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Messages - TheRealMethuselah

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18]
Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:54:34 am »
Enlarging brain huh? Cromagnon had a brain size of 1600 cc, some 200 cc larger than the average modern human

Debates / Is President Bush a good president?
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:53:13 am »
Putting aside all of the left-wing, liberal, atheistic agenda for a few minutes and actually focusing on the true politics of what Mr. Bush has done during his presidency. Do you think he has done a good job or not?

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:43:19 am »
Another example used by evolutionists on "the genetic similarity between man and ape", is the presence of 48 chromosomes in chimpanzees and gorillas versus 46 chromosomes in man.Evolutionists regard the closeness of the number of chromosomes as indication of an evolutionary relationship. However, if this logic used by evolutionists were valid, then man would have an even closer relative than the chimpanzee: "the potato"!. Because the number of chromosomes in potatoes is the same as that of man: 46

These examples confirm that the concept of genetic similarity does not constitute evidence for the theory of evolution. This is because the genetic similarities are not in line with the alleged evolutionary schemes, and on the contrary, yield completely opposite results.

Where is this 98% idea coming from? I've seen 96, 97, 98, 99% on other sites... it seems to me they are just making the numbers up as they go.

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:34:48 am »
In fact the human and a grain of wheat share about 27% of the same DNA structure - the earthworm far more.

For example, the genetic analyses published in New Scientist have revealed a 75 % similarity between the DNAs of nematode worms and man

In reality, the 98 % similarity between human and chimpanzee genes, which now and then enters the agenda, is a propaganda-oriented slogan deliberately invented years ago. This similarity is an extraordinarily exaggerated generalisation grounded on the similarity in the amino acid sequences of some 30-40 basic proteins present in man and the chimpanzee. A sequence analysis has been made with a method named "DNA hybridization" on the DNA sequences that are correlated with these proteins and only those limited number of proteins have been compared.

However there are about one hundred thousand genes, and therefore one hundred thousand proteins encoded by these genes in humans. For that reason, there is no scientific basis for claiming that all the genes of man and ape are 98% similar just because of the similarity in 40 out of 100,000 proteins.

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 01:40:52 am »
Quote from: Swiftu
If this response were a valid challenge to evolution, it would equally invalidate creationism and Christianity, since they are based on events that nobody alive today has witnessed
Why do you keep bringing religion into this debate... this debate was not "Evolution vs Creation", it was "Evolution Fact or Theory"... Stick with what you know swiftu.

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 12:04:19 am »
Quote from: Limey
Well, dogs didn't exist in dinosaur times, how did they come to exist today?  Evolution is the only scientifically backed up theory as far as I know.  (I'm not saying evolution is fact btw)
How do you know that Dog's and even humans did not exists in the 'Dinosaur Times'? Were you there, was any scientist there to observe?

I'm not discounting adaptation over many years, I am discounting the macroevolutionary 'THEORY'. But yes, I do believe in God.

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 22, 2006, 11:50:42 pm »
I won't use 'God' as an answer. I believe in 'types' as there are types of animals which I consider species... Dog (which includes Chihuahuas and Mastiffs) they are still Dogs even though they are very disimilar. There are Cats (from the domestic house cat to the large Jungle cats like a Tiger) they are still Cats. I don't believe that a Dog will ever turn into a Cat. And I do not believe that an Ape turned into a Man either.

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 22, 2006, 11:43:41 pm »
There has never been proof of a transitional species (something turning into something else). I do believe in microevolution (adaptation) and change over time, but I do not believe in macroevolution (a species changing into another species) and neither did Darwin. A lot of scientists have realised that for evolution to be a viable 'fact' they have to show transitional species and yet in the fossil records there are none... not one.

On topic though, in Creationism, humans were created in God's image, so they are in that sense to be considered perfect.
There is something we believe in called the FALL of man, where he was cast from a perfect existence into an imperfect existence, but let's not make this a religious debate.

My point is that there is no link between any species to any other species that is why they call it "The Missing Link"...

Other Discussion / For all kids of the 80's
« on: May 22, 2006, 04:17:33 pm »
Sing this in the tune of "We didn't start the Fire"

Skinny Ties and Rubik's Cube, CNN was on the tube
Cinemax and HBO, Miami Vice and Cosby Show

IZOD, Benetton, Clapper Off and Clapper On
Stirrup pants and Sun in Hair, Flipped up colars everywhere

Mr. T and Hulk Hogan, "Where's the beef?" was the slogan
Pee-Wee Herman, Polly Shore, Commodore 64

Milli Vanilla was a Fake, Strawberry Shortcake
Cabbage Patch and Care Bears, Aquanet and Mullet Hair

Dan's Gonna Play the 80's, All Weekend Long
Song after Song

Z. Cavaricci, Centipede, O.P.
Space Invaders all day long, Member's Only, Donkey Kong

Banana clips and Bolo Ties, Rayban glasses on your eyes
Big Bands, Spandex, Tops, Starters, Beta Max

Leg Warmers, Tom Cruise, Huey Luis and the News
Tom Hanks, Nick Cage, Valley Girl was all the rage

Live Aid, Hearing Aid, "We Are The World" in Band Aid
The fallin' of the Berlin Wall, Tiffany would play a mall

Dan's Gonna Play the 80's, All Weekend Long
Song after Song

Purple Rain, Rain Man, Ferris Bueller's master plan
Goonies and the Gremlins, Breakfast Club and Manikin
Less Than Zero, Top Gun, Ghostbuster's, Midnight Run
Caddy Shack and Footloose, Weird Science, Beetlejuice

Chevy Chase and John Candy, Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy
Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Ollie North busted lyin'

Michael Jackson had a nose, Sly Stallone was takin' blows
Patrick Swayze acts so phoney, Phoebe Cates and **** *****

Girls on Film, Duran Duran
A Flock of Seaguls, Iran
O Mickey, Your So fine, Call 867-5309

Adam Ant was lookin' Fly, but quickly had to say goodbye
The Go-Gos said their lips were sealed, Where's Rick Springfield

Madonna was a Lucky Star, DeLorean he made a car
Kajagoogoo had a hit, but didn't stick around for it
Men At Work and ABC, Billy Squier was Strokin' Me

Money for nothing, Chicks for Free
God I want my MTV!

Dan's Gonna Play the 80's, All Weekend Long
Song after Song

Discussion / Re: What program Language does Nintendo
« on: May 18, 2006, 11:32:48 pm »
The industry standards are C/C++ with DirectX. The reason why OpenGL is not used in most consoles is because of advanced features that only DirectX can provide. Java is rarely used for console games.

Lua and Ruby are two of the industry leading scripting languages used in conjunction with C/C++. Nintendo writes it's own assembler and libraries.

Discussion / Re: 2D Mapping Methods (loading, etc.)
« on: May 18, 2006, 03:40:51 pm »
I use Mappy and a script to load the map. Mappy stores them in binary format which is much faster than using .ini files or plain txt.
Code: [Select]
 // loadMappyFile() script modified by Daniel Barras a.k.a. TheRealMethuselah
 // Mappy (C) Robin Burrows www.tilemap.co.uk
 // Use: loadMappyFile('file.map', background image, tiles per row, tile size, layer depth);
 mappyFileName = file_bin_open(argument0, 0);
 mappyTileImage = argument1;
 mappyTilesPerRow = argument2;
 mappyTileSize = argument3;
 mappyLayerDepth = argument4;
 // Read the width of the map from the Mappy File
 mappyMapWidth = file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) + (file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) * 256);
 // Read the height of the map from the Mappy File
 mappyMapHeight = file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) + (file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) * 256);
 // Draw the map on the screen
 mappyTileIndex = 0;
 for (mappyY = 0; mappyY < mappyMapHeight; mappyY = mappyY + 1)
  for (mappyX = 0; mappyX < mappyMapWidth; mappyX = mappyX + 1)
   mappyTileIndex = file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) + (file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) * 256);
   mappyTileRemainder = (mappyTileIndex mod mappyTilesPerRow);
   if (mappyTileIndex > 0)
    tile_add(mappyTileImage, (mappyTileRemainder * mappyTileSize), ((mappyTileIndex - mappyTileRemainder) / (mappyTilesPerRow * mappyTileSize)), mappyTileSize, mappyTileSize, (mappyX * mappyTileSize), (mappyY * mappyTileSize), mappyLayerDepth);

You can download Mappy at http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/vista/7336/robmpy.htm

Discussion / Re: Loading Times
« on: May 18, 2006, 03:26:05 pm »
I use mostly external resources, but I know things like script files run exponentially faster internally as well as LARGE images like Tiles. I have my fading in/out script in place so usually by the time it has faded from/to black the sprite has loaded from external resources. My game(s) load in less than 5 seconds and OoT2D's load time is about 2.

Using a .dll for sound like SAudio helps because it is very fast and there is no lag because it's not GM that is doing the loading of the sound.

Discussion / Re: did anyone know that TRM already started MM2D???
« on: May 15, 2006, 07:32:26 pm »
I'm focusing all my energies on OoT2D, but I am going to use a lot of the resources to make MM2D as well...

Discussion / Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:45:38 pm »
TRM, I hope you don't leave ZFGC, it's good to have you here as a regular member! Well I would like to contact you as I have some questions regarding the language file, can I have your e-mail address? I do not doubt the existance of this project and I'm eagerly waiting for it!
My email address is dbarras@gmail.com. The language file is at:


Discussion / Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:58:15 am »
It's also in development, OoT2D is my priority right now.

Discussion / Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:54:42 am »

Old image.

Discussion / My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:49:25 am »
For those who sharply do not believe in my game, that's ok. For those who still do, I appreciate the waiting. I do have a life you know? (Son, Army, etc). Yes I have made some high handed promises in the past which unfortunately could not be fulfilled, but I suspect even Nintendo could not have gotten this game out sooner than I will have. You have to remember how nitpicky true fans can be, especially some like TSA who hold the world record speed run in OoT and one of the beta testers of OoT2D (I will send him the demo first for his take and have him send me his fixes).

I will purchasing my own domain space and host a forum of my own, but I will not be taking over ZFGC as was stated in the past... that train has sailed (lol).

So in conclusion, goodbye ZFGC forums, this will be my last post about OoT2D here.

Until the release

"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce."


Other Discussion / Re: This is the ultimate laptop!
« on: May 05, 2006, 12:23:17 am »
Dell's XPS M1710 would run circles around it for gaming.

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