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Messages - 4Sword

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Feedback / Re: Spam in Other Areas Besides Spam
« on: June 03, 2006, 09:26:20 pm »
Do you honestly think that works all the time?  There are quite a lot of times when no mod is on and the forum gets out of control.  No use reporting if there is no one around to hear me. 

Also, the spam in the other areas does not have to be "extreme", it is still spam and does not belong in the other sections.  I am tired of seeing people spam debates with senseless posts that are in no way beneficial to the debate itself, I dislike seeing trolling in places like community speak go unquestioned, and I am unhappy with the attitude of the mods toward it. 

FISSURE, you are the bulk, no, the entity that embodies spam.  You monger hate and spam.  For that, I dislike you as well.  And you used to be up there on my cool list.

Feedback / Spam in Other Areas Besides Spam
« on: June 03, 2006, 08:30:28 pm »
It has come to my attention that spam is becoming more of a problem in other areas of the forum.  I feel that the existence of the spam forum is the cause for this.  The other areas are not just being spammed because of the spam forum's influence, but the other areas now have more trolling, unnecessary posts, etc.  If we are going to keep the spam forum, I would like spammers to keep their spam and attitudes in that area because it is negatively affecting my experience in the other areas.  I do not know if I speak for others or just myself, but I feel this must be addressed now.  Thank you for your time.

It comes from the game Zero Wing, and yes the localization team did a bad job on it.

Other Discussion / Re: Statistics Info, Please Post and Help Me Out
« on: May 30, 2006, 08:54:10 pm »
A). Wendy's
B). Walmart
C). Programming
D). Boy; technically, a young male, beyond puberty
E). Saturday; Adult Swim is on, anime on TV, get to do nothing

Coding / Re: Few Questions(With the Game Maker)
« on: May 30, 2006, 08:27:51 pm »
1. Not Sure
2.a. Set the depth of the object to a very low value, i.e -9999999
2.b. In the draw event of an object do the following


substitute v for a value, it can be negative or postive, if sets an object in relation to the view, so if the screen is moving, the HUD follows the screen.  If the HUD image is not animated set the subimg to zero as well.

Feedback / Re: What is ZFGC's focus again?
« on: May 30, 2006, 07:20:30 pm »
But it could kill you if you remove it too. In fact it could kill you faster if you remove it, and it would just grow back in other places.
The fact of the matter is that if you do not take it out, then you are assured death, but if you do take it out, then you may die, but the chances are less than if you would leave it in.  Here, for example, spam is already growing into other places.  The other boards are becoming dumber and dumber as time goes by.  The only thing to do is to remove it before it ruins everything completely and absolutely.

Feedback / Re: What is ZFGC's focus again?
« on: May 30, 2006, 06:19:05 pm »
Pedlya, you fail to see what it is doing to the community as a whole.  Other areas are either deserted or being overshadowed by spam.  Spam is becoming like a tumor that grows on the back of your brain.  Sure it may look cool in the CAT scan, and sure it may appear to make you look funny by giving you a big head, but in the end, it ends up killing you and making you look stupid.

Feedback / Re: What is ZFGC's focus again?
« on: May 30, 2006, 02:20:58 pm »
That the spam section is killing ZFGC is nonsense pure nonsense. ZFGC is made for fangames but we all know that 99% doesn't get finished. And thats more what is killing ZFGC all these projects that don't get finished.
Fangames have something that spam does not, and do you know what that is?  Well, it is progress.  The people who do not finish often have resources that other people can use.  Not only that, but the people who work on projects will be better for it; they know how to do something rather than nothing.  A failed attempt usually spills over into other sections like Graphics and Programming.  This "spill over" gives people more opportunities to try to make their own.  A failed fangame can just as much help as a completed one can.  Things do not have to get done, they only need to be attempted.

Other Discussion / Re: Got a Question
« on: May 30, 2006, 01:40:24 am »
You are not being specific enough to clearly convey your problem.  I would suggest that you describe in as much necessary detail the plight before you so that someone may better assist you.  First off, what is ZC? 

Also, if you want only what is in the program window, push alt and prt scr at the same time.  That is really all I can tell you as I do not fully know your problem.

Other Discussion / Re: Got a Question
« on: May 30, 2006, 01:03:09 am »
Either close and restart a blank MSPaint or if you are copying from an AVI video file, slow the hardware acceleration down to zero.

Feedback / Re: What is ZFGC's focus again?
« on: May 29, 2006, 09:00:14 pm »
This is what I brought up in chat.  Spam is only ruining this place; even a spammer could honestly admit that.  It has gotten to the point of where just being here is a waste of time and energy.  The users who populate the spam boards overzealously fail to see this.  Can you be proud of what you do here?  When someone asks you what you do here would you rather say that you posted useless things or that you were working on a fangame?  I probably do not speak for everyone when I say this, but I was glad the hecking thing happened because it stopped all the stupid, senseless spamming.  And to believe that the majority of this forum is at the level where they leave childhood, and then to remember that people grow older and not younger.  Still, on this forum, it seems like everyone is becoming more and more like children; and not in the good way, but in the bad, whiny, obnoxious way.  Spam has to go, for the sake of this place.

Feedback / Re: "Recent posts" window...
« on: May 28, 2006, 05:38:19 pm »
I think Spam should stay, but there should be a separate "recent posts" window for it. ;)
It would just take up more space.  If you put it on the board index in the information area at the bottom of the page, it would bush all boards up, and if you put it in the spam section, it would be pointless because you would be able to see the most recent post and most recent topics anyway.  Spam really shouldn't be glorified by having its own recent posts window.
Maybe Spam could not appear in the "recent posts" window at all.
That is basically what everyone has been saying.  It gets annoying to see the whole list congregated by spam. 

Feedback / Re: "Recent posts" window...
« on: May 27, 2006, 10:01:13 pm »
I think Spam should stay, but there should be a separate "recent posts" window for it. ;)
It would just take up more space.  If you put it on the board index in the information area at the bottom of the page, it would bush all boards up, and if you put it in the spam section, it would be pointless because you would be able to see the most recent post and most recent topics anyway.  Spam really shouldn't be glorified by having its own recent posts window.

Feedback / Re: "Recent posts" window...
« on: May 27, 2006, 02:46:53 pm »
I too have had a problem with spam posts going on the recent posts list.  Every time I try to post seriously, my post is always  moved down the list in less than a few seconds.  In fact, this post will probably be covered up and forgotten for a long time.

This is getting to the point were ZFGC does not feel like anything anymore, and why wouldn't it, spam topics get more recognition than Zelda fangames.

Entertainment / Re: Taylor Hicks
« on: May 25, 2006, 02:40:00 am »
Considering the fact that in the overall scheme of things that the winners have been of a lesser quality, this guy is a predicted has-been.  For Kelly Clarkson to break away from the American Idol show and stand as a stand-alone artist was no mere feat.  In summary, Taylor Hicks sucked, sucks, and will suck for a while.  And based on that last line of "will suck", that does not mean that he will get better, it only means that he will be forgotten.  I mean, William Hung has more staying power than this !@#$%.

Other Discussion / Re: Is TRM's Ocarina of Time 2D real or fake?
« on: May 25, 2006, 12:52:17 am »
I believe it's real.  I believe until proven wrong, and I haven't been proven wrong yet.

@4sword-thats comparing different reals-fakes.  Fake breast are still there, but a fake game is non-existent.  Sorta like comparing breasts to no breasts >.>
By definition, fake means either "fraudulant" or "counterfeit".  I was kind of going for it may have been real once, but now it is not.  You know, like how when it started it may or may not have been there or not, so he could be passing off its progress as fake.  One could argue that even the Demo 3c counts as OoT2D, but that it is only in progress.  The early development version may have existed, but who knows about the current one.  So, .Imyge, I actually think now that it is like comparing small breasts to big breasts >.<.

Other Discussion / Re: Is TRM's Ocarina of Time 2D real or fake?
« on: May 24, 2006, 03:41:10 am »
I feel like some dirty person for saying this, but it is like breasts.  Whether or not they are real or fake, they are still there.  You could either have something tangible and in the later stages of development or nothing at all.  The fact that you had a OoT2D demo made in Game Maker (old, but still there) shows that you at least started it, but beyond that, no one knows or can tell if you really are working on it.  Plus, you coming back here to post about OoT2D and TRM Games makes you look like an attention !@#$%.  Lol, I said "breasts" and "!@#$%" in a topic that is unrelated to either, all while being on topic, ^_^.

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 04:17:55 am »
This is what I hate about some people.  They get to the point where they have to drag out something that only serves to infuriate other people.

The second link which you posted says that he did not recant evolution on his deathbed.  The whole website is obviously run from a Christian perspective anyway and does not hesitate to take pot shots at Darwin himself.  Most unbaised articles give better information, by the way. 

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 03:32:54 am »
The examples of forgeries really brings me back.  I remember something like this on either the History or Discovery Channel which was narrated by that Alec Baldwin guy, yeah good program too.

Piltdown man was a pretty bad hoax, but the board of science had some unscientific bias in it, mostly trusting a British man's clain without further examination.  The problem with Piltdown man was that it was fabricated to look like exacly half-man, half-ape looking though.  The British scientists were only interested in national prde and the finders were only interested in fame and/or money.  A man went to that same board and was rejected even though his claim was legitimate.

The Nebraska man was pretty unrealistic anyway.  Why would the missing link be on a different continent.  Early human fears, lack of sea travel experience, and the fact that their live's often were dependent upon herding populations of animals mostly prove this to be true.  While some early humans did cross over to the USA, probably on a land bridge near Alaska, for the missing link to do this would be absurd.

Didn't Java mans founder squander away his money in the search only to come up with close to nothing?  He was one of the crazy ones.  I think the TV program portrayed him as a good artist, but his sketchs were what prove him to think the way he did.  He wanted to find the missing link so bad that it made him see what he wanted to see.

All of these people though were just the imitators.  Most only based what they did on the success of other peoples' findings which were true findings. 

That quote is from 1981, there are some newer technologues today which make some claims easier to verify.

Debates / Re: Evolution: Fact or Theory?
« on: May 23, 2006, 03:03:21 am »
Things can even out over time.  Neanderthal had a big brain too, but he died out.  Brain size doesn't always represent active intelligence.  Generally though, the brain grew larger.  Humanity had different "breeds" if you will at a time though.  There were three groups living on the EurAsian continent.  Cromagnon could have been one of the ones that did not make it and if he did live on, his brain could become more efficient and not require the same amount of space.

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