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Author Topic: The Endgame of Closed Door Development  (Read 9345 times)

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The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« on: September 20, 2012, 04:00:18 am »
Alright guys. The existence of the wiki is out there. We're on the verge of having a complete import of the GDD to the wiki, with additional content from the boards imported too. This is fantastic. In fact, I would like to congratulate Rafa, Niek and MG-Zero for devoting so much time to the cause. Great job, guys.. you three have done a swell job pushing forward the new gold standard!

Now. Once we meet 100% parity with the accepted boards and the GDD, we can throw away the google docs document and start referring people to the wiki. Also that means the freeze imposed on design can stop.

Soo... what next, after we declare a 100% import? Well, here's some ideas.
  • Wikify content. By this I mean, we have to build infobox templates for various types of content(items and abilties are already figured out, we need to do NPCs and enemies too) to specify only critical meta-data. (Here's an example of something that needs that. Here's something that does have the infobox template
  • Write the main page article for King Of Thieves so people can get an overall outline of the history of the project, its plot, main gameplay mechanics, etc. I'll leave this open for debate as to how this can be done.
  • Write a "developer section" for King Of Thieves, so we can detail standards on how to submit various material and what we might expect.
Honestly, these three points don't have to be done anytime soon. They are big tasks in themselves. The main point of bringing these out is to give us something to discuss. And these boards are closed off for now until we meet the 100% task.


Wake the Beast
Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2012, 12:49:53 pm »
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I agree with these tasks for sure, but I also think we should have some sort of indexing system on the main page to make the Wiki easier to navigate. This was already discussed and is probably part of the KoT main page construction. Also, I think it would be useful to have a Staff page to list who's in charge of what.
  • Starforsaken101's DeviantART


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2012, 01:16:42 pm »
I agree with these tasks for sure, but I also think we should have some sort of indexing system on the main page to make the Wiki easier to navigate. This was already discussed and is probably part of the KoT main page construction. Also, I think it would be useful to have a Staff page to list who's in charge of what.
Show content
In regards to the wiki index, I will be writing that myself to sort of give the main page a clean look, linking people to both the main ZFGC section and the KOT section (with little snipplets of articles).

tl;dr, it'll make sense once you see it. (or Click here to see an example of what the main wiki page will look like)

As for an index of King Of Thieves, we've already got one via the Wiki categories feature. You will be able to navigate through the various sections of the design doc through main cats and sub cats. You're probably not going to get it now, but it'll all make sense in time that this _is_ the way to go because it is automated and sorted alphabetically for us.

(note still needs to be reviewed, cleaned, etc)

But here, http://zfgc.com/mycat_isfat/index.php?title=Category:King_Of_Thieves you can find every page here AND subcategories. I will argue that KOT NPCs is the best example of how the subcategory system will work.

IN REGARDS to the "centralized" page, this is what you shall expect: http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Ocarina_of_Time

I wanted it to be like a page where we give a brief overview of various parts of the game, then give a link going to more in-depth sections. You know?


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2012, 01:55:32 pm »
Show content
me   9:40 AM
If you can
try to keep specific subcats out of the main KOT category
I found denizens somehow ended up there
so I moved it out of there and into NPCs
Steven Calandra   9:41 AM
thats kinda odd...
me   9:48 AM
eh, nbd
Hey another thing
we should link the wiki articles in the first page of the topics relating to each content
if you don't wanna do that, I'll do that
just cause, it'l tie the design doc together better with the forums
Steven Calandra   9:49 AM
ahh i gotcha
yea, we can do that
me   9:51 AM
Yeah I figured.. since we have the doc broken up into individual parts finally
we can now link it to the topics
The dev section can pretty much replace any of hte sticky posts
What I want from the dev section
is pretty much any information a person would need to get involved with the project
TODO lists for various sections
standards, if any
list of who is involved
I should just copy + paste this entire convo and post it in the management boards
Steven Calandra   9:51 AM
might as well, no sense in typing it all again xD

All that really matters is the last part about the dev section. Kinda mobile so just wait a little bit for a formal list to be thrown up in the first post.


Wake the Beast
Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2012, 01:58:57 pm »
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Ah! Thanks for the examples. This makes it a lot easier to visualize what we're aiming for!
  • Starforsaken101's DeviantART


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2012, 02:11:10 pm »
Congrats guys! We just did a 100% import of the main document to the wiki. Now all that is left are the last remaining pieces from the accepted boards. After we finish the import, we can go through and double check everything and possibly re-factor parts for better display(if you feel the page looks good enough, skip over).. Though I feel most pages look good enough for what we have finished right now anyways.
Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2012, 02:49:18 pm »
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdqyTmfDwk0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdqyTmfDwk0</a>

i love big weenies and i cannot lie


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2012, 03:42:52 am »
The wiki will be released officially later tonight or tomorrow.



Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2012, 07:14:59 pm »
Alright a note to everyone with the document pages, try appending one extra = to your section labels.

i.e. on http://zfgc.com/mycat_isfat/index.php?title=KOT:Beamos
Code: [Select]

Goron Mines, Earth Temple, caves

A small pillar-like structure that has a rotating eye on top. The pupil of the eye is quite obvious to see, revealing it as the weak point.

When the eye sees the player, it fires a laser until the player dies, it dies, line of sight is broken, player goes out of range, or if its shielded.

The bomb cannon works best against them.  One bomb explosion will take them out.  A shot from a fire arrow will stun them as well as damage them, but requires 2 shots. Other projectiles such as arrows and the hookshot only stun. Other weapons have no effect.

A rare variation on this enemy can be found in the Shiekah Temple and Celestial Clock. Unlike its counterpart, this one is mobile. It can slowly hop towards the player like the Armos Knights in WW. Mobile ones are only found in the Sheikah Temple and Celestial Clock.

The range of the beam for both variations is 128-256 pixels but will need playtesting to determine a realistic value.

.5HP a continuous beam that follows the player. The Beamos will continue to fire it until the player dies or is out of range.

===Ram (mobile variation only)===
.25HP Rams the player by jumping into them.

[[Category:King Of Thieves]]
[[Category:KOT NPCs]]
[[Category:KOT Enemies]]
gets changed to
Code: [Select]

Goron Mines, Earth Temple, caves

A small pillar-like structure that has a rotating eye on top. The pupil of the eye is quite obvious to see, revealing it as the weak point.

When the eye sees the player, it fires a laser until the player dies, it dies, line of sight is broken, player goes out of range, or if its shielded.

The bomb cannon works best against them.  One bomb explosion will take them out.  A shot from a fire arrow will stun them as well as damage them, but requires 2 shots. Other projectiles such as arrows and the hookshot only stun. Other weapons have no effect.

A rare variation on this enemy can be found in the Shiekah Temple and Celestial Clock. Unlike its counterpart, this one is mobile. It can slowly hop towards the player like the Armos Knights in WW. Mobile ones are only found in the Sheikah Temple and Celestial Clock.

The range of the beam for both variations is 128-256 pixels but will need playtesting to determine a realistic value.

.5HP a continuous beam that follows the player. The Beamos will continue to fire it until the player dies or is out of range.

====Ram (mobile variation only)====
.25HP Rams the player by jumping into them.
[[Category:King Of Thieves]]
[[Category:KOT NPCs]]
[[Category:KOT Enemies]]
The extra = makes the pages draw properly on the centralized document page, and the <noinclude>s prevent the master page from being thrown randomly in every category haha.

Going to continue documenting this stuff now.
Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2012, 07:29:50 pm »
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Okay, understood.

One quick question. Shouldn't we be adding the things in the topic http://zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=39774.0 to the wiki as well?


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2012, 07:32:27 pm »
Okay, understood.

One quick question. Shouldn't we be adding the things in the topic http://zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=39774.0 to the wiki as well?
Very yes. I believe me and Steve were talking about how that was missing from the doc, but I had forgotten about it up until now.

EDIT: Honestly, the fact that this is still in the doc is kind of alarming. huh.


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2012, 01:24:13 am »
Ok guys, we're about to go golden! I just have to write the developer's bible article and that should be all for now.


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2012, 03:12:59 am »
Guys -- can you all test the wiki tomorrow and do one logout on the forums, then go back on the wiki to make sure it stays in sync? If nobody reports any issues, then I will assume that the caching system is not causing any conflicts with the session tracking.
Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2012, 06:25:30 am »
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I added the content of the topic I mentioned earlier to the wiki. I put it under the Movement page because it kinda deals with movement and I don't really know where else to put it under. Maybe the abilities need to be rearranged in some way.

I know I said "one more question" earlier, but I have a couple more that we might want to deal with:

1) First the easy one. Don't we need a page for the "bottle" item and what contents will the bottle be able to hold?

2) Second, considering that stealing is a part of the game. What items can be stolen and how are they stored? Is there a thief's bag or adventurer's pouch?

3) With MG's character Takam and Shadow's/Angel Plague's enemy Chu Chu's, Chu Jelly is introduced. However there hasn't been a conscensus on how to store them. Do we need to discuss this or just leave it be?

4) In every Zelda game Link has an item/ability to teleport him to previously visited places. Don't we need to add this our game? 

5) Should I make a new topic for each of these questions in the management board  :huh:

I know I know, my mind is in overdrive at the moment.


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2012, 07:20:11 am »
I added the content of the topic I mentioned earlier to the wiki. I put it under the Movement page because it kinda deals with movement and I don't really know where else to put it under. Maybe the abilities need to be rearranged in some way.

I know I said "one more question" earlier, but I have a couple more that we might want to deal with:

1) First the easy one. Don't we need a page for the "bottle" item and what contents will the bottle be able to hold?

2) Second, considering that stealing is a part of the game. What items can be stolen and how are they stored? Is there a thief's bag or adventurer's pouch?

3) With MG's character Takam and Shadow's/Angel Plague's enemy Chu Chu's, Chu Jelly is introduced. However there hasn't been a conscensus on how to store them. Do we need to discuss this or just leave it be?

4) In every Zelda game Link has an item/ability to teleport him to previously visited places. Don't we need to add this our game? 

5) Should I make a new topic for each of these questions in the management board  :huh:

I know I know, my mind is in overdrive at the moment.
You are perfectly fine, Niek. I also destroyed the "centralized" page approach because it would rape server resources when generating the page. XFD

1) Yes. I think we should exploit tables for this approach, maybe.
2) I would think they should go into a thief's bag.
3) I think the chuchu's should be merged into a centralized page and have sub sections on each ones.
4) I believe we do need an item like this. It seems missing, now that the wiki has shed light on what all we have finished on the game.
5) You could, but do whatever floats your boat / makes the most sense.

EDIT: Also guys, I failed on creating the Developer's Bible I had envisioned. I will not be able to really participate in any active development until a few days later so I'm regressing my role down to minor stuff. If anyone would like to write the page, feel free. We can release the wiki with or without it, I don't really care either way at this point.


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2012, 05:44:01 pm »
One final note: For those of you who want to edit the KOT:News section on the main wiki page, the main page depends on http://zfgc.com/mycat_isfat/index.php?title=KOT:News for the content. So any content you edit in there, will end up on the main page.

And another thing: regular members cannot edit ANY page under "KOT:" as the KOT namespace is protected to King Of Thieves team members only. This was done to keep the pages under the control of the centralized teams and to distinguish the differences between unofficial/official content.

Lastly, the wiki will be released some time later today or this week. Everything that has to be done with it is done. That also means these very boards will be opened up soon and that private messages relating to KOT will cease.

EDIT: Actually one exception to the rule should be added.. if you need to discuss with the team about personal matters, that would be different and it would be understandable if you didn't want to make any of that public.
Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2012, 06:20:03 pm »
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Does that include the management board? Or will that still be private? Either way it is okay to me. Just useful to know which board is visible to who.


Re: The Endgame of Closed Door Development
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2012, 06:26:44 pm »
Management becomes open to everyone. ;p  (we all agreed to this awhile ago in the PMs)
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