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Author Topic: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZNB)  (Read 151836 times)

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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2011, 07:49:12 pm »
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Well currently what I did today:
+Prevented Deku Link from doing certain actions like swim/dive, pushing or carrying.*Strangely enough, he is still able to push things and sometimes his animation freeze when walling into a wall* Ill fix this later on.

+Edited some TMC tiles, makes the game look good but from some images you see here the tiling for the TMC sprites look wrong will be fixing that as well.

+New sprite set for Gaz, he had only koriki kid sprites to begin with.  And his ability to appear in 2 places at once regardless of completing objectives or not has been fixed.

+Created a weather modifier, well just for raining.  Going to add different weather systems to it later on.
The weather system currently includes:
*Raining with Thunder&Lighting(sound added as well. Depending on areas in room gets louder.)

+Form system will not be selecting a mask anymore, instead it will be via button press.  I will change this way later on.

Question for you guys: After Deku Link, who to work on next?
A.) Goron Link (form 2)
B.) Zora Link (form 3)
C.) Fierce Deity Link (form 5)

same images attached, posted for guest to see

« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 07:58:52 pm by Linkwolf48 »
The IT Guy
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2011, 07:27:56 pm »
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small updates:
+The non-stationary npcs can now interact with their environment.  For example, if a Zora npc walks into a water area, he is able to start swimming and or dive into the water.  Or if a solider is next to a hostile enemy, he is able to fight it.

+Improved the textbox engine a bit, however, some npcs/items text is cut off, this will be fixed.

+Deku Link no longer has the ability to grab on to this, this was an issue earlier.

+Currently working on a File Selection Screen.  I am playing around with TRM's oot file select and trying to make it work with my Zengine, in the meantime, I am using a very basic file select.  TRM's oot version I am modifying on a separate gmk. before merging it with my gmk.

+The mapping system is currently in its basic form, you can hit the Space bar anywhere in-game and it will show you what location/floor you are in, doesn't have some variable added to it yet.(number of keys, compass, maps etc.)
The IT Guy
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #62 on: October 15, 2011, 06:08:09 am »
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lol, Leafosa does sound like a girl's name, but it should be fine as long as you state his gender when introduced. I like the name though, and I find this overall project to be very intriguing. You seem to have an emphasis on meaning of the characters as shown in their depth, and few fan games have really gone down that path, to this extent anyway. I do think there is quite a bit of refining that you will need to do with the story, but I can see a lot of potential for this to end up being quite good. :)
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2011, 05:38:42 am »
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lol, Leafosa does sound like a girl's name, but it should be fine as long as you state his gender when introduced. I like the name though, and I find this overall project to be very intriguing. You seem to have an emphasis on meaning of the characters as shown in their depth, and few fan games have really gone down that path, to this extent anyway. I do think there is quite a bit of refining that you will need to do with the story, but I can see a lot of potential for this to end up being quite good. :)

Thanks lol  XD.  Another update:

+Sheme KOS tileset has been revamped, changed it so some of the FSA tiles are placed in game.

+Ally npcs: Still in testing as well.  IT falls Link around in certain places when summoned.  Cannot swim, climb, etc.  However just like the enemies, it can select its own weapon depending on the area, and or objective, also make an attempt to attack nearby enemies and if successful runs back to Link.  Trying to make the weapon animation for it sync in, also the death animation.  This system was previously use to create a Dark Link Boss back when the engine was a v0.8.

+Enemy Recognition: This is a ParBeastry, the parent object of all enemies ans bosses in game.  What it does is make the system know which enemy is on the field and what sprites, sounds, stats and weapons that enemy should use.  For example, 2 stalfo archers, however, one of them is more advanced then the other, the parent object will check that stalfos stats and increase it, also giving that stalfo a different weapon, the Lv99 bow&arrow, for instance xD.  This is still in testing form and I will give an update on this later on.

+Use of fairy cursor, in testing form.  I had a Z-targeting like feature going on, however, I removed it because getting the fariy to do various things sometimes do not work out too well.  So instead I made a cursor that the player can use by moving the mouse.  It will have 3 color indications, since it is in test form.  If I make this cursor system better, I might throw back the Z-targeting because it helps a player keep track when they are ambushed and so on.

+Deku Link cannot hop on water yet, just drowns and if lucky, can randomly jump once he touches the water.  Deku can instantly die from fire and such, however for some reason when colliding with fire, it not only drains all your Hp, but available fairy potion resources as well.  So instead just made it so if you touch fire as a deku, you will take more damage then usual.

I have been also working on cut-scenes, not my strong point here due to some variables adding/decreasing when messages are not even done yet, still working and learning to deal with this issue, mainly for the bandits in forest objective, trying to make one bandit leave after the text is done using a path.  Anyway if I find some way to create what I had in mind, I will take a screensshot or make a video of this objective for you guys to see.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 05:41:45 am by Linkwolf48 »
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #64 on: October 19, 2011, 02:18:37 am »
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Small update:

Worked on the inventory menu today graphic wise and also added a couple things in there.  As of now players are able to keep track of Sol Fragments, items, etc.  I also created a temp. slot which will show you the world map if selected, and or dungeon map, however these maps are not set up correctly yet.
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #65 on: October 19, 2011, 03:48:56 pm »
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« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 05:10:34 pm by MG-Zero »
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #66 on: October 19, 2011, 10:24:15 pm »
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Haha, what kind of response is that, Retro?

Anyway, how far is your demo, slash, is there a demo available right now? I couldn't really tell from the first post, as I mentioned to homegrownpwn in his topic, thinking it was yours. You guys are both using LTTP graphics! I can't tell anybody apart these days! It's a problem at work when I greet people coming in the door three times because they just went out to their car to get something, or ask a person if they need help finding something for the third time...


Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #67 on: November 01, 2011, 07:44:00 pm »
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Sorry for the wait guys, was in Quebec, Canada for a week.  XD Anyway some minor updates, just started to work on the game again.

Started working on a Game Over screen, currently 2 rooms for it.
*if your Hp drops to 0 during a boss fight or an event, you will go to a sub-Game Over screen then the actucally one. Other then that if you are not within these 2 events when your Hp is 0 then your good. What I am aiming for and waht moviated me for this is Batman AA
an example of what I am trying to do.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6FQOLzvGYk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6FQOLzvGYk</a>

*Link's arrows and boomerang are now fixed, Arrows cannot kill enemies just like that now, can only disarm, stun/knock out enemies.

NPC have Hp now. They are able to fight any nearby monsters and can sometimes be killed, the nly NPC capable of fighting now is the town guards.

*Remodeling BellBrooke Town and area in the province. The place looks a bit plain so so I am going to revamped it a bit.


Started making Illirigal/Pello, the second boss in the game. Sadly I have only one sprite for him, well most of them only fast down, due to not finding any garo sprites.  So I am going to make this boss fight a bit clever.

I'll be updating again soon, later ZFGC  XD
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #68 on: November 01, 2011, 07:52:16 pm »
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Hey, I don't know if you could use slash modify these, but down near the bottom of this page are some Garo sprites I made that you're welcome to use however you want.

And so basically what you're trying to do with the game over screen is show a short cutscenes of the thing that killed you taunting you before you die? Or am I misunderstanding this?


Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #69 on: November 01, 2011, 09:23:34 pm »
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Hey, I don't know if you could use slash modify these, but down near the bottom of this page are some Garo sprites I made that you're welcome to use however you want.

And so basically what you're trying to do with the game over screen is show a short cutscenes of the thing that killed you taunting you before you die? Or am I misunderstanding this?

ya xD, for example, if you fail to prevent the badit's from overrunning the town you will get a cutsence and if you lose to the bandit leaer you get a cutsence as well.  But if you get your Hp to 0 when you are not in those events, then it is a normal game over.

Thanks for the sprites XD, now Link has an enmy to fight in the 2nd dungeon along with the boss.
The IT Guy
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devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/


Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #70 on: November 02, 2011, 08:48:58 pm »
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Only made some sprites today, some of them revamped others new.  So of them are also drafts, and I will be updating them soon.

I thank Dontfeedthemax for the Garo sprites, I might be able to make some nice LTTP versions of them.  I will post them up when I get them done.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 08:50:49 pm by Linkwolf48 »
The IT Guy
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #71 on: November 03, 2011, 01:27:25 am »
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Well this is a draft of the Garos in LTTP form, and the other forms on them scatter aroung the desert area. What do you guys think?

Illirigal Loaylist are enemies of basicaly anyone against the Exiled Garo, incudling Link.  Their common enemy is Steilo's group.  Other then that the normal garos fight for anyone at this point, until some sort of event ouccers, they become good at the end.

The garo race is a mix, some are human, others are Subrosians, the rest are unknown.  Illirigal's Garos are mostly Subrosians.

If I finsih this, I will start making an AI for them xD.

Also a small stroy change(a mere idea):
Due to the bad guys  search for the broken jewel instead of gates, they used source simlair to the Mirror of Twlight in order get from realm A to realm B.  Doing so left a could of rifts and some randoms to appear in Orsa.  Thus Link, Gemmy and other chracters interacting with with the rifts caused them to appear in different areas in Orsa.  As for Link and Gemmy they were able to get to Orsa due to Shad using his power to go to a different area and or realm, mainly when the player fights him, after the battle they find themselves elsewhere.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 02:02:37 am by Linkwolf48 »
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #72 on: November 09, 2011, 12:41:36 pm »
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They look nice : )
Although, the plot stuff about the rifts seems a bit confusing. I'm sure it'd work out in the game, because it'd be shown rather than told, and at a slower pace. I might also be confused because sometimes your english isn't so good, for instance, I have no idea what a could of rifts and some randoms are. I also don't know the entire plot of your game, so sometimes I don't know what you're referring to anyway, haha.

But the sprites look good, and the variety you're creating does too, with the other colors and Steilo guys. Some of the names you make up are hard to pronounce, though.


Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2011, 02:10:37 pm »
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Remade Flora Town Entrance, the place you go to before actually getting to the Town area, and I also recreated Flora Town Farm ,which is located to the east of entrance.  I remade them because the ones I had tiled before didn't look that great, plus they were both spacious.

I will be remaking Flora Town itself later on and I will post it up when it is done.

*The reason for the big house at the farm: The rich farm owner lives there. Also a quest is available when the player befriends a worker there. On this quest you have to save Epona before she is sold away. The player has 3 attempts to break in at night and find the farm house keys, if failed 3 times, you will see the next day some workers will be fired. Also if you run out of days, Epona will be sold, however you can still get her back regardless of being sold or not.*

Sorry lol my English is not perfect, as for the story I changed it for small/large rifts to appear due to Dark Interloper interference. For example, Shad able to create portals to get from point A to B, sometimes it leaves a random rift that brings the player to a different location. And due to one of Shad's clone influence in the Lost Woods, Link and Gemmy were able to make it to New Orsa, being unaware of encountering the rift in the first place.  Lol due to so changes I might consider a name change for the game.

The first image I started working on within the gmk. file.  Unlike what you see here, in the file it is heavily detailed.  Also I plan on making different things occur there during the day and at night as well.  For example, the table being there is because the guards that watch over that area play cards at night, and at other times, other events happen there.

As for the farm, I started some of it today, finding some animals to place within the farm as well. I am looking into harvest moon sprites, editing them into LTTP/TMC colors.

The new Flora Town will be completed very soon, after I deal with mapping and coding these 2 areas first.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 03:31:30 am by Linkwolf48 »
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #74 on: November 20, 2011, 11:20:09 pm »
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The maps I have been working on previously are shown in these screens.  All of Flora Town and the parts to it have been completed and detailed graphic wise.  All there is left to do now is to change the position of every objects in all Flora Town rooms.  The next hard part will be tiling New Orsa fields with its castle town.  I will be working on a draft for it.

So what was done/need to be done:
+Item giving npcs needs some work, along with player collide with collectable items.

+Every Room is recognize by the objControl system, this causes the name of the room to appear, trying to add if a player enters for the first time, it shows parts of the room.

+Also coded an objAllydummy, this object is able to damage enemies and help Link, however when it deals damage on to an enemy, the enemy doesn't lose any heal but sometimes gets stunned, this will be fixed.  The ally randomly heals Link either by touch a heart or if still alive, heals Link over time if it is nearby.  I might remove this and keep the method it uses when touching a heart.

+Mini maps: I was looking at recent examples and made a mini map on a separate gmk. It still needs work due to not change the image depending on which room Link is in.

+Registration Screen: I have been working with the OOT version of it to fit into my game.  I tested the file select system with my codes and it works well, the only thing to do now is to merge it and add in the main gmk. codes.

Okari Story change(sorry for my English):

The dark beast was a common Twlit folk before the event of Fusion Gate.  When there was a clash in the Twilight Realm, The bad Twlit managed to escaped with wounded and or dead Twlit soldiers.  They wanted to create something to overthrow the Twlight Kingdom, wanted to make something similar to their previous creation, Majora.  They used an unnamed solider among the ones they had captured and started to experiment on him.  What they have created was completely different.  A mindless beast consumed in darkness.  With this new creation they forced other prisoners to fight it, as a result, the unarmed prison were defeated and consumed by the beast.  The evil Twlit tribe were amazed by the monster, however, by the time they used it to attack the Twlight Kingdom, the place had already been dealted with by other members of their tribe.  During the events of Fusion Gate, they sent the beast into Olden Orsa to hunt down the remaining Twlit that took refugee there.  Luckily, the New Orsa Military was already there, knowing of the beast arrival due to a sole Twlit solider informing them about the beast.  This Twlit is a trader to the evil Twlit tribe and he was among those who escaped when the Twilight Kingdom fell.  The fight against Okari was a long and bloody battle until finally the weaken beast has been sealed inside a sword by a solider.  After the fight, they quickly took the blade to the Temple of Time and sealed it away.

During Link's arrival, he was informed of the Temple of Time and was told not to go there.  Link and Gemmy arrived there and found the blade, but there was someone already there trying to pull the sword out.  The figure happened to be Riku, due to seeing Link and Gemmy, he engaged in battle with them.  After the fight, Riku sees that the seal to the blade had been weaken and quickly ran to the blade pushing both Link and Gemmy out of the way.  He pulled the sword out and the temple began to rumble.  As Riku held the blade, the room darken and a beast slowly emerged from the sword.  The beast was forming slowly and spotted Link, Gemmy and Riku.  It tried to grab Riku, but Riku teleported out, causing the beast to miss and break a nearby wall.  This gave Link and Gemmy a chance to escape.  When the two finally got away from the temple, the temple fell apart.  The incomplete Okari escaped to a nearby Cemetery and started to absorb buried corpses to replenish its energy.  It spotted a little boy at the cemetery and decided to chase him.  The beast then cornered the boy tried to absorb him, due to still being weak from the being sealed and having the temple crumble above it, spread it's dark energy around the boy as it vanished.  The boy was left there, alive but unwell.  The dying Okari was founded by Riku and his master Shad later on.

Info to appear in the Trophy Room.
name: Okari(real name unknown)
Ht. 9 ft. tall(sometimes expands when attacking)
Wt. 800 lbs.
Appearance: True form is unknown, it is covered in dark energy and gases.  It's eyes glow burning gold.

Weps:The beast fight just like a Twlit solider, the reason for this is because it somehow retain memories of fighting.  It's arms can sometimes take form of war weapons.  On it's chest it releases a high energy blast when it is very close to being defeated, this attack can and will wipe out the 8-9 of the players hearts if hit by it.  It is also a fairy killing move if the player has bottled fairies.

Weakness: The beast can be beaten weapons contain sol.  It can also be absorbed due to it being pure energy.

Other facts about Okari:
Braizal is consider The son of Okari due to the beast basically creating him.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 11:58:29 pm by Linkwolf48 »
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #75 on: November 22, 2011, 07:39:15 pm »
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Finally created a draft version of Okari in LTTP-like form, it still needs a bit of work but it is decent.

My other sprite(The Garos) is almost done I'll post them but the next time I show up.

The reson for Okari being this tall because the boss fight for him will be a long one, in addtion, the player must hit mutiple weak points on him.  To make things harder, the platform you are on will be destroyed if you do not kill this guy quick enough. Also if the player is not euqip with the Fusio Mask then you will pretty much die from any hit from this dude.  This is just a small idea concept for his boss fight. :P
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 09:19:25 am by Linkwolf48 »
The IT Guy
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devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/


Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #76 on: December 16, 2011, 08:21:11 pm »
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Wow it has been a while since I posted here, I was on a break from game maker.  Recently started working on my game again, this time on a windows 7 pc now everything runs smoothly, thought it was mem issues in my gmk that was causing the lag 0_o.

The first thing I have done so far in this gmk.

-Trying to make some enemies shift their sprites when attacking Link, as of now they just run into you constantly until they lose you.

-shifted most of Link's sprites again, so of the pixels were a bit off, and sometimes when using a weapon and trying to enter a door, you will be stuck until then weapon is gone.

-Made a draft of Fuerur Isle and the Desert continent with Gmare, Ill be posting aether a screenshot or a small video of what I am doing

-I also messed around with the ZFGC real-time textbox and probably post it up for people to use, it still needs a few fixes tho(auto line break sometimes messes up the words as seen in my previous vid)

-A buggy shopping system is now in place, this still needs a bit of work.  As of now the player can only buy a shield, a small heart and a bomb bag, working to implant more items and fixes some of these issues.

-Pello Garo Boss needs a bit more coding xD.  Probably after adding all 3 of the first boss, I will make a demo, but that will take some time.

-The menu has a minor issue, not drawing the amount of arrows the player has, but for the other items it shows, I'll look into this.
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2011, 10:10:16 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Started coding Garo Ninjas now, along with Wolfos.  The garos needs some work, trying to make them randomly teleport when Link attacks them, as for the Wolfo having it defend itself randomly.

Garos are only able to attack atm, when they get close enough, there sprite changes and their defense is enabled, when it is active it can defend itself from 1 or 2 sword attacks.

Wolfos do 2 things, they randomly move able and only attack if you are close enough, the other wolfo object is able to charge at you and move away when it is being attacked.  The Wolfo objects will also be used to make a similar enemy in the Desert Province found in Zelda TP, the Stalhounds, however I do not have sprites for them yet octoroks as a placeholder :)

due to some major coding, the engine has moved up to version 1.7 now. :D
The IT Guy
Intermediate Coder
Linux is a wonderful thing

The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

1.6 Demo -

Side Projects:

Dragon Diary - Cybernetic Threat
Story: http://wiki.zfgc.com/Cybernetic_Threat

ZFGC is like the Hotel California.  You can come in but you can never leave!

devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/
Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #78 on: December 20, 2011, 01:03:02 am »
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Man, that is a big update there.  :)
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Re: [W.I.P.]The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #79 on: December 21, 2011, 09:39:18 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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minor update:

Enemy Update:
All enemies now have defensive stats, resistance, and an updated system for their weaknesses.
This gives the enemy the ability to survive a bit longer or die quickly in battle depending on what weapon you use to attack them with and or the distance of which you attack.  There is also an indicator, so the player will now know that the enimy is close to having 0 Hp.

The resistance gives the enemy the ability to resist and sometimes recover from a light blow, and at times it is able to raise their defenses if you repteat the attack.
The enemy now has weaknesses during battle.  If they come into contact with a certain weapon and or object, they lose double the Hp, sometimes triple if their defenses are completely down.
*Still trying to figure out how to make the enemy shift it's sprites when attacking, for some reason how I coded it, it is not doing the animation.  If this is fixed, the Garo and Wolfo will be able to attack the player, in addition, use the variable Wep_of_Choice=""

Ally Update:
The player's ally is now able to finally fight back.  If there are nearby enemies it will start to lash out of them until they are at a distance or killed.
The ally is able to follow Link, however, it's sprites use for its Left and Right moved remains constant if the player is close, but if far away, it's sprite is normal, this will be fixed.
The ally is able to lose Hp, and die in the process.  Cannot appear again until reentering a room or by summoning.
The system will be use for some NPC, also some enemies as well, for instance Dark Link.
*The only issue to fix with it now is its sprites when facing.

objLink Update:
Instead of bubbles, Deku Link will now fire deku nuts, if the player has acquired the deku bag, to store the nuts.  The player is also able to use sol shot, small orb-like item which will burst into light when it comes into contact with an object, this can only be used if the Bow&Arrow is set on the Z,X or A button.
Going to remove the sword from the inventory and make it useable by button press anytime.  Probably(35% sure) I will make the shield equipable as well as a button press feature.

Added a standard short sword guard, like the green ones from LTTP, along with a mecha guard.  Mecha atm, can be disabled with explosives and reudcing their stats in the process.  However you cannot fight one head on, they can deal a huge amount of damage if attacked by one.  They can also kill off allys quickly during my test.  It was able to kill off about 9 of them placed on the ma xD.  I am currently coding them some more and reducing their power.

Mecha Guard
Code: [Select]
Wk="FB"// Constant dmg if fire/explosives collide with it, disables movement.

Code: [Select]
Wk="Arrows"//If hit numerous times, can be immobolized or slow.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 11:58:02 pm by Linkwolf48 »
The IT Guy
Intermediate Coder
Linux is a wonderful thing

The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

1.6 Demo -

Side Projects:

Dragon Diary - Cybernetic Threat
Story: http://wiki.zfgc.com/Cybernetic_Threat

ZFGC is like the Hotel California.  You can come in but you can never leave!

devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/
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