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Author Topic: [ABANDONED - All data released] Spirit's Quest  (Read 50345 times)

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[ABANDONED - All data released] Spirit's Quest
« on: March 14, 2010, 01:19:23 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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You will find the Spirit's Quest project download link in the last post on page 7.

(Note: this title graphic is merely a placeholder)
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest


Since this is a rather long post, I've made it easier to navigate by letting you jump directly to a section, or sub-section, of your choice. You may also easily jump back to the top of the page by clicking one of the triforce icons (located in the section titles).

Another thing you may notice is that, next to all of the sub-sections listed, there are "last updated" dates. I put them in the sections index so that you may easily find what's been updated lately without having to actually click a link to a section to see if it's been updated or not (as I had it before). To make it even easier to spot new updates, the latest update will be put in bold. Nice huh? ^,^ !




     Name: "The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest"
     Type: Platformer
     Genre: Action, Adventure
     Players: 1 player only
     Graphical Style: 2D, Custom (Link's character style is based off of Cave Story's main character)
     Resolution: 320x240
     Dev Tool: Game Maker 8.0
     Influences: Cave Story, Zelda II, anime, Legend of Princess, many other Zelda games and Zelda-related things.

Total Progress: 2%
(Note: There's no way to tell exact percentage at this point in development. Actually, true percentage is impossible to show, so this will always be a rough estimate.)


     TLoZ: Spirit's Quest once again puts you in the boots of the young hero, Link. However, instead of Link embarking on a quest to save Hyrule or another land from a great evil as he usually does, Link will find himself being forced to fight for his own life (though, ultimately, if Link dies then Hyrule is in danger, no?).

     It all starts when Link is sleeping peacefully in his house (no doubt dreaming of that hottie, Zelda ;p) when he is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a seemingly demented Wizzrobe. After the Wizzrobe introduces himself as Tangle, he tells Link that he wants to play a game with him. As Tangle explains the rules, he reveals that Link must face a dungeon of trials in which Link must pass in order to escape the dungeon. After Tangle expresses the joy he will get out of watching Link fight for his life, Tangle transports Link into an eerie and dimly lit dungeon room. Link has no choice but to "play" Tangle's game if he wants to win his freedom. And so it begins.


     Yep, it's that guy in green again. In this game, Link is a teenager living in a small house within a secluded forest area. So, what's Link's backstory? Why is he living in a secluded forest area? My answer is this: We don't ask why, we don't care why, all we know is that we want to play an epic adventure and stab things!

(Pic N/A) Tangle the Wizzrobe:
     This guy is the big evil of the story. It's clear that there's something terribly wrong with this guy, I mean, even more so than other Wizzrobes.

Sprite, the Fairy (or is it Fairy the Sprite? ...):
     Sprite will join Link on his adventure. To Link's surprise, Sprite will end up being very unlike the nice fairies he's previously known and heard of. Sprite's not like them at all, no way! Sprite is like a powerful ball of magical anger, just waiting to kill! Kill!! KILL!!!

(Pic N/A) Tangle's 5 Bros and 5 Sissys: (To prevent over-spoiling, there will be no pic)
     That's right, there are more Wizzrobes like Tangle, 10 to be exact. Tangle's bros and sissys can't wait to play with Link.

(Pic N/A) Marty the Ghost:
     Marty runs "the shop" in the game. Marty is a ghost, yes, but he's like Casper, he's friendly (sorry if you don't get the reference). He's just there to help you out as much as he can, but hey, he needs to make a profit ya know, so he's going to ask you to pay up! I mean, come on, a ghost can only be so friendly.


     Link will have to run and jump through a massive dungeon, gathering various useful items, fighting many kinds of enemies, solving puzzles, etc. Pretty much what you'd expect from a Zelda... or is it? Actually, though there are plenty of the more-common Zelda elements, there are also some fairly original ones.

     When you first get your fairy, Sprite, she will have the power to heal Link at the cost of magic power. However, her magic does not stop there. As Link progresses on his quest, he will obtain new powers for Sprite to use. Let's just say that, while most fairies can only heal, this fairy will be able to destroy (no more wimpy fairies!). Of course Sprite will also give hints and helps on the quest, as you'd expect.

     The game will be constructed in a way that makes each quest unique. In explaining, Link will have to complete 10 different areas in what is basically a massive dungeon. But, for every new quest, each of the 10 area's will be constructed differently and will contain different treasures. I guess you could say that it's semi-randomly generated, which means that every new quest REALLY is a new quest.

     Also, because of the unique way I'm making the game play out, I'm able to make the gameplay a bit less-linear than Nintendo's official Zelda games. Meaning that you, the player, gets to choose how to play the game (i.e. which areas you want to beat first or save for later, which items you want to have first or save for later, etc).



What's Done?
  • Camera Movement Engine
  • Platform PaC (Physics and Collisions) Engine
    • Acceleration and deceleration/friction (x movement)
    • Jumping and gravity (y movement)
    • Part-pixel movement (e.g. ability to move 1/4 of a pixel at a time)
    • All solid collisions
    • Slope movement
    • Stairways and platforms (these can be jumped up through and landed on, as well as dropped down from)
    • Moving Platforms (these can be jumped up through and landed on, as well as dropped down from)
    • Ice (character slides down slopes and gains momentum, allowing the player to gain a lot of speed, but ice also has a fair loss of movement control)
    • Liquid-type (i.e. any substance Link can swim in)
    • Muck-type (e.g. sinking sand or swampy marshes)
    • Climbable-type
  • Link's Basic Animations and Actions
    • Planning of Link's actions & animations (excluding special animations for certain items which will be added later in the development)
    • Button assignments for using Link's abilities (i.e. item button, action button, button combos for the sword, etc) and inventory as well as the fairy's magic
  • Heads Up Display
    • HUD design and graphics

What's Being Done?
  • Heads Up Display
    • HUD functionality engine (i.e. getting life/magic, losing life/magic, increasing/decreasing heart containers, action button graphic that tells what actions may be taken, etc)

What Comes Next?
  • Link's Basic Animations and Actions
    • Adding Link's animations to the already coded "basic" actions (i.e. walking, jumping, swimming, look up and down, etc)
    • Coding Link's dodging action + Link's animations for that
    • Coding grab/push/pull-type + Link's animations for that
    • Coding pickup-type + Link's animations for that (e.g. a pickup type is like a pot or a bomb flower that you may pick up and carry around)
    • Fix up any sprites of Link that need it (there are definitely a few that need some tlc)

Ok, What Comes After That?

     When all of Link's basic actions and animations are complete, I will add in the item sub-screen and I will begin to add in items. Before I do anything with other items, I will add all of Link's sword and shield actions, as this is his main item (the sword and shield act as one item). After the sword and shield are coded in, I will probably add in Link's fairy and set up her AI a bit. Since the fairy plays an important role, I may add in all of her magic skills before doing Link's items, since her magic will be fairly easy to code compared to Link's items anyway. One way or another, I will work on adding things to the item screen, one by one. Of course, I will probably have to make a couple enemies (probably Keese and Gels) in here to test some items and fairy magic on (oh yeah baby!).

     After I get the items done, I might decide to work on the introduction to the game which leads into the menu. At this point I will probably add in settings (for controls, text speed, whether to allow story skip, etc) and saving. Then I will probably add in the very first story part of the game which leads to the starting point of the actual gameplay. Somewhere in here I will have to begin to think in great detail on how I will go about creating the randomly generated rooms, how they will be saved and loaded, etc (the oober tricky stuff). And that's about as far as I can think without developing the game further. But that's the rough plan on how it will go down. I do have a ton more planned, it's just not all together yet because the game needs to come along further first.


07/19/2011 - First Legit Screenshot: The HUD
That's right, you're no longer looking at a mockup. Therefore, this is my first "real" screenshot. The HUD is totally functional except for the yellow action notifier that pops up when Link is able to do various things (e.g. use, climb, pick up, grab, enter, open, etc). The HP and MP bars have drain and fill animations, the sword and shield "glow" when Link is able to do a special attack/defense move, the counts of HP, MP, keys, rupees, arrows, and bombs, are completely functional, etc.
03/18/2011 - Physics and Collision Test 2
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pht1W1s5QE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pht1W1s5QE</a>
In this second video update of the Physics and Collisions (PaC) Engine, all known issues have been fixed and more has been added. The PaC now has part-pixel movement for a much better feel and response. Also, ice physics and moving platforms have been added in.

03/11/2011 - Physics and Collision Test
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfQ-R0FdPIw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfQ-R0FdPIw</a>
This test shows the basic physics and some slightly more advanced collisions with hills and even stairways that the character may jump up through and land on or drop down from. Still early on in the physics and collisions here though, as there is more to add (i.e. water, moving platforms, and climbable types) and a few small issues to fix.
04/02/2010 - View Movement Test
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRjZ-3pT56U" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRjZ-3pT56U</a>
This tests out the view's fluidity in it's movements, as well as how it follows and "looks" according to what would be the character's faced direction. This also tests the quake effect and the view's ability to switch the object it follows.


No demos yet. Patience laddy!


     Nothing to give yet. Unfortunately, very little GML will be released until the game is complete or at least near completion. This is to insure quality of the code. Also, I don't want to end up releasing code that get's changed later on because of a change in the game's mechanics or something. But don't worry, I plan to release my source code eventually, and in the form of tutorials and examples so pretty much anyone can pick it up and understand it. This is the plan anyway.


06/27/2011 - A revised HUD mockup.
04/14/2010 - Early design of Tangle.

03/28/2010 - Item/Menu screen design.
03/28/2010 - A HUD mockup.
03/28/2010 - An early palette and tile test.



     I began this project with the intent of doing everything myself, and I still expect to do almost all of the work. However, I decided that if anyone else really wants to help out with the game's development, I should let them. If you want to contribute to the project, please read the following before doing anything:

     Below this sub-section, I have many other sub-sections listed, with each sub-section having to do with an area of development (e.g. programming, sprites, etc) in which I may or may not want help with, depending on what the details say.

     As the project progresses, I will update the details of these sub-sections to make sure that I'm asking for things that I need. So please be sure to check up on the "last updated" date (located in the sections index), because, if it has changed since the last time you saw it, that means that I have either taken out something that I no longer need, or I have added in something new that I need.

     Any help given will earn you a place in the credits, according to how much and what type of help you've given to the project. I'm a firm believer in giving credit where credit is due.

     If you plan to help with coding or any of the graphics, understand that I plan to release most of the code and ALL of the graphics so that anyone can use them to learn from and to use in their own projects. Absolutely no graphic will be made strictly for Spirit's Quest use; I will release all the graphics sometime after the game's completion. This means that, if you help out by making a graphic or by giving code, your work will be released as a resource for anyone to use in whatever way they please. If you wish to be credited for something, make sure to let me know, otherwise I will label it as, "...by (your name). No credit required." If you don't want your work to be given out freely as a resource then don't submit anything to this project, or you can just help out in another area of development besides programming or graphics.


     Sorry programmers, but I plan to code everything myself. However, I will not hesitate to ask for help if I need it. Furthermore, I do plan to release a few of my engine tests in GMK format ( Game Maker 8 ). This means that, if you have Game Maker 8, you can look at the code and offer any suggestions that you may have to make it better. If your suggestion is good, I will make the necessary code adjustments myself and you will be credited accordingly under "code helps".

     When the game is complete, if you wish to port this to another language (a "real" one), feel free to ask me. If I think it's a good idea, I will give you the GMK of the game and I'll offer whatever help necessary to make it happen. (Note to Mamoru: If you still plan on porting this to your Surface Engine, then so do I.)


     I have no specific things to list at this time. Be sure to check up on this for an update every now and then, as I'm sure I'll have something to post here eventually.


     I have no specific things to list at this time. Be sure to check up on this for an update every now and then, as I'm sure I'll have something to post here eventually.


     I currently have no openings for music. For one thing, the project isn't quite at the point where music is needed. Another reason why I don't have any openings is because I already have Darklight helping with music, and I plan on doing some music myself as well. Furthermore, it's best to keep the number of composers at a minimum, for quality consistency reasons as well as a few other reasons. I don't expect I'll ever need another composer for this project, but you never know.


     Usually, most people use ripped sounds from other Zelda games. I might end up doing just that, since making custom sound effects is something I know practically nothing about. If anyone here actually makes sound effects and wants to help out in this area, send a PM my way or make a post in this thread. However, at this point in time, I'm not really concerned about sounds as much as other things like programming and graphics.


     It's greatly appreciated when you play around with any released demos and/or engine tests and give me feedback on your likes, dislikes, what you would change, etc. The same goes for any aspect of the game, whether it is regarding the graphics, gameplay, item functions, the HUD layout, anything. If you don't have any constructive criticism to give, then just letting me know how much you love the project is also appreciated.

     Once I get some demos up, you can try to break any of the demos that I've upload and let me know of any flaws you might find (please be as detailed as possible) so that I can try to fix them and upload a new version with the fixes. I really want solid quality here, so the more testers the better. Thanks in advance testers!

Enemy Ideas:
     One area that I can definitely say is open to suggestion is what enemies the game should have. However, bosses are pretty much figured out at this point in time, so I'm not looking for any boss suggestions. This does not mean I will not be able to use bosses of previous Zelda's as normal enemies. This game is going to need some pretty intense enemies toward the end, so feel free to suggest any enemy of previous Zelda games. I'm not just looking for names of enemies from previous Zelda games but I'd also like to hear how you think the enemy AI should work and maybe even give me some new ideas for actions not seen in previous Zelda's. You could even throw out a design for the enemy if you wish. Lastly, though I'd like to have mostly familiar Zelda enemies, I do want a few original ones, so feel free to throw an original enemy idea at me, just be sure to give good details on it's design (throw me some concept art if you wish) and it's AI. As I said, I'm totally open to any enemy-related suggestions.



FrozenFire - Project Lead, Programmer, Game Design, Graphics, etc.
Darklight - Music.



Mamoruanime (helped me without even knowing it!)
Aero88 (suggested to use parents)

(also some placeholder graphics from Nintendo, i.e. some of the title)




Martijn dh

ZFGC - Thanks for the support guys!
Pixel - This game would not exist without Pixel's game, Cave Story.[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 09:05:56 pm by Frozenç‚Ž »
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 01:29:45 am »
  • Minalien
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Definitely sounds interesting, BoilingWater. Lemme know if you're interested in having it programmed in C++. ;P
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2010, 04:31:11 am »
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Dude I like you HUD  XD keep it up FF.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2010, 07:13:38 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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Definitely sounds interesting, BoilingWater. Lemme know if you're interested in having it programmed in C++. ;P

I WOULD be interested in having it programmed in C++, only I know very little about coding in C++ (almost none), which means I would be no help there. So, if you were offering, it would mean that you'd code the entire thing yourself.

If I program it all myself (as planned), it's going to be programmed in Game Maker 8, using GML. I don't have the time to learn a "real" coding language. ;p Honestly though, I would like to program it all myself anyway. I'm not much of a team player when it comes to coding. It's just one of my things.

And, BoilingWater, ha ha.

Dude I like you HUD  XD keep it up FF.

Thanks and I definitely will keep it up.


What I'm about to begin working on is the "View Engine" (but I'm not home and I don't have my regular computer; I'll begin working on it when I return home this Monday):

Making the View Engine is pretty much the first step I'm taking in the actual coding of the game. The goal here is basically to make a fluid-like moving view. It's hard to explain exactly, but it will be act a lot like the view in Cave Story (so play the game to see what I mean).

The view will shift more toward the way Link is facing. It will also let the player look up and down (shifting the view upward and downward). The view will be able to focus on any object I tell it to, which will be very useful for cut-scenes. The view will also be programmed with a "screen shake" effect. I'll also code anything else I may need. Of course I'll have the pausing implemented here as well.

For now (until I get back to my computer), I'm just working on a few tiles so I can have something to use with my View Engine (I haven gotten anything I want to show yet though).
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2010, 08:12:39 am »
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FF, this looks awesome. Can't wait to play the first demo.


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 08:25:38 am »
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In all actuality, if you wanted me to I could easily port this over to the Surface engine once you're finished adding the features you want. =3
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 05:45:38 pm »
  • Minalien
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God damn it Mamoru bukake, I already threw in my offer to do the programming, so gtfo. :|

Definitely sounds interesting, BoilingWater. Lemme know if you're interested in having it programmed in C++. ;P

I WOULD be interested in having it programmed in C++, only I know very little about coding in C++ (almost none), which means I would be no help there. So, if you were offering, it would mean that you'd code the entire thing yourself.

I work better that way, just as you were mentioning with your GM work. Just give me a general overview of the gameplay, and I'll start playing around with an initial prototype. :P
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2010, 06:05:24 pm »
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God damn it Mamoru bukake, I already threw in my offer to do the programming, so gtfo. :|

Yeah but my offers better since it doesn't involve re-programming the engine ;3
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2010, 06:57:29 pm »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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No offense to either of you guys, but I'd really like to program the entire game myself, since I already have a solid idea of how I want the game mechanics to work, and I just like knowing that my game will get done the way I want it to be done. It just seems easier/better to do it all myself.

So, I'll be making it in Game Maker 8. BUT, when the game is complete, I'll give an editable version of the game out to anyone that wants to port it to another language.
Btw, Mammy, is that kind of what you meant? I really didn't follow what you meant by...
once you're finished adding the features you want.

FF, this looks awesome. Can't wait to play the first demo.
The first "demo" will probably only be a beta release of the platform engine, just so that I can get feedback on how it feels to everyone else. I can't really give a date for when that demo comes out, but I will begin to work on the basic platform engine after I complete the view/camera engine (which I begin working on this Monday).
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2010, 05:11:19 am »
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Yep, double post, BUT, I bring early concept tiles!

(Sorry, I know it is very messy, but it's just how I do tiles; I kind of plan-draw.)

     As you can see, I started working on the solid earthy tiles first (obvious place to start). What I'm planning to do is use the ones at the bottom-left of the pic (with the most detail). You might think the grass on top looks like crap, which is true, but that's because I will use "overlays" for the real grass. And I just started working on that over on the right side of the tileset (under the "GRASS OVERLAYS"). You might notice a blade of grass over there; that may or may not be the style of the grass. As I said, it's still very early.

     Of course I will have grass that Link can cut with his sword, as well as grass that is there for looks only (which will probably be shorter and slightly darker than the cuttable grass).

     Anyway, I just got back home and now I've got my good computer again, so I will be able to start programming stuff tomorrow. I'm not starting now because it's late and I plan on getting some real sleep for once. :p
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2010, 05:34:00 am »
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Now I want to make a cool retro style game in this style :D cause I probably actually could sprite like this.

It'd be awesome if you could program a grass growing and clumping system. eg, when the level's created grass is grown randomly near control objects.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 05:37:54 am by Darklight »
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2010, 07:14:28 am »
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Btw, Mammy, is that kind of what you meant? I really didn't follow what you meant by...
once you're finished adding the features you want.

:P Basically "once you're finished making this"
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2010, 07:53:32 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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It'd be awesome if you could program a grass growing and clumping system. eg, when the level's created grass is grown randomly near control objects.

Funny you mention that because I had already thought pretty hard about it. However, I ended up thinking the game might be better off without it, just because of the way I'm doing some of the randomized stuff. It'd be cool, but I don't think it would be necessary. I want to spend my time and effort on more important things.

Btw, Mammy, is that kind of what you meant? I really didn't follow what you meant by...
once you're finished adding the features you want.

:P Basically "once you're finished making this"

Ah, ok. If you really want to do it then it's totally fine. I don't see too much point in doing so though. Just to satisfy Game Maker haters?

Spirit's Quest - UPDATE

Not much to update on because I expected to work on some coding today but I got called in to work instead. Sucks, but I got MONEY! ^,- Anyway, so all I could do was think about my game and, when I got home, I worked a tad bit more on the tiles (pretty much just the grass).

I made the grass much too tall at first, so I made this because I could:

I have since then fixed up the grass a bit. I'll put up more tiles after I get some more done.
Btw, these tiles are being made for part of the game's intro, but some of them will also be used in the forest area of the actual game.

Besides working on some tiles, I've just been thinking about what enemies should be in the game. It's already planned that the game will have: Keese (obviously), Octorocks, Stalfos, Darknuts, Poes, and Wizzrobes. Besides that, I really haven't given enemies much thought.
The areas are diverse enough for any enemy to be in the game. So anything that might swim in water, jump out of lava, swim in swampy water, or anything that might burrow through sand, etc, they will work fine. I even have a Jabu-Jabu-like area, so tentacle-like enemies will probably be in the game as well.

I'm planning on playing through a few Zelda games over the next few weeks to get more ideas on some things, so enemies will probably get figured out then.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2010, 08:01:48 am »
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Btw, Mammy, is that kind of what you meant? I really didn't follow what you meant by...
once you're finished adding the features you want.

:P Basically "once you're finished making this"

Ah, ok. If you really want to do it then it's totally fine. I don't see too much point in doing so though. Just to satisfy Game Maker haters?

More along the lines of "letting mac and linux users play it" :P
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2010, 08:15:11 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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More along the lines of "letting mac and linux users play it" :P

Aha! Compatibility! That is a very good reason. That sounds like a great idea then!

...I just have to finish the game first. :p Going to bed now (it's 1 AM), but I'll get right back to it after work tomorrow. Oh, and after I finish my final English paper for college... bleh.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2010, 08:45:22 am »
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That should be a good place to get enemy ideas :)

How about:

http://www.zeldawiki.org/Lanmola (possibly the small version)
Quote from: Jason
Your community is a bunch of stuck up turds.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2010, 08:52:11 am »
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For normal enemies in water levels you could use AlttP Zora and LA's CheepCheep.

Love to see the boss Aquamentus in a side scrolling fashion.
- http://www.zeldawiki.org/Aquamentus
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2010, 07:31:36 pm »
  • Minalien
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Btw, Mammy, is that kind of what you meant? I really didn't follow what you meant by...
once you're finished adding the features you want.

:P Basically "once you're finished making this"

Ah, ok. If you really want to do it then it's totally fine. I don't see too much point in doing so though. Just to satisfy Game Maker haters?

More along the lines of "letting mac and linux users play it" :P
!@#$%, you just wanted to steal my thunder. D:
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2010, 08:49:22 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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That should be a good place to get enemy ideas :)

Wow, believe it or not, I never knew about Zelda Wiki until now. Thanks Darklight! That will be a major help.

http://www.zeldawiki.org/Lanmola (possibly the small version)
For normal enemies in water levels you could use AlttP Zora and LA's CheepCheep.
Love to see the boss Aquamentus in a side scrolling fashion.

All those enemies are good suggestions. Gotta have em all... POKEMONNN!!! Ahem, sorry about that. It was just so close to that... you know... Pokemon's catch phrase... oh dang, no pun intended. Seriously, it just happened. ;p

As for the Aquamentus: I have an idea for that. It will have a new twist on it though, because I already have bosses figured out (for the most part anyway), and the Aquamentus, as people have previously known it, is a little too weak as a boss for this game. Why too weak? Because various action Animes are the main inspiration behind the fighting I have planned for this game. Meaning, regular enemies can get pretty intense, but bosses have to be more intense (obviously).
Still, your mentioning of the Aquamentus has given me an idea on how I can make a much more interesting boss. Though there is a slight possibility that the Aquamentus will just appear as one of the harder regular enemies. One way or another, the Aquamentus is in.

Btw, I just finished my last paper for finals and Spring Break is just 2 days away for me! So I hope to get some good progress in on this over the weekend.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2010, 05:21:19 pm »
  • Xiphirx
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All those enemies are good suggestions. Gotta have em all... POKEMONNN!!! Ahem, sorry about that. It was just so close to that... you know... Pokemon's catch phrase... oh dang, no pun intended. Seriously, it just happened. ;p

It never just happens ;)

I like how it looks like so far, but I don't like platforming so much :/

The menu looks nice as wel.
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