Resources => Audio => Topic started by: Moldrill on November 20, 2011, 05:14:31 am

Title: A medley of bird songs, solo acoustic by me
Post by: Moldrill on November 20, 2011, 05:14:31 am

First time uploading to youtube as well, so the lovely bird picture vanishes after a bit :(
Recorded in garageband on multiple tracks with my semi-acoustic Taylor. Not sure if anyone here is a Grateful Dead / Phish / Beatles fan but... give me some feedback even if you don't know the song.

Birdsong (Grateful Dead) -> And Your Bird Can Sing (Beatles) -> Blackbird (Beatles) -> Tela (Phish) -> Birdsong Reprise (Grateful Dead)
The song Tela by Phish is part of an avante-garde album their guitarist made that tells some strange fantasy story. Tela is a revolutionary working to overthrow the King Wilson, and she uses three legged birds called spotted stripers.. Kind of obscure bird reference, but I love the song and it starts in the same key as Blackbird so hey ::)
Title: Re: A medley of bird songs, solo acoustic by me
Post by: Moldrill on November 22, 2011, 01:23:17 am
Bump? Just looking for any solid feedback on the playing. I've posted this on two separate music message boards that are very active and got no replies. So maybe by posting it on a mostly inactive Zelda fan-game message board I can get better results?
Title: Re: A medley of bird songs, solo acoustic by me
Post by: Max. on November 22, 2011, 03:58:04 am
Haha, I like your logic. I actually listened to this last night, it lulled me to sleep, in a good way. Your tone is fantastic, and really consistent, that's what I noticed most, was your tone. A couple transitions from songs were a bit rough, but others worked great, and the way you layered guitars was good, they went well together, a couple times I forgot you multitracked it, and thought you were !@#$% phenomenal, playing that many parts all at once, haha. It was overall really really PLEASANT, that was the word I thought of. I mean, I didn't get up and dance or feel compelled to bob my head, but you know that's what your going for, I imagine.
Title: Re: A medley of bird songs, solo acoustic by me
Post by: Moldrill on November 23, 2011, 06:07:42 pm
Thanks, it's pretty hard to get people dancing or anything without a drum or bass track probably. I only multi-tracked on the Birdsong intro and the bridge between Blackbird and Tela where a separate track is hitting harmonics. Most of it I recorded in one take and didn't even listen back before starting the next section, so that probably was part of the rough transitions between some songs.

Thanks again for feedback! Anyone else want to weigh in an opinion, maybe someone that's heard any of these songs? I imagine mostly everyone knows Blackbird, but the rest probably not so much.
Title: Acoustic instrumental Birdsongs medley (Update: Lifeboy cover)
Post by: Moldrill on November 28, 2011, 03:15:38 am
Just finished recording a cover of another song most of you might not know as well. It's Lifeboy by Phish, recorded in garageband again and using more of the multitrack layering to give a nice effect. Again, it's not supposed to make you get up and dance, but it's good music. Also like the bird medley, this is instrumental, and many of the separate tracks are additional parts not found in the real song.


^^ Original Phish version of Lifeboy
Title: Re: A medley of bird songs, solo acoustic by me
Post by: Moldrill on November 30, 2011, 02:02:47 am
Last ditch bump..! I mean... this place is quite inactive, but there's some people hanging around. At least post in the threads ::)

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