ZFGC.com => Feedback => Topic started by: Ness on May 16, 2008, 04:43:07 am

Title: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 16, 2008, 04:43:07 am
We really are overdue for one, i mean it's been out for how long. I do realize that it hasn't come out in either Europe or Australia, if any Aussies or Europeans truly wanted to be in there are ways they could get brawl. I'm not sure if any mods could or were willing to facilitate the tournament, and I'm pretty sure neither Andrew nor Mammy have brawl . If not I'd be more than willing to watch the brawl matches as I've played enough matches with members of this forum that I have enough experience at setting up matches with the users of this forum. Also i could film or get Kylink to film the matches and put them up on youtube for everyone to be able to watch aswell.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 16, 2008, 04:54:14 am
Ha, yeah, we really do need to have a Brawl tournament, an official one, seeing as how there was always amazing hype for the game here.  It is almost sad to see that a tournament never achieved fruition when the reasons for having one are numerous.  Recording the matches on video would also be good for posterity in that a tournament we would have would have proof that it existed rather than just fading away a few weeks after the fact.  This needs to happen sometime soon as most of us are on our summer breaks finally and have the free time.  I fully support this idea.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on May 16, 2008, 05:17:51 am
Yes please! That would be amazing and I'm back from college so its back to having internet on my Wii again lol
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 16, 2008, 05:38:37 am
Also if we did actually do this tourney and i filmed the matches i wouldn't do like Kylink did with the match between me and Swiftu were he added the first half and never posted the ending of them match.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: FISSURE on May 16, 2008, 05:47:43 am
I agree, we need a brawl tourny, i would definitely join.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on May 16, 2008, 08:46:08 am
Sweet, I'd win join.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 16, 2008, 12:16:46 pm
Hmm... Sure, I'd join. I haven't played Brawl for a while. Weren't we gunna wait until Europe and Aussie get the game? Whatever, I guess I'll need to practice if it's soon.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 16, 2008, 02:40:11 pm
We could always do another with solely Europeans and Aussies when they get the game, just so it'd be more fair. Because how cheap would it be if we did one as soon as it came out in Australia and Europe? Also we could have awards and rupees for like the top 3.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: MG-Zero on May 16, 2008, 02:53:59 pm
I'd be glad to enter, we're way overdue for one =)
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Zero Beat on May 16, 2008, 03:19:34 pm
As long as this isn't some hardcore FD no items tourney I'm in.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 16, 2008, 03:23:25 pm
No I'd rather it not be. I don't want it one of those hardcore smash tourney's, I'd like to have it random brawl stages though. Also everyone on here would need my friend code so that i could mod and video each match to keep certain members from cheating, not saying anyone would it would just be fair if i was there as well, of course I'd of course kill myself off at the beginning of the match as to not be in the way of the 2 combatants.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 16, 2008, 03:51:10 pm
I've seen some tournament matches on Brawl Central. Basically, there is a referee (that would be you Reg.) and the two combatants. The ref will kill his/herself and so you can record a match. Maybe Contest #5 should be a Smash Tourney!

EDIT: 1st prize could be some Rupees and a Wii Points Card. 2nd prize, Rupees. 3rd prize, not as many Rupees. Sound fair?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 16, 2008, 06:20:12 pm
I've seen some tournament matches on Brawl Central. Basically, there is a referee (that would be you Reg.) and the two combatants. The ref will kill his/herself and so you can record a match. Maybe Contest #5 should be a Smash Tourney!

EDIT: 1st prize could be some Rupees and a Wii Points Card. 2nd prize, Rupees. 3rd prize, not as many Rupees. Sound fair?

Some people don't like giving out their address, so there could be a problem there. :P  But I want to be in a tourney. XD
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Zero Beat on May 16, 2008, 06:39:31 pm
I've seen some tournament matches on Brawl Central. Basically, there is a referee (that would be you Reg.) and the two combatants. The ref will kill his/herself and so you can record a match. Maybe Contest #5 should be a Smash Tourney!

EDIT: 1st prize could be some Rupees and a Wii Points Card. 2nd prize, Rupees. 3rd prize, not as many Rupees. Sound fair?

Some people don't like giving out their address, so there could be a problem there. :P  But I want to be in a tourney. XD
You could just buy it and give them the numbers via PM.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Jetstorm4 on May 16, 2008, 06:47:45 pm
I'd play, I think a Brawl Tourney has been needed for a while now.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 16, 2008, 07:01:41 pm
How would it be captured? DVD recorder, video camera, webcam?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on May 16, 2008, 08:00:40 pm
I've seen some tournament matches on Brawl Central. Basically, there is a referee (that would be you Reg.) and the two combatants. The ref will kill his/herself and so you can record a match. Maybe Contest #5 should be a Smash Tourney!

EDIT: 1st prize could be some Rupees and a Wii Points Card. 2nd prize, Rupees. 3rd prize, not as many Rupees. Sound fair?

Some people don't like giving out their address, so there could be a problem there. :P  But I want to be in a tourney. XD

Cant you gift Wii Points if I remember correctly?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 16, 2008, 08:23:17 pm
I've seen some tournament matches on Brawl Central. Basically, there is a referee (that would be you Reg.) and the two combatants. The ref will kill his/herself and so you can record a match. Maybe Contest #5 should be a Smash Tourney!

EDIT: 1st prize could be some Rupees and a Wii Points Card. 2nd prize, Rupees. 3rd prize, not as many Rupees. Sound fair?

Some people don't like giving out their address, so there could be a problem there. :P  But I want to be in a tourney. XD

Cant you gift Wii Points if I remember correctly?
You can gift games and channels but you can't gift Wii Points. If you could, that would be cool.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 16, 2008, 08:28:22 pm
I've seen some tournament matches on Brawl Central. Basically, there is a referee (that would be you Reg.) and the two combatants. The ref will kill his/herself and so you can record a match. Maybe Contest #5 should be a Smash Tourney!

EDIT: 1st prize could be some Rupees and a Wii Points Card. 2nd prize, Rupees. 3rd prize, not as many Rupees. Sound fair?

Some people don't like giving out their address, so there could be a problem there. :P  But I want to be in a tourney. XD

Cant you gift Wii Points if I remember correctly?
You can gift games and channels but you can't gift Wii Points. If you could, that would be cool.

Maybe if the winner wants a specific thing, whoever manages it can send them that as a gift.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Kylink on May 17, 2008, 12:33:43 am
I'll be in but:
1)I'm not filming the matches...

and that's pretty much it. That's way too much pressure on me. Besides, I would like someone with a better capture device and editing program to film it.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 17, 2008, 01:07:11 am
How would it be captured? DVD recorder, video camera, webcam?
It would be a video camera that i would use to film the matches.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 17, 2008, 01:47:23 am
If you record off of a HDTV with a video camera, you'd get a better quality shot then a normal TV. Just pointing something out just in case.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 17, 2008, 01:50:31 am
If you record off of a HDTV with a video camera, you'd get a better quality shot then a normal TV. Just pointing something out just in case.
I do not believe I have an HDTV, but I do have a big screen TV.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Dumb_Ass on May 17, 2008, 02:27:30 am
Why not have it 1 vs 1 with a spectator that dodges all hits (doesn't matter if they get hit, really) that is a witness?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 17, 2008, 02:35:03 am
Why not have it 1 vs 1 with a spectator that dodges all hits (doesn't matter if they get hit, really) that is a witness?
If you die, you can still watch.  If the point for the observer is to not get hit, the best way for the observer to do this is to be dead.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 17, 2008, 02:40:16 am
Why not have it 1 vs 1 with a spectator that dodges all hits (doesn't matter if they get hit, really) that is a witness?
Everyone who joins would have to have my friend code and it will be stock matches only, I'll kill myself off at the beggining and just watch. Also I'd probably just film one match for each round.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Takuthehedgehog on May 17, 2008, 02:41:43 am
This sound fun. I'm definately up for this if it happens. :)
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Zero Beat on May 17, 2008, 04:18:31 am
So what day and time?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 17, 2008, 04:21:56 am
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 17, 2008, 04:06:35 pm
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
So, should we organize this now? Sign ups would be a good idea right now.

EDIT: We could have divisions like the Character Competition.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 17, 2008, 06:42:21 pm
You think with too much haste.  Should we have sign-ups now?  The tournament has to have enough interest in it for this to have a point.  This topic is to generate that interest.  Divisions would be pointless as the numbers are still too small.

Anyway, like someone said in this topic if they did or not, having the tournament on one day would be impossible due to scheduling conflicts, timezone differences, recording of the matches, and it would just be stupid in that the whole thing would be over too quickly.  It would be better to have as many things as possible possibly.  Like one main tournament, some warm-up matches, and maybe a multiman contest to see who can take out the most computer players.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 18, 2008, 01:06:12 am
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
So, should we organize this now? Sign ups would be a good idea right now.

EDIT: We could have divisions like the Character Competition.
We aren't going to organize now as we need more people who are interested in this before so. Also i did want it to be like the Character competition, Like it would show in the place of the characters would be the character you are using in the competition, and where the %'s would go in the CC would be the username.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 18, 2008, 04:34:05 am
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
So, should we organize this now? Sign ups would be a good idea right now.

EDIT: We could have divisions like the Character Competition.
We aren't going to organize now as we need more people who are interested in this before so. Also i did want it to be like the Character competition, Like it would show in the place of the characters would be the character you are using in the competition, and where the %'s would go in the CC would be the username.
Why not compile a list of people who'd be interested around the forum? For the character image, we could use the different character colours thanks to rips from Spriter's Resource. The setup wouldn't be too hard anyway.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 18, 2008, 04:35:45 am
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
So, should we organize this now? Sign ups would be a good idea right now.

EDIT: We could have divisions like the Character Competition.
We aren't going to organize now as we need more people who are interested in this before so. Also i did want it to be like the Character competition, Like it would show in the place of the characters would be the character you are using in the competition, and where the %'s would go in the CC would be the username.
Why not compile a list of people who'd be interested around the forum? For the character image, we could use the different character colours thanks to rips from Spriter's Resource. The setup wouldn't be too hard anyway.
The character images we'd use there mugshots from the dojo.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 18, 2008, 04:47:01 am
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
So, should we organize this now? Sign ups would be a good idea right now.

EDIT: We could have divisions like the Character Competition.
We aren't going to organize now as we need more people who are interested in this before so. Also i did want it to be like the Character competition, Like it would show in the place of the characters would be the character you are using in the competition, and where the %'s would go in the CC would be the username.
Why not compile a list of people who'd be interested around the forum? For the character image, we could use the different character colours thanks to rips from Spriter's Resource. The setup wouldn't be too hard anyway.
The character images we'd use there mugshots from the dojo.
Why don't we use the correct character colours that people use? It'd be easy and we could just add in a background behind them. I don't mind doing it because it's not a hard job though there are a lot of character colours.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 18, 2008, 04:48:38 am
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
So, should we organize this now? Sign ups would be a good idea right now.

EDIT: We could have divisions like the Character Competition.
We aren't going to organize now as we need more people who are interested in this before so. Also i did want it to be like the Character competition, Like it would show in the place of the characters would be the character you are using in the competition, and where the %'s would go in the CC would be the username.
Why not compile a list of people who'd be interested around the forum? For the character image, we could use the different character colours thanks to rips from Spriter's Resource. The setup wouldn't be too hard anyway.
The character images we'd use there mugshots from the dojo.
Why don't we use the correct character colours that people use? It'd be easy and we could just add in a background behind them. I don't mind doing it because it's not a hard job though there are a lot of character colours.
I'd hope we won't have duplicates, and if you want you can do it like that.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 18, 2008, 05:19:09 am
So what day and time?
Geez Louise! Can't you wait a bit? It's gonna span at least a week and a half.
So, should we organize this now? Sign ups would be a good idea right now.

EDIT: We could have divisions like the Character Competition.
We aren't going to organize now as we need more people who are interested in this before so. Also i did want it to be like the Character competition, Like it would show in the place of the characters would be the character you are using in the competition, and where the %'s would go in the CC would be the username.
Why not compile a list of people who'd be interested around the forum? For the character image, we could use the different character colours thanks to rips from Spriter's Resource. The setup wouldn't be too hard anyway.
The character images we'd use there mugshots from the dojo.
Why don't we use the correct character colours that people use? It'd be easy and we could just add in a background behind them. I don't mind doing it because it's not a hard job though there are a lot of character colours.
I'd hope we won't have duplicates, and if you want you can do it like that.
Are you talking about if people just happen to be the same character and same colour? It would still be easy to figure out with the usernames underneath the character image.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 18, 2008, 06:05:03 am
You could use the character stock icons and then use the lettering from the stage names to do something like this:

Although, it would be simpler to list the names how the online system already has it set up, as some names are huge and assembling an image bracket would be complicated (i.e. Takuthehedgehog, Hammer Bro. Mike, CrystalAngel04, Regulustheheroic, Takuthehedgehog, etc)
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 18, 2008, 11:16:54 pm
You could use the character stock icons and then use the lettering from the stage names to do something like this:

Although, it would be simpler to list the names how the online system already has it set up, as some names are huge and assembling an image bracket would be complicated (i.e. Takuthehedgehog, Hammer Bro. Mike, CrystalAngel04, Regulustheheroic, Takuthehedgehog, etc)
I like that actually. That would look allot cooler in my opinion.

Everyone who is interested in a brawl tourney:
-Myself, obviously...but i won't compete...?
-Hammer Bro. Mike
-MG Zero
-Zero Beat(Sora)
12 people are for this idea...we could do with another couple people.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Giverny on May 18, 2008, 11:42:38 pm
Add me, but when will this happen?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 19, 2008, 02:28:04 am
I have to stop playing Mario Kart for awhile so I can train. I'm a little rusty. :P
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 19, 2008, 03:06:36 am
Add me, but when will this happen?
Well we should give a little bit of time like maybe a week for people to train up for it.

Everyone who is interested in a brawl tourney:
-Myself, obviously...but i won't compete...?
-Hammer Bro. Mike
-MG Zero
-Zero Beat(Sora)
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 19, 2008, 03:27:19 am
Add me, but when will this happen?
Well we should give a little bit of time like maybe a week for people to train up for it.

Everyone who is interested in a brawl tourney:
-Myself, obviously...but i won't compete...?
-Hammer Bro. Mike
-MG Zero
-Zero Beat(Sora)

Are we going to be using our ZFGC names, (some shortened) or use our Brawl names on the brackets?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 19, 2008, 03:31:02 am
Like I have claimed, setting up a visual image of a bracket would make listing the full names impractical as many names are long.  I would assume that the Brawl names are going to be used.  I mean, if anyone thought them too ambiguous, you could just alter your Brawl name to be a shortening of your ZFGC one. 
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 19, 2008, 03:34:55 am
Add me, but when will this happen?
Well we should give a little bit of time like maybe a week for people to train up for it.

Everyone who is interested in a brawl tourney:
-Myself, obviously...but i won't compete...?
-Hammer Bro. Mike
-MG Zero
-Zero Beat(Sora)

Are we going to be using our ZFGC names, (some shortened) or use our Brawl names on the brackets?

I'd rather go by our user names. Like since it's 5 letters it should fit peoples user names for some examples: 4Swrd, Luigi(duh, lol), BUSTR, etc. Also I'm gonna make a new youtube account called something like "ZFGC Brawl Tourney" or something along those lines.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 19, 2008, 03:50:22 am
Okay, I just made a quick bracket with no real thought in it. I just used the names listed above.

Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Dumb_Ass on May 19, 2008, 04:17:56 am
I want to be in it too... : (
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Giverny on May 19, 2008, 02:46:03 pm
Um... where am I? I only see a LinkW ;)

Also, i call blue kirby.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 19, 2008, 03:15:37 pm
Um... where am I? I only see a LinkW ;)

Also, i call blue kirby.

It wasn't meant to be a definite thing. I won't be making it of course. :P But I felt like making one to see what it might look like.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 19, 2008, 07:22:47 pm
Are the matches going to be 1 vs. 1, 1 vs. 1 vs. 1, or 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 vs. 1?

I think we should go by Brawl names and then make a list showing which user it is for the brackets. The videos would be fine though because we could use usernames in the title and/or description or something like that.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 19, 2008, 08:07:01 pm
Are the matches going to be 1 vs. 1, 1 vs. 1 vs. 1, or 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 vs. 1?

I think we should go by Brawl names and then make a list showing which user it is for the brackets. The videos would be fine though because we could use usernames in the title and/or description or something like that.

Do you mean use our normal Brawl names in the game, but use our ZFGC names in the brackets?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 19, 2008, 08:22:41 pm
Here's my example for how it could be setup:

Are the matches going to be 1 vs. 1, 1 vs. 1 vs. 1, or 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 vs. 1?

I think we should go by Brawl names and then make a list showing which user it is for the brackets. The videos would be fine though because we could use usernames in the title and/or description or something like that.

Do you mean use our normal Brawl names in the game, but use our ZFGC names in the brackets?
We use Brawl names in the brackets but make a list of everyone participating showing the username and brawl name for each person.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 19, 2008, 11:21:31 pm
yall niggas suck at brawl

Okay, I just made a quick bracket with no real thought in it. I just used the names listed above.

das gay
You could use the character stock icons and then use the lettering from the stage names to do something like this:

Although, it would be simpler to list the names how the online system already has it set up, as some names are huge and assembling an image bracket would be complicated (i.e. Takuthehedgehog, Hammer Bro. Mike, CrystalAngel04, Regulustheheroic, Takuthehedgehog, etc)
das tite
woah guy! easy there!

So anyway, I think my method for the brackets looks good. It stands out and stuff, you know.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Nintendo Maniac 64 on May 19, 2008, 11:21:51 pm
FUDGE how did I miss this!  YES I would join this!... but my connection lags myself a bit usually when playing brawl, and my attacks end up coming out about a half a second late.

So what I'll probably do is during the time that Regulus is killing himself, I attack in place once and say a taunt that either says that I'm lagging or I'm fine.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 19, 2008, 11:22:28 pm
yall niggas suck at brawl

Okay, I just made a quick bracket with no real thought in it. I just used the names listed above.

das gay

das nice.

Here's my example for how it could be setup:

That's actually good. If this is going to start next week/weekend, we're going to need to get all the people the want to join to say here, or tell whoever's making the bracket. And we need to establish the style, depending on the amount of people. If we had like 24 people, we could do something like this:

--  g   -|
--   f  -|
--   d  -| ------|
--   v  -|         | 
--   c  -|         |
--   b  -|          --  f   -|
--   n  -|----    --  c   -|------   -- c
--  m  -|          --  q   -|
--  q  -|          |
--  e  -|-------|   
--  r   -|
--  t  -|

Then it would be the same on the other side. First matches could be 4, then next could be 3. then for the last 2.

Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 19, 2008, 11:47:13 pm
Regulus has a better bracket system that he set up that he showed me, but I will let him show you as this is all his idea.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 20, 2008, 11:03:01 pm
The matches will be 1 on 1 with myself reffing, unless either Kylink or myself is playing it in which we won't need a referee.

Also I call Dark Green/Red Lucas.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 21, 2008, 12:31:25 am
The matches will be 1 on 1 with myself reffing, unless either Kylink or myself is playing it in which we won't need a referee.

Also I call Dark Green/Red Lucas.
Sounds good to me. Why are you calling characters anyway? Anyway, I call Red Link.

Who's bracket pictures are we gunna use? I think mine are good.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 21, 2008, 12:48:38 am
I call Blue Snake.  (people should be happy I didn't say White Snake and that there is not someone on this forum who knows music from that era pretty well).
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on May 21, 2008, 12:54:55 am
I don't see why people should have to "call" characters... I mean really... your name is on top of them in battle so you wont get confused. lol
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 21, 2008, 12:58:38 am
I don't see why people should have to "call" characters... I mean really... your name is on top of them in battle so you wont get confused. lol
Yeah, that's true. We should be able to be whoever we want. Then again, there aren't many playing and I can only see a couple people using the same character.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 21, 2008, 01:01:08 am
I don't see why people should have to "call" characters... I mean really... your name is on top of them in battle so you wont get confused. lol
Well i did that only because I don't want someone else using my color..I'd also not want someone else to use Lucas...but i have a feeling luigi probably will but w/e.

Regulus has a better bracket system that he set up that he showed me, but I will let him show you as this is all his idea.
This one?

Also if everyone would be so kind as to check my first post, and message me all the info i don't have for you. Thanks.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 21, 2008, 02:33:42 am
I bet some of those friendcodes for that list are somewhere on this forum, probably in the Gaming and Entertainment sections.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on May 21, 2008, 03:03:48 am
I bet some of those friendcodes for that list are somewhere on this forum, probably in the Gaming and Entertainment sections.

You can check there and on the Wiki

Edit: http://www.zfgc.com/wiki/index.php?title=ZFGC_Friend_Codes#Super_Smash_Bros._Brawl
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Kylink on May 21, 2008, 03:21:00 am
Lets get someone who can feed video out of the television and record it or something to film these and is committed to filming them. I don't have the technology.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on May 21, 2008, 08:14:44 am
add me to yer list lawl
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 21, 2008, 08:42:01 am
w00t, minimum effective number acquired. Sixteen entries is like a milestone of something. The tournament should be good now.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 21, 2008, 02:27:23 pm
Well, from what I know, here are the stages that are legal, counterpick, and banned from tournaments.

- Battlefield
- Final Destination
- Yoshi's Island
- Lylat Cruise
- Smashville
- Pokemon Stadium (Melee)

- Delfino Plaza
- Luigi's Mansion
- Mushroomy Kingdom (Above/Under)
- Mario Circuit
- Bridge of Eldin
- Pirate Ship
- Frigate Orpheon
- Halberd
- Pokemon Stadium 2
- Port Town Aero Dive
- Castle Siege
- Summit
- Skyworld
- Hanenbow
- Shadow Moses Island
- Green Hill Zone
- Yoshi's Island (Melee)
- Jungle Japes (Melee)
- Onett (Melee)
- Corneria (Melee)
- Rainbow Cruise (Melee)
- Green Greens (Melee)
- Brinstar (Melee)

- Rumble Falls
- Norfair
- Spear Pillar
- WarioWare, Inc.
- Distant Planet
- New Pork City
- 75m
- Mario Bros.
- Flat Zone 2
- Pictochat
- Temple (Melee)
- Big Blue (Melee)

I found these out on Brawl Central. I don't know if we are going by real tourney rules but I think we should not play on banned stages listed above. Legal stages are fine. Counterpick are fine as well but I think Legal stages can be picked over counterpick stages easily or something like that.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 21, 2008, 04:10:52 pm
Hammer Bro Mike....i could care less what is legal or not this tourney is random stages, items on high. It's not going to be one of those gay tourneys with no items and final destination only.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on May 21, 2008, 04:46:06 pm
I played in a tournament once at my university with the Legal/Illegal rules + Random Scenario with certain items and it sucked ass... If it weren't for the fact you were limited by character dependant on the scenario I would have owned some serious male ass... So I agree with Regulus's decision in random stages but maybe items on medium? *shrugs*

My Brawl Code is in my signature. Username is CANGL and Character is normal Lucario
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 21, 2008, 04:49:21 pm
I played in a tournament once at my university with the Legal/Illegal rules + Random Scenario with certain items and it sucked ass... If it weren't for the fact you were limited by character dependant on the scenario I would have owned some serious male ass... So I agree with Regulus's decision in random stages but maybe items on medium? *shrugs*

My Brawl Code is in my signature. Username is CANGL and Character is normal Lucario
Well I'll put up a poll on it.

also i added your info.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on May 21, 2008, 04:52:55 pm
No items, seriously.

don't you actually want a fair fight?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 21, 2008, 04:59:55 pm
No items, seriously.

don't you actually want a fair fight?
There should be no items. The only item I'd want on is Smash Balls on low.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 21, 2008, 05:01:39 pm
I'd rather it be fun than fair. Items will be on no matter what if you really want it as fair as possible then they'd be on low but there still will be items.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 21, 2008, 05:05:58 pm
Back to the stages, we shouldn't play on the banned stages. We are able to camp on the big ones like Temple and New Pork City which will make the brawls take too long and other stages like Flat Zone 2 and Norfair have too many obstacles. I'd rather go with the Legal and Counterpick stages, not the banned ones.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on May 21, 2008, 05:56:36 pm
I'd rather it be fun than fair. Items will be on no matter what if you really want it as fair as possible then they'd be on low but there still will be items.

There's little point in having a tourney if you're not going to make it fair. then it wouldn't really be tourney but zfgc fun timey.

If you're playing to find out who's the best on ZFGC, then it shouldn't be a game of "who can throw the most pokeballs"
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 21, 2008, 05:59:17 pm
I'd rather it be fun than fair. Items will be on no matter what if you really want it as fair as possible then they'd be on low but there still will be items.

There's little point in having a tourney if you're not going to make it fair. then it wouldn't really be tourney but zfgc fun timey.

If you're playing to find out who's the best on ZFGC, then it shouldn't be a game of "who can throw the most pokeballs"
Fine no items but it will be random stages. It's not going to be one of those gay tourneys where all the fun is taken out for the sake of fairness.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on May 21, 2008, 06:45:53 pm
I'd rather it be fun than fair. Items will be on no matter what if you really want it as fair as possible then they'd be on low but there still will be items.

There's little point in having a tourney if you're not going to make it fair. then it wouldn't really be tourney but zfgc fun timey.

If you're playing to find out who's the best on ZFGC, then it shouldn't be a game of "who can throw the most pokeballs"
Fine no items but it will be random stages. It's not going to be one of those gay tourneys where all the fun is taken out for the sake of fairness.

If we were playing for fun we wouldn't be having a tourney.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 21, 2008, 06:51:59 pm
I'd rather it be fun than fair. Items will be on no matter what if you really want it as fair as possible then they'd be on low but there still will be items.

There's little point in having a tourney if you're not going to make it fair. then it wouldn't really be tourney but zfgc fun timey.

If you're playing to find out who's the best on ZFGC, then it shouldn't be a game of "who can throw the most pokeballs"
Fine no items but it will be random stages. It's not going to be one of those gay tourneys where all the fun is taken out for the sake of fairness.

If we were playing for fun we wouldn't be having a tourney.
(http://www.zfgc.com/forum/Smileys/takam/angry.gif) Fine no items and no banned stages...that's as far as I'm going.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 21, 2008, 07:24:35 pm
I'd rather it be fun than fair. Items will be on no matter what if you really want it as fair as possible then they'd be on low but there still will be items.

There's little point in having a tourney if you're not going to make it fair. then it wouldn't really be tourney but zfgc fun timey.

If you're playing to find out who's the best on ZFGC, then it shouldn't be a game of "who can throw the most pokeballs"
Fine no items but it will be random stages. It's not going to be one of those gay tourneys where all the fun is taken out for the sake of fairness.

If we were playing for fun we wouldn't be having a tourney.
(http://www.zfgc.com/forum/Smileys/takam/angry.gif) Fine no items and no banned stages...that's as far as I'm going.
That sounds fine to me.

Now onto the brawls. I think should have best 3 out of 5 matches. Will the matches be stock matches? If so, have many lives?

EDIT: I think we should have 3-5 stock matches.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 21, 2008, 07:58:29 pm
It's 3 matches no more no less, because you do realize I'll be filming these, so the best 2 of 3.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Windy on May 22, 2008, 01:48:07 am
I don't know much about how online for brawl works, but stages built using the stage builder should be banned, too many times I've seen a game played where the user has created a level which gives the character he's using an overwhelming advantage.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 22, 2008, 01:52:46 am
I don't know much about how online for brawl works, but stages built using the stage builder should be banned, too many times I've seen a game played where the user has created a level which gives the character he's using an overwhelming advantage.
I don't even know how to use Stage builder stages online.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that because of the vast interest in a brawl tourney 4Sword is going to be helping me in it.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 22, 2008, 12:28:25 pm
I don't know much about how online for brawl works, but stages built using the stage builder should be banned, too many times I've seen a game played where the user has created a level which gives the character he's using an overwhelming advantage.
I don't even know how to use Stage builder stages online.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that because of the vast interest in a brawl tourney 4Sword is going to be helping me in it.
You can't play on Stage Builder stages online, only the 41 stages available minus the banned ones, lol. All stages minus the Stage Builder stages can be played on.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: MG-Zero on May 22, 2008, 03:41:17 pm
oh, let me get you my infos..

Name: Stove
Main Character: Toon Link (Normal color)
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 22, 2008, 09:11:05 pm
When i was first thinking of this tourney i was thinking of having it random characters...but then realized it'd suck as it would be unbalanced like if i were to face Kylink and he got like Ganondorf(he's not bad with Ganondorf) and i got Jigglypuff(I'm horrible with her) it would be very unfair.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Nintendo Maniac 64 on May 23, 2008, 09:58:19 pm
Have you ever thought about having 2 separate tourneys, one with any stage and items and another with "hard-core tourney" rules?

And also, I'm assuming we'd use the stage switch for only allowing the allowed stages.

Anyway, my info:

Marth (standard color)

And a note, just because I use Marth doesn't mean I'm a Smash Bros. tourney n00b; I didn't even like using him in Melee >_>
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: FISSURE on May 24, 2008, 02:03:57 am
Brawl Name - Fiss

Character - Pit (Normal Color)

FC: 2492-4217-0123
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 24, 2008, 02:21:45 am
Brawl Name: Jon  (already up)

Character: Lucas (Claus colour)

Friend Code: (already up)
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 24, 2008, 02:30:07 am
I just remembered sora is banned so maybe i could get my good friend R.O.B. also known as m to replace him?

He hasn't been on for awhile but he has posted more than once.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 24, 2008, 02:32:55 am
I just remembered sora is banned so maybe i could get my good friend R.O.B. also known as m to replace him?

He hasn't been on for awhile but he has posted more than once.

How many more people can join?  My friend (ICOSYSTEM) that signed up before wanted to be in the tournement. Another one of my friends said he might join if he could be in.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 24, 2008, 02:38:03 am
Neither can be in, sorry. They have to be members that have been here awhile.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 24, 2008, 02:38:39 am
Neither can be in, sorry. They have to be members that have been here awhile.

Oh okay. So how many people are in anyways?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 24, 2008, 02:46:58 am
Neither can be in, sorry. They have to be members that have been here awhile.

Oh okay. So how many people are in anyways?
15(16 counting Sora).
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on May 24, 2008, 03:21:45 am
My Wii isn't with me right now (at a friend's house), so I don't have my friend code - but please put me down as an entrant, joining as dark Toon Link.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 24, 2008, 03:29:09 am
You posted your friend code on ZFGC once as:


with the name Scott

is this accurate to what you have now?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Xiphirx on May 25, 2008, 05:25:47 am
If only I had Brawl : ' (
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 25, 2008, 09:39:38 pm
Not trying to be a bullhole but when is the tourney anyway?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 25, 2008, 09:48:27 pm
Depending on the schedule that I am finishing up and will have done by tonight or tomorrow morning, it will either be a week from now or a little bit after that.  There will be enough notice of its beginning though so that it will not catch anyone off-guard.  You see, I have to have a schedule planned out and then I have to place people into it accounting for the times that they cannot participate; Regulus also has to be a factor in that if he is unable to do the filming a certain day, then the match can't happen.  After all, why do anything if you can't see it?

Also, I was thinking that the user images that made earlier in this topic were pretty simple and clean, so depending on how things go, Regulus and I might be requiring your assistance to finish those images up.

Also, if there is anyone reading this topic who hasn't done so already, please provide the needed information of:
- Brawl Username
- Character and Color
- Brawl Friendcode

We still need information from Jetstorm4, LynkW, Reo, and Swiftu (also Sora, but he seems to be away for awhile).
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on May 25, 2008, 10:16:24 pm
Are you fine with the one I made? If so, then I'll work on some other entrants right now. Just send me the current list via PM and I'll get them done right now.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on May 25, 2008, 10:34:48 pm
PM sent.  Thanks for the support.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on May 25, 2008, 11:33:01 pm
I'm available every day after 6 PM Mountain time...and Mondays and Thursdays all day. I usually stay up until around 11 PM or 12 AM Mountain time.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: luigi on May 26, 2008, 07:26:40 pm
I'm good everyday from 3 pm - 9 pm Eastern time, every day of the week exept Mondays (my soccer practice which alternates) and Tuesdays (my games).  And on the weekends I'm free all day.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: FISSURE on May 27, 2008, 02:40:46 am
I'm avaliable pretty much everyday. We will have to work out the time though.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Nintendo Maniac 64 on May 27, 2008, 03:19:34 am
I'm going to be available pretty much 11am - 6pm EST on weekdays (seniors in high school get out early).  Weekends are unknowns because that's when my parents and I go places.

EDIT: Though, if I end up continuing with my "different" sleep schedule after school, I won't be available about 3pm - 5pm EST
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Takuthehedgehog on June 03, 2008, 06:35:41 pm
Starting on June 13th I'm available everyday from 2PM PST to about 9PST. I'm looking for a job though, so that might end up changing. I'll post if my availability changes.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 04, 2008, 01:40:21 am
What are the dates for the tourney? Tehse are all 1v1 matches too, right? Without items?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 04, 2008, 01:40:58 am
It starts on the 8th.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 04, 2008, 01:49:49 am
Can I be one of the last matches? I'm gone the 8th and don't get back until about the 13th or 14th. I'm really sorry, I'll pull out if I have to, but I really, really want to play in the tourney if at all possible.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on June 04, 2008, 12:45:43 pm
Don't worry. We've solved your problem so don't worry.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Jetstorm4 on June 04, 2008, 02:45:49 pm
Depending on the schedule that I am finishing up and will have done by tonight or tomorrow morning, it will either be a week from now or a little bit after that.  There will be enough notice of its beginning though so that it will not catch anyone off-guard.  You see, I have to have a schedule planned out and then I have to place people into it accounting for the times that they cannot participate; Regulus also has to be a factor in that if he is unable to do the filming a certain day, then the match can't happen.  After all, why do anything if you can't see it?

Also, I was thinking that the user images that made earlier in this topic were pretty simple and clean, so depending on how things go, Regulus and I might be requiring your assistance to finish those images up.

Also, if there is anyone reading this topic who hasn't done so already, please provide the needed information of:
- Brawl Username
- Character and Color
- Brawl Friendcode

We still need information from Jetstorm4, LynkW, Reo, and Swiftu (also Sora, but he seems to be away for awhile).

4Sword, I believe I already sent information to you maybe for this? Anyway, here it is again:

Username: Jet4
Character: Sonic Normal (Doesn't matter)
Friendcode: 0044 2516 0315

Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 04, 2008, 02:49:56 pm
Oh, sorry about that.  I did input your information into the total information that Regulus, Hammer Bro. Mike, and I have gathered.  I probably should have been more cordial in letting you know that I had indeed received the information, so sorry for that on my part.  Thanks again for supplying it though.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 04, 2008, 02:53:34 pm

This is the youtube account.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Jetstorm4 on June 04, 2008, 05:23:56 pm
Oh, sorry about that.  I did input your information into the total information that Regulus, Hammer Bro. Mike, and I have gathered.  I probably should have been more cordial in letting you know that I had indeed received the information, so sorry for that on my part.  Thanks again for supplying it though.
No problem.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on June 04, 2008, 05:44:33 pm
Is it okay if I switch my character to normal color toon link?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 04, 2008, 05:47:48 pm
There are already two Toon Links with one of them being the normal color as it is, so I would say no.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 04, 2008, 11:06:35 pm
So when do we find out the actual dates when we're playing? I don't mean of the actual tournament, like the exact time and date of each match.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on June 05, 2008, 04:25:08 am
There are already two Toon Links with one of them being the normal color as it is, so I would say no.

So then I'll just pick a different color then. It's not a big deal..
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 05, 2008, 04:28:11 am
I'd rather there not be 3 toon links. :/
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on June 05, 2008, 05:07:24 am
I'd rather there not be 3 toon links. :/

I'd rather not care since there are more than 2 colors for Toon link and it's pretty inconsequential anyway.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 05, 2008, 05:09:59 am
I'd rather there not be 3 toon links. :/

I'd rather not care since there are more than 2 colors for Toon link and it's pretty inconsequential anyway.
... >:( Is this your tourney?

Anyways i don't care I'd just rather not have 4 links in the tourney as that's gay.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 05:18:01 am
Swiftu, really, it is too late to change anything.  Not only would changing your character to Toon Link make it so there were three Toon Links in the tournament, but Hammer Bro. Mike who handles the images would have to redo the images for your information, and at this stage in planning, such things should be impractical.  If we let you change your information now, then that would open the door for everyone to change their information, and this would be chaos.  Your current choice is a good one and one that I know you will do good with.  Heck, when I last played you, I lost frequently to you because you kept raping my face with Diddy's moves.  Diddy Kong is arguably your best character.

Anyway, yeah, that is what I think.  Also, Regulus, using the term "gay" like that is kind of unjustified and demeaning to those of that lifestyle.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 05, 2008, 05:20:58 am
Swiftu, really, it is too late to change anything.  Not only would changing your character to Toon Link make it so there were three Toon Links in the tournament, but Hammer Bro. Mike who handles the images would have to redo the images for your information, and at this stage in planning, such things should be impractical.  If we let you change your information now, then that would open the door for everyone to change their information, and this would be chaos.  Your current choice is a good one and one that I know you will do good with.  Heck, when I last played you, I lost frequently to you because you kept raping my face with Diddy's moves.  Diddy Kong is arguably your best character.

Anyway, yeah, that is what I think.  Also, Regulus, using the term "gay" like that is kind of unjustified and demeaning to those of that lifestyle.
When i said gay i mean stupid.

I am bi anyways...so...
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on June 05, 2008, 05:28:19 am
Sure diddy is okay, but he lacks any good launching moves.

And why would it matter if there were 3 toon links or 5? I should be able to use whatever I feel that I need to win.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 05:39:05 am
When i said gay i mean stupid.

I know what you meant by it, I just find it offensive when people use those two words synonymously.  

Anyway, yeah people, assuming that you were all informed, register each others friend codes in advance of the starting date.  We will get the information out regarding upcoming matches up by the end of Thursday (for me it is nearly 12:30 AM on Thursday right now).

Sure diddy is okay, but he lacks any good launching moves.

And why would it matter if there were 3 toon links or 5? I should be able to use whatever I feel that I need to win.
Do you have any idea how boring it would be for the viewer of the matches to see Toon Link after Toon Link after Toon Link?  This limitation has to be put in place for a good tournament to work.  Look, I sent you PMs at least twice asking what character you wanted and you are very active on the forum and then you finally got back to me on it late.  You could have secured yourself a Toon Link, but you did not.  You chose Diddy, and right now the images have been made and we should not have to backtrack now. 

I do not know what you specifically mean by launch moves, but I bet if you use the bananas more you could have the advantage more easily than you think.

Anyway, I will look into the brackets to see how this would play out in hypothetical scenarios to where you advanced and where you would not.  I'll think about it, but don't have the expectation that I am going to change instantly.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 06:18:08 am
Look, due to having sustainably 14 due to a certain someone getting banned and another who has scheduling conflicts, all while maintaining the tournament to ZFGC members only as it should be, we have a certain contingency of characters, and the information was already provided to you.  There are 2 Lucas, 2 Toon Links, 2 Snakes, and 2 Sonics.  This means that 8 are duplicates and 6 are originals.  This may not seem that significant really and will give the appearance of being diverse at first.  However, once you get to the second round, without getting into specific probabilities of course as this is just too damn complicated (well I can't remember statistics, it is all fraction work), there is then at least more than one pair of duplicates in the next round.  Meh.

My point about how it would be boring for the observer to watch still stands for the most part.  It is more interesting when the characters in the brackets are as diverse as possible.  I thought more and more about it and looked at how the bracket is structured now, and taking into account that there are two distinct sides to the bracket as it ends with two participants fighting for the top spot, having three Links in the bracket would result in one being on one side and two being on the other.  The two on the other if they fought would eliminate one of them, and if they fought later on, then that would be.  A one-on-one against two characters of the same type would be unlikely unless there is a select disadvantage, fate, and glitches conspired it all.

Also, there is the more of a certain character you have, the more disadvantaged it is to win with that character as more of your opponents will be ready and experienced. 

I will take back what I said about the images as they seem easy enough to make, but alas I am not the one making them, so if Hammer Bro. Mike changes them, you would have to be thankful that he would go through the effort.  It would be a pain in the ass for everyone or at least a significant number of people to switch their information now though as there are two images and some other things that would have to be created for each of those who changed.  Really, Hammer Bro. Mike is doing a lot. 

The thing specifically about Toon Link though is that there are currently 2 participants who chose him, 1 who wanted to be him but settled on Sonic, and you who wants to be him.  If I change it for you, then if this other user has qualms about me saying no to them, then what?  If he is allowed to be Toon Link, and you, and those other two, then if the best circumstances happened for Toon Links, they would pack the final four.  Ironic I know since I am 4Sword, I should think this is cool. 

In response to your request though, I am going to send messages to all participants asking them all if they want to be something else.  Based on their responses and the consultation of the rest of Brawl team (Regulus and I), we will consider what to do from there, but this is really pushing it.  You're lucky I try to please everybody even though doing so realistically almost never happens and is a pain in the ass.  I would prefer if you remained Diddy because that just keeps it interesting and winning is not everything.  However, this is also ZFGC, and Zelda is our bread and butter, so I would be open to more than two Zelda character restriction lifts.

Is this fair?

Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Swoftu on June 05, 2008, 06:38:18 am
who cares what characters are in the final anyway?

you play to win, not to have variety
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on June 05, 2008, 06:41:16 am
Personally the big deal being made over the character selection is laughable.

The argument against changing the characters is for the sake of diversity is just weird... let people play with who they are best at even if there are duplicates. So what if two Toon Links are against each other? Really? Is it an international crisis? No. Besides, no two people use characters in the same way, they each have their own unique style to their characters so battles still will be interesting to watch. Also assuming the entrants are experienced brawlers they would have gone against these characters several times over so the move sets should be nothing new to anyone.

As for the Graphics argument... honestly, unless your going completely nuts with the graphics for the character entries (which just seems like a bit of a waste of time for something relatively small) it should take no more than 10 minutes to whip up a new one assuming a basic template was made.

So thats just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Mamoruanime on June 05, 2008, 06:42:42 am
I agree; it's almost too overcomplicated for something as simple as "select your character" and "play"...

The only requirement for registration should be name :p
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 07:03:58 am
Look, I am just thinking about the people who do not play at all but will probably be watching.  They are just as important as those who are participating, well, a little less as they are not as dedicated but still need to be drawn in. 

As for all the comments to people who think I am over-thinking this, I spill ideas out of my head and if you read my last post before this one, I was tearing apart my own arguments due to me being reasonable.  The argument for changing characters for the sake of diversity is a little weird, yes, but my issue with Swiftu was that he was changing his character so late and after all the information was sent out no less.  There has to be a lock-down to prevent people from changing at the last minute obviously.  Ideally, you would be able to select your character with the deadline being before the first match.  However, images do have to be made and Hammer Bro. Mike is not going to be on beck and call for flip-flopping for the sake of fear of loss on the minds of the participant.  I cannot speak personally about making the images because I am not the one making them, and CrystalAngel04, you are biased in that you happened to do things with images all the time and to you it is just second nature. 

As for picking who you can best win with, sure, perhaps I am just a little arrogant in that I could win the whole thing with any character if I prepared well enough.  Who knows.  Like I said in my last post though, I was basically saying that I was going to send all participants a PM saying that they can change the character if they want with no restrictions, well sort of.  I will send that message now.  I am realistically thinking that most people went with their first choice, but meh, if you want to nit-pick.  Nobody does things for the fun of doing things any more, how droll. 

So here is what I am going to do.  I will PM all participants with a current list of changes; well with the exception of me, Regulus, and Swiftu as his new choice has told to me through MSN. 

Edit: Oh, and thank you for your opinions, Swiftu, CrystalAngel04, and Mamoruanime.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 07:15:13 am
Also, for the sake of selection, here is the current list of all those involved.  Basically, you can pick any character you want, but try to pick a different color than what is already given by someone.  If a participant changes character or character color, you would then be free to use the color that they had previously selected:

ZFGC Username  Brawl Username  Character Choice/Color  Brawl Friendcode 
Regulust (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=2122)  REGLS  Lucas - Dark Green/Red  1719-2890-8017 
4Sword (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=89)  4SWOR  Snake - Blue  0688-4934-4413 
Kylink (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=381)  Kyle  Falco - Black  1719-2890-8017 
FISSURE (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=447)  Fiss  Pit - Normal  2492-4217-0123 
CrystalAngel04 (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=93)  CANGL  Lucario - Normal  0989-1429-3186 
Hammer Bro. Mike (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1063)  NOB  Link - Red  3523-1727-8440 
Scooternew (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=96)  Scott  Toon Link - Black  4682-8111-7308 
MG-Zero (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=81)  Stove  Toon Link - Normal  2449-4292-3277 
luigi (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1861)  Jon  Lucas - Claus  3523-1727-8440 
Nintendo Maniac 64 (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=122)  NM64  Marth - Normal  1848-1352-0543 
Takuthehedgehog (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=64)  Taku  Snake - Normal  2964-8243-6562 
Jetstorm4 (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=145)  Jet4  Sonic - Normal  0044-2516-0315 
Swiftu (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=154)  Clint  Toon Link - Red  4682-8114-3409 
a Hint of Lime (Limey) (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1438)  LIMEY  Toon Link - Classic Brown/Green 3093-6752-2953 

Edit: Messages sent.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: FISSURE on June 05, 2008, 08:17:37 am
Look, I am just thinking about the people who do not play at all but will probably be watching.  They are just as important as those who are participating, well, a little less as they are not as dedicated but still need to be drawn in. 

As for all the comments to people who think I am over-thinking this, I spill ideas out of my head and if you read my last post before this one, I was tearing apart my own arguments due to me being reasonable.  The argument for changing characters for the sake of diversity is a little weird, yes, but my issue with Swiftu was that he was changing his character so late and after all the information was sent out no less.  There has to be a lock-down to prevent people from changing at the last minute obviously.  Ideally, you would be able to select your character with the deadline being before the first match.  However, images do have to be made and Hammer Bro. Mike is not going to be on beck and call for flip-flopping for the sake of fear of loss on the minds of the participant.  I cannot speak personally about making the images because I am not the one making them, and CrystalAngel04, you are biased in that you happened to do things with images all the time and to you it is just second nature. 

As for picking who you can best win with, sure, perhaps I am just a little arrogant in that I could win the whole thing with any character if I prepared well enough.  Who knows.  Like I said in my last post though, I was basically saying that I was going to send all participants a PM saying that they can change the character if they want with no restrictions, well sort of.  I will send that message now.  I am realistically thinking that most people went with their first choice, but meh, if you want to nit-pick.  Nobody does things for the fun of doing things any more, how droll. 

So here is what I am going to do.  I will PM all participants with a current list of changes; well with the exception of me, Regulus, and Swiftu as his new choice has told to me through MSN. 

Edit: Oh, and thank you for your opinions, Swiftu, CrystalAngel04, and Mamoruanime.

I'm pretty sure everyone is doing the tourny for fun.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 08:45:23 am
All we are trying to do is set something up and get it done, and even though if it was not said implicitly, the feeling of gimme gimme comes off at this time as being really inconsiderate to those working to put something nice together.  Perhaps the images will be a little bit of a waste of time, but presentation is important to anything that is done visually.  The videos are important as having videos opens up the tournament to those who want to watch; rather than the tournament being exclusively limited to those participating, it is opened up and allowed to be enjoyed by all of ZFGC who wish to observe.  Since the administration is providing the prize, it is best to give back as much to them, in their space, with positive activity and spent time.

And maybe this is just me, but with Snake, I am a Toon Link killer.  His standard moves are all sword which can even be stopped with a punch and mostly with grenades.  Toon Link isn't as great as people make him out to be.  Just because his moves kind of float in the air and swoop around doesn't make you an aerial ace or an acrobat. 
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on June 05, 2008, 01:05:47 pm
4 Toon Link's plus Link for me? That's 5 Links! That's crazy. Too many Link's if you ask me, well Toon Link's. I'm glad I didn't stick with Toon Link.

It will look a little bland with 4 Toon Link's though. I would love to see other characters but it's really surprising to see so many people want to use Toon Link. Wow, now I'm starting to be a !@#$% about it. Anyway, so how's everyone? Getting ready for your big days coming up?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 05, 2008, 04:01:16 pm
What's the big deal with the number of Toon Links? People should play with their best characters. Matches wouldn't be more interesting if there were a more diverse list of characters, matches will be more interesting if people are playing at their best.

Anyway, I'd like to stay Toon Link, black.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on June 05, 2008, 04:10:45 pm
What's the big deal with the number of Toon Links? People should play with their best characters. Matches wouldn't be more interesting if there were a more diverse list of characters, matches will be more interesting if people are playing at their best.

Anyway, I'd like to stay Toon Link, black.
I used to play as Toon Link but my main motive for this game was to play as Link and I'm playing as him again.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: FISSURE on June 05, 2008, 05:00:06 pm
Although characters were picked over 10 days ago.

does seem kind of like a last minute change
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Nintendo Maniac 64 on June 05, 2008, 05:16:40 pm
Should we post if we're staying the same?  Seeing that I'm the only Marth user, I have no reason to switch to someone else.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Takuthehedgehog on June 05, 2008, 05:33:25 pm
I'm staying as normal colored Snake.  :)

Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 06:50:03 pm
It seems that most people are alright with the character they are right now and that there are some people who are thinking about changing their selection and will get back to me later if they decide.  What was stated in the PM was that if you did not get back to me by June 8th, then your original selection would be what you will be, so saying you were going to remain the same was not really necessary, but I guess it was helpful in that I knew then that you were not holding out with indecision.  So thanks for that.

Also, saying that matches would be more interesting if people were playing with their best characters is a little bit of a weak argument considering that most of us or all of us are not professionals.  I almost expect to see people dodging all the way to the side, running away, and jumping evasively who will claim that they have mad skills.  As for me, I can find ways to win with anyone because winning is not about you beating your opponent through your abilities specifically, but by exploiting their mistakes and capitalizing on that to win.  Most Toon Link n00bs will be above you and try to sword plant which is such a linear attack that getting out of the way and countering is easy.  Matches would not be more interesting for the players I guess if they were not their "best" (it is sad that you cannot be really good with at least more than one character) and characters to some degree were diverse, but like I said, the viewer would find Toon Link after Toon Link to get a little boring, especially since most people attack the same way with him.  I really hope that people prove me wrong though.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: CrystalAngel04 on June 05, 2008, 06:55:41 pm
I'm so proud to be the sole Lucario (Feel the power of Aura! Kamehame-ha! What's his power level? It's over 9000!!! Ok I'll stop. >.>) lol I think for everyone's benefit they should play some random online matches these next few days leading up to the tourny so they can get used to the possibility of lag. I've learned that even the slightest lag can REALLY throw off your timing so you go from ass kicking to noob pretty easily but after a few rounds you can get used to this.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Kylink on June 05, 2008, 08:00:48 pm
I will remain a black falco.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 05, 2008, 08:04:38 pm
I'm staying as my Green Lucas.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on June 05, 2008, 08:09:55 pm
I'm not changing either. I'm staying as Red Link. It's kinda funny how the red looks pink on him, lol. I have no clue why.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 05, 2008, 08:12:52 pm
I'm not changing either. I'm staying as Red Link. It's kinda funny how the red looks pink on him, lol. I have no clue why.
I was arguing with myself whether or not to play as Green Wolf...but I'm so much better as Lucas and it'd be a dumb move on my part.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Nintendo Maniac 64 on June 05, 2008, 08:34:09 pm
I think I've discovered a glitch in brawl, I can't register more than 49 friends (even though the max is supposed to be 64).  It puts them on my friend list, but as soon as I back out and go back in, the name is gone and my friend list still says 49/64.

Also, my internet connection will randomly go out on me for varying amounts of time (anywhere from 10 seconds to 5-some hours).  If I disconnect during a brawl match and my connection is dead for a few hours preventing me from getting back on, then what?
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 05, 2008, 08:45:19 pm
In terms of registering players, if for some reason you are unable to register everyone in the tournament, then meh, that seems odd.  Considering that Kylink and Regulust both share a friendcode as well as luigi and Hammer Bro. Mike., there are twelve unique friendcodes and if you take yours off of that figure, there are only eleven.  You are not in the first match though, so hypothetically you only have to register those you have the potential to play; you could hold off on registering friend codes until the first day of the tournament or something.

If you get a disconnect and are unable to connect for a few hours, then you would probably be scheduled for the next day.  The way the matches are being done is that the video for the matches will be shown the following day.  If that does not work, you can be reschedule to a set aside break day; the day you are unable to fight would then become the break day.  If this is not a favorable option, it could be worked out with others fighting to switch the days in which you fight. 
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Nintendo Maniac 64 on June 05, 2008, 09:33:21 pm
Oh, wait, nvm.  Apparently I had already registered the particular user.  But there's still a glitch because instead of the normal "this friend code is already registered" message appearing, it added them to the list but without the FC showing, and then they're deleted when I back out. Strange... (it happened with regulus/kylink's code, MG-Zero's code, and with Scooternew's code)

But relating to my internet connection, that good that I'm not just instantly desqualified or something :P  Though, I commonly have a bit of attack and movement lag (about half a second delay) when playing online unfortunatly, which isn't something we can really avoid or delay for like my unstable connection at times.  Though take note, the lag seems to only affect me, showing that it's only an issue on my connection's side.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: DanTheMan on June 05, 2008, 11:26:32 pm
I'm so proud to be the sole Lucario (Feel the power of Aura! Kamehame-ha! What's his power level? It's over 9000!!! Ok I'll stop. >.>)

Heh, this is off-topic, but my friend has this theory that in any 4-player match between random players, 4 out of 5 times there will be at least one Lucario.  Glad to see this won't be the case for this one (though of course the surge of Toon Links is to be expected, as it is ZFGC after all).  If I was in this tourney I would probably play as Lucario as well.

lol I think for everyone's benefit they should play some random online matches these next few days leading up to the tourny so they can get used to the possibility of lag. I've learned that even the slightest lag can REALLY throw off your timing so you go from ass kicking to noob pretty easily but after a few rounds you can get used to this.

Good advice.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 06, 2008, 03:01:57 am
Well, technically I'm better with Mario, but Toon Link's ranged attacks are very good approaches, keeping the opponent on his feet and causing him to jump in the air, which is good for Toon Link since TL fights better in the air.

Anyway, the only issue I'm concerned about is really, really bad lag.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 06, 2008, 03:34:58 am
I'm very much hoping that this tourney has no items and is 4 stock matches, either no time limit or 8 minute time limit - MLG regulation rules.

Anyway, does anyone have suggestions for speeding up my internet for Brawl? I'm worried there will be so much lag it'll be unplayable. My SSBM is notorious for having really slow online play.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 06, 2008, 03:38:10 am
I'm very much hoping that this tourney has no items and is 4 stock matches, either no time limit or 8 minute time limit - MLG regulation rules.

Anyway, does anyone have suggestions for speeding up my internet for Brawl? I'm worried there will be so much lag it'll be unplayable. My SSBM is notorious for having really slow online play.
It's no items 4 stock yes. Only FD, Battle field and Smashville will be course choices(I'll always play on Smashville fyi).

Change your routers channel to 1 or 11 to fix lag problems
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 06, 2008, 04:02:03 am
Did that, I might switch again and see what happens. It's a pain in the ass.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 06, 2008, 04:05:11 am
If you have access to the router settings, set up a dedicated port forwarding scheme.  I did it for mine, and it ended up working.

Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Scooternew on June 06, 2008, 06:02:20 am
So you don't really get any lag doing that? Usually, for me, the game plays smoothly, but there is around a quarter to half a second for a button press on the controller to register with the game.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: 4Sword on June 06, 2008, 06:16:33 am
I get lag sometimes, but I assume this to be interference from objects in the house, other wireless interference, and the general connection lag between playing someone who lives away from me a bit.  The lag that I get, however, makes it slow for a little bit, but then regular speed picks up.  I also have the option of borrowing a friend's ethernet adapter, so this could make my connection even better.

Setting up a specific connection profile like I suggest though makes it so the router does not auto-assign your wireless connection each time and instead sets up something it will always go to.  Also, doing this makes it so the chance of the match cutting out is low, although it happened to me once; I have only tested my connection against someone on my friend's list once, and the second time got interrupted and disconnected but I think that is a rare thing to happen.

Meh, I don't really know.  Setting up the connection couldn't hurt though.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Hammer Bro. Mike on June 06, 2008, 04:29:12 pm
Lag messes you up the odd time, especially for this game. I had a test match with Regulust earlier and it was pretty bad on my end but it seems to look better on his end.
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Nintendo Maniac 64 on June 06, 2008, 05:53:22 pm
So you don't really get any lag doing that? Usually, for me, the game plays smoothly, but there is around a quarter to half a second for a button press on the controller to register with the game.
99% of the time my online matches are like that; I'm pretty sure it's just the lack of quite fast broadband (mainly the widespread use of copper wiring and the lack of fiber optic lines) in the US :P (that is assuming you live in the US and don't have FiOS...)

6/7/08 EDIT: So... any news updates on the tourney?  Regulus said that it'd be starting on the 8th and that's tomorrow...
Title: Re: Brawl Tourney.
Post by: Ness on June 08, 2008, 02:32:45 am
So you don't really get any lag doing that? Usually, for me, the game plays smoothly, but there is around a quarter to half a second for a button press on the controller to register with the game.
99% of the time my online matches are like that; I'm pretty sure it's just the lack of quite fast broadband (mainly the widespread use of copper wiring and the lack of fiber optic lines) in the US :P (that is assuming you live in the US and don't have FiOS...)

6/7/08 EDIT: So... any news updates on the tourney?  Regulus said that it'd be starting on the 8th and that's tomorrow...
Yeah it's starting tomorrow.

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