Projects => Other Projects => Topic started by: UknownXL on June 07, 2008, 01:00:37 am

Title: [WIP] The Guardian
Post by: UknownXL on June 07, 2008, 01:00:37 am
 This game was greatly influenced by The Legend of Zelda and it has been a project I have been writing for years. Im mainly writing here so others would possibly help me with story details, dungeons and maybe some action scripting of anyone here can do that.

The story takes place on a small island in the middle of the Sea. The island is called Neveah. The story begins with our main character "Hiro" awaking to a normal day. But soon after awaking he learns that The Village Guardian "Conrad" wishes to see him. Conrad lives deap in the forest and it is unsafe there. So when you try to enter you are stopped by the town bully and you can not proceed in tell you get a sword. (Which the black smith will do as long as you get the necessary items.) Once you get the items, he gives you the sword and shield. So yo can then enter the forest. But you have to fight the bully. Its the battle tutorial. But after defeating him you go through the forest killing goblins, and other enemies. But once to Conrads house. He tells you that his time as Guardian is coming to an end and that you will be is succesor. And that you must go to the guardians temple for your training, and obtain the guardians stone.
So what I need is some help with the puzzles and such with the 1st dungeon. The boss at the end, is a phantom version of you. Its you overcoming the fear and darkness within yourself.  So if you have any input or anything like that please reply here.


Main Char Programming 100%
Camera 100%
Neveah Island 70%
1st Dungeon 0%
Chat System 100%
battle system 70%
Wall Detection 90% needs improvement.
DayNightSystem 100%

Added a day night system and sound effects.
Title: Re: The Guardian
Post by: Oni_Link on June 07, 2008, 01:01:55 am
I like your graphics style, this looks like an interesting game.
Title: Re: The Guardian
Post by: UknownXL on June 07, 2008, 01:12:37 am
 The game engine is completed and I have been working on it for 2 weeks lol. I just have to create the woods and the first dungeon. Anyone have any dungreon ideas?
Title: Re: The Guardian
Post by: DanTheMan on June 07, 2008, 01:20:32 am
Not to nitpick, but I'm gonna need to ask you to read the WIP forum rules here - http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=23771.0

Specifically just rules 4 and 5, which shouldn't be too much trouble. 

Thanks, and good luck with the game.
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: UknownXL on June 07, 2008, 01:28:58 am
OK I think that works. I would love for people to give me ideas for puzzles in dungeons.
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: UknownXL on June 07, 2008, 09:34:57 pm
Im adding in a day and night system into my game. It will make it more life like. Also beginning development on the woods.
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: UknownXL on June 08, 2008, 04:28:44 pm
Day night system is finished, now adding new items to the game. Still would like some help with the 1st dungeon.
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: Balrog on June 08, 2008, 08:36:49 pm
Well what is the theme of the first dungeon?

Also curve the bottom of the palm trees so they look round instead of flat.
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: UknownXL on June 08, 2008, 11:04:27 pm
Im not sure what the theme will be yet. I just know it will be deap in the woods, and your going there so you can purge the evil from your body. Because someone who is the guardian does for others and puts themselves after everyone else. But I know what the item for the first dungeon is going to be.

Its a mask. When someone who looks into the eyes of the wearer and there heart is impure the evil is seperated from the good. I was thinking of calling it the Purgers Mask. But thats just an idea. What I want to happen is you get that in the dungeon and then in the boss room there is a Mirror in the middle of the stage and if you equip the mask and walk up to the mirror, your evil self comes out and you have to defeat it. What does everyone think?
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: 4Sword on June 08, 2008, 11:17:13 pm
I do not know, I would use something more original than a hollow's mask from Bleach; even if it is just an idea.  At least in Bleach when Ichigo fully suppressed his hollow side, he then was able to call out the mask of the hollow at will to gain its powers.  Having an item in a game though specifically so you can fight a boss though kind of diminishes the appeal of the single item though.  Meh, to be honest, I am never really sure about anything.
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: UknownXL on June 08, 2008, 11:30:07 pm
lol, I googled the mask and redrew it. I didnt know it was on a tv show. But yeah I can redesign it and make it better. But thats not its only purpose. It will be reused after that point.
Title: Re: The Guardian (WIP)
Post by: UknownXL on June 09, 2008, 01:17:25 am
Ok what about this one?

Just someting I threw together real quick. Ill probably make another one.

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