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Messages - Aliento

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« on: December 10, 2008, 03:27:27 pm »
gotta admit, that was kind of cool

Updates / Re: New Moderators
« on: December 09, 2008, 08:12:40 am »
Oh dear god. A female moderator. Let's hope she moderates better than she drives.


Just kidding :P

I say you run for president of the US next. ZFGC mod is a good stepping stone.

Debates / Re: Console gaming is doomed
« on: December 08, 2008, 08:48:57 pm »

USB keyboard

Coding / Re: How can I fix this?
« on: December 08, 2008, 05:12:25 pm »
Did you not try my other suggestions?

Just swap the little string you mentioned in your first post for one of the strings I gave you.

x=global.linkx+lengthdir_x(link.speed,link.direction); y=global.linky-16+lengthdir_y(link.speed,link.direction)

x=global.linkx+link.hspeed; y=global.linky-16+link.vspeed

Coding / Re: How can I fix this?
« on: December 08, 2008, 04:27:45 pm »
It happens because the carried object sets it's position to match link's BEFORE link changes his global.linkx and global.linky. Try moving that link of code to the draw event.

better yet, instead of that, change the code to this:
x=global.linkx+lengthdir_x(link.speed,link.direction); y=global.linky-16+lengthdir_y(link.speed,link.direction)

change "link.speed" and "link.direction" for the speed and direction variables of Link's object

alternately, if link used hspeed and vspeed variables, use this:

x=global.linkx+link.hspeed; y=global.linky-16+link.vspeed

Debates / Re: Console gaming is doomed
« on: December 08, 2008, 03:25:04 am »
I wasn't trolling.

I'm straight, George Bush is capable of counting past 10 without taking off his shoes, and Superman 64 is the best !@#$% game ever.

Debates / Re: Console gaming is doomed
« on: December 08, 2008, 03:15:38 am »
Seriously Swifty? This is the best troll topic you can make?


Entertainment / Re: Amazing but rarely known movies?
« on: December 08, 2008, 02:21:45 am »

I'm still waiting for the sequel.

Entertainment / Re: A next Metal Gear is...
« on: December 07, 2008, 09:51:32 pm »
Who cares? MGS is lame anyways. It's only redeeming quality is that Snake is a mancake.

Dear Fishu,

Want to make out?

Feedback / Re: Emoticons
« on: December 07, 2008, 01:46:02 am »
I like them.

On a side note, I always thought it would be cool if someone took Link's MC face and used that to make some smileys.

Other Discussion / Re: Whats your life goal(s).
« on: December 06, 2008, 11:38:19 pm »
My...life goals?

1: Work in the games industry.
2: Get married. This one may take longer than it should, for obvious reasons.
3: Make enough money to own every console of a generation and buy every game I want, and stop having to pirate stuff.

decompiling a gm executable isn't hard at all. it's the first result on google.

Dear Fishu,

If elected, what will you do about the lack of vending machines on ZFGC? The ones we have are broken and only dispense stupid memes and bad troll topics. I want hot cheetos and honey buns.

Edit: How about a machine that dispenses Victoria's Secret models and Chippendales?

Entertainment / Re: Scribblenauts
« on: December 06, 2008, 05:51:11 pm »
A discussion about this just sprung up on IRC, but unrelated to this post. Neat. Anyway...
It looks amazing.

Miah:Haha. It'd be pretty tough to find things by the time we're finished with the game, yeah. I mean, we can't have copyrighted materials, and we won't do anything vulgar, but outside of that people are going to be really happy, and really surprised. I mean we've spent three months of just hardcore list-making. A gigantic excel sheet of just going through dictionaries, and going through encyclopedias, and just grabbing anything and everything there is to get. Find and define every object. We have things in here that are so obscure that I don't think people are going to ever find them unless we release official lists someday. People won't write half the things that exist in this game because they're so obscure. You just don't think of them.

That's an incredible effort.
inb4 skeptics

Ok, I was a bit skeptic at first. Like, the object lists would not be very fleshed-out, like maybe 100 items or so, but that got me excited. !@#$%, this sounds awesome.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: December 06, 2008, 08:27:16 am »
Mirrors Edge
Sonic Unleashed
Brothers in Arms HH
Prince of Persia
Call of Duty WaW
New 22" LCD TV

That's what I'm wishing for at least.

GO TO HELL AND DIE. I'm !@#$% jealous. !@#$%.
For any mods who read this and have started eyeing the "ban" button, get over it, it was a freaking joke.

My parents wont give me !@#$%. I'll be lucky to get Wii Fit this Xmas

Growing up sucks ass :(

Entertainment / Re: A next Metal Gear is...
« on: December 05, 2008, 08:14:34 pm »
Everyone I know who's played Ac!d says its not bad.

Everyone you know are moronic.

They ARE moronic? I think you mean something more like "is a moron."



Dear Fishu,

My penis and my vagina are touching. Is this normal?


A copy of DS title Animal Crossing Wild World sent out to media yesterday by Nintendo came loaded with most of the game's secrets unlocked, it also included a nasty surprise.

When you come upon Baabara, the town's resident sheep, you're greeted with a racial epithet. The word is used repeatedly in your conversation with the sheep.

"I almost forgot about you, N—-a" "So got any juicy gossip for me, N—-a?" "Just thinking about it gets me all excited, N—-a."

The word, written with a tilda over the N and an accent over the A, apparently popped up in the game because the person who was playing it, most likely a Nintendo employee, customized the greeting of the critter to include the word. One of the draw's of the original DS title was that the text speech of the game's inhabitants can be customized.

The sheep was first discovered by MTV's Stephen Totilo, who reported on it over on Multiplayer. I was able to track the sheep down on the version sent me by Nintendo and verified that she's just as mouthy in my version.

It appears that Nintendo copied the save for the game to multiple copies of Wild Word and then sent it out to game writers. The copy came with a letter explaining that content had been unlocked so writers could check out how moving stuff from the DS Animal Crossing title to the recently released Wii version worked.

We've contacted Nintendo for comment and will update when they reply.

Someone at Nintendo just lost their job. Great job moron.

Shame on Nintendo for not catching this.

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