General => Entertainment => Topic started by: Jeod on July 02, 2009, 01:38:27 am

Title: Who can translate this?
Post by: Jeod on July 02, 2009, 01:38:27 am
It's from the Japan Tales of Symphonia OVA. The opening song, Almateria.

Kregi safade slehiya tunoleba
watumi yufiniya
waituno se saifiszaiya
faituno se naidizaiya
(apeyumetumi  ya)

shejumani siruvarant
krasa meyu sheina ifil
krezu mani putisala
krasa seidu fleina
shejumani siruvarant
prasa feinu sheina
a sheinu fleina

wadi kyufede faisii witoliye
watumi yufiniyasu
shanti fase omilaya
shanti fase
apeyumetumi  ya

flajimani tesealla
plasa meyu neina ifil
arumani yurifala
prasa leinu fleina
flajimani tesealla
krasa meinu neina
a leinu neina

wadi safade slehiya

shejumani siruvarant
krasa fleinu sheina ifil
krezu mani pukisala
krasa seinu fleina
shejumani siruvarant
krasa feinu sheina
a sheinu fleina

flajimani tesealla
prasa meibu neiba ifil
arunami yudifalla
krasa leinu fleina

flajimani tesealla
krasa meinu neina
a leinu meina

Here's a video of it if you need to listen.

Title: Re: Who can translate this?
Post by: Starforsaken101 on July 02, 2009, 01:52:47 am
Hey Jeod, that's not Japanese eh? Do you know what language it's in? May help (I wouldn't help though). I asked my best friend to help translate, and he told me it's definitely not Japanese.
Title: Re: Who can translate this?
Post by: Raen on July 02, 2009, 01:53:58 am
Yeah, that is most certainly not Japanese. There are way too many "L"s, which the Japanese don't have.
Title: Re: Who can translate this?
Post by: Jeod on July 02, 2009, 01:56:09 am
It's a Japanese OVA. I don't know what other language it'd be in. But the artist is Eri Kawai, who was a Japanese singer from Tokyo.

EDIT: Maybe it's the Elven language from TOS.
Title: Re: Who can translate this?
Post by: MG-Zero on July 02, 2009, 03:13:04 am
It's not Japanese, too many sounds that you can't make in the language.
Title: Re: Who can translate this?
Post by: Mamoruanime on July 02, 2009, 04:09:59 am
Definitely not japanese D:

I'm thinking it's the elven language.
Title: Re: Who can translate this?
Post by: Starforsaken101 on July 02, 2009, 05:01:28 am
Jeod, just because it's in the Japanese OVA doesn't mean it's Japanese. Just saying.
Title: Re: Who can translate this?
Post by: शेफाली on July 02, 2009, 07:19:55 am
It's a made up language, like the song at the end of Gladiator.  O:

Source: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AsLongAsItSoundsForeign
The Tales of Symphonia OVA has the song Almateria, and while it has some significant words thrown in here and there, it's mostly pleasant-sounding gibberish.

Also, moved to Gaming and Entertainment.

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