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Author Topic: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter  (Read 15477 times)

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Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2013, 04:12:47 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Sorry, didn't have time to actually do the analysis when I typed that last post. Anyway:

We start off with Link with a family unit in the gang and Farin. But this family is just about all he's got, he isn't entirely accepted as he struggles with pick pocketing skill, and is always picked on by Sykes. This only gets worse when Farin is imprisoned, Sykes and thereby all the other kids, blame Link, and then Link is kicked out of the gang.

So he starts out unaccepted, blaming himself for his mentor's capture, and unskilled because he can't pickpocket anybody.

So one thing I'm thinking to emphesize this is that maybe when Anton or whoever we have teaching Link some thief skills at the very beginning, maybe that character uses skills Link can't at the very beginning, but ones that Link learns along the way. I.e., Anton can wallrun, or use the barrel ambush, etc.. This 1) makes Link feel/seem more unskilled at the outset, and 2) physically marks Link's growth through the story, as he learns skills that we already know about, but he really couldn't do before. It's a little stronger than just, oh, I learned a cool move, because it's oh, I mastered this thing I struggled with before. And this other thing that not even Anton could do!

So anyway, then Ganon accepts Link. He gives him the thief bracers, which allow Link to pickpocket people, but through the bracer's magic, so it is cheating. At the end, I think Link will need to ditch the bracers- first because it shows that he relies only on himself and his friends, he doesn't need magic to help him, and he certainly doesn't need Ganon's help, and second because pickpocketing, of all the things we have, is the only outright immoral one. We justify it fine for the time with the rich/poor desparity, but at the end, it'd be better if Link took the even higher road, morally, and also, we'll show the desparity getting more equal.

So, setting into the Deku section, Link is still unsure of himself, and feeling guilty because he caused Farin to be captured. But, Ganon is there for him. How will we show this state?
1) well, Ganon will say things like, it isn't your fault Link, and he'll try to place the blame on Link's gang.
But it'd be good to have some NPC dialogue indicate that Link feels guilty and uncertain of himself.


Going into the Zora chapter, how does Link feel? He's starting to feel accomplished, through his work for Ganon. He's feeling like he's worth something, because he's helping Ganon's seemingly noble cause. This needs to be indicated by NPCs. Perhaps even the Hero's Shade could say it directly. Something along the lines of "It's obvious you're starting to feel confidant with yourself. You're starting to feel like you're worth something. Do you really feel like you're serving Hyrule? If you continue down this path, you will only destroy yourself- along with all of Hyrule."

So right with the Zora chapters there's a little bit of doubt because this ghost guy doesn't seem like a good guy, and he seems to be trying to make your doubt yourself, which is bad. So it's Hero's Ghost and feeling bad vs. Ganon and feeling good. Link/the player should feel right now that the obvious choice to ally yourself with is Ganon.


Now, the Goron chapter. Going in, we've still got the mentality that Ganon is nurturing us up to be stronger and to serve Hyrule, champion the poor. This chapter doesn't really need too much doubt creeping in, because that will happen in a major way when Link visits the Gerudo and Shiekah. So I think we can leave Link's motives about where they are. We do need another interaction with the Hero's ghost, though.

What I'm thinking is maybe as Link is leaving the mountain, he walks down a trail and sees the Hero's ghost standing next to a couple strong enemies. He disappears and the enemies attack Link. It's ambiguous as to whether the ghost sent them to attack Link, or if he was being attacked by them, and got away.

Or we could have another more pointed interaction, where the Hero is more obviously antagonistic toward Link, but I think without a real attack from him, we risk being redundant.

How can we show an interaction between the two where the Hero tells Link that what he's doing is wrong, without giving it away so the player will still think its most reasonable to stay on Ganon's side, and without it being redundant? Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe the stuff with Maple is enough here.

Or maybe we could do it with Maple. It still is a little weird that she was working wi the Hero's ghost to save Hyrule, and then just stopped because she started believing in herself.

I think we need to figure out what the Hero told her. Because she needs to be able to abandon those notions. But we can't just say the hero was tricking her, because he IS the good guy.


My main notion right now is that the Hero told her only "you need to help me stop this guy, because he's going to destroy Hyrule if he gets the cogs." Maple would be like, "sure, I'll help"... because then I can use the cogs for myself. And she kept that notion secret from the Hero.

So upon changing her mind and deciding she doens't need the cogs, she could say "I don't need them. Anyway, you don't seem like the kind of guy who would destroy Hyrule with them. I think they'll be safe with you." (Which, although nobody realizes it yet, is technically true, even though Link thinks it's true but when he INTENDS to do would falsify it, but he doesn't do that. So it's like a double truth bluff... Uh, anyway...)

So on his way out of the mountain, the Hero could approach Link, and say something like, "well, you've convinced my witch to join your side (which the player thinks is the good side, since the Hero's Ghost is bad). This is a major setback for me. You don't understand the forces at work here, boy, and unless you change, you'll be the death of Hyrule." He takes a couple steps away. "Yet, something tells me I shouldn't destroy you. Perhaps with time, you'll come to understand my path." He turns and looks back at Link. "Only the path of shadow with show you the truth..." (Refrencing the Shiekah, although it seems like he means evil) Then he'll disappear. And the player is thinking, psh, yeah right!

Anyway, that's one idea of how to wrap this chapter up. What do you guys think?
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2013, 04:48:10 pm »
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As far as the hero goes, I really think the player needs to fight him once.  After the Goron arch seems like a good place to do that.

"well, you've convinced my witch to join your side (which the player thinks is the good side, since the Hero's Ghost is bad). This is a major setback for me. You have stood in my way long enough."

--combat here--

"You don't understand the forces at work here, boy, and unless you change, you'll be the death of Hyrule." He takes a couple steps away. "Yet, something tells me I shouldn't destroy you. Perhaps with time, you'll come to understand my path." He turns and looks back at Link. "Only the path of shadow will show you the truth..."


i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2013, 07:49:54 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Yeah, it could be a cool fight. And, we could showcase a cool ability that the hero uses. Then, when he merges with Link in the Celestial Clock, Link would gain that ability. Which would be cool.

Let's add that in, and make a note to the dialogue of the Hero for the Zora chapter to add what I changed there? "It's obvious that you're starting to feel confidant in yours elf, like you're doing good in the world..." Etc.?
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2013, 09:38:53 pm »
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Yup, sounds good!  I haven't added the Zora Arc to the Wiki yet, so it shouldn't be a problem to change.

That about wraps it up here?

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Story Pass: Fourth Chapter
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2013, 11:07:38 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Yup, it does. I don't have any ideas for the Shiekah arc yet, though, so that one prolly won't go as fast! :p
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