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Messages - Martijn dh

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Updates / Re: Nominations - June 2010
« on: June 29, 2010, 04:53:18 pm »
Yeah, I know. 4Sword, if you read this. I volunteer to help out in this section.

Just seems like it'll die away if nobody does anything. I still think this is a nice incentive for people to work hard on there projects. And if there are just crap projects out during a month with very little progress then that's okay too. Doesn't mean it should be skipped. I'll optimistic here and say such a project should also be able to become PotM. To motivate the creator and to get other people to make sure the next month will be beter XD.

Coding / Re: [June 2010] Stable Releases: Minish Cap Style engine
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:27:20 pm »
Tried out the demo and it looks really solid.

The things I noticed:
- Moving from land to ice (by a single tap of the movement button) already has Link sliding over the ice the maximum distance. When I move from ice to land I come to a deadstop, but I'm believe that was per design. The first one doesn't feel quite finished yet.
- When I fall into a hole I'm respawned at the last known location I was walking on normal ground. Rolling and ice don't count. It's not a real problem or anything, but it you could potentially get some ugly situations in an icelevel. Let's say you want to make an icebridge over a large hole. One fall and you'd start at the beginning (assuming the room either had solid ground to create that respawn position or such a point is always created the instance you enter the room). I could think of other combinations where ice and rolling could potentially have the player respawn a good screen away. It's like I said no real fault or anything, but the rooms design is somewhat dependant on the engine here where you might not want it to be.

Updates / Nominations - June 2010
« on: June 29, 2010, 10:47:01 am »
The month is almost over and I see no topic yet (:-\) so I'll start one.

I nominate Goodnight's MidnaPhone.
It's finished! The background shows an eye for detail. Beyond that it just generally looks really polished and professional. That, in my oppinion is something everybody should strife for.


I hope this PotM doesn't die a slow death. Making a topic once a month and moving it around to another board should only take mere minutes. Creating the summary and posting an interview can be reserved for when there was sufficient activity during the voting (like at least 5+ votes).

Weekly update:
Wasn't really planning on posting anything this week cause of an exam in two days. After plenty of studying I'm unfortunately have come to the conclusion that I'm lacking the willpower to study for hours on end and I must confess I should have spend more time on it here and there in the last couple of months :-\ So I've decided to stop studying, not go to the exam and try again on the next occasion.

Anyway, since I had free time again I worked on this project again. Here are the results:
- walking animations has been done both with and without the containers above your head. Just needs some little tweaks based on container weight some other time.
- jumping of a ledge now has the character facing the direction he is about to jump in. I know this is unlike the original or my previous demo but with the new character setup this is easier.And I feel it makes more sense.
- I decided to skip working on trees, enemies, chests and swords to pick up and throw for the reason of progress. (I really want to bring a demo out, but it's just seems to take longer and longer so I'm looking for things to scratch of my list). I'll work on these things at a later date.

Discussion / Re: Should I drop the Retro idea and go Modern/Next-Gen?
« on: June 19, 2010, 05:16:04 pm »
Why not talk about improved graphics once you have a game to improve? And you have to remember, the graphics we use will always be outdated. By the time we finish a fangame there will already be something new on the horizon from nintendo etc. There is one thing more importent than graphics anyway and that is the combination of everything else.

I won't be working on the game this coming weekend. So, instead, I thought I'd try to explain a little why it is that I am taking all this time to work on the engine rather then add all kinds of new things. I also felt like writing my mind for a change XD

There are three mayor changes I'm trying to realise.

1. Implement a new damage system.

Previously all enemies did a fixed amount of damage to Link (which would diminish based on Link's tunic), a hp value and variables per possible hit against it (like a damage multiplier for fire or to turn arrows ineffective etc). This was the earlier situation.

Now the enemies are build of three prime components: Creator, Control, Sprite (with death sprite and shadow as support). These main objects are uniform for all enemies. When the enemy sprite and hero sprite connect the hero gets hurt, but no longer by a set amount of damage. Damage from the enemy to the hero is set in classes. A class holds a value of damage per tunic and a distance the hero gets pushed back. The enemy only stores the index to the damageclass for this. Special damage features (like fire/ice/stone/lightning/stun) will be dealt with through an additional variable. All of this has been been programmed a while back, except for the special damage. There are now enemies/sources to deal special damage yet, so there is no need to build already.

The character structure also needed to be redone. I'm in the middle of that right now. There is a control tile and there is the sprite. Sprites work with a parent tree. There is an object for sprites "attached" to the control tile and sprites with unattached locations. Under these is an object for the body and shield because they have unique features. The way the character hurts an enemy is if a character sprite collides with an enemy's. If the character has character sprites has it's variable turn on to interact with enemy sprites then that takes precedence over the enemy hurting the hero.

All of Link's attack types are also grouped into classes. The icerod is a class with only one weapon, because an iceattack is unique. Using the first sword in a default swing and throwing a bush share a class because there damage has the same nature and the damage value is comparable. Each enemy possesses a damage variable per class. So if you hit an enemy with a boomerang then that would be damage class 1. The enemy's damage value in that class is 1 so he takes 1 damage (and is thrown back a distance also in relation to the class). And if I want the enemy stunned then, instead of a damage value like 1, I could have the enemy variable hold a value like 101. 101 could be stunning, 102 getting frozen etc.

The damage mechanic is finished. There are 20 classes in total. 9 classes are being worked on or (almost) finished. The character structure is about halfway done, but it's still a lot of work. Special status attacks are not yet in effect, but will be added sometime after the character structure is finished. All enemy stats are default, meaning all weapons deal equal damage and all enemies have equal health. Tweaking the stats will be done at a later date, but if anybody is interested in stuff like that feel free to send me a message.

2. Restructure the enemy / hero build up

As stated in point 1 and especially 3, the enemy and character structures needed to be changed. The enemies needed to become more uniform to make it more manageable to add new enemies with more ease. Enemies can now share AI segments slightly easier (like movement scripts), and can be part of an class (projectile / non-projectile). All enemies now use one single sprite which is immensely valuable because you can now manipulate those with one piece of coding. I'm talking about the flickering colorschemes you see when an enemy gets hurt. That is now for all enemies the same. Finally (almost) all enemy sprites are broken down into layers (one per color in there original sprite). In other words, I've implemented the use of colorpallets for the enemy sprites. This makes the just mentioned  possible, but also frozen or stone enemies. The before mentioned has all be finished. Who knows. I might one day even use all of this to implement my crazy idea of making the tint of the enemy dependant on the shading he is standing in etc.

The character structure needed to be changes for roughly the same reasons as the enemies. It elimated a whole lot of objects, adds more uniform coding and makes damage and sprite manipulation a whole lot easier. Not to mention adding new items/actions. The hero sprite will also be using a colorpallet. The advantage of this is obviously an easier way of changing Link's tunic, but also to let Link be frozen or turned to stone. And I can do small details like color the gloves based on the gloves you've actually collected. Finally I separated the head sprites from the body sprites to help clear overlap. Most of what is mentioned here is still being implemented. To give you an idea of the work: I've just added my 40th head and 155th body sprite, and still counting. That comes done to about 300-400 subimages of previous sprites replaced by this new method not mentioning swords and shield.

3. Restructure depth system

And finally the change I won't be finishing before the next demo, but which I'm preparing for all the same. Namely a new visual depth system. I encourage programmers to read this bit as advise, because it'll save you time in the long run if you haven't come to a similar conclusion already.

In my game currently all enemies have depth x1 or x2 (based on lower floor or upper floor). This is the simple version. So if you create two bats then one will always be drawn in front of another. I could have handled that pretty easily, but there is another problem. In my game there are statues. They have a base of 16x16 pixels and you can walk either in front or around back. Naturally you expect to stand behind it when behind and in front when you are standing in front right. Doing so in normal circumstances is also easy. However, when you give the character the ability to pick stuff up his height increases. Now comes the question of depth for the container above his head. Simple trickery won't cut it anymore. When you are standing in front you really to do need to give the container/character a depth that is lower then that of the statue. Otherwise you will get ugly depth issues. (BTW: the original also has these problems. If you hold a container below and next to some specific pillars the top of the container will be draw under the top of the pillar).

So what I plan on doing is have the depth be variable based on the y coordinate of an object's sprite's lowest border. It's simple really. Just took me a long to realise it XD There are some small issues left, like what if you objects (enemy/character/statue/etc) share an y value. In that case you first need to add priority like Character > Statue. Secondly you can use creation order.

This last point has not been programmed yet, nor will it be before the next demo. It's too much work and I really do want to show some result for a while now. I'm also afraid that means you'll see some depth issues in the next demo :-\  What I am doing however is a bridging. Each character and enemy can have sprite components that already have a depth relation to one another. Like a sword being in front of a shield. Previously these depths where constant, now I'm basing all depths on the control object's depth. So each control tile gets a personal range of +5 and -5 to manipulate it's personal sprites in. When I want to implement this new depth system I can manipulate all the character sprites as well as every single enemy with just a single piece of code.


Sorry for the spelling and possible ranting. It's really late right now. I hope someone amongst you has found it interesting enough to read it till to the end. XD Even better would be if someone found it usefull.

Weekly update:
- Redid walking on stairs. Both with and without a container either running or walking.
- Added the rod of medu (= yellow rod) to the item menu, shuffling the existing item order somewhat to do so and implemented it's swing animation.
- I'm about 70% into redoing the walking animations (both with and without a container).
- Worked a little on the area outside of dungeon 1 (= did some concept work). Currently I'm waiting on a mountain tileset to use

Work is progressing nicely. About half of the character's actions are now redone.

Here's one more for the road:
Just finished redoing the delay before you pick up an container. Previously the delay variable would diminish every time you pulled on the object. So it would be possible to pick something up with only a series of small pulls instead off one normal pull. That's no more. You now either pick it up in one go or not at all. I now also take the three weight classes into consideration. The lightest class is picked up almost instantly. The second class has a subtle delay to it before it is picked up. The last class has a very noticable delay.

Dotyue: I don't believe you could pick up enemies in altp either. Except for the chickens maybe and frozen enemies. No matter though. I'll see if I can build it in. Can't say that I'll use it, but at least I will know that I have the option to do so with this engine. Much like with the trees.

Weekly update:
Spend some time on the finer details this weekend. Mainly because I need to spend more and more time studying and this makes it easier to switch in and out.

*Landing in water after crashing into a wall (etc) now produces a splash of water near Link's feet. Finally found a sprite I could use. The same will need to be programmed for jumping from a ledge or falling from the floor above, but that is for another day.

*Crashing up against a wall has now been tweaked to be different based on the container you are carrying. Heavier containers shorten the distance flying backwards.

*Redid the animation/sprites for grabbing, pushing and pulling objects. This one is by far the most timeconsuming of the bunch.

*Ooh, and I've now well passed the 100th unique body sprite for Link (and still counting)

Dotyue: I liked the youtube video. I'll see if I can add picking up stunned enemies and trees.

Updates / Re: Nominations - May 2010
« on: June 01, 2010, 07:46:59 pm »
Tough one this month. From what I did see I liked the MC engine best because it's Zelda and because it did have some constructive activity. Hoping to see more from that one.

Did I miss anything essential or interesting?

picking up fallen enemies

Interesting. What are you thinking? Some special enemies maybe?

I will make it that enemies can be frozen or turned to stone. One or both of these can be picked up and thrown. So that's another thing.

That is indeed an interesting concept. I was personally thinking you'd be able to pick up a chest after it's empty. For fun (just because  XD) or to reveal something underneath.

Being able to pick up a chest while the content is still in it is quit interesting. Though I'd probably use a different colored chest for playability. Instead of an regular escort you'd be able to attack with the object. (Somehow that makes me think a chest with Navi trapped in it >:D). Maybe you need to bring it somewhere but I can also imagine you'd need to break the chest by throwing it against something. Like a specific type of enemy maybe.

Weekly update:
This weekend I'll be working on the pick-up mechanism some more. It needs to be recoded like all of Link's other actions, but I'm also going to expand it so more/any items can be picked up and carried.

Here are the items that I found that you could pick up, I feel you should have been able to pick up and a crate I don't remember where I found. These will be the things I plan on adding as throwable items. Did I miss anything essential or interesting?

Also, I am looking for a sprite for the crates as they shatter upon impact. Using the leaves from the bushes or rocks from the vases just doesn't fit. I don't believe alttp has any suitable sprites I can use. Is there perhaps a MC or FSA sprite that might fit? I'll cross that bridge when I get there, but if anybody could help me out right now then I'd appreciate it. XD

Coding / Re: Menu System with the Controller object.
« on: May 24, 2010, 12:29:31 pm »
Never mind :)

Weekly update:
Well, I skipped last week due to more pressing matters, but I'm aiming for weekly.
I finished redoing the character's regular sword attacks, making several small tweaks to his positioning and sword handling. I believe them to be improvements but I'll leave that up to my testers. FrozenFire: there is a new demo up on the other forum if you want to check it out some time.
I'm still working on the full sword swing. It's presentable, but I'm not fully happy with it yet, so I'll be coming back to it at a later date.
And finally the dashing with sword in hand has been redone. I'm currently finishing up the details like the dust below his feet, the running sounds, ordening the coding and removing obsolete resources.

All in all nice progress, but none of it presentable. Maybe I'll work on the fire and/or icerod next. NotAlphaMan got me the needed sprites so it's possible. I'll have to see what I feel like tackling first. Since it's also quite gradifying to remove newly obsolete resources, knowing you've build something more solid.

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: May 16, 2010, 09:17:49 am »
Yeah. The only thing to save more space/memory would be to create a sprite per ... uh sprite and crop that. I will however also be spliting these sprites up later so I can use colorpallets. So that would just be sick to work with.

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: May 16, 2010, 08:46:38 am »

This is just for less then of Link's animations (that I've got in my game). :o

LTTP & FSA / Re: [Request] ice rod effect from alttp
« on: May 13, 2010, 05:52:06 am »
Thanks for the effort, but they are clearly different from what is in the screenshots. Not to be an ass or anything, because I do appreciate the help and will use these sprites in time. I'm just very picky on details.

The sprites below are what NotAlphaMan managed to get me.

LTTP & FSA / Re: [Request] ice rod effect from alttp
« on: May 10, 2010, 04:47:31 pm »
Thanks. I'll try it out.
I am however a perfectionist so if anybody finds the original ice effect then I'm all ears.

Weekly update:
Redid the sword charging using the new character structure and I just started on the sword swinging. I'm making it so the character actually keeps the sword in hand, so that's a little of a hazzle. But then again, I don't plan on redoing it a third so I might as well.
Also spend some time trying to recreate the icerod's magic, but... well... I'll try my again next week. XD

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