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Topics - 2awesome4apossum

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Entertainment / NEW ZELDA GAME!!!
« on: January 29, 2007, 01:31:17 am »
Haha!  Yes, perhaps the title is misleading, because it's not a new Zelda game per se, because it came out several years ago, but I can guarentee that none of you have ever played it.

BS Zelda Map 2 has always been talked about.  It was almost a sort of a myth.  But now we know that not only does it exist, but it has been found.  For more info, read the news page at:


Entertainment / Biggest let-downs of 2006
« on: January 04, 2007, 12:13:02 am »
It doesn't make sense to me... every time I think Hollywood's having a good year (2005), the box office receipts are down.  Every time I think Hollywood's having a bad year (2006), they box office receipts are back up.

But here's my rant on the movies that let us down this year:

1. Eragon - The worst big budget movie I've seen in my life.  I've refused to read the book, because I opened it once and saw the map (direct, shameful rip-off of every other fantasy book ever written-- namely LOTR), but I thought with FOUR people working on the script, that the movie might have actually been good.  So I saw it on opening day.

Fortunately, I had a date with me, so we were able to take some entertainment value out of it.  Unfortunately, the "laugh-a-minute" content found in the movie was all unintentional.  Hour and a half that amounted to crap.  What a waste of $100 million.  Such a pity, I was so looking forward to this movie.  The ONLY aspect of this movie that was good were the special effects.  But the acting (except Jeremy Irons), music, cinematography-- everything sucked.  Namely the dialogue and the story.

2. X-Men 3 - I loved the other two movies.  X-Men are my favorite comic heros of all time.  But this hour and a half long movie grossed a lot more than it was worth.  There just wasn't any substance to this movie.  It wasn't even satisfying for an ACTION movie.  That's a bonafide failure.

3. The Da Vinci Code - It was fun for a suspense movie.  Again, I didn't read the book... but I heard that the book was so well written that the story "isn't real, but could be".  But the made-up facts that this movie's story relies on play across as very silly.  Nice for a one-time view.  Not worth much money.  I was dissapointed.

4. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Two and a half hours was too long for this movie, in which not a lot really happened.  They managed to ruin the ending of Pirates of the Carribean 1 with reintroducing and slaughtering the character of Commador Norrington, and they try to make the story seem more symbolic and deep than it's capable of playing across (this is a silly *pirate* movie for heaven's sake!).  A few fun scenes, but ultimately unsatisfying.

5. Cars - Not overall "bad"... but the worst of Pixar's films.  Even "A Bug's Life" was better.  The problem with this is that they submitted to the formuliac Disney Story, leaving it fairly unoriginal (plus, it looks like they stole the idea from those old Cheveron car commercials).

And that is all for now.  I may continue this post, I may not.  Depends on if people take me insulting their favorite movie of the year as a personal offense or not.

Audio / Request: Information on Oblivion Soundtrack
« on: November 22, 2006, 03:01:27 am »
Okay, I know that the topic title makes it sound obscure.  Basically, I used to have the Oblivions soundtrack: I can't find it anywhere, and I really don't feel like buying the entire soundtrack, when I only need one song.

The song that I need is the one with the really sad, beautiful piano piece, and I'm wondering if anyone knows what the freak I'm talking about and what it's titled (I'm positive it's an exploration piece of music), so I only have to pay for the individual song instead of the whole soundtrack.


Other Discussion / Utah is in communist Russia!
« on: September 20, 2006, 09:36:55 pm »
Yeah, so I have this psychology class, and we were finally assigned a research project.  So I was going to do mine on Charles Darwin.  So I came up with an outline and showed it to my teacher.

Teacher: "You can't say that, it's illegal."

Possum: "WHAAAAAAAA?!!"

Teacher: "Yep, Utah State Legislature made it illegal in [insert date here] to discuss certain aspects of evolution in public school buildings."

Possum: "So you're telling me, that I learned more about evolution in elementary school, than I'm allowed in high school?"

Teacher: "Yep."

Possum: "And that almost everything about evolution that I know can't legally be discussed in a public school building?"

Teacher: "Yep."

Possum: "Where are we anyway, communist Russia?"

Teacher: "Yep, I'm sorry."

So I'm seriously considering talking about it anyway.  That would result in me being sent to an administrator (I asked), and after that, I think I'd have the grounds for a civil suit.  I bet the ACLU would help me out... at the same rate, my parents would have to file it-- they never would.  And besides, I'm in communist Russia... there won't even be grounds for an appeal process, because of our stupid system here.

Other Discussion / Poor Thailand...
« on: September 20, 2006, 09:22:07 pm »
...it seems that they'll never get a break.  One coup after another.

My friend's dad's in their right now and can't leave.  My teacher was all, "zOMG IS HEE OKAY?  R U OKAY?"

And he's all, "yep, he was at dinner".

And I'm all, "besides, it's not like they're going to target American's or anything."

But apparently he can't leave thanks to Mr. "I'm going to declare martial law" <_<

Other Discussion / Guess what?!
« on: September 19, 2006, 02:53:00 am »
New avy ;D

<3 2awesome4apossum is in 'da house!  It'll be just like old times now. :)

Feedback / My newest idea...
« on: September 15, 2006, 09:37:27 pm »
...so we won't have another z3 until next year, right?

Well, so I have another idea, one that could change ZFGC forever.  I even made a video that has words, inspirational music, and a picture of the Zelda logo in it ^_^ (credit to Delko, I believe).


So you can probably guess what the idea is.  Basically, I'd like ZFGC to become the site that we've always dreamed it would be, and within the site we'd have this community project full of histories, information, and all the multimedia we can come up with.

So we'd have a yearly z3 event, correct?  So we make ZFGC an actual site, with a forum and a portal to the z3 site (probably a subdomain assuming it wouldn't cost more).

So we have the resource/tutorial idea we've always dreamed of, we fix up the ZFGC boards, and organization (am I the only one who thinks that it's poorly layed out as of now?), and then have this community project that I've always wanted to make.

Anyway, so some of you are probably fuzzy on what the actual idea is exactly.  What it would be is a comprehensive compilation of information, screenshots, demos, videos and all sorts of fun stuff from important, "landmark" fan games, with a look at the noteable future and current ones.  Perhaps the information will be compiled into an html file with screenshots side to side with the text, and we get all the multimedia we can possibly find for -x- project.

Entertainment / Farenhype 9/11
« on: September 15, 2006, 01:09:36 am »
It was in the bargin bin!  It cost 5 bucks, it had DICK Norris (former Clinton advisor)...

...what else could you want from a movie?  So I bought the 80 minute rebuttal to Michael Moore's hilarious film (I still feel sorry for people who think that movie is valid in any way, shape or form), and again: they make the smarter case.

I've been researching global warming for MONTHS... still can't seem to find an intelligent article on how it's a serious threat (no "Republicans get money from oil companies" is NOT a valid reason).

So why is it that I can't find any intelligent left-winger that will make a good case?

Certainly many moderates have made certain liberal stances on issues seem valid... certainly I've seen a lot of right-wingers make good cases for their causes... but why can't I find a good left-wing source?

I'd appreciate any help in finding a good left-wing writer would be appreciated.

Anyway, good movie >_> <_<

Other Discussion / I almost got fired, lol...
« on: September 12, 2006, 01:45:52 am »
...so I was working, had my uniform on (this is a little over a week ago), and decided to put a sticker of the official flag of the United States of America on my shirt, simply because I felt like it (the American flag = hawt).

So a customer comes up to me and asks me to remove it.  I politely decline, but he continues to insist so I finally say, "Listen, I'm not going to take it off."

So he starts to freak out and tells me I'd better take it off.  When I ask why he tells me that I'm sending off an inappropriate political statement.  Well, you can bet that pissed me off (difficult to do... not impossible, though), and I said, "Are you trying to tell me that this offends you?"

He said, "Yes, and you'd damn well better take it off!"

I say, "If you're in this country, and our official flag offends you then I only have one thing to say to you: get the hell out."

And so he asks to speak to my supervisor, I politely excuse myself to go get a manager, and my manager's all laughing and tells me that I simply ought to take it off.

It's just a freaking sticker, but it's MY sticker, and I want to wear it because I feel like wearing it, and I tell him that I'll simply quit if he makes me take it off (because I was about to quit anyway, and it'd be a fun way to go... btw, this ought to be my last week!  w00t!).  So he says, "Alright, I'll work it out with them."

It was funny ^_^

Entertainment / V for Vendetta
« on: September 12, 2006, 01:28:41 am »
I was looking forward to seeing this movie... although I always thought it would be kinda more of an action movie: I was pleasantly surprised with one of the better films of 2006 (speaking of which: I'm having a REALLY hard time making my top 10 list this year-- I loved 2005 personally).

It's a very smart drama (with some really awesome scenes centered around violence :P), and pure fun.  I haven't seen a movie this smart since... well, it's been less than a year, but all the same: make no mistake-- this movie is fantastic.

At one point, 'V' (the main character's nickname) starts quoting all these old, well-known philosiphers of government, and associates these attributes with the bad guys (ie. "he believes that the end justifies the means no matter what").  And it's very fun to watch... perfect comedic touches here and there, meaningful, political, philisophical(sp?), and just a whole lot of fun (although I despise the America-bashing... personally while this country isn't perfect, I'm proud to be an American, and I refuse to let others make my nationality diminish who I am).

I'd reccomend this for shizzle.

Now I just have to watch United 93 (just bought the DVD, but haven't seen it yet), and maybe it just may be another classic to end up on my top 10 list for 2006 (I haven't read any reviews for it yet, but it got a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes... so I can't see it turning out badly).

Other Discussion / lol, 'nother fun day
« on: September 07, 2006, 11:58:05 pm »
Well, I'm working on those bajillion definitions, atm (well, not while I'm writing this, but most likely while you're reading this)... and today was another fun day!

So I went to school.  It rocked.  In TV/Video I got the most awesome idea for a movie in which the entire thing would be shot on a blue screen (no: it's not Star Wars Episode III).

In Seminary (that religious class), we had an awesome discussion, and I learned a lot of great things.

In Teen Law, I pwned everyone at debating assisted suicide ( so what if it was only because they were all stupid? >_>;; ).

In Productions company (that drama class), it sucked... I got pissed off that everyone was singing some operah song, and so I told everyone that I hated them...


And at lunch today, I was walking with some friends through the halls, and I saw that one girl that I really liked, and she was with her sister, and she saw me, so she told her sister to turn with her at the hall to the right in front of me (so as to not have to pass me).

Then after my last period, that idiot of an acquantince I have all saw her and called out her name and was like "I made a video today LOL!", and I was like ">_>;;".  I would have said something to her, but she refused to make eye contact with me.

So that was awesome, and I was like "lol @ her" (possum's sarcastic side is back), and then I went to the bank, finally set up that freaking checking account and got a debit card so I don't feel so bad about breaking 20's, and feel better about excessively swiping plastic every time I have the slightest urge to blow money.

And these definitions aren't going to write themselves...

Okay, so perhaps I should stop writing these daily topics about how my day went, but if you're annoyed by them, leave 'em alone: simple.

Other Discussion / Today was a freaking long day...
« on: September 07, 2006, 03:26:17 am »
...so last night I decided to hang out with some friends...

and got back at 11:00 PM.  I was in my room, and going to do my homework, when my mom busted in and started yelling about how it was "soooooooo late".  So I set my alarm for 5:30 so I could at least write my paper, if nothing else.

But a list of 300 definitions of words was due the next day... turns out the teacher was nice, and she'll lemme hand it in for 90% credit if I hand it in before school on Friday (because if not my grade would be an "F" rather quickly.  And my parents freaking wonder why I don't do as well in school when they **** out at me staying up past 6:00 PM (being exaggerative, but pissed off).

So I wrote that paper today, and went to school at 7:30.  In my fourth period psychology class we were discussing how animal testing was so beneficial to us (ie. treatment for diabetes, epilepsy, etc.), and the teacher threw a fit, because I was being so "conservative"/realistic about it (that monkies are in fact, not people), and explained why animal testing was so wrong.  Then he showed us a video on why it's not worth the discomfort of a few monkies to save millions of our lives each year.  Less than 5 minutes into the film, a kid on the other side of the room started having a siezure.

So the teacher was all freaked out (no, I don't think going "are you okay?" will help his siesure stop any faster), and the people lifted him out of his desk and they were all "um... get the school nurse and call 9/11"... and I'm like... "that'll freaking take 5 minutes! ... elevate his legs..."

*pause of confusion on the part of the class and teacher*


So he got out of it pretty quickly after he did that (although the teacher freaked out because he thought he might have thrown up and he had his jaw locked, and couldn't open it... but he was breathing alright).

It was pretty ironic, not neccessarily funny, but I've made up my mind that my initial thoughts on animal testing were 100% correct.

So that was less than 15 minutes before school got out, so after taking care of that I was good to leave.

I ran home, changed and got to work at 3:00.  I got off work at around quarter after 6:00.  Then I went home, changed and went to get my senior pictures taken.  I got home around 8:30.

And here I am now with a bajillion words to define, and it's currently 9:30.

All in all, though... it was a good day :P

Entertainment / So I'm gonna...
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:58:12 am »
...be going on tour in Disney World this winter season (end of February), and I'm going to be taking my camcorder.  I'd like to make some sort of documentary (or better yet: a mocumentary), but I'm not exactly sure the topic (and anyone know about camcorder regulations for airports in the US?) that I should do it on.

I don't want it to be on tourists or something corny like that, because this fall I'm going to be going to the annual Shakesperian Festival (for the western states), and I'll be making some sort of comedy thing there... the hotel manager's gonna hate me good ;D

Entertainment / LOTR Triple dip
« on: August 26, 2006, 03:53:01 am »
I've kinda kept quiet about it for the last month, because it seems like I complain too much about movies and such.

So what do you guys think about the LOTR triple-dip DVD?

Personally I bought the first two editions, the regular (widescreen of course), and the extended.  I may buy these because I love documentarys on film making (the best documentary on film making that you'll ever see is the one on the Star Wars Episode I DVD-- it's better than the actual movie... not too terribly insightful but a blast to watch).

But I've been thinking about all these double dips, and I don't like it.  Black Hawk Down is by far the worst:
1) Regular DVD
2) Superbit DVD
3) 3-disc collector's DVD
4) Extended DVD

And you'll begin to see the problem.  They simply should have released the extended as a fourth disc with the collector's DVD, and switched the original disc (which is the first in the collector's edition) with the superbit version, and you have a solid 4-disc set for $30, instead of an $80 6-disc set.

But I suppose it's how they make money.  What I really don't like though, is how the extended, and "director cut's" are now a selling point for practically everything ("30 seconds of graphic scenes added!  UNRATED DIRECTORS CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!").  I mean, I got the King Arthur Director's, but I would have loved to have had a regular widescreen version along with it, instead of frowning that they only released the original cut with fullscreen (how stupid are the consumers getting?).  And Kingdom of Heaven was another fantastic film, and the director's cut DVD is on my top 10 DVDs list.  But do I buy the original?  I mean, it's a different experience with more special features!  But is it worth the $15?  I'm too much of a collector.  When I find a movie I like, I want all the DVDs. <______<

Chronicles of Narnia, I was smart with though.  I got the widescreen 1-disc version, and true to the Disney standard, they've included the second disc from the collector's edition with the 4-disc "extended" set, so I won't be re-buying a disc.


Other Discussion / I feel like talking about school...
« on: August 26, 2006, 03:38:22 am »
...so you guys getta read this thread (if you choose to accept this mission :o).

Okay, lemme start with my "A" days.  First I have:
1) TV/Video Production - this year I'm an advanced student and so I get to just shoot film.  pretty neat class.
2) Seminary - a religious class that I don't actually get school credit for (it's specific to my religion), just off campus (meaning about 10 feet away from the school... yeah, it's a state-specific thing ;p).
3) Teen Law and Society - pretty fun.  nothing but debates, law, and politics.
4) Productions Company - an audition drama class.  this class is fun, because everyone likes me, although I can't say that singing and dancing is my favorite (although I'm going to sing a Ryan Cabrera song for the talent show this year), but I like the regular plays that we put on, and most of the people are pretty cool.  I guess the reason drama's so fun for me, is the positive reaction I get from people.  most of you have called me an attention !@#$% at one point or another, and it's 100% true.  I love attention, and this class makes me feel like a star, simply because I'm the guy everyone laughs at/with (wow the way I phrased that was awkward) in class.  I've always been like that in my drama classes.  everyone from my drama 2 class remembers me as being the "class clown" (a respectful class clown, mind you), and they all seemed to like me.  same with BRAVO (the audition drama class I took in 9th grade), and the two I took leading up to that in Jr. High (yes, another weird thing - 9th grade is with Jr. High over here).

Now for my b-days:
1) AP Environmental Science - to get my college applications looking *really* good, I need to take a science every year starting with 9th grade.  I took everything except physics, and so I decided to go AP with environmental science simply because it's what affects me the most, and is probably the most interesting science for me (global warming, litering... all that fun stuff ;p).
2) AP Government and Politics - need I say anything other than "perfect class"? :P
3) AP US History - I love history, and it's my third year having this teacher, and she freaking rocks (but she's a center-left liberal :P).
4) Psychology - It's kinda awkward to have so many social studies classes.  Meh, whatever.

Anyway, I'm surprised how many people remember how many awesome times we had last year.  In one of my classes last year, they called me Jafar (don't ask-- long story), and some people still call me that, and I have a lot of old friends in my classes, and I plan on making a lot of new ones (because a lot of these people are pretty cool).  Between that and my work, I think I'll be pretty good about having friends again ^_^

So yes, optimism.  It's my theme if you haven't noticed.  And work's made me a lot of friends.  A lot of people who I didn't really think were my friends last year, have been acting (with my first 3 days of school this week) as if they were (which is always good), and I'm even starting to hang out with some of my old friends.

I think I'm going to be able to keep my job at the movie theatre, but I'm still a bit unsure at this point.  The problem is that I'm taking three AP classes, with two other hard classes, and a drama class that takes tons of out of school time (I even get to perform in Disney World-- I hope that I don't mess up in front of Mickey Mouse), and so I'll have hardly any time for hanging out and dating, or ZFGC (nah, I say that but there's no way I can't have time for freaking ZFGC).

Anyhow, if I DO keep my job, I'll review every wide-release movie starting in September (The Wicker Man will be my first review), although I'm not going to be going to the previews anymore, because I can't afford to be staying up until 4 in the morning every week.

The only thing that would make my life better is parents that don't despise me, and either getting together with this girl, or getting over her once and for all.

This optimism thing is really working out for me-- except this girl.  I haven't spoken to her in 2 years, I rarely see her (and even then it's just a glance as she walks down the hall).  So it's kinda awkward, and really dumb that I can't just simply move on.  (after all, it's been about 2 1/2 years since everything got all screwed up)

So yeah.  ^_^

Other Discussion / Why can't ZFGC read?
« on: August 17, 2006, 11:26:02 pm »
I mean seriously.  You people can't read a darn thing.  I post a link, and not only is the content misinterpreted, and read wrong (although I'm more lenient with that, because English isnt' some people's native language), and some people just skip over it entirely.

This happens in 80% of the threads I post.

So I guess I'll quit freaking posting.  My gosh, you all are so negative towards me.  Call it a superiority complex, but I can't stand all of you who relentlessly will do whatever it takes to be opposite of my opinion.  Can't we be reasonable?  I mean, at least Pyru and I agree sometimes, but you people have hated me ever since z3.

On the bright side, I had quite a nice day today.  See ya. ;p

Debates / CP80 - A new legislation that has the solution to pornography.
« on: August 17, 2006, 06:00:46 pm »
My dad's friend worked on the legislation (I even have a copy of the draft... fun stuff ^_^), and so he brought me home a T-shirt about it, which provides the address to the web site for it:


Orin Hatch will be cosponsoring the bill.  The reason that this bill's so ingenious, is that it actually INCREASES freedom, instead of diminishes it.  We have freedom of speech, and freedom from it.

The only reason someone would be against this bill is if they were a child predator (that said, I posted it here, to see if I could put anyone on my hit list), because it allows you to keep legal porn, it just wouldn't be avaliable on port 80, so the anonymnoty(sp?) is abolished, and law enforcement would be able to crack down on porn, piracy, etc., etc. much easier.  Not only that, but it would be the ultimate filter, because people could choose between different packages from their ISP, and if they only wanted port 80, then they could ensure that their child stays away from pornography (and any porn that did pop up would be cracked down on, and the server would get screwed by the FBI).

Or if you want the "adult content package" or "I'm a helpless addict that's better off being locked away for the benefit of society package" you can still have them.

Other Discussion / How to stop from dreaming...
« on: August 14, 2006, 11:03:24 pm »
...yes, I don't want to have any more dreams, and I was wondering if anyone knew any tricks that would make it less likely for me to have a dream.

I've come up with two methods that aren't working very well:
1. Don't sleep - I'm exhausted already, and caffeine hardly phases me.
2. Don't think - I'm posting this topic... I think that would categorize this as a failure.

Entertainment / The Animatrix
« on: August 14, 2006, 05:59:07 pm »
So I was bored, and thought I'd make a topic just for the heck of it.  So I thought I'd talk about how I loathed and hated the Animatrix.

I mean, I loved the three movies... yes all of them, and I loved the Final Flight of the Osiris, but as for the Animatrix: I hated it.  I watched "The Second Rennasiance Part I".  It was disgusting, explicit, graphic (much like "A Scanner Darkly" was, for those "lucky" few of you who got to see it in it's limited theatrical screening), and I hated it.  Never bothered to watch any of the others except Final Flight of the Osiris.  Are there any other good ones that wouldn't freak someone sheltered like me?

Entertainment / Snakes on a Plane is rated...
« on: August 12, 2006, 01:26:27 am »
R for language, a scene of sexuality, and some other stuff.

So what do you guys think of this?  I think that they've excluded the only audience dumb enough to make this into a summer blockbuster (the 13-17 audience)... and I think it'll show.

Actually I'd like to see it, aside from all the stupid hype based off of virtually no information released about the movie (until the new trailer that came out yesterday).

So we'll see how it does.  My opinion?  It'll probably be a flop, and probably suck.  But we'll see, won't we? :)

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