A very sad day for the entire world.
The amount of people's hearts he touched...
He achieved so much and influenced so many in such a short amount of time.
It truly is a huge, huge loss.
He really was a very big part of what makes Nintendo Nintendo, and not just because he was president. He was far more the face of Nintendo, just like Mario, always loving to work on the front lines, never hiding at the top of it all, always just being true to his heart of a gamer and enjoying this industry together with us, while putting more smiles on more and more peoples faces every day. That is what he lived his life for, and he absolutely loved it.
The web overflowing with peoples stories and comments about him just show how amazing a person he really was.
Thankfully, because of all of this, this heart of his is going to be sticking around for a very, very long time, being very much rooted in Nintendo and the very idea of what makes games games.
It really is a great pleasure to be a part of the world that Iwata-san lived his days to the fullest in and helped shape certain parts of.
He will be greatly missed.