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Messages - Disco Peach

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Graphics / Re: Got bored... got my old drawing tablet out
« on: July 14, 2009, 12:01:38 pm »
It looks like one of Delia Deetz's sculptures in Beetlejuice  XD. But I mean that in a good way! It's looks cool! Like a living rock!... what is it?

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 07:40:30 pm »
Alright, Joed, I already sent you a PM as to what I'm gonna do with the world map (so that I can redirect my thread to where I'd like it to go :P).

In my Koholint map, the Face Shrine is just west of Kanalet Castle. I wanted to keep it like the deserted shrine it is, so there's a lot of overgrowth, but stone as well. Also, the shrine entrance itself can be clearly seen in the northwestern most part of the area.

Graphics / Re: Link's Awakening Remastered (Master Topic)
« on: July 12, 2009, 07:27:03 pm »
Well, actually my topic is something totally different. I was asking for resources because I'm doing something else - Joed just happened to invade my topic  XD.

Anywho, I agree with Joed on the name, because that's how they appear in game be it an error in translation or not. And besides, katakana is a !@#$% to translate. How do you really know that a ラ is supposed to sound like a 'ra' or a 'la'? It's up to the interpretor ;). Besides, he's staying true to what an actual gameboy cartridge says. But don't worry, I get your point. I mean, don't even get me started on the whole Zola/Zora dilemma!

Hey, I liked the sprite, Joed. But Zelda looks like a princess there. If you change her outfit (keeping the same face) then you got it down! Give here the blue outfit Marin has in the game and don't forget to put the red hibiscus in her hair. The other girl doesn't make me feel like going through 8 dungeons just to get her off of the island. More like going through 8 dungeons and an egg just to keep her there  >:D.

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 04:18:07 am »
256 x 256, then? Or 320 x 256? Do you want Koholint to be surrounded by clouds like mine, or an endless ocean? Also, I need to know if you want anything in particular you feel is missing from the map I made.

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 04:10:27 am »

No prob. Gimme the specs.

It'd be nice to have some credits in a game besides my own :P.

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:34:25 am »
Lol, it's ok. We're practically working on sister projects. If you finish your game, I'll kindly show it off to the world. That way, my "trilogy" will really be complete! All in ALttP style! So at least I don't mind if you're spamming my thread ;). You scratch my back and I scratch yours! No sweat.

If you get a chance to look at my project I'd look some feedback. You're a Zelda nut looking in the same direction I am. If anyone's opinions can help me greatly, yours is someone's that can help, as well.

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:29:23 am »
Oh ok. Well, either way, I was thinking and that size does look ok. And it is the style you're looking for. Remember, you want it ALttP style ;). If you want any landmarks in particular you think are missing from my tilesheet, let me know. If you look at my New Koholint (liked that ;)) map, you can see everything. Kanalet Castle, Yarna Desert, Animal Village, Mabe Village, Toronbo Shores, Mysterious Wood, the Face Shrine, Richard's Villa, Turtle Rock, the Eagle's Tower, Turtle Rock, Catfish's Maw, Tail Cave, the WindFish's Egg, Gaponga Swamp, Tabahl Wasteland, Ukuku Prairie, the Rapids (just to name a few :P). They're simply out of place from the original LA and placed more to my convenience parallel to Hyrule (because of the nature of my heck). But please! Let me know. I can do this for you no prob.

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:19:59 am »
It'll look to big if you simply take my 8x8 tiles and cuadruple (:P) them to 32x32. Well, in any case, let me know what you want. If you tell me what you need, dimensions, size, etc etc, I'd probably get it done in like a day. Flat.

Graphics / Re: [REVIVAL] Koholint LttP Style (Update on First Post)
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:18:22 am »
Oh, I know it's not ALttP style. It's LA style. But I thought to at least know who the author is. There are some item sprites here I might be able to use. As for ALttP sprites, I found that not all of them were Terrific Tara's. I made that assumption cuz the place where I found them said so. But when I went somewhere else, they were made by someone named Arctic Ferret. That's why I don't know whose they belong to. Unless of course Arctic Ferret and Terrific Tara are one in the same ;).

Oh! Did you manage to visit the main thread for my rom heck in the link I sent you? You should be able to at least see it even if you're not a member.

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:15:12 am »
How big do you need it to be? As big as the one I made? Cuz I can make that like in no time. Also, the Koholint World Map in LA only has one tile per place. For instance, houses occupied only one tile. If this were the case here, your world map would be extremely small. Doable, but small. Understand what I mean?

Graphics / Re: [REVIVAL] Koholint LttP Style (Update on First Post)
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:13:09 am »
okay! here's one I found quickly on my computer. The other ones I gotta really search for them, cuz I still haven't found the way to import them into the rom's memory.

Man, today I've been hitting ImageShack like it owes me money  >:D !

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:09:50 am »
Lol... Lightworld map ripped by Kakashi. Give credit where due.

The credit goes to sephiroth3 for making Hyrule Magic - a program designed to edit a A Link to the Past SNES rom. If that person ripped anything it was from the program's part for editing the world map. If you're gonna use that chipset, you might as well use the one I made for my own game ;). It's got all the important stuff you need anyways. Observe:

This is the map chipset I had to use for both maps, so imagine all the trouble I had to go through to design this chipset - I had to use it to make both Hyrule and Koholint. If a true to life Koholint is what you want, I can make you a custom world map chipset based off of this one I made. That way I can make it more for your game, which is purely Link's Awakening. Meaning I can make a piece with the phone-booth-tree, etc etc. It's got the Catfish's Maw, the Gaponga Swamp flowers, etc (just look at my map and you'll see what I mean ;)). And OBVIOUSLY the WindFish's egg, which is absent in that chipset you linked me ;). Is all that ok?

Graphics / Re: [REVIVAL] Koholint LttP Style (Update on First Post)
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:03:53 am »
Righteous! Thanks!

I always give credit where it's due. I actually have a whole bunch of orphan sprites obtained from navigating that great Google Ocean. I don't know who they are, but whenever I make something with them I always point them out so that if the author ever sees them, can tell me it's theirs or not. But your friend is duly noted! Thanks a lot! I'm still planning this out well, cuz when you're working with a rom you have to see what gets eliminated in order to import new stuff. It's like Homer Simpson's brain - the new !@#$% erases the old. So the process is extremely slow at first, but then it's al downhill from the massive planning. But yes! I've got the moldorm statues! I'm also working on how I'm gonna make the Catfish's Maw entrance. I'm doing a million things all at once! It really is tiring. And my vacations almost over so  :'(. Gotta work extra fast!

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 02:59:40 am »
No prob, bro! I love helping out fellow ALttP and LA nuts and you seem to be one of both as well as I! I don't know what program you're using to make your game, or which chipset you're using, but if you tell me exactly what you want, than I can do it in no problem!

Graphics / Re: [REVIVAL] Koholint LttP Style (Update on First Post)
« on: July 12, 2009, 02:15:06 am »

You have a good eye for detail, Joed. Amazing work on recreating Koholint a la A Link to the Past. Now I'm really dying to see this come to fruition!

Oh! By the by! You have to let me use those moldorm statues outside the Tail Cave! Frickin' awesome!

Also, it's good to keep an eye out for detail, but do the general mapping first. And yes, you aren't mistaken, ALttP does have secondrate tile connection on some tiles. So if you're off by a pixel or too it's more than ok! In fact, that's keeping it even more in the spirit of ALttP! Trust me, sometimes I'd spend hours looking for some tiles pieces to fit how I want, but they won't because of a pixel or two. And if I changed it to please one little area, others would then get messed up. So when I looked at the original to see what to do, it amazed me to see how the same "problem" occurs in the original! Now, don't get me wrong, that doesn't give us the right to do anything half-assed, but at least we got some slack to work with ;).

Keep it real, homes  8)

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:51:44 am »
Hmmmmm... that's pretty nice... but - since I sparked your interest, I might as well tell you the whole story (you can see my thread here: http://acmlm.no-ip.org/board/thread.php?id=4339).

Due to complications with working around the rom, I had to change the story around a bit. To summarize the story, this is what happens (in a nutshell, of course ;)):

Since Koholint is materialized thanks to the Nightmare's wish, you travel back and forth through these planes as I mentioned earlier. Koholint isn't a dream in this game. The Nightmares materialized it because they grew accustomed to it all those years. Also, they use it to have the WindFish sealed in the egg again out of spite. So basically, Koholint is analog in function to the Dark World.

The Nightmares wish to rule all realms. However, they were homesick of Koholint and wished for it to be real. Ironically, you placed Koholint in the ocean and that's the purpose of the Great Sea (the southwestern most part of the map). However, though it's a real place now, it exists in the Nightmare's plane of existence. So in order to go back and forth from Koholint, you need the Dream Scepter.

The plot is much more thicker than that, I just don't want to spoil any twists along the way. But yes! I'm glad you got the idea more or less! However, instead of guards in Koholint, you got moblins. Also, since it was "Link" who killed Zelda, the King has put a ransom on his head. So you're not safe in Hyrule, neither. I'm trying to make this tried and true. If you look at the world map I made for Koholint, you can sort of play a where's waldo of sorts with all the familiar landmarks of Koholint ;).

Thanks for your interest!

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 11, 2009, 09:50:16 pm »
Niiiiiiiiiice! I hope you guys are able to finish it soon! Love to play it!  :D

Well, in my heck, you are possessed by the Nightmares. They use you to get the Triforce (killing Zelda in the process). You escape the castle (obviously) and have to find a way to get to Koholint to stop the Nightmares. So basically, Koholint works pretty much like the Dark World did in ALttP. As for the title of the game, it's because the Dream Scepter is an artifact you find that allows you to go from the dream world (Koholint) to the waking world (Hyrule). Which is why I'm trying to get some graphix for my game! That way I can make it truly feel like your playing Koholint thru A Link to the Past!

There're a lot of things I'm changing, as well. I hope to finish this baby in a couple of years!

Discussion / Re: [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 11, 2009, 09:09:29 pm »
Fair enough!

My project is not done with an RPGMaker (kudos to all you guys who do work with it, though - I myself am working on my masterpiece (not of the Zelda universe, though :P) with it for several long years now). I'm actually editing a A Link to the Past rom (rom hecking - don't know if you guys here frown on it  or not :-\). I've done a lot with it and it's called Dream Scepter.

The story is basically this:
While traveling, your uncle finds you on your wreckage and takes you to Hyrule. For unexplained reasons you infiltrate the castle to get the Triforce. Zelda, sensing an evil presence in the castle, goes to stop you. You kill Zelda, then fall to the floor, unconscious. You wake up from a nightmare, yet you're in a prison cell (where the game starts). Your uncle has been keeping watch over you. He's going to go to the King to sort things out. It seems that the Nightmares from the Windfish survived in your mind. There, they saw your memories of the Triforce and decided to take it for themselves. They bring Koholint back as well as break all hell loose. You have to find a way to get to Koholint again and recover the Triforce in order to return everything to normal.

scene from the intro:

Here's a map of Hyrule:

and a map of Koholint:

So I guess now you know why I need the sprites, eh ;). They will play a most crucial role in my game.

As of the moment I'm editing some of the tools (graphix wise) and the first "dungeon". When I finish with what the menu might look like, I'll post it here! Also, I refrained from posting any other maps I made - just in case  ;).

If I can't discuss games made by editing actual roms, then I won't mention it, but I would please like to request resources nonetheless!  XD I've seen some of the work done here and it's very impressive!

Discussion / [Request] LA sprites in ALttP style, please!
« on: July 11, 2009, 06:49:20 pm »
Hey you all! I'm new here to zfgc. I guess I was brought aboard here while surfing the endless randomness of the Google Ocean. I saw some amazing sprites by a Terrific Tara and so, while browsing the place, I saw that it was kinda cool! So here I am! Howdy!

Well, here goes...

I want to make a sequel of Link's Awakening in the sense that Link's Awakening is the direct sequel to A Link to the Past (which would make my game sort of the third installment of this "trilogy"). Since I want it to look like an SNES game and not a GB game, I'm using mainly ALttP tilesets and sprites, etc., which is pretty much the point of my request. I saw some of Terrific Tara's sprites and I was dumbfounded! I guess my request is pretty much this:

Can anyone help me (by help I mean find or make, please :P) by turning some Link's Awakening sprites into A Link to the Past style sprites? Link for example: Grandpa Ulrira, the Grandma, Martha (the mermaid), the NPC animals from Animal Village, Kaepora Gaebora, and well, that's pretty much it for the moment!

Thanks in advance!

Graphics / Re: Link's Awakening Photo Recolor
« on: July 11, 2009, 06:39:51 pm »
Okay, I know it might seem like I'm bumping an old post, but I'm brand-spanking-new here and I wouldn't have the opportunity to reply here otherwise:

AMAZING!!! Sweet recolors! Do you plan on doing the rest of the set? I love Link's Awakening and you so took it to another level! Keep it up!

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