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Messages - Martijn dh

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Graphics / Re: Submit a request(small, please)!
« on: July 31, 2010, 04:59:59 pm »
Yes, thank you. That will work very nicely.

Graphics / Re: Submit a request(small, please)!
« on: July 31, 2010, 07:38:11 am »
Okay, no problem.
Below is the pedestal as a standalone.
I've also attached the statue that is normally standing on it as a seperate sprite. And an (old) screenshot of the two combined. Maybe you'll find that usefull.

Graphics / Re: Submit a request(small, please)!
« on: July 31, 2010, 06:22:51 am »
Nice! Very well. I've got a request or 50 for you.
In the attachment you'll find the background for the first dungeon In my game. On the right side of the lower half is a pedestal. I'm looking for three edits on that pedestal as a result from impacts from above.

1. Having one (or several) small crack(s) in it.
2. Having several severe cracks in it.
3. It being fully shattered. There is just debris left which you may or may not be able to walk through. I'll leave that up to you, though I personally favor the second.

As you can see: it's alttp style.
The game in which it will eventually be used can be found here: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=33701.0

+ Fixed the glitch where you could grab items while looking in another direction.
+ You can now also ledgejump diagonally.
+ Added variable sized container shadow (during pick-up/carrying/etc)
+ Redid the throwing of containers
+ Redid drawing the digging/terrain surface (more flexible then the old system)
+ Added Pols Voice enemy (just cause I can 8) - still not finished though)

Updates / Re: Nominations - July 2010
« on: July 25, 2010, 06:37:48 am »
Very well, I've shortened the list. Funny thing is, I actually expected people to complain projects would not be on the list instead of the other way around. Ooh wel, it's an experiment so that's another lesson learned.

Updates / Re: Nominations - July 2010
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:27:06 pm »
True. I just listed all project with ANY mention of process in them so people can vote for them too should they realy want to. I'm sure everybody here is smart enough to vote for the project they feel has the best work done.

Updates / Nominations - July 2010
« on: July 24, 2010, 05:49:13 pm »
Time to pick a PotM for july.
Since I'm now doing these topics I opted to change the way projects can be nominated. Instead of waiting for people to nominate projects I post a list to choose from. This also eliminates the problem of voting for projects that don't meet the requirements (= there are no signs of progress whatsoever)

The list of suitable projects in this month:

Legend of Zelda - The missing Piece
Ocarina of Time 2D
Tech Demo - Horn of Balance
The Legend of Zelda: Celestial Truth
New search engine
Ikari Sine6
Legend of Zelda; Axis of Shadow

I'll go first and vote for The missing Piece. It has a nice bit of progress. There is more then one person working on it and the model shown is interesting. I for one look forward to more progress on this game.

Project of the Month: June 2010
The Midnaphone

Forum Topic | Site Page


Language: Game Maker 7.0 pro
First Posted: June 2nd, 2010
Last Update: June 16th, 2010


1. What made you start this project?

Just being me, I guess. The Midnaphone is a combination of lots of things I enjoy. Silly game-toys, sound production, making little apps with no real purpose other than a programming exercise to impress people with... that's about all it is. I think the idea came to me when I was recording Midna's voices for my .wav collection and wondering what people might use them for.

2. Who do you see using this program and how?

Honestly I don't expect it to be very popular. Even if I had made it 3 years earlier when Twilight Princess was still fairly new, it's kind of a useless application. I posted it on a forum dedicated to all things Midna and everyone seemed to love it, but still, there weren't many responses and people mostly used it as an annoyance tool, or just because it "sounds cute".

The Midnaphone could easily be converted into an engine that others could use in their own fan-games, just for the speech aspect. I might even be able to support custom sounds. If there's enough interest in that idea then I'd gladly make it happen.

3. How long did the project take for you, with the graphics, sounds and coding?

It's hard to say exactly, because there were things going on in my life that caused some major delays in the project. I can tell you the coding took the least time, probably only a couple days to learn the basics of the .wav format and get my loops working to read/write files, then a few more days to program the interface. That's right, the interface took longer than the file-creation code. There was a long break in between writing those two portions but I'm guessing it would have taken about 10 casual days from start to finish.

The sounds don't really count toward the total time because I already had all of them before starting, and the graphics were developed hand-in-hand with the interface. Paint a little, code a little, it's tireless fun.

4. The visuals look stunning. How did you decide on those and did it require you any special skills to create them?

The idea was to have a small, simple application, so I knew I wanted Midna somewhere on there as well as some menu buttons. Replicating the Wii-Remote HUD from Twilight Princess came to mind very early on, and then I figured, why not make it into a little scene straight from the game? Nearly all of the graphics were ripped from one place or another so I can't take much credit for them, besides making the necessary edits. In the end I think I may have gone a bit overboard in recreating that T.P. look for such a simple little project. In any case, it took me a while to decide whether to redraw the HUD from scratch or try to "rip" the graphics, and I tried a bit of each before coming to the conclusion that my graphical skills weren't quite good enough.

Those graphics came from playing T.P. on an emulator set to dump textures, so they were easy to grab. The problem was, all of the pieces were in different sizes. Even the transparency masks were sized differently than their corresponding buttons. I had to carefully resize and re-align everything, sometimes zooming in and touching them up by the pixel.

The game's font was dumped to 4 nice image sheets that just needed to be cut up, but I also had to measure the width of each character (and how much space should follow before the next character) and feed all those numbers into the text engine. Originally I planned to use two fonts, but doing just one took more than enough time.

I wanted a nice, foresty, bloom-lit scene for the background. That was also in mind from early on - just an idea that never got replaced with anything better. Taking screenshots from Twilight Princess was proving difficult, so I remembered the Hyrule Field overlook from the official Twilight Princess website. Just used a Flash decompiler, realigned and cropped it a bit, and voilà.

Midna's animations also came from that Flash site. Unfortunately she was a motion-JPEG that dumped as individual frames, so I ended up with a very compressed look with none of the actual filesize reduction. Just for her floating, I used a only a third of her original animation (a portion that looped as perfectly as possible - you can still see a slight jump in her hair and hands at one point) and then thinned out the number of frames to another third. Then a bit of smoothing and dithering to help clear up the compression artifacts, topped off with some moving/stretching/vanishing effects done in realtime by Game Maker. So she's only got a ninth of her original animation and it still looks pretty good. That's the kind of size/quality trade-off I think you need to experiment with as an amateur developer.

5. Was it a lot of work to collect all the needed sound effects?

Yes and no. The recording was easy because I connected my Wii's audio cables right into my PC, so it was quick and nearly perfect-sounding. And I found a couple places in Twilight Princess where Midna speaks without any music or background noise, so I just talked to her over and over, recording everything. Cutting and splicing sounds, I'm experienced with. The difficult part was having to make LOTS of recordings to make sure I got every voice sample, especially since the text-box sound effects overlapped with some of the voices.

5. If people like the sounds and wish to use them themselves, where could they find them?

You know the answer to this. I know you know it. So thanks for the cheap plug! My alter ago HelpTheWretched has a collection at http://noproblo.dayjo.org/ZeldaSounds/ with over 4,500 sounds and growing. Go nuts with 'em.

6. Seeing as how you are one of few creators to finish a project completely, is there any advise you can give people just starting?

One thing I can never stress enough: be realistic about your own abilities. If you've got an itch to start a game project, do you really know how to do the things you want to do? If not, do you at least have knowledge of your design tools to be able to figure it out? I don't mean that to be discouraging, but the history of aborted Legend of Zelda projects speaks for its self.

If you're a relative beginner at programming, I think you'll be much more likely to complete something - and improve your skills in the process - by thinking up a simpler mini-game or spin-off project. It may not be grandiose in the end but I think that if you have a solid idea that seems fun and feasible, you'll even get more people interested and appreciating what you're doing.

7. Are there any new projects you are working on currently?

Nope, only old projects that I'm not working on. But knowing me, the next thing I design will probably be something like a pinball layout, or an AMV, or a board game. Who knows? Not I.

Anyone who's been around ZFGC a long time knows I've dropped a lot of examples and engines on the old forums, but I haven't been very involved since the latest move and haven't re-submitted them to the new database. Some of them have become really popular, like the Link Movement script - It's embedded in so many game engines that it wouldn't be fair to redesign it now - and a bunch of the others barely got used by anyone. Maybe I should get my stuff together and repackage those things, what do you think?

I also had a Zelda fan-game demo that I released about 4 years ago and haven't work on ever since. Go to http://noproblo.dayjo.org/ZTS/ if you want to give it a try. I don't feel bad about "giving up" on that project because what's there is a fully-playable game (minus some of the levels and characters I had planned), and also something out of the ordinary and pretty fun to play with a friend. To be honest that's more than most demos ever accomplish, so I was content to put it away until there was a push of interest to get me working on it again, but that never really happened. Even though the response was great, I guess there wasn't much "market" for a 2-player-only game. But if people still try it out and enjoy it for what it is, I'll be happy with that!

Recruitment / Re: A mentor?
« on: July 21, 2010, 12:31:06 pm »
Ooh, then I misunderstood. It's common for people to just ask others to do everything for them so it was easy to read your earlier comment as such.

Sure, since you asked nicely. Feel free to send me a question here and there. There are better programmers on here though, so I still suggest a topic for the really complex stuff.

Discussion / Re: What makes a good Zelda game?
« on: July 21, 2010, 07:34:11 am »
Humans are curious with a craving for collecting and achiement.
What makes the Zelda concept so great is the exploration, the many rewards (with items to collect, story advancement and even more exploration opened up) and overcoming all odds (with rescueing the princess, destroying evil and saving the world).

Solid concept.

Recruitment / Re: A mentor?
« on: July 21, 2010, 07:19:12 am »
Just post many many threads as opposed to many many PM's. Everybody is willing to help a little but nobody will help you do it all. You'll be hardpressed to find one single person to fix every problem you come across. Why should someone else spend time on it if you yourself are not going to? (since you mentioned you're actually trying to avoid learning how to code).

I'm not trying to be mean here. Just trying to expain how to get people to help you.

Coding / Re: Feature List
« on: July 21, 2010, 06:48:37 am »
Wow, that's going to be a lot of work. It's probably best to cut this one up in subsections. I've already build this twice in my game. Once to just get it working and I'm now redoing it to use less objects and make it more uniform with other actions, but I'll spare you all of that. It's not hard to build, but it is a lot of things to consider which is why I'm posting.

Original method.
Once you press the action button next to an object you can pick up you create an new object which I'll call obj_Container for now.

Copy all the needed variables over to it: sprite, weight (to determine damage dealt), items held, sound when destroyed, sprite when destroyed, key_index (for if you want a pot to hold a key since they should always be a one time event) and creator_id. I'll explain that last one a little further. You'll want pots/bushes/rocks/etc to respawn after 3 or so rooms so I place creator objects in my rooms instead of actual pots. If you are about to enter a room the game removes all currently present pots and uses all the creation objects to create some new ones. Now then. You want your carried object to hold the id of the creation object (or something similar) so that you can give feedback to the creation point once an object is created. If a pot containers a key or red rupee then you don't want that to repeat (while in the area) for people to come back to a pot for infinite keys/money.

Next you create an object for the objects shadow. It's instance_id can be stored in obj_Container. If Link picks up large objects then you'll expect a larger shadow. Place it at the same depth as Link's shadow. While picking up and throwing the positioning of the shadow needs to be placed manually. In all other events you can just place it at the same position as Link's shadow. Assuming both shadows have an centered offset or are images within the same sprite. The shadow needs to be repositioned at each step to follow the movements of obj_Container.

The position of the carried object needs to be manually placed above link during all of the actions it is involved. That would be: Pick up, throwing, walking, running, ledge jumping and crashing against walls. That needs to be done frame by frame for most of those. You can either make copies of the scripts for those actions and redo them with a carried object or (and this is what I did) have the scripts handle both normal actions and the actions with the carried object. Also keep in mind that you want to change the shadows a little in size during ledge jumping and wall crashing. So that means the container shadows as well.

If Link gets hurt while carrying an object the object breaks. I'm not sure if this also happens in MC, but I'll just mention it all the same. Once this happens you probably don't want there to be items. That would be a depth nightmare. In alttp a large rock also used multiple sprites when destroyed. I'm not sure about MC but that is also something to consider.

Once you throw the obj_Container that object should be separated from Link entirely. Which is why I already mentioned saving variables to obj_Container instead of Link's master control tile. It is possible to pick up an container and stand in front of another. Throw you're first objects and immediately pick up the second. You could potentially get a wrong item/sound/sprite/damage dealt for the one you just threw away. If you really do want to store the used variables in an master control object then I suggest using two sets of variables. Once obj_Container is destroyed it clears it's used variables which was either the first or second set. If an object is picked up then it uses the first set if no other obj_Container exists and the set's variables are cleared. And otherwise the second set.

Once throwing your obj_Container you'll want to destroy it at four moments. 1. obj_Container hits the ground by making it to the end of the script. 2. obj_Container hit's an solid object you can not throw over. 3. You hit an solid object you can throw over but you're obj_Container is almost near the ground so it's expected to be destroyed. 4. You hit an enemy. Again, you'll probably want to consider throwing over an enemy. Do not do this based solely on the height above ground for your obj_Container. Consider throwing to a rat and a large enemy/boss. It's clear that you'd get weird situations. Unlike with solids you can throw over since you've already established you can throw over them giving them a somewhat similar height. The way I'm solving this issue right now is to also use the attached shadow. If abs(enemy.y - shadow.y) is equal or less then [insert you're own preference here] then the enemy collides with obj_Container.

I hope some of this helps, though I'm probably forgetting stuff.
You might also want to handicap walking and running etc based on the weight of the carried but I'm not sure if that was done in MC or if you want that in.

(Bi?)weekly update:
+ The character will sweat if he tries to run around with a heavy container above his head.
+ Grouped most earlier container related objects into one creation object and one container.
+ Both walking and running with a heavy container above your head results in a (slight) decrease in speed.
+ Replaced the character’s shadow object.
+ Redid getting hurt while carrying a container
+ Fixed glitch while stabbing walls
+ Fixed glitch for grabbing a round container while moving
+ The pick up sequence has been fully redone.
+ If shadows (character / item / container / enemy) are in contact with water and on the same depth_scale then the shadow turns from black to blue

Sorry about missing out last weekend. I've been really busy. The same goes for this week aswell actually, but at least I got some more work done.

Audio / Re: [Request] Sound for breaking a crate (alttp style)
« on: July 12, 2010, 06:11:57 pm »
Right, why didn't I think of that? "Box". I guess I too miss some translations sometimes.  :-\
Thanks Niek. The OoT en MM sounds didn't fit, but there was a TP sound effect under the same name that did, so I can continue.

Darklight also thanks of course.

Audio / [Request] Sound for breaking a crate (alttp style)
« on: July 11, 2010, 09:00:03 am »
Hello all,

It's been a while since I made any requests but I've got another one. This time I'm looking for a soundeffect I can use for breaking crates/barrels. HelpTheWretched does not seem to have those effects up on his site, so I'd like to ask you guys if you know of any other places where I might find it.

Graphics / Re: MC Mice/Rats
« on: July 11, 2010, 08:19:10 am »
Here you go.

Entertainment / Re: Blizzard's RealID
« on: July 07, 2010, 09:24:48 pm »
Let's just hope you're not too well known and/or ashamed of your account. If you cannot hide your name from your wife/husband/etc, boss, pedophiles, strangers, scamartists or anyone then that is a loss. Period. You are losing anonymity and choice so it's no wonder people are not pleased.

Graphics / Re: MC Mice/Rats
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:43:44 pm »
You know, there are also sprites off that rat standing on it's highnlegs.
Want me to see if I can find them for you.

Weekly update:
+ You can now jump off a ledge while facing a direction other then your jumping direction. (I know, nostalgia beat logic)
+ Walking on stairs now has a slightly different animation speed then walking normally.
+ Ledge jumping has now been fully recoded for the new character set-up
+ Landing in water after a ledge jump now results in splashing water.
+ Ledgejumping is now possible over extended distances.
+ Getting rupees / arrows / bombs from chests no longer generates a pop-up text.
+ When getting something from a small chest the player no longer raises his hands. And the item's location is based on the chest instead of the player. This should make things more like the original and should make the action more streamlined.
+ Getting an item from a chest has now been fully redone / moved too the character control object.
+ Grouped together the chest objects into a single new object.
+ The text you see when you enter a new area has been improved (I had been working on it
before for glitches on specific computers but the complexity is no longer needed anymore).

Coding / Re: [June 2010] Stable Releases: Minish Cap Style engine
« on: June 29, 2010, 04:56:08 pm »
Never played MC so I wouldn't know. XD

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