soft edible pure rocks would solve that. But even then, there's still the issue of tooth rot that would have to be solved, the bigger issue.

That sound good?

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2013, 07:59:05 pm »
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Well, the problem with that is that if your teeth are rotten, it doesn't matter how many rocks there are to eat, you can't eat them, your teeth are rotten. I've been assuming that the Gorons have plenty of rocks to eat, it's just that the Violet Ore they tried ruined their teeth and now they can't eat anything.

Since this chapter is pretty Maple-focused, maybe we could involve her even more. Here's an idea I just had:

As Link arrives in the Goron city, Maple arrives too. They race each other to the Elder's chamber, and on their way, Maple accidentally knocks over a rock, which rolls and destroys a steam pipe for the central mineral processor, the big blender the Gorons have developed that allows them to crush rocks to dust and get their nutrition without chewing. Maple flees the area in the cloud of steam that billows out of the crushed pipe, and the Gorons catch Link and take him to the elder.

Link explains what happened, and why they were both heading to meet the elder. The elder is angry, since 1) he doesn't even want anybody visiting the Gorons in the first place, and 2) that steam pipe was made out of rare Goro ore. He explains the ore predicament to Link, and works out a deal. He'll free Link to go look for the cog if Link can find more Goro Ore to repair the steam pipe. If Link fails to find more Goro ore, the elder will throw him in Goron Jail!

Link explores the mountain, climbing ever higher through the rocky cliffs and old mining equipment, until he finds an abandoned cave near the peak that contains a chest with Goro ore. Of course, it's protected by a mini-boss, but using bomb flowers, Link makes the creature flee and gets the ore.

Taking it back down to the Gorons, the elder finds that it's more than enough, in fact they can use the leftover ore to... Make a stronger door in the canyon to keep Link out! Dagnabbit. Reluctantly, the elder allows Link passage onto the mine cart that will take him to the Violet Mines.

Anyway, that's one idea I just thought up, we could do other stuff too. I'll keep thinking.


Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2013, 01:03:10 am »
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I was thinking the ore would be incredibly mushy, almost paste-like. For instance, when one has their jaw wired shut, everything they eat needs to be a liquid (or close enough to one). The hidden vein would be of similar consistency.

Your idea's okay too, though.

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2013, 03:27:32 pm »
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How about this:

The Gorons at first are grinding their rocks down to powder to be able to eat them.  However, the effects of the tooth rot are progressively getting worse and before they know it, it's too painful for some Gorons to even eat powder.  As such, they find the mushy ore, which goes down easy but doesn't really contain the nutrients they need.  So, they start experimenting with combining the two - now they have mush + powder which can be eaten by Gorons with the worsening condition!

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2013, 03:59:23 am »
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That sounds good to me.

Now to tie that to the bomb sniping puzzles in some way.

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2013, 03:50:36 pm »
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I feel like it's less of tying in a bomb sniping puzzle as either the main puzzle point or as mandatory, but that type of puzzle is just a great idea, and will fit naturally around here, perhaps in several places.

So mush ore is cool, I just feel like Link finding something for the Gorons to eat for a few hours or days or whatever while he's in the dungeon is kind of a lame thing for Link to do. The precedent he's following is restoring order to the Deku Kingdom by helping them select a new ruler, then rescuing the Zora Royalty and defeating their enemy. Then... combining two things so the Gorons can eat for a little bit? I mean, that's fine, I just want to do something cooler. And I kind of feel like finding them something to eat is kind of lame thing, because right after the dungeon, Maple will solve that problem by curing the tooth rot.

So I just wanted to brainstorm some other problems Link could help with, and if finding the Gorons some suitable food is the best, we should go with that, I just don't wanna jump the gun too fast.

So, ideas:

- The Gorons can't continue to eat what they have been due to their tooth decay. Link will need to explore the mountain to find a new food source.

- Corrosion from the violet ore, combined with lack of upkeep from the weak Gorons, has allowed the infrastructure of the various minecart tracks, tunnel supports, tresses for holding up the Goron city in general, to start failing. Link must fix up structural supports to keep the paths in/out of the Goron mountain from collapsing, or to keep the city or the central forge or whatever from collapsing.

- One of the Goron Forge's main contracts is threatening to stop doing business with them because the Goron's shipments have been so late. Link has to help the weak Goron smiths get the order done, either by gathering materials that they can't get, or by helping in the actual forging process.

- Similar to the above, but with a different motive: a Zora or Hylian soldier outpost was attacked by Moblins, and although they defeated the Moblins, their fort's wall was destroyed. They put in an order to the Gorons for more materials/supplies that they need before they're attacked again, but the Gorons can't make these in their current state. Link can gather raw materials and/or help shape them into the objects needed by the soldiers. The physical labor as well as care for others Link displays will earn the respect of the Gorons.

- The Gorons have fallen into a lethargic depression because of their disease. Some are giving up hope of fixing things, and it's starting to affect everyone. Link helps cheer everyone up and give them hope by organizing some event; perhaps he finds the Goron Champion wrestler, who's secluded himself in a remote cave for a long time, and convinces him to come back and have a wrestling match. Or maybe Link works with a non-Goron smith (Blaine perhaps), to find materials to restore a statue of a Goron Hero that stood in the center of town. The symbol of the wrestling match or restored statue brings hope back to the depressed Gorons. The elder then allows Link to travel into the dungeon.

- An old enemy, the Lynels (or whatever enemy) are attacking the east side of the Goron city. The Gorons, in the past with their massive strength, could easily defeat them. But now the Gorons are weak, and considering giving up the east side of the city. Link convinces a Goron smith to rebuild decrepit fortifications, and Link holds off the attacking Lynels while the Goron builds a strong defense.

And we can definitely combine some ideas, too. Perhaps the Gorons are depressed, and Link finds the retired wrestling champion, but he can't have another match because the old stadium is crumbling. So Link will have to work with the Goron Forge to get supports and repair the stadium. With the repaired stadium and the Champion returning, the Gorons regain hope. Or maybe the trusses that support the tracks that transport mush ore are decaying, and collapse when Link is there. He fixes them up, and upon traveling to the mush ore mine, he finds and old statue. He brings it back, and the Gorons are cheered up to see the return of a statue they'd forgotten about- an ancient Goron hero who never gave up hope and fought for his people against a dragon. They can eat for now, and hope is restored because of the statue. Etc. combinations of ideas...

Anyway, my favorite is the idea of cheering up / returning hope to the ailing Goron population, who has given up hope of fixing the situation. And we can combine that with the mushy ore if we want. Like I said, I just felt like if all Link does is give them some different depressing food to eat for a little bit before Maple completely fixes them, he isn't accomplishing that much. And giving them hope is 1) a more satisfying help, because it's on an internal level instead of solely external, it's more emotional, and 2) more of a theme for this game, where we're kind of focusing on inequality and beaten down people, like the poor Hylians, the exiled Gerudo, the Shiekah who seem to be kind of ignored by the Royal family and have lost their status, etc.

So what ideas do you guys have / appeal to you?


Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2013, 10:15:34 pm »
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I like the depressed Gorons, actually.

Huh? Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

The idea just makes me laugh, not sure why.

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2013, 06:16:49 pm »
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Another funny thing I just thought of is that the Goron Elder wants to get rid of Link, but his guards are too weak from the disease to do anything. So he's just like, "Guaaaaards!" And they kind of stagger a little, then sit back down, and the Elder just acts indignantly.

So, the scenario that's my favorite is this, I'll write it out in more descriptive terms:

Link arrives on Goron Mountain to find all the Gorons suffering from a tooth-rotting disease. Mining operations and production of manufactured good have stopped completely, and all the Gorons merely sit around on the mountain, weakened from malnutrition and depressed since they can't do basically anything.

Link finds the Goron Elder, Gor Indigneo, ensconced back in his chambers. Upon entering, he is angry to see a mere Hylian has gotten in, and demands what Link wants. Upon hearing Link wants to search for the Earth Cog, Gor Indigneo gets even angrier. He explains the problems the Gorons have: their teeth have been rotting ever since they discovered the Violet Ore, his people are weak because they can't chew rocks, they have to eat mud soup made from mushy ore mined down the mountain. My people are eating mush! There's no calcium in mush! The Gorons are strong people, and maybe could get through this, but the worst thing of all is that the Gorons are all so depressed they're beginning to give up hope that anything will ever get better. The last thing we need is some Hylian trying to find some ancient artifact when we're trying to deal with our own problems! I can't help you until my people's happiness is restored! Guards, take him away! The Guards rise slowly, pause for a moment, then sit back down, too weak to do anything. "See what I mean? Get out of here!" the elder screeches.

Link wanders around the city, and talking to the Gorons, two or three mention that they miss the old days, before there were problems, when the simple pleasures were watching a good Goron wrestling match. The old wrestling arena sits decrepit and decaying.

Link can find an old wrench hidden somewhere around the Goron settlement. If he brings this to the Chief Smith in the Goron forge, he will recognize it as his favorite wrench, which he lost years ago. He thanks Link for bringing it to him, and says he sees Link is a pretty handy fella. Maybe Link, just maybe, is the person to fulfill the Chief Smith's dream- of restoring the wrestling arena. He'll give Link four or five bolts, and tell Link to patch up the failing supports.

The wrestling arena is actually suspended above a canyon. It is anchored in four or six places, on different levels. Link must use his agility to climb to the places where the supports are failing, and attach bolts. The last touch is tightening the chains that wind around the ring and serve as railings.

After fixing up the arena, some Gorons around town, including the Chief Smith, will notice, and mention that they miss the old Champion Wrestler, who moved out of town after losing his strength to the Violet Ore disease. Link explores the mountain, and following a winding trail, he finds the home of the old Champion (I'm just gonna call him Champ for now). He spends his time throwing small rocks (he can't lift heavy ones) at a nearby rock wasp hive that's been bothering him for a few weeks. He won't talk to Link, saying that he's too busy to talk to small fries.

The hive is inaccessible by foot, but Link can shoot a nearby bomb flower, which will explode and destroy the rock wasp hive. After this, Champ will talk to Link, with a small amount respect. Champ calls Link smart guy, commenting that maybe Link doesn't have brawn, but he does have brains. What? Go back to wrestling? Look smart guy, maybe you didn't hear, but all the Gorons are weak, weak, weak. We don't get the nutrients we need from mush soup. Anyway, the arena is falling apart. If Link has restored the arena by this point, Champ will think about it for a minute. "Well, maybe it would cheer my brothers up... Alright, I'll do it. But you've gotta fight me."

If Link agrees, the player will find himself in the arena, facing Champ. All the Gorons have gathered around to watch. All the buttons only make Link punch (which is probably just the sword animation without the blade), but he can still use agility moves.
Champ is actually pretty fast, but not as fast as Link. He will block any punches Link throws at his front and counter. If Link stands still, Champ will punch at him. If Link can get behind Champ and hit his back three times, Champ will sit down and surrender. If Champ hits Link three times, Link will loose.

Whoever wins, Link and Champ stand facing each other outside the arena. Champ tells Link that was the best match he's had in many years, Link is pretty fast. All the others Gorons will cheer, saying that it was fantastic to see another match. Look, Champ is still fighting even though he's sick. Maybe we can all fight! We're all still champions! Stuff like that.

Link goes to see Gor Indigneo again. He admits that he's heard everybody loved Link's fight with Champ. So is this what you do? You help others to serve your own ends? Well, I do know where the cog is. We left it deep in the Violet Mines before they were shut down. I'll send word for Gumbo, who has the keys to the minecarts, to let you go there.

I chose to name the elder Gor Indigneo because it's a weird combination of Igneous and Indignant, which is his personality. He's so old that he lost his teeth before the Ore Rush, so he never ate any Violet Ore, and has been used to eating mush soup.

So anyway, if we go that route, or we can go another route. What do you guys think?


Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2013, 08:24:52 pm »
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Sounds good to me. We could probably work the depression into that easily too.

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2013, 01:23:16 pm »
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Whoops, thought I did work that into the description. But really thinking about it, I think hopelessness rather than depression is the way to do it. 'Cause if ya wanna get technical, depression is a chemical imbalance that wouldn't really hit everybody or be as affected by circumstances. Where hopelessness is contagious because of psychology, and would change with the situation.

So anyway, I was thinking the Gorons would be feeling hopeless because 1) they can't really eat what they like, 2) they're weak from malnutrition, and Gorons highly value strength. However, when they see that their champion, despite the circumstances, is fighting, doing what he loves, they are all inspired. They decide to fight for what they want too, instead of just giving into circumstances and going with the downward spiral.

Soooo, shall we sum things up?

Anytime after the deku dungeon, Link can fight a rival gang. They're keeping Link's gang off their turf and thereby blocking an entrance to the sewers. Link can go through there, out of the city, and to a small grove on the river where he can find the bow. This will allow him to get into the Goron area, but not to the dungeon, because the magnetic gloves will be necessary there.

When Link goes to Goron mountain, he will find the Gorons all hopeless and lamenting their situation. They're all suffering from a tooth rot disease from eating Violet Ore. The elder will explain the situation to Link, but refuse to help him. Link can do 2 main things here:

- Find the Chief Smith's old wrench. The chief smith will tell Link about his dream- to restore the old arena. He'll give Link the tools to fix it up, which Link can do by climbing to the places where it's supported.

- Find Champ, living out of town. He's trying (and failing due to his lacking strength) to deal with a rock wasp hive nearby. Link can take care of it by sniping nearby bomb flowers. This will earn Champ's respect, as Link uses his brains over his brawn. He'll agree to fight once the arena is fixed up, to cheer up his people.

When both these are done, Champ will fight Link in a wrestling match. No matter who wins, the Gorons will be cheered and encouraged by the fighting. Even the callous elder will admit this, and admit maybe Link has the ability to help them. He allows Link to take a minecart to the Violet Mines, the dungeon.

In the dungeon, Link encounters Maple again. They find themselves together in the boss room when they're attacked. Working together, Link and Maple take the boss out. Afterwards, Maple swoops in to grab the cog, but then pauses. She realizes that before, she never would have had the courage to face that monster. She's grown a lot, even without getting any cogs. She doesn't immediately hand the cog over to Link, though. She gathers a vial of Venom from the boss, and using the cog's power, she synthesizes an antidote for the Goron's tooth rot disease. She gives it to Link, then goes back to Syrup to finish her witch training.

Link brings the antidote to the elder, who gives it to all the Gorons and cures them. The elder admits that maybe getting help from other people is a good thing, and the Gorons actually need it from time to time. He reminds Link to make sure he gets help when he needs it too.

Link then would move on towards the next cog- so this arc would be wrapped up.

Do we have anything else to add here?

Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2013, 03:14:42 pm »
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This will allow him to get into the Goron area, but not to the dungeon, because the magnetic gloves will be necessary there.

Wait wut.  The magnetic gloves are found in the Zora Dungeon, so we'll have them already by this point

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2013, 01:59:38 pm »
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Yeah, that was the point, the player can do the beginning of the Goron area out of order if they want, but they can't do it all because they'll have to do the Zora part first to get the magnetic gloves.

The point being that the player is allowed more perceived freedom to travel and explore wherever they want, and it feels a lot less like, oh, you must go here next, then here. After all, Ganon tells Link that the next two cogs are Zora and Goron, so Link can start at either one. The only thing is that the Zora arc is much more obvious to start, with the Deku merchant making a scene and pointing the right way, whereas the Goron arc, you need to defeat the rival gang, then make use of the area that's opened to get the bow, which doesn't indicate either Zora or Goron.

It's basically a way to allow the player to break sequence, which is something desirable in a Zelda game, but still control it so they can't go too far and disrupt the story.
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2013, 04:05:31 pm »
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oohh ok, I understand.  Yea, I'm fine with that.  Anything else to add?  This was a rather simple one to figure out.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2013, 12:49:18 am »
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Don't think so. We can always alter stuff a little if need be later.

The only thing I can think to consider is how Link's character development has been being affected. Just figure that out, try to make sure he isn't being too static. Then maybe make tiny alterations here and there to keep that going.
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