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Topics - DanTheMan

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Entertainment / A Sonic RPG game. Holy...
« on: October 04, 2008, 04:45:48 am »
Alright, so I decided to try out this "Sonic Chronicles:  The Dark Brotherhood" game that just came out for the DS.  A 3D Sonic RPG.  Surprisingly, it isn't all that bad.  It's entirely touchscreen based, from menus to movement to battles, and all the special moves use a system very similar to Elite Beat Agents for success/failure.  Not for everyone I suppose, but certainly worth a look. 

In essence, it's a Sonic Rush 3D engine, Super Mario RPG overworld, and Elite Beat Agents battle system.  Strange combination, but surprisingly addicting.  My only complaints are the severe lack of rings and the fact that it doesn't give you any item descriptions when in a battle. 

Sonics are GO?  [/horriblepun]

Updates / Signature requirements (READ)
« on: March 15, 2008, 01:06:44 am »
We've modified our policy on signatures in order to make it more specific.  This is due to the fact that some users may still be using slower Internet connections or smaller viewing windows.

5. Avatar's and Signature's
- Keep your avatar and signature sizes to required dimensions: [Avatars - 128x128,  Signatures - 200px in height or less, each 300 KB in file size or less]
- Keep your avatar and signature free of offensive content. 

This applies to the entire signature, not just a single image.  If your current signature is too large, I recommend using the free IrFanView program to resize your images to any desired size.  Using the "Lanczos" resampling option instead of the "resize" option makes it come out much nicer in the end.

In a few week's we'll start PMing users if their signatures are in violation of these new restrictions.

Thank you for your understanding,
ZFGC Staff

Other Discussion / Other Discussion Rules
« on: February 25, 2008, 10:19:54 pm »
Other Discussion Forum Rules


Global Forum Rules still apply in full.  As a quick recap:
 - Keep your behavior in check.  Treat others with respect and attempt to be mature.
 - Don't post illegal content (roms, warez, CD cracks, etc).
 - Spam is for the Spam board, not here.
 - If you have a complaint against a member, report the post or PM a mod.  Complaints against a mod go to the admins.  The Feedback forum is to be used for general forum complaints/suggestions, not for attacking individuals.

Please read the entire thread for the complete list of punishable behaviors.


In addition, the following rules apply specifically to the Other Discussion forum:
 - This forum is for items that don't really fit in the CS forum but are not spammy enough to be moved for Spam.  In essence, this is for "everything else" that's worthy to be discussed maturely.  See this topic for help with distinguishing where to post your content.
 - Discussion about technology and computers also belongs here.
 - As was just stated, this forum is not for spammy content.  We're usually pretty lenient, but threads may be moved to Spam if needed. 
 - Use common sense as always.

Entertainment / Gaming and Entertainment Rules
« on: February 25, 2008, 10:17:07 pm »
Gaming and Entertainment Forum Rules


Global Forum Rules still apply in full.  As a quick recap:
 - Keep your behavior in check.  Treat others with respect and attempt to be mature.
 - Don't post illegal content (roms, warez, CD cracks, etc).
 - Spam is for the Spam board, not here.
 - If you have a complaint against a member, report the post or PM a mod.  Complaints against a mod go to the admins.  The Feedback forum is to be used for general forum complaints/suggestions, not for attacking individuals.

Please read the entire thread for the complete list of punishable behaviors.


In addition, the following rules apply specifically to the G&E forum:
 - Post Youtube videos in the stickied Youtube thread.  This is done to declutter the forum and make it easier to manage.  We're open to the occasional exception of course, but for the most part keep them in that one thread.  This also applies to other "Hey, watch this video!" threads even if it's not specifically Youtube that's hosting the video.
 - The same goes for friend codes and webcomics.  Use the stickied threads rather than making a new thread for each one.
 - That's... really about it.  Of course, use common sense as always.  Mark your spoilers, don't flame others' opinions on games, etc.  Just follow the global forum rules and you'll be fine.

Feedback / Youtube tags no longer working
« on: October 07, 2007, 07:26:12 pm »
Just thought I'd mention that with the theme switch, the Youtube tags no longer work. 

EDIT:  Also, completely unrelated bug, but the "locked topic" icon is Zelda-themed when you're in the actual topic (this image), but on the topic listing for a board it's the generic lock image.  Not sure if this is intentional or not.

Updates / Rank changes
« on: July 11, 2007, 10:01:45 pm »
4Sword has changed the way the ranks work.  We've eliminated the "Antichrist" position people got at 666 posts to make things work out more evenly, and the ranks have been altered as a result.  The following ranks are attainable at the indicated post counts:

0 - Fairy
50 - Picori
100 - Deku
250 - Kokiri
500 - Goron
750 - Zora
1000 - Hylian
1500 - Twili
2000 - Oocca
2500 - Royal
3000 - Hero
3500 - Sage
4000 - Deity

Feedback / Mobile modes? (WAP, WAP2, etc)
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:37:35 pm »
Do the mobile browsing modes still exist in the new forum here?  I found them very handy for viewing ZFGC on my DS, using either the text-only browsers in DSLinux or the official Opera browser.  It makes browsing a lot faster, as the server doesn't even insert images and special formatting at all, so the client doesn't have to work as hard.

If they're still there, what are the new links?
If they're not there, would it be feasible to add them back in?

Entertainment / Elite Beat Agents - best DS game EVAR!!11!one
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:40:30 am »
Everybody go out and buy this game.  Now.  Even if you don't have a DS.  It's worth it, trust me.

EBA is a rhythm game that I like to describe as being "DDR on crack" but using the touchscreen.  It's incredibly hard to describe, so just search for it on Youtube or something.  It's a crazy fun game, and I'm slowly working my way up.  Each song has an associated story, which ends up being pretty funny most of the time.  For instance, for The Anthem, you've got a retired baseball player who somehow finds himself saving a kid from a giant fire golem.  And this somehow brings him back into the MLB.  Of course.  It's still insanely fun though, and I would recommend it to all.

Right now, all I've done is finished the game in Cruisin' mode, so I just unlocked Sweatin', but I'm going to go back and try to get higher scores before tackling the extra difficulty.  Right now, I've got 2 S-ranks in You're The Inspiration and Believe (the two slowest songs, go figure) and am working on getting S-ranks for the Anthem, YMCA, and Jumpin' Jack Flash.

Has anybody else played this game?  Any thoughts?  Brags?  Questions about why the heck dancing is the answer to all of life's problems?  Observations on how wrong it looks when Kahn does cheerleader moves?

Other Discussion / First Blu-ray Drives Won't play Blu-ray Movies
« on: August 11, 2006, 11:03:03 pm »

Apparently the first Blue-ray drives for home computers will only be useful as storage mediums and won't play commercial Blu-ray movies.  How ironic. 

Personally I think this whole DRM issue is getting out of hand.  I don't even see the use for HD video anyway.  Then again, I'm not really a videophile, so I wouldn't notice the difference anyway.

I just don't feel like spending over $1000 for a storage drive, plus the cost of write-once discs.  An external hard drive would be a better investment.

Other Zelda / [Custom] Zelda Emoticons
« on: June 29, 2006, 01:02:06 am »
I've just setup a forum with SMF For Free for a new Zelda-based MMORPG that some others and I are going to be creating soon.  Basically, in an effort to make it more Zelda-like, I would like to use some sort of Zelda smilies.  I know that there are some good ones out there, although I've been unable to find much at all by using the search function.  I've also looked through my large collection of Zelda sprites on my computer but have been unable to find any.

Can anyone help me out here?

Entertainment / Marching Band literature thingy
« on: June 07, 2006, 05:36:20 am »
I made this sometime in late 2005 for a Writers' Workshop class at my school.  At the time, I was in the middle of the marching season, which obviously inspired the whole thing.  Since the effectiveness relies heavily on the text alignment, I can't simply copy and paste.  Instead, I'll post a link so you can download it. 


I can provide a non-Geocities mirror if you guys want. 

Note that our show this year was music from The Beatles, which explains some stuff I mention in it.

C&C welcome.  I realize that it's a bit iffy, switching tenses all the time, but I can't figure out a good way to make it flow better while still preserving the meaning and depth I want it to have. 

Graphics / Tons of LttP rips by dantheman (56K WARNING)
« on: May 12, 2006, 10:24:28 pm »
I used to be pretty active at ripping stuff from LttP.  I've pretty much stopped by now, but I thought I would post them all the same.  Note that these go pretty far back, so some of them are useless, stupid, or badly ripped.

The first two here are just some houses that I stretched out for someone at some point in time.

Pyramid of Power tiles, ripped by ZeldaFanChristian using Hyrule Magic and then hand tiled by me.  This was before WWFan made his tiling programs, so all tiling had to be done row by row, column by column.  It was very time consuming.

These are just some various entrances/exits you can find related to caves.

Bombable walls, before and after, both in a cave and from the outside.

And now, tons of various cave tiles. 

These two were made just recently in response to some request.  The first one is ripped directly from Hyrule Magic and turned into tiles using WWakerFan's program, and the second one is just an optimized version of it.

This one was ripped from some map inside the old man's cave in Death Mountain, and as such do not have the third layer of rock that you normally see in cave tiles.  I'm also pretty sure that I optimized it wrong, using horizontal and vertical flips in what I thought was a good way.  Not really that useful anymore, at least not at the moment, not when I've got the previous two ones to use.

These two are even worse, as they're made from Fairy Fountain tiles, lol. 

The fairy fountain tiles in question:

Another map rip, this time of the area surrounding Link's house.

One of the few overworld maps that was missing from TilesNet at the time.  I ripped it from Hyrule Magic and tiled it by hand before sending it to Devis0r for the site.

A basic flame animation, ripped using Animget.  The ugly brown background was removed by a very helpful member named Neoseeking.

Basic ground tiles.  Actually kind of hard to use, since diagonal paths will require parts from several of these tiles.  I tried to make them as intuitive as possible, but I know that sometimes it just doesn't work.

Just a rip of Link's house, both inside and out.

LttP title screen on black background, nothing too fancy.

Very quick rip of the small fairies that sometimes appear and restore 7 hearts.  Flip it horizontally if you want them to face the other way. 

eeh, this was my first rip, I think.  Note that it's just the title screen, and that the dividing lines aren't correctly aligned with the borders of the screen.  Highly useless, especially in its current form.

And finally, Zora Waterfall area, with and without tiles.  These took a looong time to rip, especially since I was still using the Print Screen function 20 times despite the fact that I was using Hyrule Magic.  The tiling took a couple of hours if I recall correctly.  Heh, I remember how freaked out I was when I realized that the tiles had stopped aligning correctly.  Turns out that at some point in the middle of the image, I had single row that was repeated once, sending everything out of whack.

In case the forum resizes the images, here's a full list of the urls:

Oh, and by the way, despite what it says on the images, feel free to use without any credit needed.  Like others have pointed out, there's no need to give credit for something merely ripped from a game.  If anything, give credit to Nintendo. 

There was once a member of ZFGC named AndOr AFK.  I know he was here in the EZboard days, but I don't know what happened to him.  In any case, at one point in time, he made these awesome pseudo-3D-looking OoT Link sprites.  I saved them to my hard drive at the time, and I thought I would share them with you guys.  I know they're not mine, but they're too awesome not to post.  Note that with the large sheet, you'll have to actually go to the image url itself to see it fullsize.  That url is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v41/danthemanms/Andor_AFK/spritesheet1dot2.gif

Everything that follows this sentence will be as close of a clone to his original post as possible.

These are the sprites I'm working on for my Zelda game. Comments/suggestions welcome. If you're interested in working with me on my upcoming LoZ game in this style, post in the Recruiting spriters for LoZ: Shards of Time

Child Link's Sprite sheet:

(I'm working on the equipment sheets - I'll have them out tomorrow, or the day after.)

<--- A remake of the first animation I did; since the original wasn't up to par with the rest of them.

A preview of Adult Link:

Navi, Link's faithful and somewhat annoying companion.

A sign of things to come! :P

Note: these sprites are free to use in your games, as long as you credit me. I don't see any problem with edits; I'll cross that bridge when I come

Zelda Projects / Link Maze - 9th repost I think...
« on: April 01, 2006, 09:18:10 pm »
see http://zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=82.msg426978#msg426978

This post is copied and pasted directly from ZFGC-X:

This post is copied and pasted directly from DSR

lol, this is probably the 7th time I've reposted this.  8th, now that I've posted it here.  And now 9th! 

Basically, it's a maze game.  More like a minigame really, as it's really small in length (only 9 levels).  Still, I'm fairly proud of it, as it took a lot of time to get the game working like it is.  To be honest, adding more mazes would be incredibly simple.  Now if only I was actually motivated to do anything anymore...

Downloads and screenshots are at http://linkmaze.vze.com BUT the latest version is NOT on the website.  It is a minor fix that lets you slide along the walls if going diagonally rather than stopping you once you hit them.  You can download this one at http://d.turboupload.com/d/420177/linkmaze...ndowed.zip.html

Anyway, here's basic info, mostly copied and pasted from the ReadMe since I'm too lazy to type it out.

Pressing Up, Down, Left, or Right on the keyboard moves Link in that direction.  Letting go of the key stops Link.

There are 10 different background music MIDIS that you can listen to.  Just press the numbers 1-9 or 0 above the letters, not the numberpad numbers (since most laptops don't have numpads).  To stop the music, press Space.  Here's a list of the 10 different background music tracks you can listen to:
1: default background music -- classic Zelda theme remix
2: my favorite! Gerudo Valley remix (kinda loud, may need to turn speakers down a bit)
3: another classic Zelda theme remix, a bit slower, and on Piano
4: Epona Song remix
5: Ganon final battle theme
6: OoT introduction theme
7: Ice Cave theme
8: Lost Woods/Saria's Song remix
9: Poe Trader theme
10: Zora's Domain theme

Pressing X or Enter will get rid of the text block that tells you what  level it is (or you can just wait for it to go away by itself).

Press F1 during the game for the help dialog, made with the help of Scrappersa's text engine.

There's also 2-player mode, but the person has to be physically sitting next to you for it to work. 

Some of the blocks in later levels are not solid.  Check each block to find the way through.  There is also a way to distinguish the fake blocks from the regular blocks.  You have to look closely to figure it out.

See the ReadMe for credits info.  Heh, I just noticed that the ReadMe is somewhat outdated, as it still links back to www.oot2d.com

Ah well.  Thought I would repost this, just in case someone is amused by it.  Comments, suggestions, flames, anthrax mail, death threats, whatever, all of it is welcome.

EDIT:  oh, some warnings about the website itself:  don't click on the Download link, since all it does is bring you down the page.  Useless.  Also, don't download the Humongous Maze if you want 2-player, since I was an idiot and forgot to make separate screens for the two players, and the view only follows Player 1.  Not my brightest moment...

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