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Author Topic: Terrible Night Engine - a Castlevania II engine  (Read 6389 times)

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Terrible Night Engine - a Castlevania II engine
« on: March 10, 2017, 01:00:09 am »
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Been working on a few projects still these days.  My planning for my Castlevania SotN type game has expanded to include a prelude title in vein of Castlevania II Simon's Quest style.

Download Link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49_4X0jDFp8VG96T3FyNVRQTlU/view?usp=sharing LATEST
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49_4X0jDFp8V3pRZFRCdnoyQkE/view?usp=sharing OLD

NOTE: Download size is mildly high due to background music - Bloody Tears Arranged.

A - move left
D - move right
S - crouch
K - jump
J - attack
Enter - pause menu

Includes all the necessary functions: health, death, enemies, attacking, jumping, crouching, etc.

-heart engine
-sub items
-moving between areas

Known Bug: 
-Ground hovering for a frame or two when walking off a ledge.  Is more noticeable if you attack right as you are going to land.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 09:40:53 am by Theforeshadower »
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Re: Terrible Night Engine - a Castlevania II eng...
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 04:40:07 pm »
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I'll have to try this out when I get back from work today. I remember you always putting  a lot of effort into getting the engine mechanics to match up as perfectly as you can. The topic might look nicer if instead of one really big screenshot you had maybe two or three little screenshots, also wow this guy's night engine is terrible lol
Re: Terrible Night Engine - a Castlevania II eng...
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2017, 01:40:55 am »
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Trying a new resolution technique.  It is 640x480 standard.  In the game render itself, I am drawing 96 pixel thick bars on top and bottom. I enjoy the effect.
Will be posting an update very soon.  I already have the player persistenecy figured out perfectly.  So, on my end, the player can now go from room to room while maintaining their current "state"(jumping, moving, jump attacking, or getting hurt) just as in CV II.

I also fixed the two known bugs.  Ended up being that multiple objects of the player were being created on the ground that were not supposed to be created(or the previous ws supposed to be destroyed).  It is due to how I am tackling this engine: instead of one object of the player that gets 3000+ lines of code like my SotN engine, I broke it down to objects that perform each task but are tied to a single parent player object which itself is tied to a general actor parent.

I enjoy the control alot more as I tweak each object as I need to.  In order to fix the multiple instances, I looked into when it is happening: only happens on the ground "randomly".  So, I wrote some code in the HUD controller that checks to see if there are every more than 1 player parent instances.  If there is, destroy them all after getting x,y,and image_xscale values, then it creates a single objPlayerIdle with those temp values applied to it.  Seems to be working great.  The player would never know as you never see the idle frame if you are still moving or attacking or whatever.

Of course, if someone played on a pc that never got 60 fps, they might see it.  :P

Anyway, looking to add some to the pause meny before I post my updated version.
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Re: Terrible Night Engine - a Castlevania II eng...
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2017, 09:38:33 am »
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Release 2

*added pause system
*created a Dracula X style enemy death system instead of Castlevania II's single awkward flame
*area chaning implemented while keeping state
*experience counter
*hour,minute,second timer
*player level
*heart counter
*whip type

To do:  who knows.  Exams, RISE, and life always happening.  The only major thigns left to do is a text engine with NPCs, actual leveling up, some sub-items, and of course, the glorius day/night engine.

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