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Author Topic: [Early WIP] Ocarina/BOTW-style 2D Zelda Engine  (Read 11225 times)

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[Early WIP] Ocarina/BOTW-style 2D Zelda Engine
« on: May 22, 2019, 03:41:07 am »
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Understandably, most Zelda fangames are 2D. And if they do use the concept of 3D, it's more like ALTTP's where the concept of multiple floors is simulated. However, I was interested in creating a more thorough recreation of 3D Zelda gameplay.

Here is a proof of concept showing 3 axis gameplay in action.

This method uses no 3D geometry whatsoever to create depth; it's all 2D and will be tile-based. (this is why the shadow abruptly jumps - I'll have to implement a shader for it to act more realistically)
I'm developing this base 3D-gameplay-in-2D engine for a couple of things - one of them is a personal project, but I'm also interested in creating a Zelda engine using this with two potential branches.

Once branch could be OOT-based, where the 3D depth is used less for platforming and more for multiple Dungeon floors and puzzles that can work with an extra axis.

The other branch could be BOTW-based, where jumping is more like how I currently have implemented. Climbing would be a big focus, as well as weapon durability and a scaled-down imitation of the Chemistry System.

This is the potential sprite style for the OOT-engine.

While both branches could exist, I'm not sure if it would be more natural to flesh out one more than the other. I'm still very early in the process, so I'm interested in your guys' thoughts.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 03:45:55 am by Piks »
<  =
Re: [Early WIP] Ocarina/BOTW-style 2D Zelda Engi...
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2019, 01:53:23 pm »
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oh wow, those are some nice looking sprites

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Early WIP] Ocarina/BOTW-style 2D Zelda Engi...
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2019, 10:20:40 am »
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That looks awesome! You could have a climbing mechanic and all sorts in that! I'll tell you what else, if you could rotate it you could even get some Captain Toad Treasure Tracker type thing going on there. Very promising!
Re: [Early WIP] Ocarina/BOTW-style 2D Zelda Engi...
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2019, 11:11:45 am »
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Understandably, most Zelda fangames are 2D. And if they do use the concept of 3D, it's more like ALTTP's where the concept of multiple floors is simulated. However, I was interested in creating a more thorough recreation of 3D Zelda gameplay.

Here is a proof of concept showing 3 axis gameplay in action.

This method uses no 3D geometry whatsoever to create depth; it's all 2D and will be tile-based. (this is why the shadow abruptly jumps - I'll have to implement a shader for it to act more realistically)
I'm developing this base 3D-gameplay-in-2D engine for a couple of things - one of them is a personal project, but I'm also interested in creating a Zelda engine using this with two potential branches.

Once branch could be OOT-based, where the 3D depth is used less for platforming and more for multiple Dungeon floors and puzzles that can work with an extra axis.

The other branch could be BOTW-based, where jumping is more like how I currently have implemented. Climbing would be a big focus, as well as weapon durability and a scaled-down imitation of the Chemistry System.

This is the potential sprite style for the OOT-engine.

While both branches could exist, I'm not sure if it would be more natural to flesh out one more than the other. I'm still very early in the process, so I'm interested in your guys' thoughts.

This looks very promising! And those sprites are beautiful!

That looks awesome! You could have a climbing mechanic and all sorts in that! I'll tell you what else, if you could rotate it you could even get some Captain Toad Treasure Tracker type thing going on there. Very promising!

That would also be like FEZ, however that would requiere the world to be 3D, rendered with 2D sprites, and he is doing a 2D world.
Re: [Early WIP] Ocarina/BOTW-style 2D Zelda Engi...
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2019, 08:28:33 pm »
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This looks really interessing. I'm looking forward to see how you implement the concept.
Re: [Early WIP] Ocarina/BOTW-style 2D Zelda Engi...
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2020, 10:48:06 pm »
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Hey, thanks for the support, guys!

It's gonna take me a while - I've decided that the fake 3D had too many limitations. I'm now setting up a system that uses 3D objects (simple boxes, spheres, etc) as collisions, while having the visual representations be sprite-based. I'll keep you guys posted for when things get to a decent point again.
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