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Messages - TDWP FTW

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Other Projects / Re: Desertion
« on: December 31, 2011, 06:27:28 am »
How much of the graphics in your screenshots are placeholders? Because right now, although I like the colors and the overlays, there are some real perspective issues going on, and it's a bit discouraging?
Just the player...

The perspective issues, I've known about, and it's hard spriting in this perspective for me.

Entertainment / Re: Terraria: Anyone on ZFGC playing it?
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:10:15 am »
Yeah, I played it a ton when the 1.1 update came out, but I haven't played it much lately.  Also, if you want a dedicated multiplayer server to play on, come check out our server at fragmentedforce.com:7777.  Jdbye (He is/used to be a member on here) hosts it as part of our community called The Depths.

Other Projects / Re: Desertion
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:07:30 am »
Bump, and some news...

 - Yes, I know, there isn't a demo yet.  Actual game development is really slow for me as of lately.  Not just because programming is a pain for me, but because not having player sprites really hinders development.  I don't like using placeholders, even though I should.

 - I've had thoughts about redoing the graphics for the game in a painting style, and using the current graphics for some other game.  I got a Wacom Bamboo Capture for Christmas, and I've been doing some practice art (Mainly scenery and stuff like that).

I don't know when I'll have a good demo.  I could upload what I have now, but then people will most likely run into bugs, ask me about them, etc., and it's an annoyance I don't need to get myself into again.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 21, 2011, 01:07:21 pm »
Do not despair.
Haha, I get it...Cause my game was originally called Thre- *shot*

But thanks for the words.  I'll consider re-evaluating my choice, but IDK.

I pretty much worked on this every day from December 2nd of last year, till June, just grinding development...It just burned me out, and I wanted to stop many times before this.  But I kept doing it, mainly for myself.  I tried to convince myself that I didn't care if no one liked the game, but in reality, I did care.

The main thing that's holding me back is programming.  I've been more interested in design as of the past few months, so I'll end up spending a while day touching up sprites, adding small details to areas in the game to make them look nicer, etc., rather than working on the actual, functioning part of the game.  It feels like a chore to code, and if I'm not enjoying the main part of development, it's pointless to keep grinding development.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 21, 2011, 10:17:23 am »
Well, I have some bad news...

I think I'm going to stop development...For good...

Over the past year, I've focused so much on this game, only to have a handful of people even acknowledge it.  It's as if no one wants to give feedback, criticism, or even play the game, and it's been like that since I started working on it last year.

I see other fan games getting all kinds of attention.  People actually giving feedback, suggesting ideas, etc.  It honestly makes me sad to see how bad my game gets ignored.  Even after I won Best of Zelda in this years NCFC...I also see other fan games and just think "Wow, that looks so amazing.  How am I ever going to top that?"  The way I see it, developers within the fan game community have to try and make their game the best of the best.  I mean, who wouldn't?

After NCFC this year, I took a break to go work on other games...Original games.  I felt confident that no one would be able to make a better, or more "professional" fan game than I have.  Boy, was I wrong.  I planned on coming back after a week, but it turned into a much longer period of absence.  During this time, a few new fan games started progressing more, and even some new ones popped up.  Chiming Bells...The Midnight Radiance...Horn of Balance...

Chiming Bells: My main "enemy."  I don't know if King Tetiro felt the same, but I felt as if I was competing with his game, even after NCFC.  I'd go to the Game Maker Community and see people praising his game, whereas they had disliked mine a while back.  Of course, he deserves the praise.  He's been faithful to his game, and has developed his much further than mine.  He has a story, NPCs, actual game content, etc.

I started feeling like my fan game was dead.  So, I decided to start a new, original project.  I've always been pressured to create something original rather than a fan game.  And I must say, I have more freedom, a larger creative window, etc.

I've spent most of my time the past few weeks working on a new game of mine called Desertion.  I doubt that'll ever been completed either, but oh well...I've just lost my enthusiasm for game development in general, and it's only going to keep decreasing.

I'm not going to release the source, but I'll answer any questions regarding the story of the game, what I was going to add to the game, development, etc.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 18, 2011, 04:11:34 am »
Did you upload the demo with these fixes?
No, I didn't.  I've been busy with my other game today.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 17, 2011, 10:44:06 pm »
Ah, okay.  Corner cutting would be somewhat difficult to implement for me, but I'll try to look into it.

As for 3 and 4, I'm not sure why it did that.  It's never happened to me before...Maybe I messed something up in the code by accident.

2 is a problem I've know about, and I keep forgetting about it.  I tiled the house pretty awkwardly, but I'll get to that eventually.

5...I only see a problem with the one log being under the tree, so I'll remove that.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 17, 2011, 12:05:17 am »
@RetroRespecter: I didn't remove knockback properly (There were some lines of code that weren't removed, even though I did before...Must not have saved or something), but it's gone now.


1) Set up a decent movement mechanism with corner cutting and surface checking.

Corner cutting as in, you can slide along walls and rounded surfaces?  I have that.

Surface checking? 

2) Lay down on the overlays and filters. It looks as if I am in a constant fog and the squinting of my eyes is tiring.

Yeah, I know.  The only way I could do it better is if I had the maps...mapped out.  Most of the scenery in the game are objects, such as trees, bushes, etc.  It wouldn't look as bad if there was some way to do a multiply blending (Like how in Photoshop or Paint.NET, you can select that for the layer).  But since there isn't, it makes it look foggy.

3) Graphics layering. Know what goes under Link and what goes over Link.

The graphics are layered...Mind pointing out the example(s) you're referring to?[/b[

A minor annoyance I got, was in the attachement. I always get stuck in that door. No matter how long I wait before appraching it.

I'm going to be redoing this dungeon completely, and that puzzle won't be in the revision.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 16, 2011, 12:07:26 pm »
I just downloaded it.
That's...Nice...?  Would be nice if you could give some feedback.

Anyway, I've been messing around with color schemes for autumn, as I just can't get it to look how I want it...Until now:

I'm trying to make the colors sort of like this one Zelda mockup I saw a while back.  I loved the color scheme in it, as it was sort of dark, yet relaxing, like how autumn is in real life.

In other news, I've been fine tuning certain parts of the engine, as well as some sprites.  It probably feels like I'm getting nothing done with the game, but between this and my other game, which I've put most of my focus on lately, it's as much as I can do.  And on top of that, it's kind of hard coming back and working on the game after a few months.  I forget what and where certain things are, what I need to add/fix/remove and whatnot.

I don't want to make any promises, but I'll try to get another demo out sometime in January, hopefully with the rest of the areas in the game mapped out.

Coding / Re: [Need help getting started] Efficient Link sliding on Ice
« on: December 16, 2011, 11:04:02 am »
There are probably a lot of ways you could do it, but the way I'd do it is something like:

Code: [Select]
if position_meeting(x,y,objIcePatch)
     if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_left/right/whatever)
          if iceslide = 0
               iceslide = 1
               //movement code here

So that way it'll only set it once, and you'll only be able to move once iceslide = 0 again, which you'll have to set with collisions into walls or whatever.

You'll also need to set a check with your regular movement code for iceslide = 0 so you can't move until you stop sliding.

I just came up with this on the spot, and I haven't tested it yet, so let me know if it works or not.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 15, 2011, 04:55:05 am »
Hey guys, I made a little update today.  I uploaded the latest version of the game, which contains quite a few changes:

 - High grass now waves (Animation)
 - Knockback from enemies has been removed
 - Sacred Stream no longer has exclusive grass/foliage coloring
 - New rain/snow overlay
 - New colors for autumn (Not as orange now)
 - Cuccos!  The AI for them is kind of wonky at the moment, but I'll be polishing it more eventually.
 - A few bugfixes.
 - A bunch of other stuff I can't really remember...

Download here

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:30:08 pm »
Ah, so it is a blizzard.  In that case, it looks fine, but I figured it was just regular snowfall.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 12, 2011, 08:02:19 pm »
Looks nice, however, the snowfall overlay seems way too crowded IMO.  You should try having another layer for the snowfall with decreased opacity, so it doesn't cover up that much of the game.

Graphics / Re: The Legend Of Zelda :The Flute Of Elements
« on: November 27, 2011, 06:37:38 am »
I'm assuming the new one is on the left?  Looks pretty slick.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: November 27, 2011, 12:22:12 am »
The trailer has somewhat old footage FYI.  The HUD has changed since then, graphics have improved slightly, etc.  I recommend either basing your judgement on the screenshots (It's usually better to do the opposite, but the footage in the trailer is quite old, from before the big NCFC update I made), or on the game itself of course.

As for Link's animations...Which ones?  I've noticed a few, and might've fixed them recently (The latest demo is quite old, and I won't be uploading a new one for a while).  I have to redo Link's right/left walking animation (It's cut short a few frames, and looks really jumpy), so yeah...

As for items being released from bushes/weeds, that's a cool idea.  Should be simple to do as well, so I'll try to implement it.  As for items being revamped, which ones?  Do you mean the icons, or the items in general?  If so, I'm not trying to make the gameplay fit LTTP.  I don't want to stay within the "limitations" of 2D, as there are many ways to work around it like I'm doing (For instance, the bow aiming, which was never in any 2D Zelda game).  The icons however, are either by TRM, or edits of his icons.  They look nice IMO, so I won't be changing them.

BTW, progress won't resume on the game until early next year.  I've been enjoying this break, and I've been able to gather some great ideas for the game as well.  I've started working on a little side project (Well, it's not that little anymore, as I've been putting a ton of effort into it) so I don't get rusty using GM, and for fun of course.  I've also been enjoy a lot of great games that have come out recently, specifically MW3 and SM3DL.  Not to mention, I'm going to be getting Mario Kart 7 at launch, and Skyrim for Christmas, so I'll be busy with those too.  :p

Pretty nice, but...PILLOWSHADING!  D:

Other Projects / Desertion
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:40:13 am »


Desertion is a survival/exploration game that takes place on a large, uninhabited island full of lush forests, murky swamps, and much more.  Survive, explore, farm, and conquer anything thrown at you with a wide arsenal of weapons, tools, supplies, and everything you need to survive.



None yet


This is my first serious, original project.  I've done all of the graphics myself, all of the programming, etc.  I plan on selling the game (When it's finished of course), as pay-what-you-want.  There will be a free trial version where you're limited to 15 minutes, and some areas on the island are closed off.


For those wondering more about the game, it's going to be sort of like Lost in Blue (Survival game for Nintendo DS), but with some RPG elements thrown in, such as leveling, stats, and more.  Leveling will allow you to access more parts of the island, as the island is going to be pretty big.  Stats will include things like Fishing, Firemaking, and other survival-related attributes that you can increase.

Back to the island...There are going to be over 50 unique "area themes."  For instance, forests, swamp, mountains, deserts, etc.  I've always dreamed of a game that has all different kinds of geographical areas like that, and of course, there will be some original/made-up ones too.

Feedback / Re: Bring back "Know your ZFGCers"
« on: November 18, 2011, 09:15:38 am »
I wasn't around for the old session (I used to visit here all the time yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs ago, under a different username, Yagibabla), but I'd definitely be interested in participating in one.

Graphics / Re: FSA Beach Shore Animation
« on: November 14, 2011, 02:38:00 am »
Nice!  Mind if I use this for my game?

Entertainment / Re: Skyward sword: Is it worth it?
« on: November 13, 2011, 04:23:55 am »
Seeing as the game was leaked and whatnot, I decided to give it a try...Now, I was very skeptical about the game at first, cause the trailers showed it as almost "anime-like" in terms of characters and dialogue.

Show content
I'm just about to leave Skyloft to head to the surface, and it's great so far.  The dialogue isn't as bad as I thought, and I've actually enjoyed the characters and whatnot.  There's some humorous moments, a la Wind Waker (The game seems to take a lot of elements from Wind Waker, which is great), and of course, emotional/serious moments)

I'd say it's worth the money so far, but I'm not even that far into the game, so I can't say for sure.

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