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Messages - xero

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Discussion / Re: Your tales of weird programming randomness
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:35:19 pm »
I once made a script that connected to IRC and joined a channel. When I went to test it out, some friends of mine decided to force my test user to talk using their powers. I was freaked out at first, wondering how my script that was only designed to connect to IRC and join a channel was talking. Then I realized it was them playing a joke on me. And to think, I thought I invented a cool script that somehow evolved into a chat bot.

On another note, I made an infinite loop once. It was pretty epic. The result: Pi. Yeah, I made a program to calculate Pi through an infinite loop. Though it was only accurate up to about 50 digits... I need a better way of calculating Pi.

Security holes can also be fun when dealing with online scripts. You have no clue how much fun me and my friends have testing out our scripts and searching other scripts for security holes. Some of them can be quite entertaining.

Recruitment / Re: What are somethings needed before forming a Team?
« on: July 31, 2009, 09:26:13 am »
There isn't a single correct answer to this question. I guess the biggest question you should be asking yourself, as project manager, is what positions will you need to complete your project and how are you going to attract potential team members. If you have a talented group of friends willing to help you complete your project, you are set. Although most developers have talented friends, they are generally too busy on their own projects, so sometimes it is better to seek outside help. The most important thing to remember when forming a team is that quality developers are looking for people that show proficiency in their presentation skills. In other words, you must be able to display your ideas and content in a way that will attract potential developers.

Before looking for dedicated developers to help you create your project, you should have a well-written plot, description of the major elements in the game (especially those that you will need help creating), notable progress on the game engine (not a simple walking engine), mockup screenshots displaying the graphical style (if you have artistic talent), and any other information that could help attract potential developers. If this seems like a lot of work, then perhaps game development is not where you should focus your talent. Before starting a large project such as designing a game, you should always consider the option of joining a team that already exists. One major problem with no-budget game development in general is that there are already too many projects in development for each new project to find it's own team of dedicated developers. This is why it is important to present your project such that it attracts potential developers.

Right now you are focused on designing a fan game, however if you find a team that you work well together with, you should consider listening to their project ideas and form a more permanent group of developers. That is considering you have the time and dedication to continue developing games.

Feedback / Re: What Do I Do?
« on: April 15, 2009, 03:10:13 am »

It seems like there is way too many complaints about this forum recently, when the site staff and administration have been doing everything in their power to keep this place alive. This community is not what it used to be, but people need to realize that the administration is not able to correct the problems this community is facing by themselves alone, especially when the active members are simply causing more problems than they are creating.

If you want to leave, that is your personal choice. If you decide to stay, I hope that you can make peace with the site staff; more drama is something that this community does not need.


Recruitment / Re: [Recuiting] Spriter for Contest #9
« on: April 14, 2009, 03:04:25 am »
If you need any more help, I would be glad to help considering I have faith that you will actually complete your submission.

Other Projects / Re: qForum
« on: April 14, 2009, 02:58:43 am »
It's very hard to base a project on a single screenshot, but it looks very incomplete from what I can see. Not as if that is a bad thing, a project such as this takes a lot of time and dedication to make. Your theme seems a bit basic, but excellent for a WIP forum under development; it seems to include everything that it should without being excessively difficult to manage. What are some of the planned features of this forum system, and are you planning on releasing it to the public or using it for personal websites?

I'm sorry I can't offer much more than this without either a demo or the source code. I would be interested in helping test it whenever you do finally get a beta version out though. Good luck finishing the beta demo.

Discussion / Re: Sphere "RPG"
« on: April 09, 2009, 04:14:14 am »
I tried using Sphere back when it was still fairly early in development, and it was challenging. I eventually gave up trying to make a game with it. I hope that since then, it has become more user friendly. I have heard that it can make some pretty amazing games though.

Discussion / Re: Action Game Maker
« on: April 09, 2009, 01:37:37 am »
When I read "Enterbrain's latest game editor," I figured that it would be another poor attempt at creating a game editor. However this actually seems like the most flexible game editor that they have produced. Quite frankly, I am surprised. It will be interesting to see just how flexible this editor truly is as time progresses, and if it will compete with Game Maker.

Has anybody downloaded the trial yet? I'm curious to see how much the engine allows you to change from their basic game types. The website doesn't seem to do a very good job showing it's key development features. For all I know this could be far less advanced then it appears to be from a few images.

Coding / Re: Wrap around map in GM?
« on: April 07, 2009, 01:40:46 am »
I know that it is possible as I've seen it done before in Game Maker, I'm just not sure how to make one since I don't use it. One potential method for accomplishing this would be by loading the map and objects on it as they come near view, rather than loading the entire map at once, and when the script comes to the "edge" of your defined area, it loops around.

I'm sorry that I can't be of more help than this. I hope that someone with more Game Maker experience can better answer this question or that my suggestion helps you. If you need any help or want me to further explain my suggestion, just let me know. I'd be more than happy to try and help, I just can't promise anything.

My only advice is to do what you want to do. Don't focus too much on what a community wants and expects from you. Too many projects don't get completed because they focus too much on what a community wants rather than what they personally want. This community has seen what you are able to accomplish, and it would be a shame to see such talent go to waste.

No matter which option you choose, you will still have the continual support from everyone at this community.

Graphics / Re: Graphics of my game
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:50:44 am »
I used to be a graphical artist, and I never found anybody who was actually able to complete a simple walking engine, let alone an entire game. Not only that, but they constantly yelled at me about how I wasn't producing enough artwork for the game when I told them I wanted to see proof of their abilities through a walking engine before I would simply hand over mass amounts of my original work. If per chance a serious team forms from this, I wouldn't mind assisting in the graphical production.

Back on topic. I think that you have created a beautiful, yet simplistic style of graphics for your game. Too bad you don't plan on continuing it, I would have loved to see a game completed in this graphical style.

Entertainment / Re: For all the things the 360 does right...
« on: April 03, 2009, 09:06:02 am »
Obviously every gaming console is going to have it's strengths and weaknesses. Nintendo has done an excellent job at making the Wii backwards compatible.

What I don't understand is why the PlayStation 3 is no longer backwards compatible. Honestly, I would rarely play the original PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games if my PlayStation 3 was not backwards compatible. It's almost as if the gaming companies want us to forget about older generation games.

I see no reason why a console should not be backwards compatible if the game data is stored on media the current console can read. I presume there could be some issues with hardware, but the Nintendo was able to create an excellent backwards-compatible console.

I'm curious to find out what the next generation gaming consoles are going to be like. Console developers have been researching many new and unique ideas to the industry recently, and it will be interesting to see how many of those become integrated in their consoles.

Updates / Re: What Changes Do You Want?
« on: April 03, 2009, 02:09:47 am »
There are many reasons why I am not an active member of this community anymore, but most of which has nothing to do with the community itself.

I guess I originally joined this community because I, like many others, was a huge fan of TRM's Ocarina of Time 2d project. That was what initially motivated me to join this community, yet oddly enough I became more active when ZFGC became more focused on individual projects as opposed to one single game. Why? Honestly, I can't say for sure. There were many established fan communities that I could have just as easily joined.

But I can answer the reason why I became an inactive member of this community.

The primary reason I lost interest in this forum was my loss of interest in the Zelda series, and gaming in general. This community has always been big on fan game development, especially when it comes to the Zelda series. I enjoyed being an active member here, but I grew tired of how projects here never got finished. The community has always had some form of general discussion forums, but their activity seems to come and go. Obviously this community is going to remain focused on the Legend of Zelda, so what I would like to see is a place to discuss the series, as opposed to the fan games. The only problem with this idea is that it seems to be difficult to keep general discussions about a series on topic.

Another factor in my declined activity is keeping up with my education and job. I find that I rarely have free time to browse online websites and forums anymore; even now I should be finishing some homework. Again, this is an issue that the community, nor the administrators, can do anything about. It's just one of those things we all must do.

I guess a third reason why I'm not very active here anymore is because I feel detached from the community. I doubt anybody here remembers me from the good ol' days of ZFGC, aside from a select few who aren't active members of the forums.

I guess the important question, however, is what would make me a more active member of this community. And to that, I don't have an answer. Most of the reasons why I am not an active member have nothing to do with the community or the members, but rather my loss of interest in Fan Games and Zelda development; the core of this community.

I'm not sure if I will ever be an active member of this community again. But I do know one thing; this was amongst my favorite communities back in the day, and I'll never forget it. I hope that no matter what happens, this community remains true to the Zelda series. I would hate to see one of my favorite communities of old change because they feel a more general community would attract more members. It never was about the number of members. It was about the dedication our community had to the Zelda series.

Entertainment / Re: Gamestop sucks
« on: March 08, 2009, 08:58:36 am »
Oh my god, I know what you mean. I went to GameStop the day after the Wii was released and they were sold out! Can you believe those idiots? I'm never shopping there again!


Entertainment / Re: Do better graphics really matter to you?
« on: February 10, 2009, 03:10:00 am »
Graphics are a huge factor in how well a game was developed, in my honest opinion. But with that, I must state that both of the screen shots posted are beautiful in their own way. Each demonstrates a unique style, where every pixel (or in the case of the first game, ASCII character) fits well together.

My biggest problem with game graphics are when developers throw a bunch of random graphics together for their game that look horrible together. For example, a Game-Boy style Link would look horrible with Minish Cap tiles and Link to the Past NPC's.

Games are artwork too. Personally, I wouldn't mind outdated graphics (2d or 3d) as long as they fit a specific style.

Zelda Projects / Re: Legend: A Link to the Past MMO
« on: February 05, 2009, 05:04:40 pm »
I actually have quite a bit to say about this project. Please don't get me wrong, I love to see "screenshots" of games with "progress", but I am going to be honest regarding what I see in this project and how you represent yourself and the project within this thread.

From what I see, you have very little information about the project. We understand that it is an online version of a Link to the Past, but it would be helpful if you provide information as to how far into development this project is, how many people are currently working on it, and what you have personally done on the project. Instead, the only information you provide us with how far into development is, and I thank you for being honest here, not very far.

If you are looking for help on a project, I find the best to get help is by presenting your project to the public and asking politely for assistance. Seeing as these are your first posts here, you came here with one objective: to find members willing to join your "workforce." I'm not going to criticize you about this, but it does help if you get to know a community before demanding help, and because honestly, it's not the fact that you are looking for help on your failing project that annoys me so much as how you go about asking for help.

It feels like this thread is not about your project, but rather about criticizing our community and every dedicated, hard-working member here. I find it ironic that you claim to have made progress on your project, when in reality the people who have created walking engines have done more work on their projects than you.

I could continue to dissect his post, but I have some work that I need to get done. Again, please realize that these are my own personal observations and opinions about his post and that nothing I say is meant to be offensive toward the project or developers. They are only intended to help the developers create successful threads in the future.

Other Discussion / Re: Aaah
« on: December 10, 2008, 05:44:52 am »
You probably don't want to hear this, but I too would say ditch the lube, especially if you want your gift to be meaningful. If you really want to get him a massage, then instead of giving him lube, give him a gift certificate.

If you really want to give him something meaningful, then give him something that shows how much your relationship means to him. I've gotten a more meaningful gift then that from a girl whom I was only with for a month and a half, and that says a ton.

Remember, it's never about how much you get him, but rather what you get him. Sometimes the simplest things make for the best presents. It all depends.

But know this: you'll have to live with how he interprets your presents for the rest of your time together. I guess the whole point is, be careful what you get him and make sure you don't ruin it.

And if you really want to be sincere about your gift, then don't ask a forum. He's not MY boyfriend, he's YOURS.

Graphics / Re: A sprite I've been working on...ish
« on: August 06, 2008, 01:44:48 am »
The extremely tiny body was more of a joke, since I don't know how attacking something in front of you would work. The head would cover everything up.

Graphics / Re: A sprite I've been working on...ish
« on: August 06, 2008, 01:16:29 am »
I'm sorry, I forgot I had kept all the different versions of him on there. The zoomed image is an old sprite used as a reference. It's the heads that I'm more concerned about, and trying to find a decent body size for them.

Graphics / A sprite I've been working on...ish
« on: August 05, 2008, 09:57:22 pm »

This is my first pixel art in about 6 years, so it has been pretty difficult for me. It was originally going to be for a Proof-of-Concept browser MMORPG programmed in only php and JavaScript, but I fear that I am not skilled enough to complete this sprite...

Anyways, I would appreciate comments and criticism, especially if it can help me create a decent body for the head and make the different directions look more natural.

If you're interested in the project, please feel free to let me know. I just don't want to publicly post information about it at this time.

Discussion / Re: Don't hurt me...I went C...and DirectX >.>
« on: July 02, 2008, 10:05:02 pm »
Funny how performance tests have proven time after time that there is not a significant speed difference between OpenGL and DirectX. The only real advantage of using OpenGL over DirectX is the fact that OpenGL is more platform independent. Both libraries are excellent and have a lot of documentation so that you can easily learn to use them. It's up to the programmer to decide which one to use.

You can't fail with OpenGL. It's insignificantly faster than DirectX and more platform independent. It has enough documentation and tutorials that learning it should not be a problem. But if you would rather have a library that contains all essentials for game development and do not care about your projects being platform independent, than by all means DirectX is probably a better choice.

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