ZFGC.com => Updates => Topic started by: 4Sword on March 01, 2009, 06:56:15 am

Title: Project of the Month
Post by: 4Sword on March 01, 2009, 06:56:15 am
Project of the Month - February 2009

The Legend of Zelda: Secret Depths of the Unicorn's Lair


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Developer: Janet Merai (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=2152)
Language: DX Studio
First Posted: December 24, 2007
Last Update: February 21, 2009

   Throughout ZFGC's history it has been rare to find a 3D project. Whether it be for perceived difficulty or just that years back it was not feasible on a technological scale, creating such a project was just not something that was done. In fact, 2D fan games are mostly what we are known for.

    However, the Project of the Month for February happens to be such a 3D project. Not only has it defied the conventional approach, but Secret Depths of the Unicorn's Lair has had a longevity spanning years. That is considered amazing when quite a few projects fizzle in months if not weeks. Beyond that, for the specific month of February, this project by Janet Merai has garnered significant attention with its multiple updates. If you have not seen The Legend of Zelda: Secret Depths of the Unicorn's Lair yet, you should now or you'll regret not doing so.

Game Story/Plot

  Years have past since Ganondorf was defeated and banished to Sacred Realm by the combined efforts of Link and the sages. The journey Link had made after parting his long destiny with Zelda faded under the stains of time. The Hero of Time had looked for his lost friend for a long time and made a new one in the process while in town of Termina.

  Since then, years have passed until he went back to a place he calls home, where he was once seen as a person - Kokiri Forest held his nature and origin. The death of the Great Deku Tree, the Deku Sprout's wisdom, and a friend from his childhood reunite with him to aid his wits and courage to baffle the throes of evil... or is what he is fighting evil at all?

  Take Link's blade of time back from its roots and find out what this commotion is all about. Will you allow the Blade of Time to bleed or shine?

Recent Screenshots

Testing something out.
Floating in the H2O.

Developer Q & A

Q: The original inspiration for your game might be a little vague to people now. Refreshing everyone's memory, what is your game based on?

A: It actually started with just a few simple screenshots really, that turned from wanting to create a 3D remake of the left out beta and eventually spawned into an actual beta... which is still being created as we speak.
The entire game is based entirely on Ocarina of Time's originating story but takes place several years after Link's adventure in Termina.

Q: While you have stated that this takes place after Majora's Mask, with the concept first appearing in an early beta of Ocarina of Time, does this cause any inconsistencies (e.g. Link's age in your game and his age at the end of Majora's Mask)?

A: Me and a few writers were somewhat hindered with that exact thing ironically.
I just thought of what it would be like if an entire story-line just fit into the game itself and decided to spawn the idea of Link returning to the land of Hyrule several years after his last known adventure.
Strangely enough it was actually, at first, going to be Child Link waking up from returning from Termina back in his original house in Kokiri Forest... but somehow none of that actually fit at all, so the story was changed dramatically to what it is now.

Q: Since you started work on your game prior to the release of Twilight Princess, did the release of Twilight Princess compell you to change something in your game?

A: That is quite a funny question, Twilight Princess had no significant change on the "Unicorns Lair" project actually, I even beat the game a few times myself and it hasn't changed anything in the planned game project.
However, the next generation Zelda game we have planned (high definition graphics and innovative game-play) was inspired by me thinking of a new challenge and from checking out left-over stuff in Twilight Princess, go figure.

Q: Your game has been around ZFGC for a while, how is it that you've been able to keep working on it?

A: I have a stubborn attitude and dislike not finishing what I start, I suppose you can say I can't keep something unfinished.
My motivation to become a game developer drives it, plus the idea of seeing my creations in their live 3D form kind of makes me excited too

Q: What is DX Studio and would you recommend it to someone who wants to create a project similar to yours?

A: DX Studio is the 3D engine, not only for games, my team uses to create the games we plan and also helps both the artist, writers and programmer work and collaborate together.
As for recommending DX Studio to others... yes, I would but the problem is not a lot of people dedicate themselves enough to create a game let alone take the time to.
As long as you have a goal, game and idea plus a concept to drive your game, don't forget the resources, I definitely recommend this engine to anyone capable of crafting such games

Q: What is the most difficult aspect of creating Depths of the Unicorn's Lair in 3D?

A: That would be dictating what makes the game mix well with a new story, plot, artwork and other factors that play into the game.
Most of the time I have problems debating what I want to put into the game and take out... some of the time I want to keep it all in but some does not make sense.
Coming up with the creative aspects like 3D models, textures, animations and just about anything to compliment the game's architecture is very challenging yet rewarding to put it simply.
My most challenging aspect is making the game mix together in both past events from games, references, creative game-play and adding features and other aspects into the game without ruining a well crafted game.

Q: Have you ever considered doing the project in 2D?

A: A long time ago before Unicorns Lair actually had much of a story, I did a bit of concept work to see how far I could get in the 2D world, but for some reason it just did not fit and the 2D concept project was canned by me.
It was not really fun and heavily boring, but it was just a concept game and a early prototype.

Q: A lot of games here haven't realized the use of audio effects or music, how important are they to you?

A: Most people do not have a music inclined mind and just use other music from past games, I think having a unique sound track to give the game some extra depth and meaning is very important to give players a treat as to what the atmosphere is like.
Can you imagine a game without any form of background music to ambient sounds of water dripping or an enemy very close to you and sounds loud but once away from you and sounds very fr away?
Sound is important as long as it is well crafted and given strong attention to detail.
Creating your own sounds and music makes you stand out as well too.

Q: Is there something you wish you could bring to Secret Depths of the Unicorn's Lair that you are unable to or do not know how to yet?

A: My first idea was actually Wii support, but that idea is kind of limiting and you would have to get a license or something for that, kind of redundant eh?
There is almost nothing I cannot do in 3D modeling, textures, animation and design so most of what I want to get into the game is put in.
On the other hand there are times when I want to do something like program particular things since I have a tendency to put unique or odd things into a game to give it a flare of "uniqueness" so it stands out amongst a lot of other titles but a problem is I lack programming knowledge.

Q: How can those interested in this project best help you?

A: Those interested in helping, not just watching and downloading, could help by contributing their ideas, story-writing ideas, concepts, programming or anything in particular because in the end it all comes to everyone working together.
If others wanted to become a developer, experience is preferred but I give everyone a chance whether the do not know how to do a 3D model or do some basic scripting.

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