Projects => Recruitment => Topic started by: Jae on July 20, 2010, 01:50:42 am

Title: A mentor?
Post by: Jae on July 20, 2010, 01:50:42 am
Hai. XD I'm brand new to the community and to video-game-creating. But not to Zelda =] I love the zelda series and I think it would be an amazing tribute to make an excellent fangame.

I've closed examined a lot of the different options available and I think I've decided on GM8. Something more flexible than RPG Maker - but will still hold my hand in ways. I need something I can see and interact with, not a wall of code.

Though I have ideas and passion.. that's the end of the road. I know Photoshop and PHP, so I'm comfortable with graphics and the concepts of programming. I follow these tutorials online and they help, but only so far. I don't really understand how the concepts presented to me fit together as a whole. Like how does it all fit together? I kind of understand what to do with the elements by themselves, but I don't understand how they interact.

So I guess I'm looking for someone(s) that knows coding and/or spriting well that will endure my insanity and little questions; just to AIM or PM-esque. I don't know anyone within the game-making community ^^;

and just so this topic isn't devoid, here's my very first spriting and animation attempts:
(http://zelda.otakuhost.com/junk/zeldabeta.gif) (http://zelda.otakuhost.com/junk/zeldabetabig.gif) (http://zelda.otakuhost.com/junk/linkbeta.png)

I habe whole sheets done, but thought they might be overkill.
(yeah... it's just a modify, DON'T JUDGE ME. =D all great things start with small steps. *cough* long live the hat-strip!)

I apologize if this topic is in the wrong spot, but I've been lurking for days and I really don't know where else to put it.  :huh:
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: pxl_moon (dotyue) on July 20, 2010, 07:54:40 am
since that is a "greeting" i would have posted it in Community Speak.

and your sprite is not bad for a first timer
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Breedlove on July 20, 2010, 08:26:13 am
Introduction topics should go in Community Speak
Sprites, animation or other graphical elements should go in Graphics
Fangame ideas should go in Concepts

Also, if you ever have specific coding needs, you don't need to be familiar with anyone in the game-making community. We're all friendly here, and anyone who knows how to answer your question will. If you have a specific coding question you should post it in the Resources, Discussion forum. I have no idea how to code, but a lot of the other members here do.

Good luck with any gamemaking in the future, I suggest taking on small and not so ambitious projects for a while until you have some skill built up. Then if you still want to make a fangame you can be a little more ambitious, or by then you might want to just make your own not-fangame game. Also welcome to the forums :)
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: 4Sword on July 20, 2010, 08:35:34 am
The topics overall context makes it more appropriate for this board in that Jae is asking for someone to help her out. The sprites were put into this topic not just as a means of showing off her capability, but also to sort of show what stage she is at when asking someone to help her with doing that.

Also though, I write code for GM8 and if you used any of the stuff I developed for the GM Minish Cap Engine, anything at all and possibly Niek's stuff too, I would be open to answering any questions that you may have with it like whenever. I feel like a snob for saying it but some of the other engines I see which try to be comprehensive really suck in terms of code efficiency and overall cohesiveness. A lot of it looks tacked on and for the sake of just doing many things rather than doing them all well together. Instead of being a real platypus, it is like a bunch of dead animals sown together to look like one and then reanimated with electricity.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Jae on July 20, 2010, 02:57:30 pm
This isn't an introduction thread; it just happens to be my first post.

I would like to avoid learning GML (or whatever I end up using) the same way I did PHP. That is, cluelessly and painstakingly debugging and figuring out code on my own. I would much rather have someone to ask when a small problem arises and solve the problem quickly. I don't want to take hours to solve a small problem or post many many threads for little things.

@4Sword: thank you for understanding my intent.

I have seen your engine and it is very promising =] though, I still don't get how they all fit together. "I kind of understand what to do with the elements by themselves, but I don't understand how they interact." I've messed with it some, but i get errors because I don't know what goes where.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Martijn dh on July 21, 2010, 07:19:12 am
Just post many many threads as opposed to many many PM's. Everybody is willing to help a little but nobody will help you do it all. You'll be hardpressed to find one single person to fix every problem you come across. Why should someone else spend time on it if you yourself are not going to? (since you mentioned you're actually trying to avoid learning how to code).

I'm not trying to be mean here. Just trying to expain how to get people to help you.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Jae on July 21, 2010, 10:54:11 am
Perhaps I've made the wrong impression?

I want to learn to code. I just want to avoid learning it in the same way I did PHP. That is: constantly searching for errors and spending hours on little problems. I want to benefit from someone else's experience. I don't want someone to fix all my problems - just listen should I have a question that doesn't warrant an entire thread.

I'm not trying to 'hire' someone to be my personal slave, I'm looking for a teacher to help my learning.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Martijn dh on July 21, 2010, 12:31:06 pm
Ooh, then I misunderstood. It's common for people to just ask others to do everything for them so it was easy to read your earlier comment as such.

Sure, since you asked nicely. Feel free to send me a question here and there. There are better programmers on here though, so I still suggest a topic for the really complex stuff.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Zaeranos on July 21, 2010, 04:40:34 pm
Jae, if you are still learning then I suggest you start with small stuff first. Making an entire game, might be too much. I would suggest making something for the community engine. It are often small features, thus you quickly get results. You make a topic about it and people will look at and comment on your code. If you have a problem that you can't figure out people will help you there as well. I for one am always willing to help out a person who is helping with the Community Engine. You can always PM me about the engine and features you are working on.

Now a bit on the CP. There are a lot of topics in there and like you said it is difficult to make head nor tails from it. That is because the current topics are more like 4Sword and me trying things out to work out a good basis. The two most important topics are the following: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=36624.0 and http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=36627.0

These topics contain the current stable release and a number of requested and released features. A note has to be made that the current version is still made in GM7, but should work in GM8. I am however considering to drop GM7 and do it completely in GM8, because some code works fine in GM8, but the exact same code in GM7 goes horribly wrong. I would guess it has to do something with the internals of both GM versions.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Zhello on July 21, 2010, 10:16:07 pm
welcome lol, follow what neik said XD
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Xiphirx on July 23, 2010, 06:34:33 am
I'm going to advise you to create topics, or one central topic for your questions. It's much better to get input from anywhere, than from one place.

I am a C++ programmer myself, have been for 2-3 years now; before that I was !@#$% around with GML.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: Jae on July 26, 2010, 11:50:49 pm
Thank you for the advice, help and welcome.

I've taken small steps and have encountered no problems yet.
Title: Re: A mentor?
Post by: LOZMinishRod on August 02, 2010, 12:22:09 am
I'm not ADVANCED in game maker, but I am pretty good and currently developing a fangame(can you guess the name  :P)  so if you have any questions or want to learn how to do something, you can ask me.

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