ZFGC.com => Updates => Topic started by: 4Sword on August 01, 2011, 07:02:44 am

Title: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
Post by: 4Sword on August 01, 2011, 07:02:44 am

The event itself is at a date about 3 months into the future, but I am announcing the event itself in order to avoid it being mentioned too late at a point in time where nobody would be able to get anything ready at all. For those who do not know, the NCFC, otherwise known as the Nintendo Community Fangame Convention, is an annual event where fangame communities come together to represent their talents and abilities through making Nintendo fan games. And just because ZFGC represents Zelda, ZFGCers aren't "required" to do Zelda games. The information from previous years are on their site.

In the meantime and hopefully before the start of the event, ZFGC is going to be spruced up. I also took the liberty of deleting all users with 0 posts who had not been active within the past 100 days (most tended though to be past the 200 day mark). The plan to go from a global moderation system to local moderation system is scrapped based on demand and SMF 1.1.x's feasibility, all global moderators will remain. This sentence is a chocolate chip cookie. Upcoming improvements will relate to the improvement of the default Kokiri theme and an upgrade to SMF 2.0 (and all the super cool improved features it has). I'll be posting work-in-progress screenshots of that improved forum theme in Feedback eventually so that you all can critique it.

But yeah, while NCFC is a ways away it would be a good fun time made better by us being ready and involved.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: Martijn dh on August 02, 2011, 05:42:29 am
I'll be entering this year. I hope to do about 2-2.5 more months of development before posting it here to have it thoroughly tested.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: Mamoruanime on August 02, 2011, 07:14:51 am
I'm not entering this year-- Not because last year was a joke (and I sincerely hope they worked out those issues), but because there's nothing to present. 3 indie games going out, one due within 6 months for consoles. To everyone entering; best of luck! I sincerely hope you get best in show, Martijn!
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: Martijn dh on August 02, 2011, 04:46:34 pm
Thanks for the support. I'd like that. Not for me, but hopefully for an increase in siteactivity.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on August 02, 2011, 06:56:45 pm
I'm not entering this year-- Not because last year was a joke (and I sincerely hope they worked out those issues), but because there's nothing to present. 3 indie games going out, one due within 6 months for consoles. To everyone entering; best of luck! I sincerely hope you get best in show, Martijn!

I'm not entering for the same reasons. Me and my team are working on a 4th gen inspired RPG series
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: FrozenFire on August 03, 2011, 07:38:15 am
Dang, I really wish my game were coming along faster; I would really like to enter. I'll just have to see how much progress I can make. Thanks for the heads up 4Sword.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: FISSURE on August 04, 2011, 03:28:31 am
A topic announcing an event 82 days in advance, slow news for zfgc swordy?
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: 4Sword on August 04, 2011, 05:29:41 am
Reasons for posting this topic:
  - to acknowledge the fate of the global moderator to local moderator plan rather than pretend it didn't happen
  - wanting to mention theme upgrades without creating a topic strictly about those theme upgrades
  - the other most recent Update topics are for a contest that didn't happen; i.e. the news feed itself is dead
  - previously when the NCFC event was announced 1 or 2 months beforehand turnout was still pretty low
  - with school coming up, I didn't want to forget to post about the event or end up taking too long to post

If we planning to get ZFGC looking and being better more in order for the NCFC event (or really just for generally making the forum more appealing), it'd be easier to start those efforts sooner than later. I realize that people are busy so procrastinating any improvements will result in some more disappointment. I am very serious about the theme upgrade stuff, I'll actually be showing off the board index of the Kokiri theme improvement I have been working on once I get the Info Center box simplified.

But yeah, the news flow is slow.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: The Boy on August 09, 2011, 03:52:07 pm
I'd really want to enter this year- finished games, right?
.. Have a pretty good GB-esque platformer that is coming along niiicely, just
don't know how to enter. Or it's just nintendo games- Metroid, Zelda etc?
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 82 Days Away!
Post by: Martijn dh on August 09, 2011, 04:58:37 pm
There was a misc. section last year I believe. Just as long as it is something of a fangame I guess.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 60 Days Away!
Post by: Rayo on August 23, 2011, 04:13:32 pm
Hm...this is a simple question, but: What are the Rules?
Can I read the rules somewhere?  :huh:
And can someone enter two times and enter only with a Technical Demo?
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 60 Days Away!
Post by: Cuddle♥Bunny on August 25, 2011, 06:44:03 pm
I'm not entering this year-- Not because last year was a joke (and I sincerely hope they worked out those issues),
If I remember right, your issues were with the rating system and how the best of were chosen. Those are going to be handled differently and it'll be made clear how the "best of" will be chosen this year. I don't think we've completely decided how it'll be done yet (we have ideas of course), so we're still open to suggestions.
I'd really want to enter this year- finished games, right?
.. Have a pretty good GB-esque platformer that is coming along niiicely, just
don't know how to enter. Or it's just nintendo games- Metroid, Zelda etc?
Games don't have to be finished, though the more you have the more people are going to enjoy what you have to show. We accept fangames based on Nintendo franchises, as well as fangames based on franchises that have appeared on a Nintendo platform. We may do something for indie projects, but it won't really be part of the main event since this is about fangames.
Hm...this is a simple question, but: What are the Rules?
Can I read the rules somewhere?  :huh:
And can someone enter two times and enter only with a Technical Demo?
Specific rules will be put up around the time we start to accept booth submissions, but if you have any specific questions I can try to answer them.
A technical demo would be completely fine to enter. I believe you can submit as many booths as you have projects, but I'll look into that.

Any other questions or feedback I'd ask you to post them on the NCFC forums (http://forum.nintendocfc.com), as anyone else with similar questions from other communities will be able to see them and the answers to them (plus you'll get a much quicker response). I'll try to check around here every so often though!
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 60 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on August 25, 2011, 08:11:53 pm
I may be entering with Chiming Bells if I can get enough done in time. Still got a month to go
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 60 Days Away!
Post by: Martijn dh on August 26, 2011, 12:38:41 pm
Cuddly Bunny: Makes sense. I posted my questions on "how to enter" on your own forum.
King Tetiro: No worries. There are still two months left.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 60 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on August 26, 2011, 06:39:53 pm
Well I've already got Hyrule Field, Hyrule Town and Forgotten Dunes almost tiled so it's going well. Screenshot coming soon!
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 60 Days Away!
Post by: Rayo on August 27, 2011, 07:10:32 pm
Okay, I will be entering this year too with my zelda technical demo: Zelda Time Walker. XD
Screenshots and other things coming soon! :)
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 60 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on August 27, 2011, 07:55:07 pm
Okay, I will be entering this year too with my zelda technical demo: Zelda Time Walker. XD
Screenshots and other things coming soon! :)

Looking forward to seeing the outcome man!

We have a Yeti wearing a purple top hat :P

EDIT: Wow I'm doing fast progress. I've been doing NPCs and designing all day. After I have done the Hyrule Market interiors and room to room transition, I'll be releasing Demo 0.1 which will actually have content
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 33 Days Away!
Post by: 4Sword on September 19, 2011, 05:59:53 am
Hello everyone, just thought I'd put it out there that the event is now about a month away (33 days from the time of this post). I was wondering if anyone still planned on entering.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 33 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on September 19, 2011, 06:41:45 am
Chiming Bells is there for sure. It's the demo is literally 98% complete. I just have a few music and sound things left to do.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 33 Days Away!
Post by: Max. on September 19, 2011, 03:30:43 pm
I just popped over to the NCFC site, and I am really digging the atmosphere. I mean, it's just a website, but reading about the events made it feel like everyone was in the process of setting up some big festival. It's exciting! I think I might enter, too, actually, just for the heck of it, get other opinions on my project. But I'll still be pulling for martijn to win.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 26 Days Away!
Post by: FrozenFire on September 27, 2011, 09:43:19 pm
Looks like I will be entering Spirit's Quest in NCFC 2012 instead. I'd rather enter with a solid and well-defined project. At best, I could only get a very basic demo done in time for NCFC 2011. I've chosen to plan out my process a bit more and to release demonstrative demos in sort of episodic parts. If this works as I think it will, I should either have a fun and very demonstrative demo to enter for 2012, or better, I will have the beginning part of the game totally playable. Either way it's a win. Let's hope this approach works.

Best of luck to Martijn, King Tetiro, and anyone else entering this year!
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 26 Days Away!
Post by: Zhello on September 28, 2011, 02:40:03 am
I myself was thinking about entering with a small demo but I changed my mind.  Want my engine to be extremely solid.  At this time, I am working on a rpg-like element to put in my game and due to that I will not finish on time for NCFC.

I wish the best of luck to all of you guys.  I am looking forward to frozenfire, King Tetiro, and Martijn dh projects. :p I have seen there progress of their games before I started on my own.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 26 Days Away!
Post by: Cuddle♥Bunny on September 28, 2011, 10:45:59 pm
Does anyone have any trailers related to their projects? We're setting up a livestream channel and it'd be great to populate it with things like that.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 26 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on September 29, 2011, 01:02:43 am
I don't have a trailer but if someone could make me one I'd happily let them play Chiming Bells beforehand
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 24 Days Away!
Post by: 4Sword on September 29, 2011, 02:39:43 am
I was hoping to have something put together to show but I just haven't had the time due to school stuff (homework, Master the Mainframe next week) and other administrator responsibilities (lol host transfer, lol SMF 2.0 upgrade). To all those who are entering good luck and good job, to all those who were planning on entering but are now not doing it that is fine - ZFGC goes at its own pace it seems.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 24 Days Away!
Post by: Martijn dh on September 29, 2011, 05:07:54 am
My situation is the same as King Tetiro's. I've got videos of me showing basic stuff, but those are hardly trailers.
If someone would be able to make one for me then I'd be appreciative.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 12 Days Away!
Post by: Cuddle♥Bunny on October 11, 2011, 02:38:06 am
Registration is up! sorry for being a bit late with that this year, hopefully it's no big deal though
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 2 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on October 20, 2011, 05:00:40 pm
With only 2 days to go, who is confirmed to appear?
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 2 Days Away!
Post by: TDWP FTW on October 20, 2011, 05:27:08 pm
Me.  :D

I'm pretty excited for this.  There's quite a few other Zelda games entered so far, such as martijn dh's Horn of Balance, Rayo's Time Walker, etc.  But hey, the more competition; the better.

I'm also interested in seeing Pokemon Blue Chrome (Granted the creator enters again this year), Minitroid (I love the graphical style of it), and Psycho Waluigi...Outside of Zelda games that is.  I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all the Zelda games entered.  :p
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - It has begun!
Post by: King Tetiro on October 23, 2011, 08:29:25 am
Be sure to support Chiming Bells, Threads of Despair and all Zelda games from the ZFGC!
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 1 Days Away!
Post by: Martijn dh on October 23, 2011, 08:57:53 am
I'm a bit dissappointed that there is no demo for Time Walker yet. That was the zelda game I was personally most looking forward to because I hadn't played it yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - 1 Days Away!
Post by: King Tetiro on October 23, 2011, 09:03:28 am
I'm a bit dissappointed that there is no demo for Time Walker yet. That was the zelda game I was personally most looking forward to because I hadn't played it yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Yeh I know it annoys me when there's no demo at NCFC
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
Post by: TDWP FTW on October 23, 2011, 05:22:12 pm
Yeah, I was looking forward to Time Walker's demo as well.  He must not have updated it yet, as he said there was going to be a demo.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
Post by: Mirby on October 23, 2011, 07:00:14 pm
I just want to try out Plumber Waluigi. As of now, it's pretty much identical to last year's booth.

All the entries look great though. If I could vote for them all, I would. :3
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
Post by: Martijn dh on October 23, 2011, 07:16:39 pm
I just want to try out Plumber Waluigi. As of now, it's pretty much identical to last year's booth.

All the entries look great though. If I could vote for them all, I would. :3

You appearently can this year.
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
Post by: Mirby on October 23, 2011, 07:49:44 pm
I noticed. I think I will.

Spread the love all around, so to speak. :3
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
Post by: Rayo on October 24, 2011, 07:55:57 pm
I'm a bit dissappointed that there is no demo for Time Walker yet. That was the zelda game I was personally most looking forward to because I hadn't played it yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Sorry, I am late. But now I finished the Version 0.7 German. So you can try the game.
I will add an English Version in 1-2 days. :)
Title: Re: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
Post by: King Tetiro on October 24, 2011, 08:09:41 pm
I'm a bit dissappointed that there is no demo for Time Walker yet. That was the zelda game I was personally most looking forward to because I hadn't played it yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Sorry, I am late. But now I finished the Version 0.7 German. So you can try the game.
I will add an English Version in 1-2 days. :)

Ah no worries, ZFGC has taken back the Zelda crown :)

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