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Author Topic: Need Script/Story Writer with creativity  (Read 1992 times)

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Need Script/Story Writer with creativity
« on: February 22, 2008, 09:16:02 pm »
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What is Needed?

Looking for writer to help with the dialog and script in game.
you will need you create some personalities based on info given,
And based on the personalities you've created, create dialog
for that character. Must be good at writing dialog.

Also, a writer that can write a short story based on some,
given information.

there is a demo with must be played to get an idea of what,
there character should talk about, And what is going to be edited.
we will also need to communicate throught some sort of instance messaging.

Note: the demo is in MC style, and when needed I'll pm you with the link.
the demo has someplay elements, it's not just a techdemo.
so instead of just learning  where to edit you basically get to play a zelda game.


Aunt Jane.
- an older lady
- she takes care of 4 foster childern,
- she stays lives a house
- good friends with Roan
- generally happy

- grown man
- does what he can for Jane and her foster kids.
- kinda of a lost fellow, just lets what happends happen

Child 1.
- boy
- want's to play hide and seek badly, with the player

Child 2.
- girl
- wants to play hdie and seek with player attemps to ask be never finishes her sentance

Child 3.
- not needed yet

Child 4.
- not needed yet


Feel free to make up any left out parameters,
write dialog as if it was your game,(what would you make this character say?)

« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 11:08:29 pm by Tokos »


Re: Need Script/Story Writer with creativity
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 01:28:54 am »
  • Ghosts can have Aliens too you know.
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*Act I, Scene I, In the house of Aunt Jane*

Roan: Top of the morning, Jane!

Aunt Jane: Roan, good to see you. Hows it going?

Roan: Great!

Child 1: Excuse me, Mr. Roan, would you play hide and seek with me?

Roan: Naahhh kid!

Child 1: Why not...?

Roan: *Chuckles* It's a joke, son! It's a joke!

Child 1: Ohhh okay! I'ma' gonna' hide now!

*Child 1 hides, while Roan seeks*

Roan: Hah! By the sword of Fellowstew, you've been found, kid.

Child 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

Child 2: Yay! My turn to play hide and- *cut off by Aunt Jane*

Aunt Jane: It's sad that Duke Dreepley s' been taxing us so much, ain't it Roan?

Roan: Yeah, thats ol' Dreepley for ya... Damn scrub.

Aunt Jane: Well, I must attend to my nitting. I think it's burrrning! Can you watch the children while I'm gone?

Roan: Of course, Jane!

*End Scene 1*

Duke Dreepley would be the tyranic ruler of this country. He's an evil, evil man. The country's name is Fellowstew, the green, lush land known for it's abundance in cash crops like maze, putatoes and tobacco. Or at least, until the Dreepley took over. The land soon went into an economic slump.

I don't know exactly what kind of atmosphere you have in mind, but this one is slightly comical. :P
Ghosts of Aliens
Entire project progress: About 20%

My FurAffinity!
Re: Need Script/Story Writer with creativity
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 01:58:35 am »
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OMG This is perfect!,
exactly what I wanted.

you've created, characters and gave them personalities and used the guides as above.
But, I need this to fit into my current game. which this scene would not fit in,

so I would like to send you my demo and you can rewrite the script the way you see fit??
would you mind doing the script for my game.

Oh how long did it take you to write this.?



Re: Need Script/Story Writer with creativity
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2008, 03:38:00 am »
  • Ghosts can have Aliens too you know.
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Wow really? I didn't even, like, try... I was kidding.

But if you like it, then why not. It only took 5 minutes to write... I've never been a writter, but it sounds like fun, writting a script for a game that isn't mine. Why not! Sendeth me thyn demo, and of the gods grave I shall play it*What ever the !@#$% that means*.
Ghosts of Aliens
Entire project progress: About 20%

My FurAffinity!
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