Projects => Discussion => Topic started by: TheRealMethuselah on May 06, 2006, 02:49:25 am

Title: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: TheRealMethuselah on May 06, 2006, 02:49:25 am
For those who sharply do not believe in my game, that's ok. For those who still do, I appreciate the waiting. I do have a life you know? (Son, Army, etc). Yes I have made some high handed promises in the past which unfortunately could not be fulfilled, but I suspect even Nintendo could not have gotten this game out sooner than I will have. You have to remember how nitpicky true fans can be, especially some like TSA who hold the world record speed run in OoT and one of the beta testers of OoT2D (I will send him the demo first for his take and have him send me his fixes).

I will purchasing my own domain space and host a forum of my own, but I will not be taking over ZFGC as was stated in the past... that train has sailed (lol).

So in conclusion, goodbye ZFGC forums, this will be my last post about OoT2D here.

Until the release

"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce."

Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 02:51:05 am
Technically, this is a topic, but just being technical.

Anyway, i really don't believe in OoT 2d.

But i guess i will be proven wrong if, and when you do bring it out.

Patience is a virtue.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: 2awesome4apossum on May 06, 2006, 02:52:21 am
Yes I have made some high handed promises in the past which unfortunately could not be fulfilled
And we can understand that.  My only thing is that I want demo 4, before having to wait for the final thing ^_^

I mean, I understand the mindset... I have a similar one for my project (thus I've been stalling to release a demo, because I don't like "building up demos"), but I'd really, really like to see demo 4 :)

I will send him the demo first for his take and have him send me his fixes

Well, I hope he can tell us all about it soon enough ^_^

And, bye.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Kleaver on May 06, 2006, 02:53:26 am
that train has sailed (lol).

Best line ever  :D

Well, sure go make your own domain. You should rebuy Oot2d.com  :o
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: TheRealMethuselah on May 06, 2006, 02:54:42 am

Old image.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 02:55:07 am
Whatever happened to that rpg you had, plains of chaos
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: TheRealMethuselah on May 06, 2006, 02:58:15 am
It's also in development, OoT2D is my priority right now.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 03:02:02 am
Ahh i see, thats cool.

If thats also real, i look forward to playing it.

If both OoT 2D and that game are real, i will personally eat my words.

OoT 2d i have my doubts, but the other project i see no reason for doubts.

If it does, awesome, if it doesn't, meh it's fine.

Although i have my doubts it exists, i still want it too.

But only time will tell.

If it does indeed exist, take as much time as you need.

You were the one with that shiggy quote

A bad game is bad forever, but a delayed game eventually becomes a good one

or something like that
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Alex2539 on May 06, 2006, 03:02:37 am
I always liked that one more than OoT2D. Seemed cooler and more original than just some remake.

So, are you actually leaving, or just not posting about OoT2D? 'Cuz it'd be kinda cool to have you back as a member again sans OoT2D. Although, it's not like news of it won't reach here as soon as you post it :P. It always does XD.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: skully on May 06, 2006, 03:03:21 am
I like the fact that you at least came here and made a statement instead of leaving us to talk about rumors and what not. I don't really know what to believe. But that doesn't matter. I hope you have fun making your project, and I will definately give it a look when it gets complete. But if it never dose Ive reached to the point where I can understand. I don't think I could ever possibly be mad and say this was a wasted few years, because if you didn't start this whole thing, I would never have met a lot of the people I am now friends with over all this time. Ive had some great memories from this forum. If I was still ignorant about time wasted over the whole OOt2d thing I would be crazy. Ive gotten way to much back from signing up on this forum. Regardless of the project. So thanks for even creating this place in the begining.

Good luck with completing your game.

Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Drewdelz on May 06, 2006, 03:24:08 am
Haha, given the simple fact that you've used every excuse in the book to constantly delay this project, I simply cannot believe you.

All you've gave us besides easily mock-able screenshots was a crummy walking engine that a n00b GM prgrammer could make in 20 minutes. How you caught such a huge fanbase is beyond me... I guess it must have been from all the false hope that zelda fans had of re-enjoying an awsome game from a 2D perspective.

And like I stated in another thread, for all we know you could have been faking it the whole time untill you relised you had a bunch of non-belivers, then decided to actually start making this.

If I started making my own OoT2D now, I could probably finish it and MM2D before you even get OoT done in 2D... >_> And yes I do have a life and all that junk you'll probably mention as an excuse.

   All in all, I'd love to see the day that you actually manage to make this game and rub it in my face.

P.S. I think I'm saying what many are too scared to, they all talk about you behind your back but then suck up to you when you're around. haha
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Penguin on May 06, 2006, 03:33:04 am
Haha, given the simple fact that you've used every excuse in the book to constantly delay this project, I simply cannot believe you.

All you've gave us besides easily mock-able screenshots was a crummy walking engine that a n00b GM prgrammer could make in 20 minutes. How you caught such a huge fanbase is beyond me... I guess it must have been from all the false hope that zelda fans had of re-enjoying an awsome game from a 2D perspective.

And like I stated in another thread, for all we know you could have been faking it the whole time untill you relised you had a bunch of non-belivers, then decided to actually start making this.

If I started making my own OoT2D now, I could probably finish it and MM2D before you even get OoT done in 2D... >_> And yes I do have a life and all that junk you'll probably mention as an excuse.

   All in all, I'd love to see the day that you actually manage to make this game and rub it in my face.

P.S. I think I'm saying what many are too scared to, they all talk about you behind your back but then suck up to you when you're around. haha

A little harsh maybe?! TRM I BELIEVE IN YOU!
P.S. Send me a beta demo before everyone else...  ;D
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Fernando on May 06, 2006, 03:35:29 am
Why in the heck would you make another topic?  On top of that, you put it in community speak...  I don't care whether you finish the game or not.  If you were going to post about leaving, you should have left OOT2D completely out of it.  If you're not leaving, I still don't understand how this has anything to do with the community.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on May 06, 2006, 03:42:40 am
Oy another topic? we get the point -_-() Advertise and run...great riot starters really, good luck with w/e your doing tho....
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: InvaderLupus on May 06, 2006, 03:43:28 am
farewell, TRM, and good luck with life and your projects and such.

May your train sail off into the horizon.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Walnut on May 06, 2006, 03:45:15 am

(Note: You'd have to have been on the chat right now to understand this post)
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Hoffy on May 06, 2006, 03:48:07 am
Okay then.

I patiently await the completed game.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: DanTheMan on May 06, 2006, 03:56:50 am
The stupidity of all this drama is actually pretty funny when you think about it.

To be perfectly honest, I don't really believe in the project that much.  But, also brutally honestly, I really don't care.  It's just a game people.

I will say though that it must be pretty sad to see the forum you created turn against you.  That's not to say that it was without reason, but it's sad nonetheless.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Lunar on May 06, 2006, 04:01:23 am
You know what? Maybe I'm alone on this, but..

I really don't care. Seriously, I don't give a !@#$% rat's ass. I'll bet that most of the other members don't really care anymore either.

There was a time when OOT2D was big, everyone was freaking out about it.. It was all you heard about, Demo 4 was the !@#$% holy grail of the internet. But thats all changed. You're not going to be in anymore magazines, there isn't going to be any petitions, nobody is going to !@#$% slit your throat and heck your ass if you've been lying this whole time. Its all blown over, Danny.

Personally, I do believe you. I don't see any reason for you to lie, aside from maybe being narcisstic and wanting a little group of fanboys washing your feet for you.

It seems like you had achieved almost god-like status back on Invision Free. Talking to you was like having dinner with Jesus. You were worshipped, Daniel. I'm not exaggerating, I know a few people that actually thought you were the greatest thing on earth.

Your game isn't that great. Actually, I can't say that. Because I don't know. Nobody does, except you and whoever else has been helping you with this (gourry has, I think?). You posted a couple of screenshots, not any better than any other fan games. Hell, most other fan games looked better. No offence meant.

But there is one thing I respect you for.. Not giving into whining losers. "LOL POST SCREENSHOTS AND ILL BELIEVE U".. You're better off without them, really. If someone doesn't believe you, oh well. Why should you care? If they truly wanted OOT2D to exist, they'd believe you.. Hell, its kinda like a religion isn't it?

You're our god.. and this is your church. We pray to you that you'll show your work, but unless we believe in you we won't get it.. Since most non-believers left zfgc.

I'll leave on this closing note..

moved to off-topic.

Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Alex2539 on May 06, 2006, 04:06:11 am
Why in the heck would you make another topic?  On top of that, you put it in community speak...  I don't care whether you finish the game or not.  If you were going to post about leaving, you should have left OOT2D completely out of it.  If you're not leaving, I still don't understand how this has anything to do with the community.
He made this one in community speak because it's not about OoT2D, but rather his intentions towards the community involving OoT2D. Of course the maturity of some people has made the move necessary. He is actually and officially separating OoT2D from ZFGC. Which is sort of a good thing. This belongs here, and I will not tolerate flaming poping up here. If you want to !@#$% about OoT2D in the same way as every other time, you can do it somewhere else. NOT HERE. Just let him be.

I don't see any reason for you to lie, aside from maybe being narcisstic and wanting a little group of fanboys washing your feet for you.
I can actually think of good reasons, but we won't get into that.

Now please will everyone get off the topic of OoT2D and focus on at least respecting Daniel as a person? Punishment will otherwise ensue.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Limey on May 06, 2006, 04:12:20 am
Is this the 3rd oot2d topic already, or just the 2nd? :S

Anyway, I don't really care anymore ;)  If you finish it, good for you.  If it was all a lie: Too bad.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 04:12:49 am
Why in the heck would you make another topic?  On top of that, you put it in community speak...  I don't care whether you finish the game or not.  If you were going to post about leaving, you should have left OOT2D completely out of it.  If you're not leaving, I still don't understand how this has anything to do with the community.
He made this one in community speak because it's not about OoT2D, but rather his intentions towards the community involving OoT2D. Of course the maturity of some people has made the move necessary. He is actually and officially separating OoT2D from ZFGC. Which is sort of a good thing. This belongs here, and I will not tolerate flaming poping up here. If you want to !@#$% about OoT2D in the same way as every other time, you can do it somewhere else. NOT HERE. Just let him be.

I don't see any reason for you to lie, aside from maybe being narcisstic and wanting a little group of fanboys washing your feet for you.
I can actually think of good reasons, but we won't get into that.

Now please will everyone get off the topic of OoT2D and focus on at least respecting Daniel as a person? Punishment will otherwise ensue.

Well actually the brunt of the post is about OoT 2d, only the tail end is about a new site and such.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Cuddle♥Bunny on May 06, 2006, 04:20:36 am
I don't believe it.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: shadow_caliber on May 06, 2006, 04:29:21 am
I've been with this whole thing since the beginning and I do hope that OOT2D will come out but I'm not going to get all angry if it doesn't. It will or it won't tons of fangames stop daily why don't those who liked to wihine about OOT2D and TRM go complain about some other fangame for a while?

Well may your train sail smoothly and without storms TRM, Cya
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 04:30:40 am
I've been with this whole thing since the beginning and I do hope that OOT2D will come out but I'm not going to get all angry if it doesn't. It will or it won't tons of fangames stop daily why don't those who liked to wihine about OOT2D and TRM go complain about some other fangame for a while?

Well may your train sail smoothly and without storms TRM, Cya

Because most other fangames don't get a huge following, advertised all over the place, and ask for donations.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: skully on May 06, 2006, 05:06:21 am
Isn't there a more appropriate forum for this other then off-topic Lunar? Not that I have a special particular interest in this topic. But I just thought I should point it out. I'm prety sure there is still a "fan game general discussion" board on the main index isn't there?

Anyways, another thing I wanted to mention. For those of you who are making posts that say things like "I don't care about your !@#$% game, your a liar, I don't believe you" etc. etc. Can I just ask why you even made these posts? (Right off the top of my head Lunar and Drewdelz come to mind but a good majority of the psots in this topic are also like this only less angry).

He didn't ask for your opinions on the game, nor did he in anyway make a post that resembles something like this: "You guys got to believe me, I am not lying! Its real! blah blah blah" in which case your posts would have been slightly more appropriate. He is just making a simple announcment about his project. Would you guys go and do this in any of the other OOT2D topics? (if they wern't in the wrong section) No. But because of the past of all of this you guys think its appropriate to make stupid posts like these, that have been made countless times in nearly all of his topics.

He has every right to keep posting stuff about his game, weather you believe it or not. You guys are the staff. You sure aren't representing very well in this topic. Forget all the past for a second. Now ask yourself (without taking into acount any past involving Dan.) Should you have made such comments? I don't have any more special respect for Dan then any other member. I would have said this same thing for anybody. Frankly. He did not ask for oppinions on his game, or weather you believed in it or not. Nor did he try to sway you with information. All he is doing. Is comming back to his original community that he founded and after all of the crap thats happened in the past, making a final statement to clear up any rumors and for anybody that dose give any little !@#$% about it. I think I can speak for him when I say he doesn't want to hear your stupid comments about weather you believe him or not. Nor dose he care. But he has every right to post a notice about the future of his project and his forum and website for those that do care.

Basicly, all in all. I'm trying to say. You guys were being imature here, and didn' need to even make a comment if you truly don't like this game or care about it. Me personaly, I don't care about it either. But I at least had something else to say to him. Which is thank you for creating this forum thats given me joy for a few years. I could easily go into detail about why I might or might not believe him, or this and that. But I know this isn't the appropriate topic to do so in. And I figure, it's common sense. Would you think it apprpriate for me to go into any of your topics (gangwars for example drew), and say things like "I do not believe you" "I don't care" "so what?" when you just make a simple update, or general announcement to the community about it?

Now go ahead and say what you want to me. If anything. But don't make yourselves look more imature about it. Ad go ahead and call me ksis ass for sticking up for him in this matter. But frankly. I would do the same for anybody, and I don't care what you think I am or am not doing.

And also, I think with the whole posting in community speak thing. I think for anybody else, it might have been different. But for Dan, I think an exception should be made. Why? Just becasue of all thats happened in the past. The fact that he created this forum, and that he started the community. Then all the stuff that happend in the past. This is like a final word to the community about the entire thing, which dose concern the community, because it was what started it int he first place. He is not here to advertise his game as far as I can see. But whatever. I might be wrong in this l;ast statement. I just felt that maybe since I believe this did have some actual purpose for the community it was wrong to move it elsewhere.

I'm not going to post this one in blue because I wan't to make sure it gets read. It goes for everybody else who was posting things like "I don't believe you", or "Who cares".
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Cuddle♥Bunny on May 06, 2006, 05:11:25 am
Isn't there a more appropriate forum for this other then off-topic Lunar? Not that I have a special particular interest in this topic. But I just thought I should point it out. I'm prety sure there is still a "fan game general discussion" board on the main index isn't there?

Anyways, another thing I wanted to mention. For those of you who are making posts that say things like "I don't care about your f*cking game, your a liar, I don't believe you" etc. etc. Can I just ask why you even made these posts? (Right off the top of my head Lunar and Drewdelz come to mind but a good majority of the psots in this topic are also like this only less angry).

He didn't ask for your opinions on the game, nor did he in anyway make a post that resembles something like this: "You guys got to believe me, I am not lying! Its real! blah blah blah" in which case your posts would have been slightly more appropriate. He is just making a simple announcment about his project. Would you guys go and do this in any of the other OOT2D topics? (if they wern't in the wrong section) No. But because of the past of all of this you guys think its appropriate to make stupid posts like these, that have been made countless times in nearly all of his topics.

He has every right to keep posting stuff about his game, weather you believe it or not. You guys are the staff. You sure aren't representing very well in this topic. Forget all the past for a second. Now ask yourself (without taking into acount any past involving Dan.) Should you have made such comments? I don't have any more special respect for Dan then any other member. I would have said this same thing for anybody. Frankly. He did not ask for oppinions on his game, or weather you believed in it or not. Nor did he try to sway you with information. All he is doing. Is comming back to his original community that he founded and after all of the crap thats happened in the past, making a final statement to clear up any rumors and for anybody that dose give any little !@#$% about it. I think I can speak for him when I say he doesn't want to hear your stupid comments about weather you believe him or not. Nor dose he care. But he has every right to post a notice about the future of his project and his forum and website for those that do care.

Basicly, all in all. I'm trying to say. You guys were being imature here, and didn' need to even make a comment if you truly don't like this game or care about it. Me personaly, I don't care about it either. But I at least had something else to say to him. Which is thank you for creating this forum thats given me joy for a few years. I could easily go into detail about why I might or might not believe him, or this and that. But I know this isn't the appropriate topic to do so in. And I figure, it's common sense. Would you think it apprpriate for me to go into any of your topics (gangwars for example drew), and say things like "I do not believe you" "I don't care" "so what?" when you just make a simple update, or general announcement to the community about it?

Now go ahead and say what you want to me. If anything. But don't make yourselves look more imature about it. Ad go ahead and call me ksis ass for sticking up for him in this matter. But frankly. I would do the same for anybody, and I don't care what you think I am or am not doing.

And also, I think with the whole posting in community speak thing. I think for anybody else, it might have been different. But for Dan, I think an exception should be made. Why? Just becasue of all thats happened in the past. The fact that he created this forum, and that he started the community. Then all the stuff that happend in the past. This is like a final word to the community about the entire thing, which dose concern the community, because it was what started it int he first place. He is not here to advertise his game as far as I can see. But whatever. I might be wrong in this l;ast statement. I just felt that maybe since I believe this did have some actual purpose for the community it was wrong to move it elsewhere.

I'm not going to post this one in blue because I wan't to make sure it gets read. It goes for everybody else who was posting things like "I don't believe you", or "Who cares".
Actually READ Lunar's post.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 05:11:47 am
People posted they don't believe in something the topic is majorly about, so what?

Would people post this stuff in other people's OoT 2d topics? Probably not, but not everyone has this big of a history with a game. Alot of people post how they don't believe him and why because alot still feel betrayed and such with all the lies and such. People keep acting like it's only just a fangame. But it has turned into so much more.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: skully on May 06, 2006, 05:17:12 am
People posted they don't believe in something the topic is majorly about, so what?

Would people post this stuff in other people's OoT 2d topics? Probably not, but not everyone has this big of a history with a game. Alot of people post how they don't believe him and why because alot still feel betrayed and such with all the lies and such. People keep acting like it's only just a fangame. But it has turned into so much more.
Like I said, it doesn't matter who it is, weather it is Dan and OOT2D with the major past behind it. Or weather people feel betrayed. The point I am trying to make, is they didn't have to post crap like this when the topic wasn't asking for any of those stupid coments. It was just an announcment. He did not anywhere try to make anybody believe him. He just wants to say a final word about this game which has to do with the community. Not have a debate, or have replies bitching about weather its real or fake, or whatever the hell the majority of the posters think about it. Otherwise he would have made a topic like "Do you guys believe me or not?" I know you have enough sense to understand what I'm saying fissure.

Actually READ Lunar's post.

Did I say that the post was derected only at Lunar?
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 05:19:26 am
People posted they don't believe in something the topic is majorly about, so what?

Would people post this stuff in other people's OoT 2d topics? Probably not, but not everyone has this big of a history with a game. Alot of people post how they don't believe him and why because alot still feel betrayed and such with all the lies and such. People keep acting like it's only just a fangame. But it has turned into so much more.
Like I said, it doesn't matter who it is, weather it is Dan and OOT2D with the major past behind it. Or weather people feel betrayed. The point I am trying to make, is they didn't have to post crap like this when the topic wasn't asking for any of those stupid coments. It was just an announcment. He did not anywhere try to make anybody believe him. He just wants to say a final word about this game which has to do with the community. Not have a debate, or have replies bitching about weather its real or fake, or whatever the hell the majority of the posters think about it. Otherwise he would have made a topic like "Do you guys believe me or not?" I know you have enough sense to understand what I'm saying fissure.

Actually READ Lunar's post.

Did I say that the post was derected only at Lunar?

Yeah, i do. But if a topic has a subject in it, no matter what the initial topic is about, it's bound to draw heat, especially with such a highly debatable subject as OoT 2D.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: skully on May 06, 2006, 05:34:07 am
I know, but the fact that it's not just another topic about oot2d, and its really more of an announcment that he will no longer post about it here, and is just giving his information so that people who care can contact him. I don't think it is a good place for those comments. I didn't mention anything in past oot topics about this. But this one stuck out to me, because it was different in what he was trying to say. And the fact that people disregard that, and want to say stupid things about what is true and what isnt made me angry. It would be wrong in any of his topics, but this one stood out because of the content of his post and the message within it.

Anyways, I'm done.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Cuddle♥Bunny on May 06, 2006, 05:38:43 am
Actually READ Lunar's post.

Did I say that the post was derected only at Lunar?
Did I say your post was directed only at Lunar?
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: TomPel on May 06, 2006, 07:05:16 am
New forums? I'll be the first one to join :) Good luck with oot2d Daniel!
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: mozza on May 06, 2006, 07:18:18 am
have you idiots not been noticing that he isnt here anymore he doesnt f*cking care about this community anymore, and do you know why?

Because most of you are becoming assholes and taking advantage of him and the board, you all discourage him and why? Cause you dont believe in his game if you dont then dont im not telling you to but dont make such a big fuss over it and Lunar wtf are you talking about he was a god and this is his church, its not he is not a good he is the founder, does not make him a good and this isnt his church this is his home its a community, we are all guests to it.

No offense but i think Drewdelz is the worst admin ever look at all the topics going around about masterbation and stuff if the old board was still here i would go everywhere looking for a stupid useless topic like that

ending my point:

Dan i believe and hope you complete i dont want you to give up but if you do then too bad if you complete it then good for you i still care about the game not only because it was the reason this community is built the reason i like this oot2d more than the others is cause this is the original!
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: King Tetiro on May 06, 2006, 07:22:27 am
I feel sorry for him. Some people keep thinking he's a liar, okay yes your allowed your opinion but you don't have to say over and over again or even better, don't say anything at all. Good Luck TRM, I wish you do complete it, I've been waiting for a year for it's release and if you do complete it, I will be very happy and forever in your debt.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Riisnæs on May 06, 2006, 08:07:26 am
Aw man, this whole thing's a mess.  I believe that Daniel making OOT2D still.  And even if he isn't, I still respect him, since he brought together this community, and that's something I believe is worth thanking him for.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 08:36:21 am
I feel sorry for him. Some people keep thinking he's a liar, okay yes your allowed your opinion but you don't have to say over and over again or even better, don't say anything at all. Good Luck TRM, I wish you do complete it, I've been waiting for a year for it's release and if you do complete it, I will be very happy and forever in your debt.

If the believers are allowd to say they believe in it, then the non-believers can say they don't, fair is fair senorita.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: King Tetiro on May 06, 2006, 08:41:49 am
True but they don't have to repeat it over and over again do they?
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 08:45:28 am
True but they don't have to repeat it over and over again do they?

Yes, yes we do
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: King Tetiro on May 06, 2006, 08:47:06 am
Fine you your opinion but what I'm saying is that some people have been a little bit too harsh on him.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: FISSURE on May 06, 2006, 08:48:22 am
Fine you your opinion but what I'm saying is that some people have been a little bit too harsh on him.

So do you.

I don't think they have been too harsh. Everyone has their own opinion
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Kleaver on May 06, 2006, 10:36:26 am
Im with Skull Kid on this...this topic isnt about if you care or not, its about TRM simply saying that he wont be posting OoT2D stuff here...DONE. If y'all don't care, why make a fuss about it?

And personally when he sees all the comments he would be GLAD that he moved...
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: AleX_XelA on May 06, 2006, 11:12:43 am
TRM, I hope you don't leave ZFGC, it's good to have you here as a regular member! Well I would like to contact you as I have some questions regarding the language file, can I have your e-mail address? I do not doubt the existance of this project and I'm eagerly waiting for it!
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Pyru on May 06, 2006, 11:23:09 am
TRM, serious business. <_< >_>

It's your choice, whatever. Regardless on my opinions on the matter of OoT2D, I hope you do what you feel is best- within the rules.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Fox on May 06, 2006, 01:36:03 pm
I'd look forward to a preventive lock of this topic...
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Piers on May 06, 2006, 02:42:04 pm
Good bye.
 When will you be purchasing this domain and crap?
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: TheRealMethuselah on May 06, 2006, 02:45:38 pm
TRM, I hope you don't leave ZFGC, it's good to have you here as a regular member! Well I would like to contact you as I have some questions regarding the language file, can I have your e-mail address? I do not doubt the existance of this project and I'm eagerly waiting for it!
My email address is dbarras@gmail.com. The language file is at:

Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: AleX_XelA on May 06, 2006, 03:24:03 pm
Thanks a lot! I'll be e-mailing you soon! (I'm the French translator, remember?)
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Kirby on May 06, 2006, 06:53:04 pm
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Kleaver on May 06, 2006, 08:14:41 pm
Ohoohoho, I almost forgot that one...Kirby?  :o
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Piers on May 06, 2006, 08:16:27 pm
Ohoohoho, I almost forgot that one...Kirby?  :o
A shocking twist....... and even better is HE MADE 3 POSTS.
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: AleX_XelA on May 06, 2006, 08:20:39 pm
Ohoohoho, I almost forgot that one...Kirby?  :o
A shocking twist....... and even better is HE MADE 3 POSTS.

He was on chat for 20 minutes, too bad you missed him!
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Moon_child on May 08, 2006, 03:30:29 pm
I'll follow you TRM!
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: NeoGeo-x on May 08, 2006, 06:55:31 pm
ROFL, some people never change...especially not when they're all pink and furry ;)
Title: Re: My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
Post by: Fraz on May 08, 2006, 10:54:25 pm
Isn't there a more appropriate forum for this other then off-topic Lunar? Not that I have a special particular interest in this topic. But I just thought I should point it out. I'm prety sure there is still a "fan game general discussion" board on the main index isn't there?

Anyways, another thing I wanted to mention. For those of you who are making posts that say things like "I don't care about your f*cking game, your a liar, I don't believe you" etc. etc. Can I just ask why you even made these posts? (Right off the top of my head Lunar and Drewdelz come to mind but a good majority of the psots in this topic are also like this only less angry).

He didn't ask for your opinions on the game, nor did he in anyway make a post that resembles something like this: "You guys got to believe me, I am not lying! Its real! blah blah blah" in which case your posts would have been slightly more appropriate. He is just making a simple announcment about his project. Would you guys go and do this in any of the other OOT2D topics? (if they wern't in the wrong section) No. But because of the past of all of this you guys think its appropriate to make stupid posts like these, that have been made countless times in nearly all of his topics.

He has every right to keep posting stuff about his game, weather you believe it or not. You guys are the staff. You sure aren't representing very well in this topic. Forget all the past for a second. Now ask yourself (without taking into acount any past involving Dan.) Should you have made such comments? I don't have any more special respect for Dan then any other member. I would have said this same thing for anybody. Frankly. He did not ask for oppinions on his game, or weather you believed in it or not. Nor did he try to sway you with information. All he is doing. Is comming back to his original community that he founded and after all of the crap thats happened in the past, making a final statement to clear up any rumors and for anybody that dose give any little !@#$% about it. I think I can speak for him when I say he doesn't want to hear your stupid comments about weather you believe him or not. Nor dose he care. But he has every right to post a notice about the future of his project and his forum and website for those that do care.

Basicly, all in all. I'm trying to say. You guys were being imature here, and didn' need to even make a comment if you truly don't like this game or care about it. Me personaly, I don't care about it either. But I at least had something else to say to him. Which is thank you for creating this forum thats given me joy for a few years. I could easily go into detail about why I might or might not believe him, or this and that. But I know this isn't the appropriate topic to do so in. And I figure, it's common sense. Would you think it apprpriate for me to go into any of your topics (gangwars for example drew), and say things like "I do not believe you" "I don't care" "so what?" when you just make a simple update, or general announcement to the community about it?

Now go ahead and say what you want to me. If anything. But don't make yourselves look more imature about it. Ad go ahead and call me ksis ass for sticking up for him in this matter. But frankly. I would do the same for anybody, and I don't care what you think I am or am not doing.

And also, I think with the whole posting in community speak thing. I think for anybody else, it might have been different. But for Dan, I think an exception should be made. Why? Just becasue of all thats happened in the past. The fact that he created this forum, and that he started the community. Then all the stuff that happend in the past. This is like a final word to the community about the entire thing, which dose concern the community, because it was what started it int he first place. He is not here to advertise his game as far as I can see. But whatever. I might be wrong in this l;ast statement. I just felt that maybe since I believe this did have some actual purpose for the community it was wrong to move it elsewhere.

I'm not going to post this one in blue because I wan't to make sure it gets read. It goes for everybody else who was posting things like "I don't believe you", or "Who cares".

ah'greed.  It's lame to exclusively target him, especially when this topic wasn't even made with the intention to incite a damn thing.  So he mentions OoT2d.  Well of course thats to be expected.  He mentions it because he knows if he doesn't, the first things to pop up would be a dozen questions about the fate of OoT2d.  It's the thing that people most majorly associate him with.

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