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Topics - skully

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Thanks moldo~

Graphics / Zidane sprite.. work in progress. (very old)
« on: June 18, 2006, 05:18:50 pm »
Anyways... I decided to post this, a lot of you have probably seen it. But I was talking with another member about chrono trigger edits, and this here was originally based off of the original shape of Crono. It has many colors, because I just went to extremes with it, and never really intended to use it for anything. It is still work in progress because I haven't created a suitable tail, or hair, but I'm not really working on it anymore. It's really old from when I was obsessed with FF9.

And 2x


I dunno, I know lots of the colors are weird, and uneeded, and the shadeing is crazy. Basicly, I was just adding shading everywhere for no reaosn until it looked half decent fully zoomed out. If anyone wants to add hair, or a tail, go for it, I could care less lol.

Bleh, this is more to show Soulja, but I don't know if I posted it on these particular forums before, so I thought I would.

Entertainment / The running man...
« on: June 18, 2006, 04:24:22 pm »
Alright. This has been one thing I have never been able to acomplish when I was trying to fully conqure the game. When you are older, adn talk to the running man inside the tent at the entrance to Gerudo Valley, he will race you to Kokiri Forest, yet every time he seems to beat you by one second.

What the hell!!!?

Has anyone actually beaten him? How? I always use my horse and still can't do it. It's like it's rigged.

What do you get anyways?

And it just occured to me... Is it because I sold him the bunny mask when I was young link? :o

Feedback / I can't use a keybord.
« on: June 17, 2006, 09:21:29 pm »
This has been brought up several times in the past. We've discussed it over and over again. Yet every time I see posts like this; "Well if we have spell checker installed, you are not going to get any better, at least without it you are seeing when you make mistakes"

News flash! I am still a horible speller, and I suck with the keybord. In fact, my spelling improoves while useing a spell checker, because I get to see all the wrong words highlighted right before my eyes, and then I can see the correct way to spell them. After a little while with the spell checker I ussually start noticing less and less mistakes that need fixing.

I don't know how it will promote bad spelling. Because that is complete untrue. The fact is, maybe it won't make everybody a better speller. but neither will leaveing it out. Instead, we will just all have bad spelling. I don't doubt I am bad with the keybord, I realise, and understand it perfectly. But without a spell checker, that isn't going ot magically fix itself. In fact, it wil probably promote worse spelling. Because how the heck do I know when I make mistakes? Sometimes I just don't know how to spell the word, so I will spell it that way forever, and it will always be wrong, unless something tells me otherwise.

Now, people also make comments like "just paste it in another program like Microsoft Word, and spell check it. Sure I could. But if it was so simple and if it wasn't out of the way, I would have been doing that since the begining. Sure some browsers have spell check. But ask yourself, is it really such a big deal we are forced to find it by other means? Or can we not just install the package?

It will make my life a hell of a lot easier, so instead of reading over really long posts, and PM's that I tend to make very oten several times, I can just read over it while I do spell check, and know that it is all proper, and people can read it with ease.

Please, if you have no better reason then the ones I mentioned above as to why we should not install this package please don't bother repeating them.

Edit: I just updated this post, with their other album 'A Calculated Use of Sound' I also, added a couple more songs that you can listen to from the album 'Kezia', and Ive uploaded nearly all of the songs from 'A Calculated Use of Sound' Reasonf or me adding so many from that album, is you can't buy it anywhere because it was prety underground, before they got signed by a big lable.
If you are interested. Their other album which I uploaded, is a lot heavier, punk, and sounds similar to AFI in a lot of ways. So if that is your thing. Check out the bottom of this post.

Alright well, there has been a few people who I have recomended this band on this forum to so far. I figured maybe I would just make a topic about them. They are a candian band made up of 6 18 year olds who have been playing since they were 14. Anyways. They just finally released their first full length CD and are begining to get noticed in Canada and the US.

I just wanted to share these guys with anybody who doesn't listen becasue I enjoy them. Of course they are not everybodies cup of tea. I mean, they are a different style of metal and not everybody will love it. They would be classified as metal I suppose. But the only real screaming you might hear is some deep back up vocals from the other band members. Most of their music consists of very fast shredding on guitar, and amazing loud and beautifull vocals by the lead singer Rody Walker. It's mostly all really fast paced.

Another thing I really love about this band. Is their creativity. Most bands just make an album and fill it with random songs that aren't related to eachother in any way. But these guys stood out to me, because they went beyond that, they made their entire album like a story. The lyrics are prety powerfull. I know Ive posted them on past ZFC's in the "post some lyrics" topics. It's about this girl named Kezia. And it takes place in the past era. Supposably aorund WWII. (to my knowlage) And it tells this little story in first person from three different perspectives. They split it into 4 sections. The first act is the prison Priest.(which may be hard to interpret the lyrics but give it your best shot) The second part is the Executioner, or the 'Prison Guard'. His part is prety obvious to interpret, he has some morals, but hes been trained to be cold, he has to kill this girl for no reason, etc. And the third act is Kezia's part. She tells about how scared she is, writes to her mom, and so on. (wont ruin it) and then there is the Finale. Which is basicly straight from protest the hero. Kind of like a shout out to society. Try and read them fluently, (probably best if you do it along side the actual song) But don't just read it one line at a time pausing cause its a fluent little statement.

Anyways. I don't really feel like writing them all out. So I will just hyperlink to each one, and If I can I will try and include a demo in each section. But no promises.

Act 1. - The Priest.
- No Stars Over Bethlahem
- Heretics & Killers - Listen?
- Divinity Within - Listen?

Act 2. - The Prison Guard (Executioner)
- Burry the Hatchet - Listen?
- Nauctical
- Blindfolds Aside - Listen?

Act 3. - Kezia (the Executee)
- She Who Mars the Skin of the Gods
- Turn Soonest to the Sea - Listen?
- The Divine Suicide of K. - Listen?

Finale - The Band
- A Platefull of Our Dead - Listen?

So there you have it. That is the details about the new album Kezia. If you like them, cool. If you don't, cool. I just thought I would advertise them here. Becaus I think their songs are meaningfull, and very well composed, and they have lots of talent. And I want Canadian bands to be known more. If you like extreme on the verge of emo vocals, some slight punk sounding backups, and screaming guitar, with meaningfull yrics, check out Kezia. And if you are into the thrashier punk "anti-flag" "AFI" sounding stuff check out the previous album which was sort of underground " A Calculated Use of Sound"

UPDATE: As I said at the top. Ive added details on their previous album before they got signe dby Vagrant records(sp). So If you are into AFI and other bands like that, check out this album. Because they sound similar.

A Calculated Use of Sound
This album didn't really have a theme as their new one 'Kezia'. But its full of thrashy punk, with good vocals and guitar. Still, their songs continue to have meaning behind them, about corruption in the goverment and so on.

These Colors Don't Run - Listen?
Red Stars Over the Battle of CowshedListen?
An Apathetic New World - Listen?
Fear and Loathing in Larime
Led Astray - Listen?
I am Dmitri Karamazov and the World is My Father

There you have it. Hope you like. Because I do. ;)

Entertainment / Listen to this. :D
« on: May 07, 2006, 12:06:44 am »
This might seem verry off topic or irelivant to some of you. But maybe some of you wil actually care.

Anyways. I was listening to Neil Zaza, and then one of his songs "I'm Alright" started playing. It was funny.. I was sitting here listening to all the drama, thinking of what is the next step. And Then near the end of the song I realized the entire time I was watching like, a slideshow in my head of the past of zfgc, all the good times weve had, with spriting and stuff. It made me laugh. How in this time where everybodys in such a bad mood a simple song can make me feel so good.

Just forget for a second everything thats going on, and listen to this song, or listen to it while you !@#$%. It's really I dunno "uplifting?" It just makes things make more sense in my head. :)
We make such fusses over the smallest insignificant things, but who cares? I wish I could feel always the way this song makes me feel. Don't focus on the actual technicality of it, but what it says to you. It makes me think everything thats gone on today was so small of an issue. There is no point in continuing it. It's past. Let's just keep going and enjoy simple things like this song and have fun.

Anyways. I didn't want to bother uploading the song. So I looked on youtube. And the only decent live version I could find was this one, which is performed by Jerryc. He has a few tiny mess ups But ignore them. Just listen to the song.

You can move it to off topic if you want. It doesn't matter. But give it a listen. I don't care about peoples opinions on the song really. If you like it or not. Thats not why I posted it. Just listen to it.

LTTP & FSA / [LTTP] Font
« on: May 01, 2006, 02:46:49 am »
I need a picture from A-Z Capitals and lower case of this font:

In that size too.

I don't want the font file or anything. Just a picture that I can cut and past letters from.

It would be a major help if anybody could hook me up with this.

Sooner the better.

Thanks a lot in advance~ :)

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