General => Boards => Archive => Other Discussion => Topic started by: Oni_Link on May 03, 2008, 10:49:34 pm

Title: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Oni_Link on May 03, 2008, 10:49:34 pm
How do I make my guitar make sounds when I run my fingers across the strings?


Like that guy plucks a string then runs his finger across it and it continues making sounds. Whenever I do that it just stops :(

Do you have to use the whammy?

Edit: I have a Starcaster by Fender
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: whitechapel on May 03, 2008, 11:50:08 pm
Which part of the video specifically are you referring too? The beginning?
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Oni_Link on May 03, 2008, 11:56:56 pm
Which part of the video specifically are you referring too? The beginning?
yeah the beginning when he like rubs his finger on the strings after picking them just once and the sound continues
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: whitechapel on May 04, 2008, 12:03:23 am
He's actually just bending the string. It's called by vibrato and no you don't need to have a whammy bar to do it, but it's essentially the same thing that a whammy bar does. Rather than explain it through words videos would help much more. Maybe this will explain it a bit better: http://youtube.com/watch?v=-KMrR_LqrOE&feature=related
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Oni_Link on May 04, 2008, 12:19:42 am
Oh I see. Wouldn't it be easier to use the whammy bar though?
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: whitechapel on May 04, 2008, 12:23:17 am
Well a whammy bar produces a different sound (kinda more extreme) and depending on the setup you're using it could screw up your tuning. Also the whammy is used for a lot more effects such as dive bombs and the weird noises that bands like Dragonforce make. Also the whammy bar setups that do keep you in tune restrict you from tuning to other tuning easily which is why I don't buy guitars with edge-pros or floyd-rose tremolos.
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Oni_Link on May 04, 2008, 12:26:01 am
Ahaha I didn't understand most of what you just said :P

However when I pull the strings I always hit the string below or above it and it causes that string to make a sound and ruin the song =/
You have a solution? My fingers are a little big I don't think they are THAT big.
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: whitechapel on May 04, 2008, 12:31:15 am
Yeah, I remember having the same problem. Maybe trying being more gentle when doing it. Really watch your left hand and try to observe everything you're doing make sure you're not pressing down too hard on the string and also try to using the tips of your finger, not the bottoms if that makes any sense :/
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Walnut on May 04, 2008, 12:46:41 am
Walnut's Solution: Practice more. Practice fixes all your problems with almost anything. Make sure you experiment some when you practice until you think you're going in the right direction with it.
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Oni_Link on May 04, 2008, 12:52:41 am
Walnut's Solution: Practice more. Practice fixes all your problems with almost anything. Make sure you experiment some when you practice until you think you're going in the right direction with it.
No !@#$% sherlock
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Kylink on May 04, 2008, 03:06:33 pm
Yes, this is bending. Bending is one of the most useful guitar methods that you can do, in my opinion.

Think of it like this. When you are bending the string, you are actually making the note that you are playing higher. If you bend it more, than the note will become higher than before. This Vibrato, I believe, is bending and unbending the string to produce that sound.
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Walnut on May 04, 2008, 03:36:51 pm
Walnut's Solution: Practice more. Practice fixes all your problems with almost anything. Make sure you experiment some when you practice until you think you're going in the right direction with it.
No !@#$% sherlock

No, I mean actually practicing. Some people practice, and then some people practice. You want to practice, not practice.
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Kylink on May 04, 2008, 03:51:58 pm
Walnut's Solution: Practice more. Practice fixes all your problems with almost anything. Make sure you experiment some when you practice until you think you're going in the right direction with it.
No !@#$% sherlock

No, I mean actually practicing. Some people practice, and then some people practice. You want to practice, not practice.
I do agree. Genuinely practicing helps so much more than just picking it up every few days and playing a few notes or something. Devote your life to the guitar. Love the guitar. BE THE GUITAR...well, thats getting a little carried away, but I get what you are saying.  :P
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Halu on May 04, 2008, 11:39:52 pm
Walnut's Solution: Practice more. Practice fixes all your problems with almost anything. Make sure you experiment some when you practice until you think you're going in the right direction with it.
No !@#$% sherlock
Don't be a DICK, you wanted advice, he gave you good advice.
Title: Re: Question about Electric Guitar
Post by: Oni_Link on May 05, 2008, 02:52:43 am
Walnut's Solution: Practice more. Practice fixes all your problems with almost anything. Make sure you experiment some when you practice until you think you're going in the right direction with it.
No !@#$% sherlock
Don't be a !@#$%, you wanted advice, he gave you good advice.
No he didn't the only one being a !@#$% here is you, since you came... with no advice

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