Projects => Other Projects => Topic started by: Cassyblanca on February 24, 2007, 03:26:21 am

Title: GameSuite 0.0.1a
Post by: Cassyblanca on February 24, 2007, 03:26:21 am
GameSuite is a game engine I'm currently developing with C#, LuaInterface, and SDL.NET. Using this free tool, you can easily create 2-Dimensional computer games. I am also developing an editor environment (much like Game Maker) for this engine alongside this project.

GameSuite Engine & GameSuite Editor
Currently, there isn't much functionality in the engine, though it is a start, and there is something visible. It starts out by executing main.lua in the same directory as the executable. GameSuite uses Lua scripting to define game functionality.

Example Console Script: Basic GameSuite Calculator
Build 0.0.1a
Code: Lua
  1. -- Header
  2. function ShowHeader()
  3.         EchoLine("===GameSuite Calculator===");
  4.         EchoLine("== A calculator made with GameSuite :D!");
  5.         EchoLine("");
  6. end
  8. -- Show the header
  9. ShowHeader();
  11. -- Get A
  12. Echo("Enter first value > ");
  13. A = GetLine();
  15. -- Get B
  16. EchoLine("");
  17. EchoLine("");
  18. Echo("Enter second value > ");
  19. B = GetLine();
  21. -- Echo the problem
  22. Echo(A);
  23. Echo(" + ");
  24. Echo(B);
  25. Echo(" = ");
  26. Echo( (A + B) );
  27. EchoLine("");
  28. EchoLine("");
  30. -- Check if we should output the console log
  31. Echo("Output the console log? (Y/N) > ");
  32. outputLog = GetLine();
  33. if ( outputLog == "Y") or ( outputLog == "y" ) then
  34.         EchoLine("");
  35.         Echo("File to output log to > ");
  36.         outputFile = GetLine();
  38.         if ( outputFile == "" ) then
  39.                 Error("Incorrect filename, using console.log instead.");
  40.                 FlushConsole("console.log");
  41.         else
  42.                 FlushConsole(outputFile);
  43.         end
  44. end
  46. -- Wait for the user to press a key
  47. EchoLine("");
  48. EchoLine("Press any key to exit...");
  49. WaitForKey();

Build 0.0.1 Alpha (http://minalien.dayjo.org/gamesuite/0-0-1a/GS_0-0-1a.rar)

Build 0-0-1 Alpha Screenshots - GameSuite Calculator

Supported Functions
Console Functions
ClearConsole() - Clears the console log text
Echo( string text ) - Echoes a string to the console
EchoLine( string text ) - Echoes a string followed by a new line to the console
Error( string text ) - Echoes an error string to the console
FlushConsole( string filename ) - Saves the contents of the Console to the specified file
WaitForKey() - Waits for a key to be pressed before continuing
GetLine() - Reads a line of input from the console
Title: Re: GameSuite 0.0.1a
Post by: Infinitus on February 24, 2007, 10:35:21 am
Should be nice if you get it working well :). You should try using FusionScript though, its easier to implement and mroe user-friendly :D [/end plug]
Title: Re: GameSuite 0.0.1a
Post by: TheDarkJay on February 24, 2007, 11:33:26 am
Looks good so far.

And shame on you Infinitus and your shameless plugs!

[plug] P.S Give me free moneyz and you will get a free cat.
please note: Cat may not really exist [/plug] XD
Title: Re: GameSuite 0.0.1a
Post by: Cassyblanca on February 26, 2007, 02:56:00 am
Thanks for the offer, Infinitus, I think I'll do that :P

Downloaded & begun re-developing the engine :D

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