Hi there. I have been working on a game for a few months now and I am almost done with it (pretty much have everything done except the credits
), but I am missing two soundtracks that I really want to put in my game. Both are from the Minish Cap and I would want them in MIDI format. I can find them in MP3 but it seems like no one has it in the format I want.
Here is a site with the music :http://www.zeldacapital.com/mtmc.php (it says "MIDI library" but they are all MP3s
. The two soundtracks I am looking for are:
-Wind Ruins
- Enemy Attack
If somebody could find a source that has these tracks in MIDI I will be grateful. If somebody can somehow convert it from MP3 to MIDI for me (I tried) I will be very grateful. And if somebody can show me how to convert it (or even rip it out from the source game in MIDI) then I will be a little grateful
. In any case, if somebody can help me here then I will be thankful. I just want to put this project behind me.