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Author Topic: The more and more I see !@#$% like this...  (Read 6092 times)

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Re: The more and more I see !@#$% like this...
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2008, 03:42:12 pm »
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If you don't want to be there, then don't sign up. War can never truly end until everyone would rather die than kill.

Soldiers breed war, but pacifists may one day bring peace.

You are so incredibly wrong. War is not breed by Soldiers. Its fought by them. War is breed by people in general, their selfish desires of control, their intolerance, superiority complexes, Freedom.

If there was no soldiers to fight the war, what war would there be? If no-one in the UK or US volunteered for the army, who'd be in Iraq or Afghanistan right now?

Wars are there for soldiers to fight in, not anything more than that.

but pacifists may one day bring peace.

Dude, pacifists get their asses kicked by bullies. Sorry, but if a country is completely pacifistic, guess what?! You've got people like Iran pushing them down and taking their lunch money. Doesn't that sound lovely?

Utopia doesn't exist. At all. The !@#$% hippie notion that if everyone holds hands and thows down their guns will never happen.

You miss the entire !@#$% point: if no-one in Iran was willing to fight either, what would happen? Your justification for war is that it might save some lives; my justification for preventing war is that it will save ALL lives.

And, hey, if I'm wrong, then at least I die doing the right thing, not shooting fuckers in the head and making the judgement that my life is worth more than theirs on some selfish !@#$% philosophy, right?

Man, you really are detached from this world. You cant seem to grasp that not everyone is or will be like you. In order for their to be a world like you described, we cant exist. (And not we as in Soldiers, We as in the whole !@#$% race).

And finally, you ARE the selfish !@#$%. Soldiers dont kill for themselves they kill for whats better for the world. And everyone's selfish desire for freedom.
Re: The more and more I see !@#$% like this...
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2008, 04:09:28 pm »
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Soldiers kill what they are told to kill - most of the time it is moral, others it is immoral to achieve some sort of morality, etc.  Not all the world's soldiers are what you are ascribing them to be and essentially all military force is either based on the morality of the homeland or the morality of those directly controlling the troops on the battlefield - i.e. an individual will not reflect the morality of the military if the military at large is not like that individual.
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