General => Entertainment => Topic started by: Riisnæs on November 19, 2006, 05:36:31 pm

Title: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 19, 2006, 05:36:31 pm
The Wii of course!  Who of you lucky americans, that are taking a ZFGC break from your Wiis, come tell us what you think about it!

/A curious European

BTW, when wii Europeans get it, wii can post here (as well as the other people...)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 19, 2006, 05:37:17 pm
I am american but I have to wait till Christmas. :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Ricky on November 19, 2006, 05:47:24 pm
Well, I'm not american, nor I got a Wii, but I played one today... It was awesome, it sure takes a while for you to get used to it, and for you to realize that the Wii-mote is way smaller than you ever thought, it is indeed a great experience, something you haven't ever experienced before...
Hope Wii will be more successful than GameCube was, and PS3 and X360 will be :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Scooternew on November 19, 2006, 05:49:00 pm
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: NickAVV on November 19, 2006, 05:55:20 pm
Going out later today. I'll get one under two conditions.

a) If there are any left at Circuit City/Sears (the only places that supposedly have them in stock)
b) If my mom feels like helping me pay for it (damn she'd better)

Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 19, 2006, 06:04:16 pm

Well then, tell us, how is it?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on November 19, 2006, 06:04:43 pm
Haha I got one...painfully XD I waited in line at target at 6:45 and they passed out numbers at 7:15 and I thought there was gonna be 69 and I thought I was safe but that only had 66 so guess who would have been number 67?... yea...ouch indeed so I dragged my bro out to Toys R Us that didn't open untill 10 (so basicly was there 2 and a half hours early) but we were 11th and 12th in line and got a Wii + Zelda + Madden (for my bro) + another Wii-mote + another Nunchak oh.. and TP's Players Guide XD I would be playing Zelda now, but my bro and my mom are in love with Wii Sports.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 19, 2006, 06:18:02 pm
Sister, you gotta fight for the right to party...  Go get 'em tiger!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on November 19, 2006, 06:19:53 pm
I really gotta say, nintendo was right when its a system for everyone, my friend's parents just came over and we got them hooked on Wii Bowling already. Everything is really easy to control and in general its just easy to use.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: imfletcher on November 19, 2006, 06:21:43 pm
Nintendo sales are always crap in my city..SO WHY THE HELL IS IT SOLD OUT?!

Best Buy had 6 PS3s and 76 Wiis...all gone. Every other store that might have a wii had people lined up in front pounding on the window. I mean it was like Dawn of the Dead or something...

Oh well I'm on a waiting list so the longest time til I get one is two weeks.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: NickAVV on November 19, 2006, 06:24:26 pm
Damn. Just called every game store in town. All sold out. >_< Now I have to wait another three weeks.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Zoru on November 19, 2006, 06:31:41 pm
I tried to get it, went to Target, hell, I even went to gamestop. In order for gamestop to notify us of their next shipment, I had to pay 5 bucks and reserve some stupid game I didn't even want. GAY.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 19, 2006, 06:40:09 pm
Looks like I'm gonna have to camp even longer since it seems to be a huge success salewise. o_o
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 19, 2006, 06:47:35 pm
CA IS RICH AND LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!1
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: MG-Zero on November 19, 2006, 08:06:16 pm
i've got it and i'm loving it.  I've already gotten my mom hooked on wii sports.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 08:14:51 pm
Haha I got one...painfully XD I waited in line at target at 6:45 and they passed out numbers at 7:15 and I thought there was gonna be 69 and I thought I was safe but that only had 66 so guess who would have been number 67?... yea...ouch indeed so I dragged my bro out to Toys R Us that didn't open untill 10 (so basicly was there 2 and a half hours early) but we were 11th and 12th in line and got a Wii + Zelda + Madden (for my bro) + another Wii-mote + another Nunchak oh.. and TP's Players Guide XD I would be playing Zelda now, but my bro and my mom are in love with Wii Sports.
I should have gone where you went and made my bro pay for it

My bro might take me later though and maybe I will Sell my stuff and search the city

Hey Angel do you have a camera?
can you take a picture of your Wii?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: cb43569 on November 19, 2006, 08:17:47 pm
You have more than 2 DS Lites o_o? AND A PSP?!!? God-damn it, where do you get all this expensive !@#$% from <_<?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 08:24:50 pm
You have more than 2 DS Lites o_o? AND A PSP?!!? God-damn it, where do you get all this expensive poo from <_<?
Originally it started like this
My bro bought a PSP I got jealous and bought myself one He never played his and within 5 months he soled it
When the DS came out I HATED IT IT WAS SO FAT AND UGLY but then came DS lite I loved it I had to get one of course for PH
then we go to get it and he decides to get one too so now we got 2 DS lites and go figure HE NEVER PLAYS IT!! so I asked him if
I can sell it he said whatever.

Now I got 1 PSP and 2 DS lites

Then I traded some kid an Ipod nano I bought off this other kid for 50$ a DS phat he found (The idiot didn't know there was a game in it XD)

so now I got 1 PSP 2 DS lites and a DS phat

End of story
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on November 19, 2006, 09:14:22 pm
Hey Angel do you have a camera?
can you take a picture of your Wii?

XD I'm a girl I don't have one... OOOOH you mean Nintendo haha (jk jk) I'll take a pic soon after I finish up some College Apps and go to play some Twilight Princess
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Source on November 19, 2006, 09:15:45 pm
No Wii for me.  :'( Although I'll gladly accept any generous donations of money and/or a Wii itself. But I should be getting one soon, so I'll eventually join your ranks. ;)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 19, 2006, 09:16:19 pm
The Wii-less are outcasts now.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 09:19:07 pm
Hey Angel do you have a camera?
can you take a picture of your Wii?

XD I'm a girl I don't have one... OOOOH you mean Nintendo haha (jk jk) I'll take a pic soon after I finish up some College Apps and go to play some Twilight Princess
Yes how does that Wii look like
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Master Chicken on November 19, 2006, 09:19:39 pm
I got a Wii, extra controllers for my brother, a classic controller (which I may take back because I think you can use the GC controller for the virtual console), a 2000 Wii Points card, Call of Duty 3, Red Steel, and Excite Truck.  I've also got Zelda reserved at EB.  Unfortunately, since I bought only the Wii with my own money, I have only Wii Sports to play until Christmas, when I can play the others.  But damn if Wii Sports isn't awesome!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Source on November 19, 2006, 09:20:29 pm
The Wii-less are outcasts now.

Dammit.  :'(

Good news: Wal-Mart still has several Wiis. Now I need $250. Any donations?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 09:23:03 pm
I got a Wii, extra controllers for my brother, a classic controller (which I may take back because I think you can use the GC controller for the virtual console), a 2000 Wii Points card, Call of Duty 3, Red Steel, and Excite Truck.  I've also got Zelda reserved at EB.  Unfortunately, since I bought only the Wii with my own money, I have only Wii Sports to play until Christmas, when I can play the others.  But damn if Wii Sports isn't awesome!
does it have ports for it
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 19, 2006, 09:33:38 pm
You can use a GCN controller instead of a CC.  It is awesome. And you have 22$ in VC points.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 09:39:27 pm
Im gonna buy oot and mm
Here is what I was going to sell
(thanks alirazaq for hosting)
Title: The Official "I GOT A WII" Thread
Post by: araknidude on November 19, 2006, 09:46:05 pm
...I GOT A WII! And it wasn't easy. The night before it technically "launched" (Saturday) me and my friends were driving around. We went to the closest walmart and apparently there were campers there since WEDNESDAY. So we called another Walmart and they had campers since the week before it was meant to come out. Then, we called K-MART and the dude in electronics EXPLICITLY SAID "The doors open at 8, first come first serve, no preorders"

Well the next morning we get up bright n early and head over there, wait for an hour only to have a manger come out and say "okay everyone, take out your tickets please"


My friends mom starts freaking out on the mamager and then we left.

We went to Sams Club and read a sign on the door "There are only 6 units available, we will sell them at 10 AM"


Only one console per person with a membership there.


I called my mom down and she was all like "no i dont feel like coming down blah blah blah" but I put my friends mom on the phone and she convinced mom to come down and use her membership card so I could get one!

I paid 316 dollars in total for the system, all my money, paid in full by ME, no help from anyone. I have NO REGRETS.

So, it was a crazy day and it was worth it. I get a Wii, my mom starts obsessing over the thing and just has a blast playing it (which made me feel really good, for some reason) and I got Twilight Princess!

Aiming with the wiimote is HORRIBLE.

So, post here if you got one!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Halu on November 19, 2006, 09:51:04 pm
I'm 99.9% I'm getting one for Christmas, and my own copy of TP, and my own Wii-mote.
So, I'm good, Christmas ain't that far off :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 09:52:20 pm
I'm 99.9% I'm getting one for Christmas, and my own copy of TP, and my own Wii-mote.
So, I'm good, Christmas ain't that far off :)
Well I don't celebrate christmas but my parents love when I get good grades ;D (I aced my math test)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on November 19, 2006, 10:01:56 pm
I stayed up till 7 am this morning and then called circuit city and realised that we had been told wrong all night and they were all already sold in stores.

My gamestop is supposed to get more this friday.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 10:03:10 pm
then that means my gamestop might get more too this FRIDAY YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: The Official "I GOT A WII" Thread
Post by: Kleaver on November 19, 2006, 10:26:58 pm
You lucky !@#$% :D That's all I can say....

I'll sticky this
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on November 19, 2006, 11:08:41 pm
For the guy that requested a pic of uberness all hail the mighty white box!:

Title: Re: The Official "I GOT A WII" Thread
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on November 19, 2006, 11:09:24 pm
Already confirmed I have one and to ferther that may the drooling commense XD

Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Pyru on November 19, 2006, 11:11:26 pm
For the guy that requested a pic of uberness all hail the mighty white box!:


Angel... I just bought a plane ticket... please can I stay at your house? Your folks won't mind, right?

You said they'd love my accent... :P
Title: Re: The Official "I GOT A WII" Thread
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 11:12:08 pm
Already confirmed I have one and to ferther that may the drooling commense XD

It's so sexy
They only come in white
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 11:14:03 pm
For the guy that requested a pic of uberness all hail the mighty white box!:

Amen to that when I get it I will worship too
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Kleaver on November 19, 2006, 11:15:37 pm
/me dies
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 11:20:05 pm
/me dies
*Steals Kleavers wallet buys plane ticket to crystals house steals Wii and goes back home
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Spaceworld on November 19, 2006, 11:23:36 pm
Waited outside Wal-mart for 12 hours, got it at midnight. Had a party with my friends all night playing Wii Sports, which is inteeeense. Played TP all day. It is amazing. Aiming with the Wiimote is very nice, much better than using analog sticks. You must get this game.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 11:27:16 pm
I could just tell my brother can I get the Wii he says No
I go in my room colse the door pretend to cry (force some tears) he comes by
knocks on the door says "come on let's go" and I pretend not to get excited  :D
Thats how I get the Wii

Or maybe he will say yes when I ask can I get the Wii
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 19, 2006, 11:30:07 pm
Such a spoiled brat... :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 19, 2006, 11:32:31 pm
Such a spoiled brat... :'(
He he he well I have two very nice older brothers so the question who got it?
Is a No to me
Who is getting it within the next 6 hours?

It just always works out
One of my brothers though The oldest doesn't want me to have it because my grades in math ( i just don't do my work)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 19, 2006, 11:34:06 pm
I have 4 bros. and the most they ever bought me was to DS games.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Dayjo on November 19, 2006, 11:51:09 pm
Crystal, you !@#$%!! :(
You make me cry!! :'(

/me hangs himself in a jealous rage
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 20, 2006, 12:03:48 am
Crystal, you Female puppy!! :(
You make me cry!! :'(

/me hangs himself in a jealous rage
Dayjo you can still get it you just have to wait till the next batch comes in
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 20, 2006, 12:20:18 am
Nope Dayjo's a Euro.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on November 20, 2006, 03:06:36 am
Crystal, you !@#$%!! :(
You make me cry!! :'(

/me hangs himself in a jealous rage

Aww don't do that, just come to America for a bit XD
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Goodnight on November 20, 2006, 03:20:42 am
What's this? GameCube is out now?? Crap, I'm still broke. :'(

I heard tssf camped out for a Wii.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Dayjo on November 20, 2006, 10:51:55 am
Aww don't do that, just come to America for a bit XD
Well, I was planning on going in February, but I'll have a Wii by then... :/ lol
What's this? GameCube is out now?? Crap, I'm still broke. :'(

I heard tssf camped out for a Wii.
I am also broke, which doesn't help the matter.
lol, at tssf... that doesn't suprise me.
Title: Re: The Official "I GOT A WII" Thread
Post by: Riisnæs on November 20, 2006, 12:47:50 pm
Aiming with the wiimote is HORRIBLE.

All you have to do is configure it or move the sensor bar.  Adjusting is the magical word for fixing it.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Fox on November 20, 2006, 04:52:48 pm
Let's all move over to Cissy, WOO. ??3??
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 20, 2006, 06:56:59 pm
Or maybe we should just buy Wiis?  :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Solarrain4 on November 20, 2006, 09:30:18 pm

Don't have it, nor do I have $250 (I have $80 at the moment, and I was going to use it to save up for some cymbals for my dad's old drumset... was going to use it as my own seeing he has an electronic one now :P ). I don't plan to get a Wii anytime soon, but after I'm done getting the cymbals, or if I decide not to, I guess I'll get one.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on November 20, 2006, 09:45:00 pm
Friday...My gamestop gets a shipment on friday...then will I be victorious...cause I'm friends with the manager.  ;D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: REV2K7 on November 20, 2006, 10:42:32 pm
I got the wii and zelda and red steel waited at walmart 9 am since 12:01 am !!!! Woot N0.3 and my friend was fourth :D

dumb ass asked us "are you guys waiting" lol some thought was for ps3 :P
Title: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: DugOLas on November 21, 2006, 12:59:20 am
I had to camp out in front of target for 28 hours to get my wii, i was 7th in line.. i got my wii and i have been playing it all !@#$% day! ^_____^
we're all !@#$% playing wii it rocks i mean yAAAYAYAYAYAAAAAAY :jellytime: :jellytime: :jellytime: :jellytime: :tek: :tek: :tek: :ganon: :dance: :dance: :lol: :ganon: :ganon:
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Revan on November 21, 2006, 01:09:08 am
Damn you! they sold out everywhere around me, I guess it's my own fault for being too lazy to camp out.
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: InvaderLupus on November 21, 2006, 04:20:44 am
28 hours! I camped out in front of Best Buy for 9 hours to get mine, in below-freezing weather. The worst part was at about 12:30 AM when all the people who waited at Wal-mart (I would have, but I had to work that night) drove by, holding their Wii boxes against their car windows while we sat in the cold, with over 8 hours left to go.

But I must say, it was definitely worth it. *returns to playing Twilight Princess*
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: DugOLas on November 21, 2006, 04:31:44 am
lol, the same thing happened here! they drove by and showed everyone their wii's though their car windows and some dude jumped on top of the car!!!! XD it was crazy
yeah now my friend is playing twilight princess and he's farther than me so im in a different room cause i dont want him ruining it for me :(
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: MyNameLawl on November 21, 2006, 04:56:40 am
I only have TP.  :(
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: DugOLas on November 21, 2006, 05:03:41 am
yeah well i have tp and WII SPORTS !@#$%!!!
...yeah but TP is such a great game, its so great.

my friend bought call of duty so he could play it on my wii ;D
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Moon_child on November 21, 2006, 06:13:42 am
WoW great man!
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Dumb_Ass on November 21, 2006, 06:30:14 am
I only have TP.  :(
WiiSports came with the Wii. Are you lying, or did you just get ripped off?
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: MyNameLawl on November 21, 2006, 06:32:18 am
I only have TP.  :(
WiiSports came with the Wii. Are you lying, or did you just get ripped off?

No, I just didn't get a Wii yet.
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Dumb_Ass on November 21, 2006, 07:19:16 am
So, you preordered TP?
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: MyNameLawl on November 21, 2006, 07:40:43 am
Well, I wasn't expecting to get anything on the 19nth, but apparently since my parents wouldn't be home for my birthday(today, on the 21rst), we celebrated it on the 19nth.  I got about $35.00 from my parents.  My brother, not knowing TP was released, got me Sonic Riders.  And although I'm a fan of Sonic games, I wasn't interested in it, so I returned it, and fortunately for me the store I went to had plenty of copies of TP(but there were no Wiis, not even one to test), so I got that with the $35.00 I had and the money I got for returning Sonic Riders. 

Now all I have to do is get a Wii.  Anyone interested in buying two Gamecubes, plus some Gamecube and Gameboy Color and Advance games? :p 
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 21, 2006, 06:48:16 pm
Allright guys, I've got my finds together... it's time to kick some swedish ASS!  ;D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 22, 2006, 02:02:37 am
Man I wish people would stop generalizing Americans like this.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on November 22, 2006, 06:05:07 pm
I won't be getting a Wii 'till Christmas. My Mom said she's buying it this week, but I still have to wait until Christmas to play it :(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 22, 2006, 08:38:18 pm
Hang in there, hey atleast you get it this YEAR!  :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Halu on November 23, 2006, 03:06:26 pm
Yeah, I feel bad for the people that won't :(
Title: Re: I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Busternaut on November 23, 2006, 06:00:06 pm
i got my wii yesterday.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Busternaut on November 23, 2006, 06:17:20 pm
i got the wii yesterday! :dance:
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 23, 2006, 08:57:48 pm
So how do you like it?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Moon_child on November 23, 2006, 09:05:51 pm
I don't have a Wii...
Thats because I'm outcast...
I'm cursed...
Curse will be lifted...
At 8th December...
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on November 24, 2006, 05:07:29 pm
I just got it! WHOOO! Thank you for Black Friday. I waited since 4:16 Am and was 1st in line. I got TP and I really like Wii sports, Tennis, and boxing, and....well, all of em!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 25, 2006, 08:05:08 am
I broke my Wii funds by buying a really nice jacket, now I'm desperate to get money!  :o
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on November 25, 2006, 02:46:49 pm
I have a very nice dad, who bought me the wii, TP, TP Strategy guide, and an extra wiimote and nunchuk. So, yeah, I like my dad.

Unfortunately, now he says that was Christmas, so i can play it now, but there won't be anything under the tree. Sad.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: cb43569 on November 25, 2006, 03:25:08 pm
I broke my Wii funds by buying a really nice jacket, now I'm desperate to get money!  :o

Hee hee, I'm more clever than that... my money's in a special saving tin that can only be opened with a can opener ;D! How's that for secure ;)?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 25, 2006, 05:01:00 pm
My grandma(the only one who has enough money to get it) is saying she won't get it for me, even though the last two years she has given me exaclty $250 and not cared!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: onishounen on November 27, 2006, 04:21:21 am
I have it, and furthermore, I have picture of me humping it.


Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Revan on November 27, 2006, 04:33:29 pm
I got one last week, I got 3 controllers, Zelda, Red Steel and Super Monkey Ball.  I've played 16 hours of Zelda so far and it's looking to be awesome.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: cb43569 on November 27, 2006, 04:35:52 pm
I have it, and furthermore, I have picture of me humping it.



...you sicko. And you're humping it in public, too :(. SSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIICCCCCCKKKKOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: onishounen on November 27, 2006, 08:34:39 pm
XD There's a really funny story behind that all.

I was the first in line for it, and after I paid for it, I walked to the middle of the store (yea, like everywhere else, only one person in at a time)
and looked at the line and started to hump it there too, and everyone that had been waiting all night with me was laughing, good times... good times....
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on November 27, 2006, 11:59:50 pm
I lol'd alot from that. Especaily the cartoon referenece.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 28, 2006, 05:48:09 pm
I have it, and furthermore, I have picture of me humping it.



z0mG pr0n!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Hero of Vortex on November 28, 2006, 06:45:14 pm



Anyways, no, I do not have it. But I will get it... eventually... some day.. maybe... hopefully...
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Busternaut on November 28, 2006, 06:57:02 pm
So how do you like it?
'tis awesome!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Revan on November 28, 2006, 10:34:47 pm
So how do you like it?
'tis awesome!

Awesome is an understatement, there isn't even a good enough word to describe how great it is.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on November 29, 2006, 12:07:25 am
Finally getting it tomorrow I am gonna wake up at 6:00AM take a shower get ready for school
and then leave at 7:00 afterwards I am going to skip school walk to GameStop which is nearby(thank god)
and wait till 8:00AM when gamestop opens then I am gonna buy the Wii go back to school and wait till the day is over
Not taking my eye off my backpack :)

BTW school starts at 8:40AM so it's perfect timing
mu ah Ha Ha Hah Ha what a devious plan
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on November 29, 2006, 01:56:27 pm
Not counting today, there're only 9 days left for us euros!!  9 DAYS PEOPLE!!!!!!!  8)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Kleaver on November 29, 2006, 09:34:43 pm
Yes, and I pretty much have the money ready...let Revolution day come :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Zerolink on December 01, 2006, 03:19:54 am
I was gonna get one pretty soon (like next time I get paid) but due to an annoying abundance of car troubles lately, I owe my mom a crapload of money and probably won't be able to get one till like...next year. No Wii for Mii! I wanna play TP  :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Darunia on December 04, 2006, 06:36:26 pm
2 More painfull days (without counting today) but thats soon enough!  ;D Anyone know if you need a memory card? I havent got any info about this.
Woo I see someone else had the same idea about the "not counting today" lol!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 05, 2006, 12:39:58 am
No memory card neccasary. But you can put VC game on one to transfer it. Christmas, here I come.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on December 05, 2006, 12:42:26 am
No memory card neccasary. But you can put VC game on one to transfer it. Christmas, here I come.
Actually you can not transfer it to another Wii
that would have been a cool edition
But you can't because the downloads are meant to work on your specific Wii only

Just like you can transfer Mii's (up to 10) to a Wiimote
but not to a SD card
That also would have been a cool edition then you could download Mii's of your friends and put them on your Wii
instead of having to attcatch them to a premade Mii
Or even put it on the SD and upload it to the internet for your friends to download to there Wii's

Awesome right
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 05, 2006, 01:31:15 am
No, I think you can put it on one and play it on a different Wii, you just can only save it to the card.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: TheGrayK on December 05, 2006, 03:13:18 am
I GOT ONE WOOT :dance:  :jellytime:  ;D
But the other day my friend busted up my remote and it turns off some times gotta get a new one
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Windy on December 05, 2006, 03:40:13 am
I've almost got one.. my pre-order is fully paid off and i'll be able to pick it up tomorrow at midnight during the launch
I'll be getting the Wii (duh :p), TP, Rayman, WiiPlay Bundle + Nunchuck. $710 total.
it'll be the first console that i've actually paid for myself (- christmas/birthday monies) ;p
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 05, 2006, 04:21:41 am
So apparently Wal-Mart is going to have Wiis this Wednesday at 8:00 AM. My mom is going to try and pick one up, if she can get there early enough. I really hope she gets, even though I won't actually get to touch the thing until Christmas. I just want to the security of knowing we have one :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Last Wizard of TheCentury on December 05, 2006, 04:36:11 am
No, I think you can put it on one and play it on a different Wii, you just can only save it to the card.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Darunia on December 05, 2006, 11:17:26 am
YAY no card! thats great, cause I got scared when I saw the extra 100 francs for a simple card lol.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 06, 2006, 01:35:53 am
That was  optional thankfully. Hasn't France switched to Euros yet?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Busternaut on December 06, 2006, 01:39:31 am
2 More painfull days (without counting today) but thats soon enough!  ;D Anyone know if you need a memory card? I havent got any info about this.
Woo I see someone else had the same idea about the "not counting today" lol!
yeah you need a memory card to save. cause you don't get one with the wii.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: MG-Zero on December 06, 2006, 01:42:16 am
2 More painfull days (without counting today) but thats soon enough!  ;D Anyone know if you need a memory card? I havent got any info about this.
Woo I see someone else had the same idea about the "not counting today" lol!
yeah you need a memory card to save. cause you don't get one with the wii.

no, you can use the internal memory.  You can't directly load game save data from the sd card anyway.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Desgardes on December 06, 2006, 03:10:20 am

Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on December 08, 2006, 01:40:49 pm
WII IS OUT IN EUROPE!! IT JUST LAUNCHED TODAY! although I'm not getting mine til January... :(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Darunia on December 08, 2006, 01:59:45 pm
That was  optional thankfully. Hasn't France switched to Euros yet?
I live in switzerland.
Wahhh I got Twilight Princess but there were no more wiis!  :-X So it's like 5 more days til i play :p
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: mit on December 08, 2006, 02:09:43 pm
Wah, the stores were sold out before they opened, there were so many preorders that there wasn't even an option to buy that day, and no more orders are being accepted until after christmas.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Moon_child on December 08, 2006, 02:17:46 pm
Today the Wii is launched in Hyrule and gawd... I don't have one I pre-ordered it but I'm like number 59 on the !@#$% list.  :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Wasabi on December 08, 2006, 02:21:07 pm
dammit dammit dammit!!! i don't get Twilight princess or the Wii till Jan too!  :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Ricky on December 08, 2006, 05:14:13 pm
I didn't have a reserve, to I had the caution to think on a not-so-famous store, in a zone with the less possible fanboys or teens at all...
I remembered about one that isn't very popular (Even though has "popular" in the name >_>), it's near here (~6km).
And 9.52, 8 minutes till it opens I was at the door, there was Ricky :3
And so... there was just a single one in the whole store. xD.
But. Not anymore, at the moment, it is in my room... evil laugh ... mwhahaha...
Btw, I came to know that there were just 5000 units released in Portugal... whatever, I have one, I don't have to care about that :)
Anyways, the Wii rules, and so does TP ;D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: mit on December 08, 2006, 06:29:30 pm
Yeah, I didn't preorder because there are so many sony fanboys around here... and yet...
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on December 08, 2006, 08:36:17 pm
I managed to get TP just now, it's pretty hardcore looking. :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: ArcticFerret on December 11, 2006, 05:01:14 am
Put me down on the list of people who dont have a Wii yet. Within an hour radius no stores have the Wii. They have the peripherals and games,  but no Wii.  :'(

Besides, I'm on a DS kick at the moment having bought these 3 games in the last two weeks: Yoshi's Island DS, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, and Final Fantasy 3. If I can get a DSlite soon I'll be happy. :P

Eventually I'll get a Wii.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: GANONSLAY3R on December 11, 2006, 07:55:22 pm
i got my wii on launch day with wii sports, TP, Red steel, Rayman RR and TH down hill jam, and they all kick ass specialy TP and Rayman.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 13, 2006, 01:29:27 am
Turns out there is no way in heck I'm going to be able to get a Wii in time for Christmas. All the stores around here get shipments on Sunday. I don't shop on Sunday(part of my beliefs). And then on Monday, they are almost always sold out. The only chance I have is hopefully being able to find one on a Monday, but the chances are slim :(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 14, 2006, 01:59:10 am
Pwease please please! Let my granma find one for Christmas, anyone know when America is getting a new shipment and where to get one?

Particularly in IL.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: lalanoodle on December 14, 2006, 03:06:13 pm
I got my wii on Monday, haven't been on computer lately...  :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Darunia on December 15, 2006, 11:37:20 pm
I just can tell it is great until now. Ive been playing Twilight Princess since Wensday and its really much better than Oot (well at least to me!)
Oh and for euros, Id say you guys order one online I got mine in 4 days! Trust me its really quick.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 15, 2006, 11:39:25 pm
The 17th I will get one!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Ricky on December 15, 2006, 11:51:46 pm
Oh and for euros, Id say you guys order one online I got mine in 4 days! Trust me its really quick.
It would help if you told where :P
I have friends desperate for finding one xD
Thank you ^^
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 15, 2006, 11:54:33 pm
Does anyone have any good ideas on how to get a hold of the Wii before Christmas for $300 or less? I've been checking EBay, and they are all going for $350 to $400, which is too much for me.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 16, 2006, 12:09:06 am
If you are in America, at least here, you can get one on the 17 at Toys R Us, Best Buy, Target, etc.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 16, 2006, 12:10:10 am
I live in the US, but like I've said before, I don't shop on Sundays(part of my beliefs). I'm starting to think I'm probably not going to be able to get a Wii for a while.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 16, 2006, 12:11:42 am
If you live in a small town, or if you have some connections or something you could probly get one held, or you might find one left on Mon.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 16, 2006, 12:13:41 am
I've tried to get a store to hold one, but none of the ones around here will(I do live in a small-ish town). The Monday thing is my current hope. I have school, but hopefully my Mom can find one.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on December 16, 2006, 10:20:25 am
I just can tell it is great until now. Ive been playing Twilight Princess since Wensday and its really much better than Oot (well at least to me!)
Oh and for euros, Id say you guys order one online I got mine in 4 days! Trust me its really quick.

Where did you order?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Darunia on December 16, 2006, 08:44:16 pm
I think this store is only in switzerland, but maybe not. Its called interdiscount. They sell for 399 francs (like 320 dollars). Though if your french maybe try kingjouet.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 16, 2006, 08:53:15 pm
Target, 8:00, be there!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: trelantana on December 17, 2006, 07:30:42 pm
I got my Wii!

I'm so excited!  I waited outside Target all night, and finally got my Wii!

Plus Twilight Princess!

I'm so happy that I am delirious right now.  That could just
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 19, 2006, 02:38:57 am
Lucky little coder... :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 20, 2006, 12:43:45 am
I've heard a rumor that stores will get one more shipment before Christmas on Friday the 22nd. This is my last hope, and I can actually shop on Friday, so I should be able to get one. But it just snowed here(and it is in the teens at night), so it is going to be really, really cold :P It's worth it, though.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: 4Sword on December 20, 2006, 12:55:19 am
Yes, I have my Nintendo Wii, and it is so cool.  Twilight Princess is also fun.  It was worth the time staying in line, and simply having it is a blessing in itself. 
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Meteos on December 20, 2006, 01:09:16 am
where do you live?
where did you get it?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 20, 2006, 01:21:40 am
I've heard a rumor that stores will get one more shipment before Christmas on Friday the 22nd. This is my last hope, and I can actually shop on Friday, so I should be able to get one. But it just snowed here(and it is in the teens at night), so it is going to be really, really cold :P It's worth it, though.
Is it first in the morning though? Because I'm still in school ( :'() then.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Meteos on December 20, 2006, 01:48:00 am
I've heard a rumor that stores will get one more shipment before Christmas on Friday the 22nd. This is my last hope, and I can actually shop on Friday, so I should be able to get one. But it just snowed here(and it is in the teens at night), so it is going to be really, really cold :P It's worth it, though.
Is it first in the morning though? Because I'm still in school ( :'() then.
Why don't you skip school
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: ZoSo on December 20, 2006, 01:48:31 am
Oh I hope its first thing in the morning, because I'm out for holidays,woot.Must have the wii...............>_><_<
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 20, 2006, 01:52:20 am
Yes, I think they should have them in the morning. I'm out of school by Friday, so I should be good to go :D

Keep in mind though: this is a rumor. I haven't been able to confirm it, yet.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 20, 2006, 02:47:43 am
I've heard a rumor that stores will get one more shipment before Christmas on Friday the 22nd. This is my last hope, and I can actually shop on Friday, so I should be able to get one. But it just snowed here(and it is in the teens at night), so it is going to be really, really cold :P It's worth it, though.
Is it first in the morning though? Because I'm still in school ( :'() then.
Why don't you skip school
Cuz it is illegal, unless my parents calls in.
Title: So I opened the box...
Post by: Moon_child on December 20, 2006, 10:33:31 am
After waiting for weeks I got this white shiny box I had to wear sunglasses because it blinded my eyes. Anyway so I open the white shiny box from heaven. And there it is the white gift from heaven :D my own Heavenly Wii!!! My heart was filled with so much happyness I never felt before. After getting tons of eyegasm's while holding and looking at my White gift from heaven. And our beloved God was so kind to bring TP with it. So screw you Sony with your PS3 from hell I have the perfect console.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Kleaver on December 20, 2006, 01:37:31 pm
Lucky you HB, makes me the only person here without a Wii....I feel like assisinating Nintendo Benelux.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on December 20, 2006, 05:03:17 pm
makes me the only person here without a Wii

ar j00 a gurl??? o_0



well, soon it's christmas, and after christmas is january, and then we'll prolly see more posts here. :)  I WANT A WII!! NOW!!  :(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: trelantana on December 20, 2006, 09:01:44 pm
Heheh.  People that don't have Wiis are little prepubescant girls.

But, back to the point.  Waiting outside of Target will end up sucking in that weather.  I waited outside when it was 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and I almost died.  Thus, bring a huge, heavy winter jacket, go get a power inverter and coffee maker for your car, and prepare for a LOOOOONG night.

Oh, and when you get your system, we should add eachother to our contact lists and share our Miis.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 21, 2006, 10:31:10 pm
Heheh.  People that don't have Wiis are little prepubescant girls.

But, back to the point.  Waiting outside of Target will end up sucking in that weather.  I waited outside when it was 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and I almost died.  Thus, bring a huge, heavy winter jacket, go get a power inverter and coffee maker for your car, and prepare for a LOOOOONG night.

Oh, and when you get your system, we should add eachother to our contact lists and share our Miis.
Awww, I don't want to be a prebubescant girl.

I can't find a Wii!!!!!! [sings]I'm so lonely, I've got nobody...[/sings]
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Kleaver on December 22, 2006, 07:47:51 pm
OMG! I flipping HAVE IT!....I OWN IT!!!
/me dies
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 22, 2006, 08:00:56 pm
Well, I tried to get one this morning. Unfortunately, I didn't get one, due to the stupidity of Toys R' Us. I called them last night to see if they had some yet, and they told me that they didn't get any, and didn't know when they would. I knew they would get some by today, so I went there about an hour before they opened. After half an hour of waiting, a guy came out and told us(there was a line) that they had gotten 30 yesterday, and had sold them all. I got pissed, not really because I couldn't get a Wii, but because they blantantly lied to me on the phone. I'm never shopping at Toys R' Us again.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 23, 2006, 01:31:33 am
They told me the same thing when I called.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on December 25, 2006, 09:42:22 pm
o...m....g.....this was the worst christmas....EVER!!!  I got a whole buncha clothes that don't fit me and look like they're made for another gender of some wierd type (yep, girls), and an envelope.  I open the envelope, and in it is the reciept of a money tranfer of [how much a swedish Wii costs] and a whole bunch of emails...  the first one says "Thank you for ordering your Ninntendo Wii!", the other one says "Thank you once again!  Your Wii is estimated to arrive in early 2007", the third email is my father writing, asking "When is early 2007", and the fourth heart-breaking, back-stabbing, ghost-vaccuming letter said "By early 2007 we mean feb/mars"......feb/mars?...FEB/MARS?.......FEBUARY SLASH FRICKEN MARS!!!!!!!!   >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(  !@#$% THIS !@#$%!!  WHY DONT I gET A FRICKEN WII?!?!?! WHY DOESNT GOD WANT ME TO HAVE A WII?!?!?!?  WHY dOES HE WANT ME TO HAvE a COPY OF ZELDA TP TO STARE AT EVERY DAY OF SUFFERING?!?!?!? WHY??!?!?!?!?!  LUCKILY, in sweden we produce this lovely little liquid called vodka.  vodka is like google, your friend, my firend, acutally, my best friend. 

/me does creepy mad man movements and sounds
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Faldomar on December 26, 2006, 03:56:41 am
Just got my Wii today and it's awesome! :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on December 26, 2006, 01:38:24 pm
I managed to get a reservation for jan/feb... atleast is better than feb/mars...  Lucky you Faldomar...
Title: I got a Wii!
Post by: cb43569 on December 26, 2006, 09:21:34 pm
Wiiiiiiiii. And Twilight Princess, Wii Sports, Wii Play, two Wiimotes and a nunchuk. I'm pretty happy now.
Oh, and 2000 Wii points, plus the Internet Browser beta - which I'm using to post this!
I'll post my friend code later :).
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Solarrain4 on December 27, 2006, 04:41:45 am
I want to get one. So does my brother. And guess what? Turns out that both of our X-mas cash earnings total up to be $10 more than enough to buy a Wii. (I got $160, he got $100)

But meh, I've already got Twilight Princess (Gamecube), and the Wii version's map is just flipped east-west from the GC's. Glad the Wii is backwards compatible with the GameCube. XD
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: cb43569 on December 27, 2006, 10:51:24 am
I want to get one. So does my brother. And guess what? Turns out that both of our X-mas cash earnings total up to be $10 more than enough to buy a Wii. (I got $160, he got $100)

But meh, I've already got Twilight Princess (Gamecube), and the Wii version's map is just flipped east-west from the GC's. Glad the Wii is backwards compatible with the GameCube. XD

Are you kidding? The Wii version is amazing! You better get that, too :P.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 27, 2006, 03:18:40 pm
Still don't have one :P My parents said that as soon as we can find one we'll buy it, but that's going to be the hard part. I've heard the next shipment in North America will be Sunday, but I don't go shopping on Sundays. I only hope that since Christmas is over, there will be some leftover somewhere on Monday.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 27, 2006, 06:02:10 pm
Sunday meaning New Years eve? Because I have TP(parents) and $250(grandma) for Christmas, I just need the system now!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: ZoSo on December 27, 2006, 06:21:27 pm
My sister called some places this morning for me and one place said theyll probably have some either the 1st or 2nd of Jan. Heres hoping*crosses fingers*
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 29, 2006, 04:55:18 pm
I've heard lots of places will be getting Wiis today. Hopefully I'll be able to get one :D I already have TP, now I just need a Wii.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: cb43569 on December 29, 2006, 04:59:57 pm
I've heard lots of places will be getting Wiis today. Hopefully I'll be able to get one :D I already have TP, now I just need a Wii.

You won't be disappointed :). My dad was completely not bothered, and then he held the Wiimote and nudged a button and was like... "Oh, wow!". And for the next few days, when we were driving home, he gave me a lecture about how revolutionary it is, and how it will change games forever ;). You won't believe it until you feel it.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 29, 2006, 06:49:10 pm
Man, I went to all the stores today, noone had them...
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 30, 2006, 05:23:29 am
w00t, I found one today! I'm posting this from my Wii :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Kirby on December 30, 2006, 05:25:18 am
wii browser is a pain in the behind :P
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Raen on December 30, 2006, 06:35:25 am
Yes, yes it is. I probably won't use it much. I'm loving the Wii though.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on December 31, 2006, 07:00:32 pm
Noone had any here...
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on December 31, 2006, 11:20:24 pm
The Wii is freaking sold out everywhere!!!  God this is annoying....
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bludleef on January 02, 2007, 01:53:24 am
  8) I got one after 10 hours of bidding on Ebay along with Zelda for the retail value of 300 dollars! As well as only 20 dollars shipping!! I love it I got it in the mail yesterday and played it into the new year!! LOL
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Naz on January 02, 2007, 04:59:16 am
Yup, got it. ;)  I actually got it on the day it launched (November 19th) but haven't bothered to post it yet.
Title: Got a Wii!!!!
Post by: Antidote on January 04, 2007, 07:53:49 pm
Okay, Last night i told my mother that wal-mart had 4 Wii's in stock (having a shipment of 15 earlier that day) and by the time she got there, there were only 3 left so I am now a proud owner of a Nintendo Wii!!!!.
took me an hour to get the sensor bar in the perfect spot on my T.V. so that i have good signal for the Wii-mote
I only have one small gripe: it doesn't automatically load the games >_<.

SOOOO now i won't have to whine about not having one anymore.
*wishes the day would go faster so he can go home*
Title: Re: Got a Wii!!!!
Post by: tippz on January 04, 2007, 08:00:08 pm
I only have one small gripe: it doesn't automatically load the games >_<.

Consoles probably never will again...
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on January 04, 2007, 08:03:44 pm
lol true... I'm waiting for about 40 more $ so i can buy TP so right now i'm playing Wii Sports and my GC games =D man I love backward compatibility and it seems to load the games about 1/2 a second faster too.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 05, 2007, 06:11:26 pm
I have yet to even try TP and I've owned it since december 8th.... *sigh*
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: cb43569 on January 05, 2007, 06:17:51 pm
I have yet to even try TP and I've owned it since december 8th.... *sigh*

That's sad. Really sad... do you actually have a Wii to play it on :P?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 05, 2007, 06:36:06 pm
Nope, wish I had though....  Wanna trade your Wii for my Zelda? :P  It has Swedish and Danish on the back, a must-have for every collector! haha  ;)


I went to GAME today and they said I might get it as late as February.... *sigh*
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on January 09, 2007, 10:29:35 pm
man I feel sorry for you linky. When I finally got mine I wouldn't let anyone use it for a couple of days also some kid in my 5th period class said that the ps3 controller was better than the Wii Remote O_o o_O
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 10, 2007, 12:46:01 am
Why don't you feel sorry for me? :-\
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 10, 2007, 07:37:03 pm
man I feel sorry for you linky. When I finally got mine I wouldn't let anyone use it for a couple of days also some kid in my 5th period class said that the ps3 controller was better than the Wii Remote O_o o_O
  Thanks for taking a share of my suffering.  :)  It also helps that I know that they're getting a shiment this week, if I get one of them though is unknown....  They don't even know how many they get.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Moon_child on January 10, 2007, 07:43:31 pm
Why don't you feel sorry for me? :-\
I feel sorry for you ^^
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on January 10, 2007, 08:03:15 pm
*Cue maniacle laughter* MUWAHAHAHAHAHA j/k
Yeah i feel sorry for you Bboy :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bludleef on January 11, 2007, 04:09:17 pm
some kid in my 5th period class said that the ps3 controller was better than the Wii Remote O_o o_O

Um No just No I am sorry, but I have played with both remotes and the ps3 controller not only is barley distinguishable from it's predecessor (the ps2 controller), but it has more problems than a Nerd has talking to beautiful women (pardon the expression).  My roommate bought a PS3 and after having to replace the controller 3 times because something they called the analog engine burnt out finally sold his entire PS3 back.  Also, the wii remote is not only more sturdy, but has more functionallity then the PS3's controller can shake it's buttons at.  I would say in my professional opinion as a Psychology minor that the kid in your class could not get a Wii and instead settled for a PS3 (big mistake) and his statement was him trying to justify that decision.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 12, 2007, 06:22:02 pm
I would say in my professional opinion as a Psychology minor that the kid in your class could not get a Wii and instead settled for a PS3 (big mistake) and his statement was him trying to justify that decision.

That sounds about what I think aswell, and I bet he's a Sony fan-boy too.

On-Topic:  Guys, I still haven't gotten my Wii....  :'(  I'm like ??berhacking my PSP for fun until I get that phonecall....
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 12, 2007, 11:50:10 pm
I heard Best Buy is getting some in on Monday or Tuesday. *hopes*
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 13, 2007, 07:46:12 am
Bboy94 we're like the only ones on ZFGC without Wii's...  :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 13, 2007, 02:17:08 pm
I know it is pretty sad. :'(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Halu on January 13, 2007, 02:52:09 pm
I don't have one yet =/
But, as soon as my parents/I can find one, I get it, so =/
[goes to sprite for OoL]
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: a Hint of Lime on January 17, 2007, 02:28:19 pm
Still trying to find one...

17 stores in one early morning a few weeks ago, NO Wiis.  But I've heard that Bestbuy will have them this sunday, 15 minumum per store.  I'm camping :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 17, 2007, 03:55:08 pm
Yes I call everday(the employeys must hate me (:0 ) and Best Buy told me Sunday. I'm hopefully not still sick on Sunday.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 17, 2007, 08:29:39 pm
Sweden is getting a shipment the 22nd....  I'm praying for christ's sake!  :-[
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 18, 2007, 01:25:04 am
Trying to convince my dad to drive me... at 3am.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 18, 2007, 01:54:02 pm
For all you (us) euros that don't have Wii, it is now possible to order them online from Germany from the german Amazon.  (www.amazon.de (http://www.amazon.de))


I just got an e-mail saying I can pick my Wii up tomorrow! W00T!!!!  :jellytime:
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 18, 2007, 06:49:41 pm
Now I'm going to be the only one!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 18, 2007, 08:00:35 pm
Now I'm going to be the only one!

I said tomorrow, I'm still Wiiless....  :(  But still!  ;D


Wow the Wiibrowser totally pwns! :o
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: NickAVV on January 19, 2007, 08:12:20 pm
I still don't have one. I just kinda gave up on being at stores in cold early mornings... I figure I'll get one when availability raises. ;x
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: a Hint of Lime on January 20, 2007, 04:12:07 am
I still don't have one. I just kinda gave up on being at stores in cold early mornings... I figure I'll get one when availability raises. ;x


Anyway, I'm excited to get one.

And my opinion on controllers:  360 controller > Wiimote > Sony controller (not that sony's is bad... but it just seems like the motion sensing tech in the wiimote is better).
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 20, 2007, 05:24:38 pm
What time tomorrow should I get there(It has to be reasonable.)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on January 20, 2007, 05:31:58 pm
I went to get mine at four in the morning. OF course, that was a week after they came out.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 21, 2007, 08:28:17 pm
You may not see me for a few days, I stood in the snowy cold for 3 hours to get a certain sexy white box. W00000000000000000000000000000t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ganon:
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on January 21, 2007, 08:28:45 pm
Do you like it?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: a Hint of Lime on January 22, 2007, 12:38:22 am
Woke up at 5
got there at 6:30
was 7th in line
much later there were like... 60 people there

Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Dumb_Ass on January 22, 2007, 12:47:34 am
I EBayed it, while you guys stood in the cold. Sucked to be you. :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 22, 2007, 01:08:02 am
Not really considering how much more you had to pay for it. I love both Wii Sports and TP, its awesome!
Post by: TanukiMario on January 22, 2007, 07:23:31 am
Yay! Today, (well technically for me right now it's 1:17, so it's technically "yesterday") I FINALLY got my Wii on January 21st! I freaking love the Wii! I've been waiting since launch day to get it, and this has been now my fifth attempt at getting the Wii! (Every other time I failed :() I had to wait 3 hours in temperatures below 20 degrees with coldness, rain, and snow. I actually had paid one of my friends to wait out all night long so that I could come 3 minutes earlier and just get it. Unfortunately... Best Buy had another time change so instead of 8:00 AM, it turned into 10:00 AM... They didn't even start giving out tickets until 10-15 minutes before, and since I expected to only wait 3 freaking minutes, I didn't dress heavy at all (Jeans, sweatshirt, and jacket). After only 15 minutes, my hands were clammy, numb, and red. That 2 hours was boring as heck. I got to meet the guys and girls waiting in line with me. Most of them were parents wanting to get the Wii for their kid(s). Three guys had actually camped out since 10:00 PM before that night while it was snowing, but one guy actually stayed in his car until an hour before of the three. I had my DS Lite with me and Yoshi Island DS, but after 15 minutes I got bored, and I couldn't play before my hands were so cold. Longest 2 hours of my life, plus even though I was #5, they go by first come first serve, and I was at the back of the line, so that added 'bout close to an hour. In total, almost 3 hours, but dang I am SO HAPPY that I FINALLY got my Wii! I of course got Twilight Princess as my first game!  ;)

So, does anyone else have sad stories about their bad attempts to get the Wii, or stories about how people did get the Wii?
Title: Re: WOOH! FINALLY GOT MY Wii!!!
Post by: Moon_child on January 22, 2007, 07:25:51 am
Great that you have a Wii!!! I have mine already for weeks and I only had to wait for a phone call. :P
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on January 22, 2007, 01:30:05 pm
I camped out at 4:00 in the morning and loved every minute of it. The guys I waited with were awesome, and I was 1st in line, so they let me go on in, since Gamestop only had six. One guy who showed up late goes, "!@#$%, I coulda gotten a !@#$% shower. !@#$%."

So stupid. But people kept asking why we were waiting out there. Eventually we just started saying "The PSOne. Man, I can't find one ANYWHERE." Or, if they got too close, we just screamed "WIIIIIIIIII!" at them and snarled. One girl showed up for a 360 at five in the morning. Gamestop opens at 8.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 22, 2007, 08:59:43 pm
Okay guys, I'm back from a trip to Wiiland, and I must say it fricken PWNS!!!  Ive been playing Wii sports with my whole family on more than one occasion, and my parents play on my Wii when Im not home etc..  so Nintendo really did catch everyones attention!  I'm about 20 hours into TP and I just entered the 4th temple...  and now I have to go back into the realm of gaming.  baslam.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: a Hint of Lime on January 22, 2007, 10:56:44 pm
Well I've been having a lot of fun with my Wii...

But honestly I like my 360 much more.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on January 23, 2007, 01:28:20 am
I got up at six AM sunday(Target opens at 8) an my parents yelled at me and told me to go back to sleep. :P I got up an hour later and my dad drove me around, we got to Best Buy, which opens at 10. There were 11 people in line. BB was supposed to get 25(they really got 52 we found out later, sucks for the about 8 other people in line), I got in line and my dad ran home to get a few things. So after a half hour of freezing my butt off, my dad came back with hot chocolate. He took a half hour shift, but was so cold we started doing 15 min. shifts. It was about 8:15 when he got there with my hot chocolate, which means I was out there from 7:45 to 10:00, with 15 min. shifts. The people that worked there were jerks, they wouldn't give us vouchers so we could leave and come back or even let us in the store while they tried to sell us EVERY Wii product and Wii insurance.( :P) But because of their adverting, I got an extra controller, which are supposed to be really hard to get.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on January 23, 2007, 05:44:41 am
The controllers are everywhere in Sweden.  I bet there are Wiiote trees here....
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Penguin on January 26, 2007, 11:30:29 pm
Does Best Buy have a billion now?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: jackofalltrades on January 27, 2007, 12:03:04 am
none near me. Not that it matters for me.  ;D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: ArcticFerret on January 28, 2007, 05:11:25 pm
Wii (my 2 brothers and I) drove to Walmart this morning and they had Wiis, so we finally got one! Wii've had it hooked up for an hour now and holy crap Wii Sports is awesome. Nintendo Wii is the best thing to ever happen to Nintendo (next to the DS :P).
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on February 03, 2007, 10:53:56 pm
Wow, I went to the mall today, and it surprized me that there's stil no Wii to be found....
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: pxl_moon (dotyue) on February 03, 2007, 10:59:03 pm
i dont know where the problem is... if i would have money i would have already one million chances to buy a wii at saturn or media markt... i see wii there every time i go through it
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Penguin on February 04, 2007, 03:57:30 am
i dont know where the problem is... if i would have money i would have already one million chances to buy a wii at saturn or media markt... i see wii there every time i go through it
We don't have those here D:
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on February 04, 2007, 04:32:50 pm
Yeah, never heard of Saturn or Media Market. I got one, but waited in the cold snow for 3 hours.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on February 05, 2007, 03:39:27 pm
Media Markt is an awesome store, kinda far from where I live though....  I like their prices, but I like this other store more, it's called PCSuperstore, I bought a 2GB SD card for 170kr, which is equivelent to approximently ??12, $24 USD/CAD (they're like the same now).  At Media Markt the very same card cost 700kr, which I don't even wanna convert.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Devy on February 05, 2007, 11:53:47 pm
cant find one!!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Hero of Vortex on February 08, 2007, 09:48:14 pm
I WOULD have had one if that one Best Buy employee had known what she/he was talking about. They told my mom that they'd get a shipment of Wiis at 7:00 P.M., so my Mom called at 5:00. They got the shipment at 4:00 and they were already sold out. >.>
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Mateus on February 08, 2007, 10:11:40 pm
I do!
I have all 3 consoles!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: OozyGorilla on February 09, 2007, 02:01:31 am
I've got mine.  I camped out for mine.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: flagrama on February 11, 2007, 07:53:10 am
I have my Wii, and it is one of the best gaming systems that I have ever owned, or even played for that matter! I feel sorry for all of you who don't have yours yet, you don't have to go to such extremes as sitting in the cold snow for 3 hours either, just hope you get lucky, or wait 'till they are overflowing at your nearest store!
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on February 11, 2007, 05:28:04 pm
I have my Wii, and it is one of the best gaming systems that I have ever owned, or even played for that matter! I feel sorry for all of you who don't have yours yet, you don't have to go to such extremes as sitting in the cold snow for 3 hours either, just hope you get lucky, or wait 'till they are overflowing at your nearest store!
Hey, it was worth it. *goes to play*
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on February 11, 2007, 06:26:07 pm
Today I was playing boxing with my mom, golf with my uncle and grandpa (!!!), and bowling with my sis.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on February 11, 2007, 06:51:29 pm
Yesterday, I played golf with my brother and grandma! It was fun! :ganon:
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on February 11, 2007, 08:22:17 pm
I know it's amazing that Nintendo could accomplish this, I mean, my grandpa has never ever played a video-game (besides perhaps pong from when my dad was little) and yet he wants to play this.  I think it's awesome.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on February 11, 2007, 11:33:00 pm
I know it's amazing that Nintendo could accomplish this, I mean, my grandpa has never ever played a video-game (besides perhaps pong from when my dad was little) and yet he wants to play this.  I think it's awesome.
My granpa(now dead) once got my grandma to play Mario, but lets just say... >??<(btw that is a skull and cross bones)
But other than that, nothing, never played.
My brother actually got me into video games, we used to play DKC/2 and lttp together.  8) Next time I see him he'll play TP. Though I don't know for how long. He changes how good he is. He had no chance against Phantom Ganon in OoT, but he killed in alttp and WW.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on February 15, 2007, 02:14:20 pm
Hey haven't posted in this topic in a while. I finally got TP as you know and the same kid that told me that the PS3 controller was better than the WiiMote (PUH-LEASE) told me to give my dad a blowjob O_o then another kid Jared told my teacher that i called the previous kid a !@#$% (he is indeed black) which i did not. SO other than that I've been playing TP almost non-stop since i got it and let me tell you IT ROCKS.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on February 15, 2007, 05:03:56 pm
Jared is a DICK but the other kid is cool cause he's black but his taste for videogames suck....  Anyways congrats and welcome to the club!  :)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on February 15, 2007, 07:16:40 pm
cool as in kicking my stuff around the class and then claiming he did nothing when the teacher brings it up???
ah forget it it's not really a big deal. Fact is i'm not racist and i know it so what other people say about me being racist is false and doesn't matter. so onto more important things i'm on Hyrule castle for the dozenth time =D

EDIT: I haf a peach impediment to day =D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: NickAVV on February 17, 2007, 01:57:00 pm
I think I can get one this sunday. Sales around here seem to have slowed down to the point where stores now sell out in a matter of hours, not minutes. :P
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on February 19, 2007, 11:57:09 am
lol, my mom said I was really lucky (though I was stuck baby sitting one moody one year old and a 15 year old who is ALWAYS a pain in the ass). anyway did you get one?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on February 20, 2007, 02:57:01 pm
anyway did you get one?

He was on yesterday so probably not....  :P
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Takuthehedgehog on March 01, 2007, 04:45:49 pm
I got one for my birthday two days ago. ;D It's awesome, but right now I only have Wii Sports and Wii Play. (Bought for the Wiimote that comes with it, the games are kinda cool for a $10 game.)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Halu on March 11, 2007, 07:30:02 pm
As of yesterday, I finally have a wii.
I win.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: NickAVV on March 12, 2007, 07:28:18 pm
As of Sunday the 4th I have had one. I have Wii Sports (my Wii Fitness Age is 43?! ._.), and Twilight Princess (just beat the Goron Mines). Also Super Mario 64 and Gunstar Heroes
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Goodnight on March 12, 2007, 08:03:09 pm
As long as we're making "getting it soon" posts, I've got 5½ months left filled with many hours of work until I might get a Wii. Oh hell, this is going to be one rough summer. ;D

My mom has never played a video game aside from cards and gem-dropping on the computer, but I have a feeling she'll be hogging the Wii Bowling.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on March 12, 2007, 09:48:20 pm
As of Sunday the 4th I have had one. I have Wii Sports (my Wii Fitness Age is 43?! ._.), and Twilight Princess (just beat the Goron Mines). Also Super Mario 64 and Gunstar Heroes
The age is set to your normal age being 21, so if you are 20 or younger it is thrown off.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: NickAVV on March 12, 2007, 11:14:45 pm
Well, I know, but still.. 43? :P I am kinda out of shape, but... lol
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on March 12, 2007, 11:32:56 pm
I got something like that, but when I played as my Naruto Mii I got like 37... Naruto is in shape.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: TP on March 18, 2007, 02:48:52 pm
I have a Wii! The games I currently have for it are

WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Wii Play
Wii Sports
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on March 19, 2007, 09:21:22 pm
Wii Sports

ANY way I managed to find some juicy info on MP3:Corruption turns out it's due for release in may :3 (hordes money)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on March 19, 2007, 09:56:50 pm
 :( I wish the Metroid Prime games were on Virtual Console, I never played them on GCN.
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Briannabo on March 20, 2007, 12:50:12 am
I have my Wii finally. After 150 days of waiting :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Bboy on March 20, 2007, 02:06:50 am
Just don't let anyone throw your Wii-motes. ::)
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on March 21, 2007, 05:44:48 pm
o.O I decked my bro for hitting my baby bro with the Wii-mote. Then i got in trouble and my mom threatened to call the cops. After I explained what happened Ricky was grounded for a month *woo* close
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: mozza on March 22, 2007, 12:33:05 pm
i got it from Dubai the day before i traveled back to Egypt :D
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Devy on March 22, 2007, 07:24:28 pm
hmm you arabian? :P
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Riisnæs on March 22, 2007, 08:14:21 pm
Whoever unstickied this important topic will be spanked with a meterstick...


i got it from Dubai the day before i traveled back to Egypt :D

Sick, you there on vacation or do ya live there?  Also, how much does Wii cost there?  Is it cheaper than in North American for example?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: NickAVV on March 22, 2007, 11:34:12 pm
w00t. Now I'm 32. Great work! You've dropped 11 years!
Title: Wii
Post by: Zelda on June 19, 2007, 04:46:15 am
Dang, I've always wanted a Wii. Who has one?
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: FISSURE on June 19, 2007, 05:30:16 am
We have one
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Takuthehedgehog on June 19, 2007, 06:31:59 am
I have one. It's okay, not enough good exclusives though.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: AoDC on June 19, 2007, 07:13:37 am
Wow, welcome to the forums... Zelda!

I have one =).
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: cb43569 on June 19, 2007, 12:25:42 pm
I have a Wii :D. I've got Zelda Twilight Princess, Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Rayman Raving Rabbids. Boy, it's fun to just relax and play some co-op Wii Tennis with my father ;).
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: TheRealDragonboy on June 19, 2007, 12:34:04 pm
I have a Wii, But I'm not proud of it...
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Kleaver on June 19, 2007, 12:46:30 pm
I have one too, but there are only crappy games now. I only have it to get SSBB and Galaxy and stuff. (And Zelda naturally)
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: cb43569 on June 19, 2007, 12:54:27 pm
I have one too, but there are only !@#$%py games now. I only have it to get SSBB and Galaxy and stuff. (And Zelda naturally)

I second that. I can't wait for the good games to come out. Pokemon Batle Revolution, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, etc., etc... maybe I'll get Super Mario Strikers Charged! too, but I'm not quite sure about that.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Kleaver on June 19, 2007, 01:10:19 pm
Since I don't have any friends there's no use for party games either :P
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Moon_child on June 19, 2007, 01:17:34 pm
I have a Wii with Wiisports(ofcourse) and Twilight Princess plus Mario Strikers Charged which I play online allot. :) And I'm going to buy Resident Evil 4 Wii version and I'm ofcourse waiting for SSBB and Super Mario Galaxy and the new Zelda ofcourse.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Kleaver on June 19, 2007, 01:28:46 pm
Oh yeah, I might buy RE4 too, I never played it on NGC either and its supposed to be good and stuff.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: cb43569 on June 19, 2007, 01:34:41 pm
Since I don't have any friends there's no use for party games either :P

Wow, we have so much in common, let's cybar ;).
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Kleaver on June 19, 2007, 01:42:50 pm
Since I don't have any friends there's no use for party games either :P

Wow, we have so much in common, let's cybar ;).

Haha well I have friends, but they all live pretty far away, but I now found someone who is a bigger Nintendo fanboy than Hyrule_boy. So we play games together  :)
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Ricky on June 19, 2007, 01:56:56 pm
I do have one.
Also, Zelda, I'm your fan. Hentai please. :3
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: MG-Zero on June 19, 2007, 02:19:24 pm
I have one with wii sports, twilight princess, need for speed, red steel, and budokai.  Also, welcome to the forum ^_^
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Domo on June 19, 2007, 05:08:27 pm
I don't have one yet.  I think I'm going to wait until they release a black version of the console...maybe by then there will be some good games that I haven't already played on other systems.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: uma on June 19, 2007, 06:15:10 pm
I have a wii! And I'm proud of it.

The Wii has plenty of exclusive games. Opoona and No More Heroes to name a few.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Master Link on June 19, 2007, 06:17:17 pm
I've got a Wii.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Riisnæs on June 19, 2007, 07:09:00 pm
I already made a topic bout this... -_-
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Kleaver on June 19, 2007, 08:16:48 pm

Had to dig it up from page 14. But a bump isn't so bad.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Domo on June 19, 2007, 08:53:36 pm
The Wii has plenty of exclusive games. Opoona and No More Heroes to name a few.

That's true.  There are a lot of potentially good games coming out......just not for some time.  I have no problem with waiting until that happens to get a Wii.
Title: Re: Wii
Post by: Moon_child on June 19, 2007, 09:18:44 pm
Since I don't have any friends there's no use for party games either :P

Wow, we have so much in common, let's cybar ;).

Haha well I have friends, but they all live pretty far away, but I now found someone who is a bigger Nintendo fanboy than Hyrule_boy. So we play games together  :)
Woah he's a bigger fanboy then me? :O where can I meet this awesome guy?
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Kleaver on June 19, 2007, 09:45:00 pm
You can't :P

He's mine XD
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Dayjo on June 19, 2007, 09:54:51 pm
We have one
Come along now FISSURE... that was the perfect opportunity to pun the word "wii".
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Moon_child on June 21, 2007, 01:53:35 am
You can't :P

He's mine XD
Damn you! I hope you will burn in hell for this. That's sad to hear. :(
Title: Re: So...who's got it?
Post by: Antidote on June 23, 2007, 06:51:43 am
HB how many Nintendo console do you have? (handheld included)

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