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Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2007, 06:01:17 pm »
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Wow... this is just... wow... o_o;; A few minor bugs/glitches which have already been mentioned, but this is still truly beautiful, I especially love the particle effects (though the particals when Samus is moving normally could be done away with)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2007, 12:09:25 pm by Madilim Kagalakan »
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Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2007, 07:56:25 pm »
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Oh and another thing I forgot to mention is that I love the morphball!  It looks 3D and blends in reallly well.  :)
Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2007, 08:07:15 pm »
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"DAMN, you must suck!" lmao.
And yes, I realised it was my mouse sensitivity. There are DLL's that let you control that, though.


Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2007, 08:43:51 pm »
No music in the room right after I loaded a game, it comes back when I go into another room though.
Yeah, I noticed that glitch one, I'll write that down...

As said before, too much particle effect, either remove all that fancy particles around Samus, or add a function to enable/disable it. OR, replace it with a less fancy effect. This also applies to the charge beam and screw attack effects.
I can understand that you don't like Samus's glowing, but how could you possibly hate the charge beam and screw attack effects? Their so pretty!
Some slowdowns in the room just before you learn how to scan.
I've never seen that...
I won't compliment the graphics since most of them are rips from SM, Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion (I said most, not all of them, of course). The save station is rather ugly, you should try to make one that would stick to the style, or ask a spriter here. I'm sure someone would be glad to help, it's only one sprite and this project has a huge amount of potential.
Hey! I made that save station myself in AutoCAD! It's based directly off the Super Metroid Save stations, actually.
Right after you get the speed booster, you need to get the missile launcher, well if when you go through the door, your mouse is located behind Samus, she will halt in front of the door. Meaning, I had to try it 3 times before understanding that the mouse was causing the problem, you should let the player move even though the mouse is in the opposite direction.
Actually, it really has nothing to do with the mouse. But if you try re-downloading it, the problem has been fixed now.
Sound effects are really not that great, especially when Samus gets hit. In fact that's the only one you should change.
I ripped those sounds directly from the Metroid Prime games, you don't like them?
Text messages are goddamn nice, BUT those appearing when you grab an upgrade, are a pain because they pause the game. Those messages (as I see it) are configured to let you play while you read (instead of having a huge text box and having to read through before continuing to play).
Could you clarify what you mean here?
Huge amount of features, too bad two of them are not so useful. Scanning is not as important as it is in Prime, you could have made some nice enigmas with it. Same goes to the grapple beam, I used it only once.
Hey, I tried to cram in as much scanable stuff as possible! If I had anymore it would be just random, unimportant stuff.
All the beam upgrades look rather ugly, try to grab some shooting sprites that stick to that style.
I disagree! I think their quite lovely! Particularly the Annihilation Beam
The leech beam, instead of having huge things of energy flying around and coming to you, you should make them small round things (like in Prime), and that would go straight to you, at light speed! Right now you have to wait for them to get to you...
The leech beam is still undergoing a lot of consideration. I don't think I'm going to keep it, honestly.
The lock-on feature, although it's more of a gadget, it works well. Except for one thing, if I lock-on a creature and move up until I can't see it anymore, Samus still locks on that creature. You should automatically remove the lock-on feature when the creature is not on the screen anymore.
Yes, that's a good suggestion, but what about bosses that frequently move off screen? It would be annoying to have to re-target them. Although I guess I could make bosses an exception.

Otherwise, it's an awesome game. Awesome physics engine, the room engine is nice too, I love it how the background moves like in Metroid Zero Mission. The Ship escape was a very good addition to the whole Metroid concept, it's a never seen before, NICE! This game is just AWESOME, I hope you're going to add things in it, make it longer. Adding a background story at the beginning of the game would be terrific!
Oh, it most certainly WILL become longer. I've got a whole new environment in the works right now. The environment presented in the demo here is absolutely microscopic compared to the size the NEW environment will be!

Thanks for all the comments, suggestions, and glitches! To say I'm overjoyed to receive so many would be an understatement!
Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2007, 06:55:46 pm »
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Well to be honest with you, I haven't had the chance to try out the annihilation beam, since I kinda rushed through the demo. I missed two upgrades : The Time Suit, and the previously stated beam. If you would be good enough to write up a quick walkthrough of some sort to find all the upgrades.
Well the sounds ripped from Prime are good, except for when Samus gets hit. You should stick to the 2D sounds, they just fit a whole lot better. Trust me, this can only do good.
I'm not saying the screw attack and the charging beam particle effects are not pretty, but it's just too much. Try to tone it down a bit. I don't know how you could do it, but for example, the explosion when a shot comes in contact with a wall, is perfectly well done. There is no uber effect or anything, just the right circular effect. Same goes to the morphball bomb, the particles used are not "too much" nor "too fancy". BTW I'd like to add that the morphball's 3D effect is really awesome!
As for the saving station, AutoCAD is not the way to do it... If you want to sprite, at least try to do it properly : pixel by pixel. I can only recommend that you use one from the original games :
Super Metroid (I see how yours looks a lot like it) or Metroid Zero Mission
But quite frankly, I would request a custom made one.
See, when you get an upgrade, the game pauses and then the text displays on the middle of the screen saying how to use the new upgrade. Instead of pausing the game until the text has finished displaying, you should allow us to continue playing. Meaning we should be capable of moving while the text displays. Dunno how to clarify it more.
It's not the amount of scannable stuff that you put into the game that counts, it's how the scannable stuff is needed to move on. I'm sure the new environment makes full use of the scanning, and keeps a scan log, right?
Are you going to change the lock-on key and the grapple beam key?

One thing I forgot to say last time, please add information on the F1 screen. It's really better if I want to play offline and would like to remember which key does this or that.
Finally, I'm glad that you posted it on the MP2D fan forums, CoreFusionX is a professional programmer (best programmer I've ever met, blows anyone from ZFGC easily), and the other guys usually give good advice.

I'm eagerly awaiting a new demo with part of the storyline and the new environment, please keep up the good work, it's been a long time since I have been so enthusiastic towards a fangame.


Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2007, 09:19:35 pm »
Thanks for the reply, and the clarification of your various criticisms.

Well to be honest with you, I haven't had the chance to try out the annihilation beam, since I kinda rushed through the demo. I missed two upgrades : The Time Suit, and the previously stated beam. If you would be good enough to write up a quick walkthrough of some sort to find all the upgrades.
Actually, to be honest, the time suit isn't in the demo, but the sprites and code for it are fully functional though. I simply didn't have anywhere to put it cause the environment was so crammed full of upgrades. Also, there are several upgrades hidden in places you may not have expected to look. But the Annihilation beam isn't that hard to find, actually..
As for the saving station, AutoCAD is not the way to do it... If you want to sprite, at least try to do it properly : pixel by pixel. I can only recommend that you use one from the original games :
Super Metroid (I see how yours looks a lot like it) or Metroid Zero Mission
But quite frankly, I would request a custom made one.
But I made a ton of the sprites in AutoCAD!
 The Annihilation Beam, the Energy Tank upgrades, the Ghost Suit's upgrade icon, the doors, the missiles, the platforms you use the grapple beam on, and, most importantly, the 3D morphball effect! Although I guess the Save Station isn't that great compared to the others listed here...
I'm eagerly awaiting a new demo with part of the storyline and the new environment, please keep up the good work, it's been a long time since I have been so enthusiastic towards a fangame.
Thank you, really. These are the kind of complements that make this all feel worthwhile.
Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2007, 03:56:48 pm »
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This game is awesome... but when your in the ship part, you should make the gun a little... less rigged.
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Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2007, 04:54:58 pm »
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That demo was freakin sweet.
Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2007, 11:11:48 am »
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WOW, really awesome game!!
One thing: in the end, when you are flying in Samus starship, you can still shoot, while your blue energy is gone. I got an negative blue energy at one point :P



Procedurally generated bro.
Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2007, 06:14:58 pm »
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Found Glitch or Bug ...
You can get the Annhilator twice !  XD
My Beam Power must be at (100% + 20% * 3 * 3 + 20%) ...f.a.t.a.l.e.r.r.o.r.i.n.c.o.d.e.l.i.n.e.!.f.a.i.l.e.d.t.o.c.o.m.p.a.r.e.e.v.e.n.t.s.w.i.t.h.a.c.t.i.o.n.!.A.b.o.r.t.!.s.h.i.e.l.d.o.f.f.l.i.n.e.! *dies*


Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2007, 09:04:33 pm »
Uhhhhh, you may want to try downloading the new version, the link is on the front page.

That glitch was only in the very first version of the game I released, trust me. Try it again.


Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2007, 02:25:22 am »
That was pretty fun! Despite the fact it was a bit short, and a bit over powerered at the end, during the ship part, it was awesome! Having so many effects really lags the game though, so you should lessen the effects of the screw attack, and when the planet is exploding. It makes it really hard to move. Other then that, it was fun.
Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2007, 04:36:05 am »
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I never lagged a bit...

Awesome game.  <3  Wish I had more to say.
Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2007, 10:28:31 pm »
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Really sweet game! I love the graphic and well, the gameplay must have been the shortest of all Metroid games. :P

I couldn't beat the last level(I think) where you were in your ship killing space ships and stuff. XD

Really fun! Nice work! 10/10 from me. :)

EDIT: I forgot to mention, at the boss, the Metroid, it's locked into glass tank, right? Well, you scan it, and then it breaks through. If you scan the Metroid again, when it's OUTSIDE of the broken glass tank, and then press OK, the glass tank shatters again even if there's nothing there. You can keep doing this infinite times! :D
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 10:34:49 pm by Frebby »


Re: [Demo] Metroid: Bounty
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2007, 05:05:25 pm »
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Looks quite awesome! Can't wait for the full version!

NOTE: I'd play it, but A. I have no home computer, so I'm doing this at school; and B. My school bans the programs from opening.

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