Projects => Other Projects => Topic started by: MaJoRa on September 11, 2012, 11:06:14 am

Title: Project Puppyeyes - Java 2D Game Engine.
Post by: MaJoRa on September 11, 2012, 11:06:14 am
So, this is my work for the last month or so. Hopefully it's been worth my time. Project Puppyeyes is a 2D game engine written in pure Java AWT / Swing. it is designed for the community (especially those looking to delve into the realms of Java, but with limited experience such as GameMaker or MultimediaFusion).

At the moment this project is in the Alpha stages, heavy development and testing are happening. This means that some of the features will be changing, and some will be added as things move along.

Things I can say about this engine. Firstly, it works. I have already tested it with several minigames that I made (including a limited Zelda copy) and the engine runs smoothly and without fault (that I can find). I am currently extremely stretched for time and resources. I would therefore appreciate it if anyone fancies creating a small pong game, or snake game and releasing the source for people to use as example.

Screenshots of working games using the engine will come soon. As will examples of these game. Check back here periodically as I will be updating documentation on a daily basis.

I would love some comments and criticism, though I appreciate it's going to be a while before some of the less experienced programmers are able to use this. I will need to improve the documentation and provide some better examples before then.

A full download can be found here:

I must state that at the moment the documentation is quite limited, but I will be working on that. The full documentation can be found here:

Main Elements
There are several elements to a game made with puppy eyes. This section hopes to explain all of them.

GameSettings (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/GameSettings)
GameWindow (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/GameWindow)
Level (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/Level)
Actor (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/Actor)
Animation (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/Animation)
Sprite (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/Sprite)
Background (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/Background)
Sound (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/Sound)
Camera (https://bitbucket.org/majora31/puppyeyes/wiki/Camera)

Your good friend MaJoRa

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