General => Boards => Archive => Other Discussion => Topic started by: Theforeshadower on February 18, 2007, 12:57:16 pm

Title: My laptop crashed...
Post by: Theforeshadower on February 18, 2007, 12:57:16 pm
My laptop crashed and I had to reinstall XP.....I lost all my documents,programs,sprites,music,videos,etc.
My project LttP-GB is postponed until I can find everything.I lost all of my game saves for like BF2142,HALO,Morrowinds,Oblivion,
GTA:SA,on and on the list goes....*sigh*...very sorry about my project though.I had an engine demo almost finished....
Jere's the crazy thing though...I had to reset my cpu to factory settings and restore it,but all my PROGRAMS in the PROGRAMS FOLDER
are still there they just act like they are not installed,half of my icons in the start up menu are still there..(that;s about 30 still)
I dont understand why it wouldnt wipe it all...
Title: Re: My laptop crashed...
Post by: Kleaver on February 19, 2007, 03:13:18 am
Man, if that would happen to me I would so want to kill myself.
Title: Re: My laptop crashed...
Post by: AoDC on February 19, 2007, 06:35:23 am
Buy a USB Drive and backup daily. Everybody's doing it =O.
Title: Re: My laptop crashed...
Post by: Theforeshadower on February 19, 2007, 10:40:53 am
Buy a USB Drive and backup daily. Everybody's doing it =O.
Yeah I was a retard and only backed uped (sp) the My Documents folder...lol...
Title: Re: My laptop crashed...
Post by: AoDC on February 21, 2007, 05:04:00 am
Backed Up.
And, yea, I used to as well =)
Title: Re: My laptop crashed...
Post by: EDGE on February 21, 2007, 09:22:55 pm
I was gonna by a laptop but I hear "my laptop crashed" too often and I'm starting to doubt about this product.
Should I buy one or is not worth it?
Title: Re: My laptop crashed...
Post by: NickAVV on February 22, 2007, 12:54:23 am
All laptops are different. Get a MacBook Pro. Probably the safest (although most expensive) laptop you can buy, and runs Mac and Windows
Title: Re: My laptop crashed...
Post by: Alex2539 on February 22, 2007, 01:51:16 am
It depends on what you want it for. If you want to be able to play games, then avoid Macs at all costs. Sure, they run windows, but that only means that you can install the games, not necessarily play them. The hardware is simply not made for it. If you really want a Mac, then go ahead. Outside of gaming they're decent machines. If you want to stick with Windows though, then the company I recommend is Toshiba.

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