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Messages - Racoon Boy

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E3 conference in just a few more hours. Excitement growing.



It's pretty sweet. Controls are sometimes annoying, but the game is so much fun. I also recently played through ICO again.


Entertainment / Re: Dementium: The Ward
« on: August 10, 2009, 05:32:54 am »
Played it for about an hour or two a while back, it was pretty good. Kind of repetitive, but not overly. I intended to keep playing it, but I guess I never did.

Entertainment / Re: Zelda Favorites
« on: August 10, 2009, 05:28:24 am »
1. Majora's Mask
2. The Wind Waker
3. Link's Awakening
4. Ocarina of Time
5. The Minish Cap

Keep in mind that I've only played a few more that aren't on the list. I haven't played ALttP, for instance.

I'm going to sound like a fanboy here, but I didn't have a problem with them. I always hear people complaining about the controls but they just never bothered me for some reason.

Entertainment / Re: Lupe Fiasco's New Album "Lasers"
« on: July 16, 2009, 10:39:40 pm »
I agree. Lyrically it's incredibly strong (though nowhere near the level of "Hurt Me Soul" or "Kick Push"), but the beat is kind of iffy.

Also, is it just me or does it sound a lot like "Clocks?"

Yeah, the lyrics are mostly very good, but that department of water line makes me cringe a little bit.

The similarity to Clocks is definitely there, though. I didn't notice it at first because I haven't listened to that song in a long time, but you're right.

Entertainment / Re: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
« on: July 16, 2009, 10:33:05 pm »
To me the fifth film was the pinnacle of the series. Whereas many of the other films captured the events of the book but not the spirit, the fifth succeeded on its own as a movie, independent of the novel, by capturing a somber, brooding, and melancholy atmosphere that was present in the book. It was beautiful and very well-acted, I loved it.

That's pretty much exactly how I feel about the third movie. The fifth is my second favourite, and I think those are the only Harry Potter movies that stand on their own as good movies. A lot of people have been saying the new one is the best yet, so I'm pretty excited for it. The cinematography in particular has been getting a lot of praise.

Entertainment / Re: Lupe Fiasco's New Album "Lasers"
« on: July 15, 2009, 03:07:14 pm »
It's alright. Probably one of his worst singles, I reckon. Looking forward to hearing the album though.

Entertainment / Re: The Youtube Topic 2.0
« on: July 04, 2009, 07:45:38 am »
Auto-Tune The News #5:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eooXNd0heM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eooXNd0heM</a>

There are others, but that one's my favourite. Pretty great stuff.

Entertainment / Re: Played any Inspiring Games lately?
« on: June 21, 2009, 05:39:56 am »
Ahh. Yes I have! I recently started replaying Shadow of the Colossus! I'm on my fourth play through FINALLY and I'll be able to get to the secret garden soon. XD SoTC is an amazzzing game! So, as I was playing, I remembered it's counter part/sequel from 2001, ICO. It took some tracking down since it's so damn rare now, but ICO is a greeeeat game! I love it. It was incredibly short [about 5.5 hours] but to think that the game was made in 2001, it was on the edge of innovation and the physics are insanely realistic. Highly recommended!

I actually recently bought both of those, along with Majora's Mask, since I missed them the first time around. I just finished MM last night (definitely my new favourite Zelda game), and I was going to start ICO today, so hopefully it lives up to everything you just said. :D

I know I certainly can't wait to choose fireball spell.

Entertainment / Re: Dragonball Evolution was ok
« on: March 21, 2009, 03:18:38 am »
I'm looking forward to it. I don't actually like Dragon Ball any more, I just grew up with it, so I don't really mind all the changes. I'm just going in expecting some good, stupid fun.

Entertainment / Re: What are you reading?
« on: March 21, 2009, 03:13:44 am »
Deathly Hallows. For the first time. Yeah, I'm a little behind.

After I finish that I'm gonna start reading Looking For Alaska by John Green. Should be good.

Entertainment / Re: Since when was bioshock 17+?
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:45:23 pm »
I bought my copy for $5 on steam.


Don't forget paying more for Xbox Live for less! U.S. get a lot more for less... over many countries.

Well, I don't have Live yet, but that news doesn't surprise me.

Entertainment / Re: Do better graphics really matter to you?
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:43:55 pm »
where are those good first party games?

I think it has enough good first party games to justify it's purchase. Then again, I'm used to owning around 5 games per generation, so I may be able to settle for less than others.

Entertainment / Re: Since when was bioshock 17+?
« on: February 10, 2009, 06:18:03 pm »
Bioshock is rated M here in America...I'm amazed it was only 15+ in Australia, especially as sensitive as your government is to digital violence.

The rating is extremely deserved: graphic violence, tons of profanity, terrifying situations, and really mature themes in the story.
...Gaming ratings only go up to 15+. There is no higher rating which is why some games are banned. This is why this country sucks.

Also because we have to pay a shitton over here.

Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 09, 2009, 06:18:46 pm »
Yeah except you guys fail to realize he's being sarcastic <_< benefits of lurking on chat is insight on who's a nintendo fanboy and who is not :P

Overlord wasn't a good game to begin with. They're trying to compensate for shitty gameplay with visuals, and as all of you have said, "Graphics do not make the game". It's amazing how it does a 180 when it involves discrediting the wii for having games with !@#$% poor gameplay too <_<;; Even at that, the graphics on that game aren't that good. Bloom lighting and high contrast colors doesn't mean it's pretty. It looks over-saturated, and too shiny.

All I'm saying is that it looks like they're putting effort into it. I don't know anything about Overlord, but it seemed kinda cool based on that video.

And for the record, I love my 360 way more than I do my Wii. I ain't no fanboy.

Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 08, 2009, 10:12:20 pm »
Yes, Wii downports are horrible.

Take a look at this vid for example, notice the horrible pop-in.

Video HERE

And these devs claim they put effort into it :\, I don't even want to think about how horrible Dead Space is going to look on that underperforming little box.

That doesn't look that bad honestly =/

That's what I thought. The pop-in was pretty much the only problem I really noticed.

Entertainment / Re: Quake Live Invite Farm
« on: February 08, 2009, 10:54:54 am »
Quake is pretty awesome, so I might as well check this out.


Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 04, 2009, 12:00:02 pm »
EA have been known to put out some pretty awesome games on occasion. I mean, I understand the hate, but being an EA game doesn't automatically make a game bad.

One thing I don't understand is that it says the game is due out earlier this year. I'm not sure that makes any sense.

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