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Messages - Lunar

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Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 21, 2011, 04:04:35 am »
I've lost faith in the whole idea. It's obvious that the people in charge want to part in any sort of change, so it's not even worth arguing.

4Sword, if you ever have a change of heart, let me know.

Entertainment / Re: I have a bad case of nostalgia
« on: March 09, 2011, 02:49:30 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7RPY-oiDAQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7RPY-oiDAQ</a>


Graphics / Re: Zelda's Custom Tiles
« on: March 08, 2011, 12:29:19 pm »
Great stuff. But it's a pain to search through 20+ pages just to see all your work, could you edit all the content you posted in this thread, into your original post?

Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 06, 2011, 06:22:21 am »
Loads of text

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. In the first two paragraphs you seem to be supporting the notion of a change in the management. But in your later text, you seem to be saying "It's not worth it, just give up". So what exactly are you trying to say?

Yeah, it would be simpler to just make a new forum. But the community and culture is already well established here. I'm not throwing these ideas out there because I'm trying to get into Indie game dev. I'm trying to reinvigorate the old community that I remember, while drawing in new members to strengthen our ranks and keep the forum alive.

The reason I'm interested in game dev, at least in relation to this forum, is that I want to be able to give something back to the community. I'm kind of a hypocrite if I'm saying "We need more active users making content!" while giving nothing in return myself. I want to contribute.

You're right, there's nobody in staff who can make this work. But there are people who are pushing these ideas (not necessarily saying myself) who can make it work, and who want to make it work. The amount of apathy in management is astounding. The attitude seems to be that of "the captain(s) must go down with the ship". Well, you can sit there and drown, but I'm going to be bailing the water out until we go down.

(Note: I don't specifically mean YOU, Mammy, just the management in general)

Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 09:09:05 pm »
The "we" and "this will be a whole new era" parts. No offense meant though.

Not sure what you mean by the "we" part.. I'm just referring to the community as a whole.

As far as a whole new era, I think that's what "we" need. A revolution, to stir up interest and ambition. I'm only suggesting one method, feel free to come up with your own, if you support change of some kind.

If we just continue down the same path we are on, we're heading towards inevitable death. I've literally grown up on this forum. When I was in my early teens, this was my home. I had no friends in real life, and the people I've met here have made a real, profound impact on my life, and who I am. I don't want to see something that impacted me in such a way just slowly die because nobody wants to take the time or effort and give it another shot at life.

I'm willing to commit and volunteer my time to improve my forum, our forum, in any way that I can.

Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:21:02 pm »
I believe you are getting a little ahead of yourself there.

In what way?

Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:00:45 pm »
I think it's a great one, but Zelda doesn't draw as much as say... Pokemon. That's why a place like Pokecommunity is alive and still huge with it's ROM hacks and fan games,

I agree, which is why I suggest we widen our scope by changing our name to something along the lines of Nintendo Fan Game Central. We'd  be including all Nintendo IPs: Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby Donkey Kong, the whole package. The combined fanbase for all those games (and fan games) adds up to a lot more than just the limited Zelda games that we've set for ourselves.

In end... what's there to lose? Your staff position or post count?

It would seem so. This is about what is best for the future of the forum, there is no room for ego anymore. A staff member with no forum to moderate, might as well not be a moderator at all.

A good place to start, as has been suggested, is to wipe the forums, and keep all the old content in an archive somewhere, so it isn't lost. This will be the start of a new era for ZFGC, and while we want to build on the success of years previous, we also want a fresh start, with fresh ideas and content. The easiest way to achieve this, is a wipe.

Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 07:53:41 am »
All Zelda Games, like real ones that Nintendo is making? We could i guess, Though it would be kind of mean to go from Skyward sword to Walking Demo 2 or Ocarina of Time: Navi's Revenge. Might be better to start with the crappy CDi- games when going right to fangames, it will make the fangames look so much better in comparison.

If ZFGC did put it on youtube, how would we collect all those internet dollars?

I've been thinking on it, maybe it would be worth changing the name of this forum to "Nintendo Fan Game Central". That widens our scale drastically, while keeping Zelda Fan Gaming firmly within the scope. Thus, the essence of the forum isn't lost! I'm sure the combined fan games of Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Metroid, etc etc add up to quite a bit.

As far as Internet Dollars, are you referring to revenue generated by YouTube's partner program? Well, it probably wouldn't amount to a massive sum, unless the forum exploded in some way we can't fathom. The full profit would just go to improving the website, rather than into the pockets of the staff.

(If I'm misinterpreting you, sorry.)

Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 07:30:31 am »
In all honesty, how many Zelda fan games even deserve video reviews? Not trying to be mean and !@#$% all over the idea, but how many fangames out there are really past the walking demo stages? I'm not even sure how big Zelda Fan gaming in general is anymore. Is it big enough to warrent video reviews of random fan games? It takes time for people to throw together video reviews, edit in gameplay, etc.

Then you gotta think about hosting, i doubt the videos would be hosted on the ZFGC server, that would cost bandwidth, and with the current state of affairs it would most likely provide, none to little return profit to pay for the extra hosting the videos would take up. We could host them off site, on say Youtube, but then would ZFGC be getting a central youtube account?

I meant more than just focusing on Zelda Fan Games, we could give news on -ALL- Zelda games, and -ALL- indie games. But we would still retain the primary focus on Zelda Fan Games, as long as they're still being made.

As far as the videos, why not on YouTube? Seems simple enough.

Feedback / Re: Death of ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 07:27:08 am »
It could all be in vain, but I have an optimistic feeling regarding the possible future of ZFGC. That's kind of a big deal for somebody as generally negative and cynical as me.

More than anything it's nostalgia. A longing for the ZFGC that I remember fondly, years ago. We'll never be there again, but you can't blame me for wanting to give it a shot.

Feedback / Re: Death of ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 07:16:05 am »
Let's just lie down and accept it. That is a much better idea, right?

Coding / Re: Programming Q & A Round II
« on: March 05, 2011, 06:18:49 am »
What I meant was, could you take something like this:

And convert everything about this object, into a script? That way you could design something in Drag and Drop, then see what it looks it in script. That would make it easy to learn the basics in Drag and Drop, then transition over to GML when you understand the basic concepts.

Feedback / Re: Revamping ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 06:13:42 am »
I'm definitely not interested in having people -specifically- from DA, or a bunch of pokekids swarming the forums. The community here seems like it's pretty good at the moment, if small.

Quote from: Porkchop
If it were up to me, I'd drop the Zelda Fan Game Central name and just keep it as ZFGC with no meaning, shift the focus a little bit. Plus all that other stuff that we suggested back. I'd still like to see a merge with GDU, which I think would be nice, no matter who's running it. >_>

Indeed.. I think we'll always be a Zelda forum in spirit, since that seems to be the one single, unifying interest that all members of this board share, to some degree. We'll also need to retain the (Fan)Game-development aspect, otherwise we would just become another Zelda forum and new members would be even less interested.

How about starting to report on News across the gaming community, with a strong focus on Zelda and indie content? We'd maintain our focus, and people would have another reason to visit the site if they weren't immediately interested in posting on the forum. They'd come for the content, eventually check out the forums, and with any luck try it out.

Then there's the question of "What would make our News blog any more interesting than any other?". I think it come down to style. We could post video reviews on fan games that come out, with humorous (but light-hearted) critique from the members of the forum. We could also incorporate humor into our text news / reviews. Humor finds a larger audience than just plain old news, the people who want that would visit the larger, commercial sites. As well, the humor would attract a friendlier crowd, rather than just somebody who signed up to tell us how much our opinion sucked.

It also appears to me that our forum is greatly overstaffed. 50% of the active members are Mods or Admins. The issue with this, is that, for one it's unnecessary, the forum in it's current state requires very minimal moderation. The second, is that to a newcomer, a Staff member might not seem very approachable, even intimidating. When half of the active posters are in a position of authority, people might be scared to reply. It could appear to them that this is a very tight-knit group of friends who aren't interested in outsiders or newcomers. A new poster will be more inclined to give feedback to another member, rather than a staff member if they think they might be easily punished by such a large force of Mods.

Obviously, our staff as far as Administation and Moderation is filled quite nicely. But, I would be more than happy to provide my services to the forum in some other way. I could help our blog if need be.

I'm also quite adequate with Tech issues, I'm starting school in September in a course for System Administration, though my true passion lies in repairing PC hardware / software, as well as diagnosing general, moderate issues.

I'm just spitting out ideas as they come. The more ideas we can come up with, the better.

Quote from: Porkchop
I do care about ZFGC even though at times I may not show it, but seeing the place as it is, really sucks, and even if things are difficult, it would be nice for a change.

I returned mostly out of nostalgia. I wanted to see how many old veterans remained here, I expected mostly "Who are you?" replies, what I got was a pretty positive response. I was worried that people would remember me poorly, as I wasn't always the best person (in fact I was a complete shitter for a while there). There's obviously deeply embedded camaraderie and memories in everybody who remains here. We're hanging onto that relic of our past, the glory days of ZFGC when our forum was thriving with activity and culture. I just will not accept "The forum is slowly dying, accept it", without a fight. Maybe it's in vain, but I'm willing to give it one last try to breathe some life into this place. It'll be a sad day when I type "www.ZFGC.com" into my browser, and get a 404 message.

I think we can pull a few more glorious years out of our asses, if we play our cards right.

Coding / Re: Programming Q & A Round II
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:48:02 am »
Is there a way to take a list of events from GM in drag-and-drop mode, and convert them into a script?

That would help -TREMENDOUSLY- in learning GML.

Feedback / Re: Death of ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:14:48 am »
It only bothers me when people who complain about the state of the forum aren't doing anything to make it better; examples of how to do that would be to post in project/resource topics or to make your own. And yeah, I know I haven't posted some code stuff in a while I too have been busy but really if anyone wants to help make this place better then be proactive and be the change you want to see in this place.

I'm learning GML at the moment. I am also thinking of learning how to compose music for games. Along with that, I am a fairly decent pixel artist at times. As soon as I can contribute useful content to the site, I will.

Feedback / Re: Death of ZFGC
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:32:02 am »
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

2001(?) - 2011

Maybe melodrama is a better word to use.

Or "humor"!

Feedback / Re: Death of ZFGC
« on: March 04, 2011, 11:29:59 pm »
"20 Guests, 8 Users"
Thats more than the "0" I normally see!

I wonder why this site only gets activity when topics like this are posted. Are ZFGC'iens just to addicted to drama? Does the site die without it?

Tune in next week to find out!

This is drama? That wasn't the intention.. I think of drama threads as being specifically ones with raging emotions and / or name-calling.

Feedback / Re: Death of ZFGC
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:09:00 pm »
Wow, a drama topic.
I don't know, everytime ZFGC has had a silent phase things have always turned out good one way or another. I wouldn't worry too much. We just need a boost of somekind :P

Well, if you look at the statistics on the front page you can see an undeniable, unprecedented drop in forum activity. Perhaps the lowest it has ever been.

Discussion / Re: Your ideal "ZFGC" dev team?
« on: March 04, 2011, 01:35:22 am »

EDIT: I wouldn't mind having imfletcher along as co-writer/scenario designer. He rules and is honestly a better writer than I am.

I'm like that.. I'm good at creating ideas and vast plotlines and characters, situations, etc.. But when it comes to actually putting it into readable prose on paper, I'm garbage.. at least by higher standards.

I'm too overly descriptive and technical in my writing, I have so many complex ideas and visuals in my mind that it's impossible to put them into words without boring my reader. Shame.

Discussion / Re: Your ideal "ZFGC" dev team?
« on: March 03, 2011, 08:54:09 pm »
My best skills would lie in the following fields:

-Story writing / ideas
-Game design

I am also an adequate spriter.

EDIT: Misread the post, guess I can't nominate myself. DJVenom is a great pixel artist. Porkchop for making ridiculous, semi-abstract videos about the game on YouTube.

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