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Messages - AABatteries

Pages: [1]
Audio / 16GB+ of high-quality sound effects
« on: March 14, 2016, 10:32:39 pm »

Haven't checked it out personally, probably some good stuff in there.

Entertainment / Re: Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes PC Version
« on: December 22, 2014, 07:56:21 pm »
Metal Ground Solid Zeroes was alright.

If Metal Gear is such a great guy though I don't understand why he keeps losing his eye and growing old and getting it back and then becoming young again without his eye.

Metal Gear is a lot like zelda. Different guy that just happens to look the same ^_^

Coding / Re: Test Driven Game Development
« on: November 22, 2014, 07:37:49 pm »
I've updated the repository bundling the nunit runner so you don't need nunit. When you try and run it will run the tests and generate a report.

I've also decided to go down a more BDD route with my tests, as this makes my tests look a lot cleaner and human readable.

One thing you may notice is that I haven't tried to do anything like loading resources, getting a game window up, getting stuff on screen I'm just concentrating on pure logic. My tests allow me to confidently concentrate on one thing at a time and I'll know if I've introduced a regression bug because one of my tests would fail.

To give an example of the output of my tests:

Story is Entering a moving state  #moving
  In order to See the object facing in the right direction in the moving state
  As a Gamer
  I want Its animation to be set to the direction in which I intend to move
      With scenario Object is entering the moving state
        Given I intend to move in a direction(Up)Passed
        When the object is in the moving statePassed
        Then the object is facing in the direction I intended(Up)Passed
          And the objects animation is correct for its direction(Up)Passed

Coding / Re: Test Driven Game Development
« on: November 20, 2014, 09:29:02 pm »
You use tests to drive out your design, hence the term test driven game development.

If you have a different code base then your tests will be different because your design will be different. At most what I've put up will give you a decent idea of what you might want to test and potentially how to go about testing it.

If you're trying to write tests in order to test existing code you may find it in some cases to be somewhat difficult, but this is only because the code you currently have is badly designed, it's not modular or reusable.

Some things are more difficult to test than others, for example, in my code I've got an interface called icontrollable, which I mock out in my tests and use as a substitute for keyboard interaction so that the relevant bits of code in my walking engine can be tested. This also has the side effect of having a better design since my movement engine has now been separated from my keyboard logic.

Some of this might make more sense if I were to write the actual code for it to make the tests I've written pass.

edit: I've written the code needed to make the tests pass.

Coding / Test Driven Game Development
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:19:14 pm »
Just thought I'd throw this out there. I've put together a repository to demonstrate.

The idea is that you determine what you want to achieve with a test, write out the scenario you want to test.
Run the test (it should fail).
Write the simplest thing you can to make the test pass.
Write a new test and repeat.

As an example to start off with I've created a simple batch of tests built to test an implementation of link's movement. Someone could then take this and write their own implementation to make the tests pass.

Visual studio 2013 is required.

Running the test runner application will run the tests for you and generate a report.

Discussion / Re: [Request] Kick the monkey game? or megaworm email D:
« on: October 05, 2014, 05:44:12 pm »
According to the old whois info on the domain his email was megaworm [at] gmail.com

Not sure if that helps.

Feedback / Re: What Can We Do To Get More Life Here?
« on: May 18, 2014, 11:42:21 pm »
All I'm saying is that the atmosphere is intimidating.
Well there isn't much that can be done about that. There will always be a project that comes every once in a while that blows peoples minds.

It is not us that sets those expectations, it is yourself. You see those projects and the reactions to them, then you get the idea that in order to get the same reaction you need to do the same thing.

You cannot compare a zelda game to a mario game, the barrier to entry will always be higher because zelda games by definition are a lot more complex. What you need to do is become smarter about the ideas you choose to develop and how you go about gathering perceived interest.

People get demotivated not by those hyped up projects, but by the fact they spent the last few weeks coding something and nobody is interested. Imagine if that at the beginning instead of coding something, they put aside some time to mockup some screenshots, maybe even produce a trailer to give it that "I've been working on this for several months" sort of feel only to get the same response. Now instead of spending a few weeks on a shitty idea, you've just dodged a bullet.

In the end you realize that zfgc's expectations are actually rather low, after all, this whole website was based on a game that never even reached beyond the stage of a basic engine test.

Feedback / Re: What Can We Do To Get More Life Here?
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:51:59 pm »
This is just my thoughts, I think that the community project in some cases is overly bureaucratic. Too much time spent on planning, and too less time spent on proper development.

If I look at the repo, nothing has been pushed to master for 10 months, not to mention XNA is a dead technology, nobody is going to want to learn XNA now.

I'd recommend following a more agile approach, break things down into separate units of work that can be handled easily. Just as an example, in the KoT board there's a proposal for a bottle item, you could start off with a story like, "when i open my inventory i want to see 6 bottles taking up slots in my inventory", then you could create a follow on story such as "when i use a bottle containing a red potion my health my hp is restored and the bottle is emptied". This way you start to go through a phase of continuous deployment. If you couple this with something like TDD you end up with a living document on how the code is designed to perform.

Just in case someone hasn't seen this yet and are into old games.


The site is a bit slow at the moment, so you might need a bit of patience.

Coding / Re: Assignment Button Help
« on: November 26, 2013, 10:13:14 pm »
This is just an idea, but y not do it using some sort of lookup.

u could have an array that goes like

stuff[0] = BOOMERANG
stuff[1] = BOMBS

then u could go like stuff[cbut] or stuff[vbut] to call it using script_execute or event_user.

ie. if(cbut >= 0) { script_execute(stuff[cbut]); }

then to switch u only need to swap the values of cbut and vbut

Coding / GameMaker Studio Standard 4 free
« on: November 26, 2013, 09:15:20 pm »
Not sure how many people know about this, but u can currently register the standard version of gamemaker studio 4 free.

all u need 2 do is download it http://www.yoyogames.com/studio/download

update it (make sure your on the beta channel)

then ull have the option 2 register the standard edition 4 free!


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