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Topics - Zerolink

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Entertainment / Pan's Labyrinth
« on: February 09, 2007, 05:45:47 pm »
I doubt many of y'all have seen this...I know it wasn't anywhere in theaters near me...but it's an amazing movie. I downloaded it...it was only subtitles, but I'm not actually sure it's out in English anyway. I was just kinda wondering what y'all thought of it, if you have seen it. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Other Discussion / Dudes! (And dudettes...)
« on: January 19, 2007, 04:19:50 am »
So yeah...me and my buddies have been making some improv comedy skits during play practice (we're not really big characters, so we have plenty of down time) and I finally figured out how to transfer videos over from my camcorder to my computer...so I uploaded the ones we have so far onto YouTube. They might be kind of offensive to some, and occasionally pretty vulgar, but we all think they're hilarious. Better than a lot of the crap on YouTube. Here's the link to my videos, if you wanna see:

A Day in the Life of Trailer Trash

Oklahoma Audition Gone Wrong

Gay Marriage Counseling

Keep in mind these aren't professional...I mean we're wearing street clothes and they have a hard time not laughing...but it's all good. We're all actors. FYI: I'm the cameraman...won't see me in THESE videos. Probably some future ones...cause me, Chris (the one in all three) and another Chris are gonna make a sketch comedy group, and these videos are basically some outlines for future projects we can to do more professionally. Look out for it later this year ;)

Debates / What do you say when an Athiest sneezes?
« on: January 03, 2007, 10:40:24 pm »
Yeah...so I stole this from Dane Cook, I don't care. I'm still curious. I mean the whole God bless you thing would PROBABLY be offensive to them...although honestly I'd say it anyway, cause if they don't believe in my lord, then I really don't care if I offend them or not...they're just gonna become paper for the bible to be printed on anyway when they die (can you tell I watched the Dane Cook special lately?). But yeah...comments...answers...flames...I wanna read them.

Debates / Christianity
« on: December 28, 2006, 05:52:26 am »
Okay...time for another religious debate, but this time it's got a poll! The question is simple: Did God mean for there to be multiple versions of Christianity? I mean it's kinda like...His religion...why is it still seperated?

Backstory: I was at work...and these church people came in...apparently one was a missionary going to Ukraine soon...they started talking to me...and asked me what church I went to and stuff...and started trying to throw THEIR church onto me, even though I told them that I was very hooked on my church and didn't want to change. They handed me a little pamphlet on their Baptist church anyway. I'm Lutheran. I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to force their section of the religion onto mine...but whatever. Their damnation. So yeah...that's the reason for my pondering. Should we have different versions of the same religion? Discuss!

Entertainment / I played it!
« on: December 09, 2006, 09:32:09 pm »
I finally got to try my hand at TP. They had a demo set up at EB (a nice change from Excite Truck that they had up before) And so I played the Dungeon demo (a section of the Fire Temple, i believe...the boss was the big fire dude anyway). It was amazing...although the bow controls are really touchy. It definately takes some practice though...I was kicked off before I got to beat the fire dude...I knew how, but I couldn't get to him to make it work. Amazing game though...made me even more mad that I don't have a Wii.  :'(

Entertainment / FFXI
« on: December 05, 2006, 09:13:10 pm »
I'm not copying the FFIII post, FYI, I just forgot to make this earlier...I was just wondering if anyone has the game, or if y'all are too busy with Zelda/WoW. All my friends play WoW, but I like FFXI. I'm in the...er...Cerberus server, I think. Don't play too much, but I'm always looking for people to play with. So yeah...just share.  :dance:

Discussion / Not sure where to put this question...
« on: December 04, 2006, 08:04:04 pm »
It's Zelda related, but not the real games. I was just wondering if any of the fan games here have actually been completed? I know when I was here before, there were a lot of abandoned projects, so you people could work on OTHER projects. My brother (ZeldaHistorian...doubt any of y'all remember him since you don't remember me) basically abandoned his game too...after he redid it every few weeks...and that seems to be a general trend. Plus in the Completed Projects section they're mostly minigames and other smaller projects. I know a Zelda game is a lot of work...but y'all get so far...just to start over on something else. So I guess my questions are: Where can I find completed Zelda fan games if they exist (I want to play a Zelda game!), and why do y'all ditch projects that you spent so much time on?

FYI: I'm not a programmer myself...I'm an idea man, so I'm clueless about all this crap.

EDIT: Thanks for moving it...sorry about that.

Graphics / Help?
« on: December 03, 2006, 09:38:28 pm »
Hey...I used to have like all this crap...but I lost it when I wiped the computer, so yeah, I got a little favor. Can someone Christmas-ize my Zerolink character? I had a Christmas sig at one time, and he looked really cool, but I can't find it on the net, so I assume wherever I had it hosted doesnt have it anymore, so I would appreciate the help. I suck at sprite editting...making Zerolink was annoying enough for me, and since I haven't done it in a long time either, I'm kinda rusty. Don't worry, I'll give credit in the sig too.

Image Hosted at ImageHosting.us
Here's the image.

Other Discussion / Snow day!
« on: December 01, 2006, 03:26:06 pm »
So yeah...today was a snow day (technically yesterday was too...but there was no snow, only a lot of ice), and I've heard that the weather is pretty nasty all over...so I was just curious how bad it is everywhere. I know around my house it goes from like 8-16 inches (it's very drifted...kinda like white sand dunes)

Entertainment / Wii love the Wii
« on: December 01, 2006, 02:44:01 am »
Hmm...I know the Wii is like...the greatest thing to hit mankind since porn, but still...every post...about Wii...can't everyone just drool in the same puddle? (that's an analogy, folks) I mean dang...seems a LITTLE unnecessary. Of course, I don't have one yet...so maybe it IS necessary.

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