General => Other Discussion => Boards => Archive => Debates => Topic started by: Swoftu on June 11, 2008, 05:27:03 am

Title: Time for a serious debate:
Post by: Swoftu on June 11, 2008, 05:27:03 am
How did George Lucas become such a terrible movie maker? He used to be great.

I blame it on old age. He's senile or something

Title: Re: Time for a serious debate:
Post by: शेफाली on June 11, 2008, 05:58:24 am
George Lucas being a terrible movie maker is not a verifiable fact, therefore debating what makes him terrible is pointless.

Also, whether a movie is good or bad is not a subject for debate, because it's based soley on personal taste.

In short, this topic fails.
Title: Re: Time for a serious debate:
Post by: Swoftu on June 11, 2008, 06:18:50 am
George Lucas being a terrible movie maker is not a verifiable fact

Phantom Menace.

You lose!
Title: Re: Time for a serious debate:
Post by: Mamoruanime on June 11, 2008, 06:23:32 am
... This is not a valid debate.

And, I'm going to be a bit of a DICK about it :D
1 - Ad Hominem: "Ad Hominem" arguments, derived from "Argumentum Ad Hominem" which means "argument to the man", is one of the most re-occuring problems in most debates that I've seen. Basically it is an argument that has no logic behind it and is just an attack on the opponent. Such an argument is NOT valid, and can/will be ignored or removed.

"You're wrong because you're an idiot!"

3 - Lack of proof: That's just not right. Saying things like "I am right because of an invisible, unobservable, unnamed force that makes everything I say true". I mean, come on! You don't really need to prove it, but you have to be able to back up your claims. Don't say "I'm right, you're wrong and that's the truth.". Quite frankly, that's NOT the truth. You should always be going along the lines of "I'm right because of blah blah blah". Be sure to avoid the previous two point while doing this though.

Both of these rules are broken <_<...

We both know you made this thread for the sake of joking/trolling <_< Please defend it before I lock it
Title: Re: Time for a serious debate:
Post by: 4Sword on June 11, 2008, 06:26:34 am
His newer works are going to be perceived by more people as being worse than his old works due to increased reliance on special effects and people's perceptions changing over time.  When you were younger, everything was better and you will have fond memories of things you saw in the past even after you have moved on.  You will then compare the newer work to the older work, and since your life is so bad now that you have grown up, you will draw a comparison.  Because things were better when you were younger and your life is worse now, movies must also be worse compared to your standard.  It really breaks down to that.
Title: Re: Time for a serious debate:
Post by: Mamoruanime on June 11, 2008, 06:35:41 am
well, 4sword more or less solved this debate, and also-

<_< lock'd 4 trollz. Left here to be read for lols I guess
Title: Re: Time for a serious debate:
Post by: Vash on June 11, 2008, 06:37:41 am
I believe I once said:

You should try being less funny.

(Oh look, it's in your signature).

Provide some defense of value to your statement, right now it looks like you're attempting to lure users in by pissing them off with absurd suggestions. The intent/purpose of the debate topic, is for users to debate/discuss current events and debate serious issues. Your topic is misleading and the content within the topic is misleading. I will lock this if you do not defend your statement.

(Though 4Sword's remark is good, I will give him that.).

Edit: Looks like I should have read mammo's IM first.

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