Hi all!
I want to show you some of the tools that I've created to build the game.
Sorry about the large screenshots. Is there a way to make smaller thumbnails?
One questions to all of you:
Should I invest the time to include the tools with the game itself? Would that just encourage e.g. cheating?
If I'd redo the tools with the knowledge that I now have.. then I would make less tools but one tool that is better integrated.
Sprite ToolUsing the sprite tool I create the sprite atlas (many small individual sprites are packed into one large file, as seen in the screenshot) and can create key-frame-based animations.
Item ToolEvery single item is defined using this tool. There are many different properties.
Quest ToolThis small tool helps me create the various quests in the game.
NPC ToolFriendly and unfriendly Non-Player-Character are created using this tool.
For enemies one also has to define what items they can drop.
World EditorMost of the creation process happens inside the world editor.
The tile view allows you to set tile graphics on many tile layers.
The objects view allows you to add objects to the game. These include sound effects, NPCs, enemy spawn points, lights, and so on.
The events view allows you define scripts in either Iron-Ruby script or a node-based system.
The waypoints view allows you to create pre-defined paths on which for example NPCs can travel.