General => Entertainment => Topic started by: AoDC on November 11, 2007, 08:01:39 am

Title: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: AoDC on November 11, 2007, 08:01:39 am
Now, let me just clear some things. I'm a HUGE Halo, 2 and 3 fan, and they have great (yet disappointing) campaigns. I've played Battlefield (Vietnam, 2, you name it I've tried it). They all have great graphics. They are all great.

However, last night I slept over at a friend's house and found he had recently purchased Call of Duty 4. I had brought my 360 and he has a MASSIVE High Def TV. But before I played, we watched him play. The whole campaign.

The campaign is the most heart pounding and intense campaign ever. Infinity Ward paid attention to detail. Literally every act has a "holy !@#$%" moment. The graphics, sound, weapon balance, just... EVERYTHING is amazing. The characters are believable as well.

Then after watching him play for 8 hours straight, we 4 way'd multiplayer. We played that for another 8 hours. It was like... Halo's fun mixed with competition. Just a note because I can: I won every single game, team or not =D.

After about 20 hours after first seeing the start screen, I stopped and took a breathe. I said "10 out of 10 material" and everyone agreed. CoD4 is the ONLY game to ever have me play and love it so much.

Just a note, I have played and finished all Call of Dutys (only 2 on Veteran... which took forever).

Hell yes to CoD4. I'm off to play the campaign on Veteran.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Hoffy on November 11, 2007, 08:22:25 am
While you do make it sound amazing (and I'm sure it is as good as you say it is) WWII FPSs simply don't interest me. I don't know why... I just find them boring and hard to get into. But that's just me.

Maybe when I get a 360 I'll pick it up, because I like to try new things. One fact still stands: A LOT of great games have come out this year.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Moon_child on November 11, 2007, 08:59:34 am
If it was the best shooter ever then it would have a co-op mode!

The game is good but definitely not the best shooter ever!
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: AoDC on November 11, 2007, 09:09:25 am
While you do make it sound amazing (and I'm sure it is as good as you say it is) WWII FPSs simply don't interest me. I don't know why... I just find them boring and hard to get into. But that's just me.

Maybe when I get a 360 I'll pick it up, because I like to try new things. One fact still stands: A LOT of great games have come out this year.
Read more, dude. It's NOT a WWII shooter. The first 3 were WWII this one is set in current times.

If it was the best shooter ever then it would have a co-op mode!

The game is good but definitely not the best shooter ever!
Co-op doesn't make a game good.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Theforeshadower on November 11, 2007, 09:44:42 am
While you do make it sound amazing (and I'm sure it is as good as you say it is) WWII FPSs simply don't interest me. I don't know why... I just find them boring and hard to get into. But that's just me.

Maybe when I get a 360 I'll pick it up, because I like to try new things. One fact still stands: A LOT of great games have come out this year.
Read more, dude. It's NOT a WWII shooter. The first 3 were WWII this one is set in current times.

If it was the best shooter ever then it would have a co-op mode!

The game is good but definitely not the best shooter ever!
Co-op doesn't make a game good.
Every shooting game must have co-op in this day and age...One of the reasons I never bought Doom 3 for the Xbox was because of the lack of co-op.  Games like Gears and Resistance are excellent because they have excellent co-op.  I am disappointed with each Call of Duty because of the lack of co-op.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: bertfallen on November 11, 2007, 11:37:15 am
While you do make it sound amazing (and I'm sure it is as good as you say it is) WWII FPSs simply don't interest me. I don't know why... I just find them boring and hard to get into. But that's just me.

Maybe when I get a 360 I'll pick it up, because I like to try new things. One fact still stands: A LOT of great games have come out this year.
Read more, dude. It's NOT a WWII shooter. The first 3 were WWII this one is set in current times.

If it was the best shooter ever then it would have a co-op mode!

The game is good but definitely not the best shooter ever!
Co-op doesn't make a game good.
Every shooting game must have co-op in this day and age...One of the reasons I never bought Doom 3 for the Xbox was because of the lack of co-op.  Games like Gears and Resistance are excellent because they have excellent co-op.  I am disappointed with each Call of Duty because of the lack of co-op.

Erm...Why is it poeple decide whether a games good on its multiplayer capabilites? Last I checked video games are great and fun regardless. And if you haven't played Doom 3 yet. Your missing out. Big time.
Call of Duty 4 looks immense and I cannot wait to get it.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Kyubi on November 11, 2007, 01:32:44 pm
As soon as I can afford my own HDTV I'm getting one, since I'm getting a 360 for Christmas. Then I'll get this. And orgasm while I'm playing it and Super Mario Galaxy alternately.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Ricky on November 11, 2007, 01:40:55 pm
Er, I'm just trying the DS one, and it's not bad so far... Also, I'm a general-FPS-hater... xP
I doubt it works on my computer, though... :\
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: TheDarkJay on November 11, 2007, 01:45:40 pm
Co-op in Doom 3 would completely wreck it. It'd lose the whole "Alone in the Dark and scary and what the !@#$% was that? OH !@#$% NOOOOOOO!" feeling that makes the game great, because you wouldn't be alone <_<
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: araknidude on November 11, 2007, 02:54:41 pm
While you do make it sound amazing (and I'm sure it is as good as you say it is) WWII FPSs simply don't interest me. I don't know why... I just find them boring and hard to get into. But that's just me.

Maybe when I get a 360 I'll pick it up, because I like to try new things. One fact still stands: A LOT of great games have come out this year.

Dude. CoD4: Modern Warfare. MODERN.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Theforeshadower on November 11, 2007, 03:26:04 pm
I didn't say I didn't play it...I f'n beat it and it was a great game.  Every CoD game has been awesome but it would've lasted longer in my library if they had co-op.  There is just something about putting the difficulty on the max level and playing the game with your best friend.  !@#$%, Doom 3 would've been awesome with co-op in my opinion.  Gears was still the same so was Resistance.  I just have a better time playing with friends.  I guess it goes by each person.  !@#$%, that's how I went through PDZ was co-op...
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Hoffy on November 11, 2007, 08:29:51 pm
While you do make it sound amazing (and I'm sure it is as good as you say it is) WWII FPSs simply don't interest me. I don't know why... I just find them boring and hard to get into. But that's just me.

Maybe when I get a 360 I'll pick it up, because I like to try new things. One fact still stands: A LOT of great games have come out this year.
Read more, dude. It's NOT a WWII shooter. The first 3 were WWII this one is set in current times.
I should have said war games in general... because, well, that's what I meant.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: AoDC on November 12, 2007, 10:49:45 am
OK, just finished the campaign for myself. That was awesome. My first match of online multiplayer was awesome too.

Now to achievement !@#$%.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Mamoruanime on November 12, 2007, 10:52:34 am
lol w00t for achievement whoring :p I'm doing that with GH3 right now...

BUT! I have yet to play this game... CoD has never appealed to me though :(
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Kleaver on November 12, 2007, 10:54:33 am
First person shooters are for PC's... ::)
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Mamoruanime on November 12, 2007, 10:55:25 am
O_O have you played one on the 360?????????????????

Once you get the hang of the controller, going back to PC just sucks lol
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: AoDC on November 12, 2007, 11:05:59 am
I played the PC version. It's the exact same with a better draw distance. I'm more of a controller person than a M/K.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Substance on November 12, 2007, 02:40:51 pm
Just out of curiosity, for all you people who have the PC version, what are your specs? How crappy can your system be and still run this game? Obviously we've got the demo requirements - half a gig of RAM, 2.something GHz CPU, GeForce somethingorother. But the full game's probably different.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Moon_child on November 12, 2007, 05:34:44 pm
While you do make it sound amazing (and I'm sure it is as good as you say it is) WWII FPSs simply don't interest me. I don't know why... I just find them boring and hard to get into. But that's just me.

Maybe when I get a 360 I'll pick it up, because I like to try new things. One fact still stands: A LOT of great games have come out this year.
Read more, dude. It's NOT a WWII shooter. The first 3 were WWII this one is set in current times.

If it was the best shooter ever then it would have a co-op mode!

The game is good but definitely not the best shooter ever!
Co-op doesn't make a game good.
True, but it would add allot more to this game! Now your friend just hast to sit next to you watching you beating the campeign.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Trask on November 12, 2007, 10:13:12 pm
I got ahold of this over the weekend; I haven't been this wrapped up in a FPS since HL2 was first released, it's just so well done. I haven't been a big fan of the older games, but this one takes the cake(and in this case, the cake is NOT a lie).
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: AoDC on November 13, 2007, 01:32:03 am
Just out of curiosity, for all you people who have the PC version, what are your specs? How crappy can your system be and still run this game? Obviously we've got the demo requirements - half a gig of RAM, 2.something GHz CPU, GeForce somethingorother. But the full game's probably different.
Yea, those requirements are usually BS and won't run well at all. You should be looking at 2gb of ram, at least a 256mb graphics card and some sort of dual core processor.
Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Substance on November 16, 2007, 01:09:52 pm
You should be looking at 2gb of ram,

wait why, it's not like i'm running 50 firefox tabs on top of cod4

at least a 256mb graphics card

I've got one, but I'm not liking it. If I do upgrade, though, I'm still not bothering with more than 256mb of VRAM because there's no way you'll need that freakish amount of video memory unless you're some kinda professional doing advanced graphics crap. With like, three monitors.

and some sort of dual core processor.

Title: Re: Call of Duty 4 - Best shooter. Ever.
Post by: Trask on November 16, 2007, 07:47:26 pm
I'm running off a P4 3.2ghz processor going on 4 years now, it ran COD4 just fine. Now if I were to upgrade today, I'd go dual core only because that's where the industry is going now; there's not enough dual core specific games out there that warrent dropping the cash for it in my opinion.

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