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Messages - legendarylugi

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^^Thanks Ranma, I was starting to get a little irritated by the off-topic too (and you'll notice I didn't contribute to it). But anyways, I don't think anybody here said they don't believe Uppy.

Anyways, Bboydevil, I really think we need a little more information on this before we can really form an opinion on it. What is the concept behind your game? Are you making any tweaks to usual gameplay, or is it pretty standard?

^^^A screenshot is a picture from the game itself (usually gameplay), so yeah, titles technically aren't screenshots.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Pre] Zelda Online 3D
« on: November 19, 2007, 03:26:31 am »
Actually, uma, a few particle effects in games are 3d, like some of the fire effects and explosions and such.  ;)

EDIT: Moldorma, thank you for getting my name right.  XD I can't tell you how often on message boards people who don't know me (and sometimes even users who do) think it's "Luigi" when it isn't, and it's actually "Lugi". So thanks for getting my name right. ;)

So yeah, just give me a shout if you need a model you don't have. I haven't done much outside of character related stuff recently, but I can do it. I used to make some pretty good props.

And BTW, your game is looking really great so far.  XD

A 3D Zelda fan-game?

Well, I want to say "cool", but I'll hold off until I see how it looks.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Pre] Zelda Online 3D
« on: November 18, 2007, 06:02:13 pm »
Wow, I can't believe I haven't checked out this topic until now.  :o

Anyways, I see that you are making progress really quickly, so I'm not that skeptical.  XD

However, as many have pointed out, so far you have only done about as much as any other scrapped fan game (walking engine, text engine, basic movement engines in place, but no real gameplay meat yet). So I remain hesitently enthusiastic.  :D

But I can tell you're right about at the point where you can start working on the meat of the project. Plus you seem to be working pretty fast.

I give this my full support.

Anyways, there is one thing that looks wierd to me in the screenshots. (that has been mentioned already). Link's arms look to be too far out to the sides in his idle position.

EDIT: By the way, if you need any 3D models, I'm your man.  ;)

Here is a pic of my most recent major work.


He's a centaur.  ;) I've been doing 3D Animation for about a year, and this is only the second full character model I have ever done (and only the first where I had anything close to proper reference material). So I'd say I'm progressing pretty well, to have a model at that level already.

So if you need anything, just ask.

So you're saying it sucks because it creates NEW games that don't run on 10 year old operating systems? Wow, what flawless logic.  ::) You have such an incredible argument. In fact, why don't we just make every new piece of software that ever comes out compatible with the Atari? Because that surely won't hault technological progress at all.

...Wow, that came off much ruder than I meant to.  :-[ Sorry, I don't know where that came from. But my point was just that there's really no logical reason to make new software compatable with such old OSs. I mean, I understand making them compatable with semi-recent ones, because people shouldn't just become obsolete every few months, otherwise noone would be able to do anything with their computers. But, making them for under Windows 2000? I just don't see the merit in that. New software compatable with Windows 98, 95, etc., would defeat the purpose.

Discussion / Re: Zelda game concept... Just a thought
« on: November 07, 2007, 05:54:12 pm »
You can forget I said anything.  ;) I don't want to be all uptight about it just because we both came up with a similar concept (3 dark dieties against the goddesses).

Discussion / Re: Zelda game concept... Just a thought
« on: November 05, 2007, 11:27:48 pm »
I kind of feel guilty saying this, but...I thought of the dark goddesses idea first, Mamoruanime.  :-[

I'm working on a 3D Animation with some friends, and we've been throwing around story ideas, and one of my concepts (and one that I liked) was to have 3 male dark Gods being the antithesis of the Goddesses. But instead of being connected to the Triforce, they are in fact the creators of 3 Tridents...one of which is the very same that Ganon wields. In the concept, Ganon finally becomes disconnected from the Triforce permanently, and now wields the full power of the Trident (and realizes that he likes it  >:D ). So now the position of the one to wield the Triforce of Power is open for a good guy to step into the role. So the Gods decide to finally let the other 2 Tridents be found to counteract this shift in power. So now there would be a war of 6, being Link, Zelda, and _____, versus Ganon, ____, and _______.

Of course, my friends and I have several other ideas too, including the story of the Deku Butler's son, and this idea of 3 dark gods isn't for sure the idea we are using, so I guess it was rude of me to bring this up...sorry.  :-[ But hey, we both seem to have different interpretations of the idea, so it might not matter anyways.  XD

^^^Shadowgazer beats any OoT2D by a mile.  :P

^^^I agree, I don't understand people's obsession with OoT2D projects. Most of them never get off the ground, and besides, there is rarely any originality to them.

The only one I've seen that seems worthwhile is OoT2D+...the plus meaning additional sidequests via an added "Know-It-All notebook". It is the only OoT2D I've seen to make real progress. He's releasing a demo soon containing the entire Kokori Forest section of the game, all the way up to having beaten Inside the Deku Tree with the possibility of even including a small portion of Hyrule Field. He already has a working Ocarina (or at least partly working, from the trailors), and is finishing Epona. But apart from that, I have almost never seen an OoT2D that was both worthwhile and somewhat original.

But that is off-topic, so anyways...

What are you currently working on in Shadowgazer? Anything specific, or are you just working on polishing the existing code in general?

Mamoruanime, I had the same thought about Noon. But I think my head is SUPPOSED to be this way, stylistically. But yes, I can't figure in the proportions of the head in relation to the body either. Like, what he would look like if he turned my head to the left (our left) a little bit. But I like it how he looks.

Okay, I just played the demo, and I'd say so far it's definitely on the right track.  :) It's definitely  a step up from most fangame demos I've seen.

HOWEVER, I encountered some things that could use polishing, IMO.

1. I encountered a bug that caused the Octorock's pellets to go right through me without damaging me, and for him to just keep bombarding me with pellets.

Basically, I just stood there, and the Octorock was standing facing me and shooting pellet after pellet...not randomly like he normally would. He was, at regular intervals of about half a second, shooting them without stopping or turning to leave. And the pellets went through without harming me...but my shield would not deflect them back. It was only corrected once I took a few steps away from where I had been standing, I think it was once I got out of the path of where the pellets where coming from. Then the Octorock's behavior instantly went back to normal, and the collision with the pellets worked normally again. I have NO idea what triggered it. But I had only been playing the game for a few minutes when it happened. I had gone to Castle Town and come back, and it happened on the way back. So it's probably not something that's hard to trigger again, since it happened after only a few minutes of being around the Octorocks. I haven't tried to trigger it again, though.

2. The way you worked out picking things up, it doesn't pick it up unless you are lined up just right (in fact, sometimes it rolls). The same goes for getting into a bed and several other actions. Maybe it's just my opinion, but I think that it would play more smoothly if you didn't have to be lined up quite as well to perform context sensitive actions. I often found I tried to perform one, but then had to stop and move over a few steps and try it again. This isn't good, especially if you have to do some of these things on the fly, like picking up a vase to use against an enemy.

EDIT: Oh, I see you've already been made aware of this...nevermind. Plus, I think what I posted was innaccurate. I don't think the problem of rolling when you mean to perform a context sensitive action applies to picking things up. I guess I need to go back and check, to make sure what I said was accurate.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2D+
« on: October 14, 2007, 10:03:31 pm »
^^^Yeah, sorry. But that wasn't even the main point of my post.

The point was that my questions about Epona and Link were perfectly reasonable.

EDIT: And I'd already sent you a PM, I just figured since I had you here, I would ask "in person". I'll refrain from doing so next time, because you're absolutely right that this isn't the place.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2D+
« on: October 14, 2007, 09:43:18 pm »
Actually, they are NOT stupid questions.  ::)

Whether or not he changes sizes is NOT a given, because it is a VISUAL change, one that might not be implemented in an ALttP style remake of OoT. Condidering that 2D Zelda characters are traditionally one square block high rather than 2, that means that the adults and children are usually the same size. Meaning that if Link were to grow, it would make him a giant compared to all the other adult characters, unless of course the other adults were also 2 blocks high.

As for Epona, I realize it is a 99% certainty she is in it. The only reason I ask is because it is a departure from normal 2D gameplay, and rather than really being a question of whether she would be in it, it was more meant to be a question of how it would be implemented.

You don't need to be rude about it.

Anyways, is Majora's Mask GB still going, or did you scrap the project? I've been trying to figure it out, but haven't found a real answer.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2D+
« on: October 14, 2007, 08:14:08 pm »
A question just occured to me...will Epona be in this? If so, I'll be excited to eventually see what it looks like to ride (but I know we won't get to see for a while).

Secondly, will Link get taller when he pulls out the Master Sword, or will he look the same?

I do realize these things are all still a ways away, I was just curious.

Debates / Re: Truth is not relative!
« on: October 14, 2007, 06:34:32 am »
Truth IS relative.

While standard thinking has always held that there is an object, and an observer, and to properly understand the object the observer must view it objectively, modern evidence often suggests a slightly different approach.

On the quantum level, it is now believed by many that location becomes a nonentity. Meaning that information is distributed nonlocally.

And there has been a substantial amount of research in recent years to show that not only can someone's perceptions affect how they PERCEIVE the results of an expiriment, but the results themselves.

If that is true, then truly seperating object from observer becomes impossible. Strict objectivity becomes impossible.

DarkJay, I am largely in agreement with your opinion of organized religion...but I disagree with your view on belief in god in general. Yes, religion can be dangerous, but belief in a higher power is not neccessarily the same thing as religion, or even close to the same thing. Religion implies a strict set of rules, teachings, and doctrines. Often fallacious ones. And because these teachings vary from religion to religion, belief in the form of religion causes tension between people, often lethal tension. But belief itself does not neccessarily conform to such standards. And because of this, belief itself does not have to be a dividing force. I hate to use a movie quote to illustrate my point, but in this case I think it's fitting: "Religion divides people...belief in SOMETHING unites them".

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2D+
« on: October 14, 2007, 05:41:12 am »

lol, on every forum I go to, people call me "luigi" at first for some reason. It's lugi...like a wad of spit. lol XD

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2D+
« on: October 14, 2007, 02:42:17 am »
^^^Sweet!  XD

I have always wanted to see one of these games actually happen. There was that guy Dampe who was doing an OoT 2D, but he decided not to finish it. And I guess he didn't want to tell people he was quitting, so he pretended to be dead...which I find a little immature. If he wanted to quit, he could have just said.

Anyways, you seem a LOT further along on the project than he was. I'm excited that you'll be releasing a full demo soon.  XD

EDIT: I've noticed Hyrule_boy posting in this thread a lot. Is he still working on Majora's Mask GB? I was following it for a while, but I lost track of it. If he is, could you guys provide me with a link to wherever the info is?

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