Projects => Other Projects => Topic started by: hawthorneluke on August 07, 2006, 11:39:45 am

Title: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: hawthorneluke on August 07, 2006, 11:39:45 am
(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/bbs/Sources/site_content/Download.png) (http://theworld.gd-u.com/bbs/index.php?topic=1479.0)

News - 23rd June 2009
We now have a lead artist and things are starting to look nice :D

Old news:

(16th March 2009)
I've released a new client to fix a lot of small things.
As always you'll get it via playing the game normally.

(13th March 2009)
I've been working on programming the client the last few weeks/months, and a client update is finally ready!
You can download it when you start the game normally.

Seeing as I've only been working on the code side of things, there's no new content such as maps or anything (we need your help here!). Also I had to make the new GUI graphics, which is why they're terrible (help here too please!). So please put up with this until the right people with the right talents step up to conquer these problems!

See you in game! ...Maybe.

Newest screenshots of the current version you can play right now too!
(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot001.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot001.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot005.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot005.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot010.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot010.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot014-2.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot014-2.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot017.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot017.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot018.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot018.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot021.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot021.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot024.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot024.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot026.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot026.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot028.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot028.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot030.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot030.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot033.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/current/screenshot033.png)

Older screenshots:
(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/interior.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/interior.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot002.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot002.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot003.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot003.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot004.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot004.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot005.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot005.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot009.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot009.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot010.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot010.png)

For the best and most news about this project, please go the the official website (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com).

This is a small MORPG based on "the world" from the .heck series (Find out more about .heck here (http://dothack.wikia.com/wiki/.heck//Wiki))

NEW (lies, it's all old):

Battle Engine Preview

New screenshots for the battle engine have now arrived to fuel your curiosity about how the game is progressing. Enjoy!

The battle world will be separate from the world, and they will be fought in an exciting, action-filled sidescrolling world.

It's easy to get overwhelmed when you're outnumbered...

...but one good attack can give you the upper hand.

There are many environments to explore not only in the overworld, but in battle mode as well.

Don't underestimate the monsters, or you'll lose the fight!

This is just the beginning of what the development team has in mind. Keep your eyes on the forum for more upcoming news on The World's development!

More News: Overworld Map Previews

The team isn't only working on the battle ending, but also working to improve the overworld engine. These improvements include new maps, smoother controls, and an external map maker to allow field generation. Here's a small preview of a bigger and improved version of a particular town.


This next shot shows the special field, Hulle Granz Cathedral, in its developing phases.


As with the battle engine development, stay tuned on the forums for further news on the maps and overworld system.

Upcoming Beta

It's almost time for what you've all been waiting for. This month has brought us many surprises, including people willing to sprite for us! Hopefully, with these new possible teammates, the developers can get the game running smoothly. In the next month or two, expect a beta to be released. According to hawthorneluke, the team is now working to release a beta as soon as possible...

"...We need the spirtes, need to strip the client down to an offline mode and make sure its all OK, and fix whatever, add in the new, already done networking and whatever other features, and have maps made, host the server somewhere, and the beta's ready."

A date will be disclosed to the public for the release once the beta progresses through its final stages. Features will include customizable characters and improved controls. A taste of the battle engine is possible, but highly unlikely due to the lack of work completed on it so far.

Final Words

To all who are waiting anxiously to try .heck//The World, thank you for your patience. Once the game gets into gear, it will be worth the wait. Thanks to the volunteer spriters. It's all down to you guys, but we believe that you can pull through for us, and we can't have the beta without your skills. The team is working hard to bring you the best beta they can give you.

Also, remember that these screenshots are VERY early, and there is still a lot of aesthetic work to be put into it, so don't take in too much from them. They are simply a preview of how things work.

Until next time!

(copy from http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/index.php?topic=771.0#msg7648)



Online (Low Quality):
YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvhCQhqlutc)
Google Video (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8537519642228560281&hl=en)

It's started to get dark, best turn on the lights.

Just trying to change a few settings.

Strolling around another "root town" just before morning.


The Overworld is where most of the time will most likely be spent by the players.
In the Overworld, the camera-perspective will be top-down very much like in RPG Maker or the Overworld in the 2D "Tales of" series. (http://www.mondemul.be/screens/roms/psx/Tales%20of%20Destiny-PSX-NTSC.jpg)

These are what the Overworld contains:

Monsters (with which you can initiate a fight)
Other Players
Other Players that are in Combat-mode (seen from outside the fight)

Towns will work pretty much like .heck.
They're lobbies for players to find eachothers, contain shop npcs and the Chaos Gate with which you can move out to fields.

-will come soon-

Going to a field is done by using the Chaos Gate, just like in .heck.
You form together your area with the usage of three letters and after having been to a field, it'll pop up in a list below the input for easy access.

-will come soon-

Monsters will be found walking around in fields. This means that there will be NO random battles. If you don't run into a monster, you won't fight.
When you initiate combat with a monster, you will leave the Overworld and go into Combat-mode.
This will transition you away completely from Overworld. You won't be able to see players outside your party while in a fight unless they are taking part in the fight too.

Other Players
When not in a fight, you will be able to see and talk to players in the Overworld freely, be it in a town or a field. You are able to give your member address (though this will not mean you get the other player's member address unless s/he gives it to you) and invite players into your party.

Other Players that are in Combat-mode
When walking around in a field or dungeon, you will see other players fighting monsters.
These will be shown with their Overworld characters standing still in front of their opponent, surrounded by a Battle Area.
You will not be able to see their individual actions in combat from outside the Battle Area.
Approaching a Battle Area will transition you into Combat-mode, putting you into the fight, allowing you to see the players fight and join in.
Note: You CAN take damage from monsters if you have entered someone else's Battle Area.

As you approach a monster, combat will commence and you will be transferred from the Overworld into Combat-mode.
While in Combat-mode, the camera-perspective will be sideways 2D, much like that of Tales of Phantasia (SNES, GBA), or as shown in this (http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/toeo/ss-011.jpg) picture.

The combat will be action-oriented with your stats as a base for power and such and will be set at a fairly high pace.

-MANY more details will come about combat soon-
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Retro on August 07, 2006, 02:22:10 pm
Still looking sick and OMG!111!!!! Demo completion: 1 / 13!  Good luck and hurry up we people want to play ;)
Title: Re: The World
Post by: hawthorneluke on August 07, 2006, 02:37:42 pm
I'm glad you're liking it :D
fixing all the little bugs i've come across over weeks is going extremely well.
i  just have to make a few things more presentable for a demo and add a bit more content and it's pretty much ready

edit: i just had a very small beta test (showing some people around the game, playing a bit of tag and showing off my new admin abilities) and the game worked wonderfully for the other players, except for some lag they told me they got because of the effects (pc lag, not net lag), so you can now turn on or off the lights, night, reflection and shadow effects. but i did get a few bugs, one was an easy fix and i'm pretty sure the others occurred because i ignored an error (which i think i got because of a message being incorrectly decrypted), which all should be fixed now.
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13)
Post by: AoDC on August 11, 2006, 12:25:21 pm
Nice trailer. I like the Gate idea too. I have no idea about anything about .heck, and I dont wanan find out, but it seems your on the right track.

Good luck.
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13)
Post by: hawthorneluke on August 11, 2006, 12:45:18 pm
Thank you :)
to be honest, at its current stage, this game might as well not be realted to .heck at all though
I hope you'll try out the alpha test when it comes
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13)
Post by: AoDC on August 12, 2006, 12:53:48 am
No doubt I will. The footage was awesome, its hard not too!
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13)
Post by: hawthorneluke on August 12, 2006, 10:31:41 am
good good :D
and you should notice quite a few different things between what was in the trailer and screenshots and what's/will be in the demo too
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13)
Post by: wild8900 on August 13, 2006, 06:04:36 am
Looks great (although the town could use some work cause the floor tiles are just ew).
What are you making this in?
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13)
Post by: wild8900 on August 13, 2006, 06:14:15 am
Game maker.  read his post.
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13)
Post by: hawthorneluke on August 13, 2006, 07:54:21 am
well, anything like that's possible. its not some kind of function or anything, i had to draw the rectangle, and know when i click it, and where im moving it to to change a variable etc, which i can then use to set what parts of an array to draw (ie lines of text).
i captured the trailer footage using fraps, made clips from the footage using virtual dub, made the trailer in adobe premiere and encoded it using windows move maker :P
and thanks for the comments :)

update edit:
ok, so currently we're trying our best to bring you a bit more to do in the demo (which will take a few extra days to map and make the objects for) and then i just need to get some people to do a few small things and me to fix the rest of the bugs and add in the rest of the small features and its ready
hopefully. if should be ready in a couple more weeks as long as everything goes to plan. maybe sooner if you motivate me :P

another update edit:
ok, pretty much all the content that will be in the demo, inclduing the special demo areas is pretty much complete. it just need touching up and then just a few more things need to be added in to complete the demo/get the game nearer to full completion
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 6 / 13) (progress edit - 31/8)
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 07, 2006, 09:43:51 pm
You can now apply to beta test the current game engine before the demo release
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 8 / 13) Sign up to beta test now!
Post by: Hero of Vortex on September 07, 2006, 11:36:30 pm
Well, I WOULD apply for beta testing, but I probably wouldn't do it very well because, you know, school & homework + Forgetting about what you decided to do on break earlier = Not a lot of time to thoroughly search a game for glitches. :-(

That's right people, beta testing ISN'T just about playing the game early, YOU GOTTA SEARCH FOR DEM GLITCHES!

Oh, and nice to know you've progressed enough to actually warrant beta-testing.
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 8 / 13) Sign up to beta test now!
Post by: linkw204 on September 08, 2006, 12:02:56 am
im in for beta testing :P

btw its awsome

ill get you the sprites soon
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 8 / 13) Sign up to beta test now!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 08, 2006, 09:45:04 am
@Hero of Vortex: thats a shame :( and yeah, thats exactly why i want beta testers, to find all the glitches and bugs we havent :P

@linkw204: you'll have to make me want to have you as a beta tester (eg loads of free time and willing to try everything in the game even if it really borring and you'd know what to look for etc)

ok we now have proper forums up and running
take a look :)
if you are a beta tester
you can now download the beta and start testing :)
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 8 / 13) - Closed beta now ready
Post by: Moon_child on September 13, 2006, 08:02:54 pm
The eye of detail is what you have it looks really amazing with other words very proffesional.
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 8 / 13) - Closed beta now ready
Post by: Deku_stick on September 14, 2006, 06:37:06 am
The eye of detail is what you have it looks really amazing with other words very proffesional.

i told you this game rox
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 8 / 13) - Closed beta now ready
Post by: Pedlya on September 14, 2006, 07:38:55 am
It takes like 10 minutes to load :(
Title: Re: The World (Demo Completion: 8 / 13) - Closed beta now ready
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 14, 2006, 01:37:11 pm
10 minutes?! O_O
what exactly takes 10 minutes to load?

The eye of detail is what you have it looks really amazing with other words very proffesional.

thanks :D
i hope it will graphically look much better in the future too
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 25, 2006, 04:13:54 pm
The demo is now released.
Check the first post for the details
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Hero of Vortex on September 26, 2006, 03:23:38 pm
WOOT!  DEMO! I'll download it as soon as I'm out of school. Maybe. Unless I start working on my artificial intelligence programming skillz (with a z), in which case, by the time I remember, it'll be too late. But, still, eventually today, I will download it.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Nebetsu on September 26, 2006, 08:59:12 pm
Looking pretty awesome but I have two questions:

1. What's this made in?
2. Can we expect a Linux client?
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 26, 2006, 09:04:59 pm
its made in GM (unfortunatly, so dont expect performance to be top notch)
but i am using a lot of dll's to do things though
and i dont know if any gm games can run on linux. i dont think they can, so i really dont have any power over making a linux client. sorry :(
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Norlem on September 26, 2006, 09:15:53 pm
This is pretty excisting  ;D downloading atm :O

Edit: this is realy sweet , asahme only one whas online at the same time as me and he logged off, it gives me diablo feelings (wich is something good) i like the gameplay, even tho it get huge laggs sometimes. But overall fantastic gotta love the graphics :D 9/10 add enemys and shops :D
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Hero of Vortex on September 26, 2006, 09:32:55 pm

Anyway, I'm starting the game up now, hope it'll be fun.... Is the server up? >.>


EDIT 2: DEAR GOD WHERE HAS NORLEM TAKEN ME!? .It's all dark and wierd here....

Edit 3: WOOT I can leave.

EDit 4: Would be fun if more people were on. It has potential.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Nebetsu on September 26, 2006, 11:03:26 pm
its made in GM (unfortunatly, so dont expect performance to be top notch)
but i am using a lot of dll's to do things though
and i dont know if any gm games can run on linux. i dont think they can, so i really dont have any power over making a linux client. sorry :(
There's no way to put GM games to Linux. And even if you use Wine or Cedega, GM games have problems. I've kinda lost excitement about this project being that it's a GM game... >> Oh well. It's still cool none the less.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: xdragonsb on September 27, 2006, 03:48:43 am
I don't see anyone online!  ???

and there aren't any monsters yet.
but overall, it's pretty good.
I reccommend enlarging the FOV in dungeons.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: AoDC on September 27, 2006, 05:43:42 am
If it didnt take 15minutes to load, itd be better. It was outstanding, but some areas were plain, and nobody was online =(
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 27, 2006, 08:34:00 am
ok, well i cant fix the nobody online all the time bit atm :P
and im really sorry about the loading times. 15 minutes?! O_O thats mental (it takes me about 30 seconds at the most though). i will try my best to make it load a lot faster and be more effecient.
at the moment there arent any monster's. yeah... but people at z3 asked for a demo, i told them there wouldnt be much to do, they said they didnt care. so i gave you a demo :)
the next big things will be shops, items, selling, buying, trading and of course fighting and stats.
this demo dungeon is a !@#$% because i didnt want everyone to complete it easily and then get tired of the demo so fast. of course when there are monsters etc the dungeons will be a lot better. the FOV in the dungeon maze is small like that so to make it so you can only click near you, otherwise you'd be able to click the exit and then let the path finding do the maze for you. but after that room of the maze, there are no more bad mazes like that lol
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: AoDC on September 27, 2006, 09:30:12 am
I have a 1.4ghz Processor with 512mb of RAM. While loading, I was at 100% CPU usage. Thats really bad. Can I ask what exactly it loads?
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Pedlya on September 27, 2006, 10:14:27 am
This is indeed going to be an awsome game finished, also lol buttsecks


Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Hero of Vortex on September 27, 2006, 06:45:18 pm
lol buttsecks. That should be a minigame. >.>

"Welcome to the lol buttsecks minigame!"
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 27, 2006, 08:48:53 pm
not too sure about that one :P
but i've taken everything else you've all said into account thank you :)
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Nebetsu on September 27, 2006, 10:54:50 pm
I have a 1.4ghz Processor with 512mb of RAM. While loading, I was at 100% CPU usage. Thats really bad. Can I ask what exactly it loads?
I have an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ and I've noticed something. Everything tries to use a CPU at 100%. I've even seen ZSNES do it.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: AoDC on September 28, 2006, 07:22:02 am
Mine is an AMD Athlon XP 1600+. I dont think everything uses it, since I can run 3 of my OoL clients without lag.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Pedlya on September 28, 2006, 10:19:08 am
*Pedlya positions himself behind AoDC*

Seriously this looks like it could be a very fun game, good job :)
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 28, 2006, 01:09:36 pm
lol thanks :)
i think i'm making the gm game that is the closest to being able to blow up someone's pc :P
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Nebetsu on September 28, 2006, 05:05:05 pm
lol thanks :)
i think i'm making the gm game that is the closest to being able to blow up someone's pc :P
Seriously, though. I think you should start over with C++. GM isn't really built for MMORPGs. C++ would be faster, stronger, and more stable. Plus you could probably have a bit more control, but GM you have a fair amount of control anyways. Something to think about, anyways.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 28, 2006, 05:07:17 pm
thing is, that would take a LOT longer, as well as with the added time of me having to get used to using c++ properly and redoing a lot because i've learnt better ways etc
i think after this, i'm going to learn c++ and the useful api's and who knows what will come then :P
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: TheDarkJay on September 28, 2006, 05:08:35 pm
Not everyone is a master at C++, and to make an MMORPG Engine in C++ 0_o You do know how hard that'd be??? Hmm, begins with "V" and ends in "ery".
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Hero of Vortex on September 28, 2006, 07:57:46 pm
However, you would also have more options, and it could be ported to other systems. Also, you could OPTIMIZE it.

Not that you SHOULD start over, you've come too far on this for that.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: AoDC on September 29, 2006, 01:02:05 am
Dont start over... Just recode your things more efficiently. Youd be surprised how many times you can relook at code and laugh at how stupid it is. MP2D had a memory leak that used alot of power for osme reason, and they fixed it. Im trying to work out why my OoL game uses 200mb of RAM with a black background and some text. Just recode everything =)
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 29, 2006, 09:36:33 am
dont start over, just recode everything? lol
i have been doing quite some recoding with the gui to make that a lot less laggy, and it worked very well. i plan to do the same with the sounds (with using a new dll) as that uses about 32 threads lol
i will also try to laod in a lot of stuff externally and see how that helps.
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: AoDC on September 30, 2006, 02:20:19 am
I was stupid to say that. I meant, just browse through some code and look. Not every object/script in the game :P

And externally loading everything loads it into the RAM. Itll have basically the same effect.

A DLL is definately better for the song option :)

Me wantee more demoz!
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 06, 2006, 03:50:31 pm
the demo server is now closed
thanks for the feedback all of you
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: Cassyblanca on October 06, 2006, 05:18:52 pm
you may want to change the title of the topic now <_<
Title: Re: The World - Demo Released!
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 06, 2006, 05:45:08 pm
oh yeah, thanks for that :P  :ganon: lol
Title: Re: The World
Post by: AoDC on October 08, 2006, 01:23:43 am
Hope feedback creates a better demo next time - I am excited =) =)
Title: Re: The World
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 08, 2006, 01:29:56 am
of course it will :D
this demo was only here because people at z3 said they wanted one even though i told them there'd be nothing to do :P
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on November 08, 2006, 09:44:53 am
sorry i've not updated you in quite a while (thanks to good old school)
but i should be back working on this after next week or something
and if you want to help make this progress much more impressive and faster, you can help me out by doing some sprites for me (this would be appreciated a lot) ^_^
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: Hero of Vortex on November 09, 2006, 04:16:57 pm
Good! Get back to work, slave!

Umm... I mean... Yay, you're working on it again!

I'd help you with sprites, but drunken mentally retarded cockatiels can sprite better then me.
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 08, 2006, 11:42:21 pm
btw, this is being updated, but check out the official forums at http://www.theworld.dayjoaspen.com/forums/index.php for all the news
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: Meteos on December 09, 2006, 04:21:58 am
This looks really good
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 26, 2007, 08:55:17 pm
just to let you know, the battle system is coming along quite nicely :)
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: haohmaru_zx on January 26, 2007, 09:18:31 pm
Looks nice! Good luck with it.
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: Ryan on January 26, 2007, 09:54:56 pm
Awesome... I can't wait for it to come out! You made that with RPG maker didn't you? How do you make your game online?
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 26, 2007, 10:04:06 pm
thanks :P but it's being made with gamemaker, but we're using rpg maker xp sprites and tiles, for now
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: Retro on February 11, 2007, 05:08:27 pm
Still looks great man, every update seems to make it so much better, I can't wait for a finished version.
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on February 11, 2007, 05:09:58 pm
me neither :D
the battle engine is getting better and better.
the next demo/beta should be something good
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: AoDC on February 25, 2007, 06:57:47 am
Wow, still working on it? =O! Looking forward to the Battle Engine.
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on February 25, 2007, 12:43:57 pm
yeah of course i am :P
hopefully i should have much more time this week to get some real good work done on it :D
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: TheDarkJay on February 25, 2007, 12:57:59 pm
so, any chance of seeing this at Z3 again  ??? ;)
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on February 25, 2007, 01:00:19 pm
hopefully :P
(as well as something small, but potentially useful)
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: Dayjo on February 25, 2007, 10:05:29 pm
*gets his finger out his arse*
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: hawthorneluke on February 26, 2007, 09:22:34 pm
O_o what was that doing there?

We are currently looking for a spriter.
interested? (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/bbs/index.php?topic=551)
Title: Re: The World (server now available)
Post by: pxl_moon (dotyue) on February 27, 2007, 10:30:41 am
*gets his finger out his arse*

hm a finger is small and potentially useful :-/

Title: Re: The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 11, 2007, 12:02:56 pm
Finally updated the first post :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 21, 2007, 04:24:07 pm
Designing Classes and Statistics
and making maps
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 04, 2007, 09:06:22 pm
yay, all the new, big design is now being implemented :D
edit: lol triple post
you horrible people :(
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: AoDC on April 05, 2007, 06:22:20 am
Feel free to make your lighting engine public... Hint hint.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 08, 2007, 01:05:45 am
lol, its simple really. can you not backwards engineer it from just looking at it? :P
just using the exact same sprite as the character, but drawn blended black, instead of white and has a vscale of -1.
its rotated acording to the point direction between the light source and character + or - 180 and alpha is acording to how far you are from the light source. i also made it get longer the further you are from the light source, but i'm not sure if i'm still using that, but that again, is just changing the vscale relative to the distance from the light source.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: AoDC on April 08, 2007, 02:20:45 am
lol, its simple really. can you not backwards engineer it from just looking at it? :P

I have the flu at the moment, so I can't think straight.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 08, 2007, 02:25:20 am
i'll let you off then :P
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: AoDC on April 08, 2007, 09:17:21 am
Oh and, "you took a screenshot" should be like, "Saved screenshot to screen1.bmp". Just something more professional =P.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 08, 2007, 04:55:25 pm
hmm yeah, that sounds like a better idea. thanks ^^
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: TheDarkJay on April 08, 2007, 05:31:53 pm
*is still considering super-gluing Hawethorneluke to his chair, and forcing him to work on this game 20/7 (4 hours sleep every day) via a delicate process involving a cricket bat*

One screen of the Battle system? please? begging?
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 08, 2007, 06:29:02 pm
lol, when i make sutff, i tend to skip on the visual's :P
you can look at the lovely code if you want, but thats not very sexy :(
this is why i really need spriters :P
dayjo should be doing the GUI for it and for now, i can (oh, dayjo's just come online now XD) erm, i can use existing sprites that match the style and make some stuff to show it off :D
(agh, my post's been over run by emotions)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: Devy on April 08, 2007, 08:36:29 pm
hum hawthorne if you like my sprites i could sprite for you after the anime is done
BTW im about 12% done with the anime ^.^
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 08, 2007, 10:28:30 pm
ah cool ^^
i was wondering how it was going earlier on today :P
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: AoDC on April 09, 2007, 01:39:41 am
Blocks of code count as a screenshot:


Just post something like that.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 09, 2007, 01:07:58 pm
not sure what use it is, unless you need it as proof :O lol
but hows this:
(thats just the battle engine game, which is stand alone from the main game at the moment)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: AoDC on April 10, 2007, 03:10:31 am
Gm7? I love you man >_<.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: Wasabi on April 16, 2007, 05:20:29 am
heh, I only just saw this, but then realised I'd seen it on the GMC months ago. it looks good.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 16, 2007, 12:56:35 pm
thanks ^^
hopefully i'll be able to show off some new stuff when i make it look all sparkly looking soon, as, after thursday, i'll have no coursework left :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: Ghost on May 12, 2007, 03:35:25 pm
If you're still looking for a spriter, I'm available. I'm extremely experienced and can basically sprite anything.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on May 13, 2007, 04:27:00 pm
I'll PM you as soon as i've finished writing up a ton of info about the game.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on August 09, 2007, 11:00:47 am
Just though I'd say now, that I'm a good way into remaking the server (in c++ which I can say is now infinitely better) and I will soon sort out game client and redo the networking with that after this server business is done (couple of days, but I'll be away for a week soon) and whatever other crap with the game. Then I'll just need character sprites and new maps and there can be a new beta to see how all of that runs, then focus will be towards the battle engine again (which currently has a very nice basis)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on August 26, 2007, 12:40:56 pm
yay tripple posting

the new server with features up to a simple mmo standard with no battles is pretty much done (may be some bugs or more features i want to add in) and the same goes with the client side network handling of that stuff

so now, i just need to rip out the networking crap from the main original client, make sure it works all ok and make that as lag free as possible. then put the new networking client stuff in etc etc and we should be a good way into getting a simple beta out to test all this new stuff ^^

but before that is possible. we require character sprites.
please look here for more info:

Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter)
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 16, 2007, 01:50:08 pm
Battle Engine Preview

New screenshots for the battle engine have now arrived to fuel your curiosity about how the game is progressing. Enjoy!

The battle world will be separate from the world, and they will be fought in an exciting, action-filled sidescrolling world.

It's easy to get overwhelmed when you're outnumbered...

...but one good attack can give you the upper hand.

There are many environments to explore not only in the overworld, but in battle mode as well.

Don't underestimate the monsters, or you'll lose the fight!

This is just the beginning of what the development team has in mind. Keep your eyes on the forum for more upcoming news on The World's development!

More News: Overworld Map Previews

The team isn't only working on the battle ending, but also working to improve the overworld engine. These improvements include new maps, smoother controls, and an external map maker to allow field generation. Here's a small preview of a bigger and improved version of a particular town.


This next shot shows the special field, Hulle Granz Cathedral, in its developing phases.


As with the battle engine development, stay tuned on the forums for further news on the maps and overworld system.

Upcoming Beta

It's almost time for what you've all been waiting for. This month has brought us many surprises, including people willing to sprite for us! Hopefully, with these new possible teammates, the developers can get the game running smoothly. In the next month or two, expect a beta to be released. According to hawthorneluke, the team is now working to release a beta as soon as possible...

"...We need the spirtes, need to strip the client down to an offline mode and make sure its all OK, and fix whatever, add in the new, already done networking and whatever other features, and have maps made, host the server somewhere, and the beta's ready."

A date will be disclosed to the public for the release once the beta progresses through its final stages. Features will include customizable characters and improved controls. A taste of the battle engine is possible, but highly unlikely due to the lack of work completed on it so far.

Final Words

To all who are waiting anxiously to try .heck//The World, thank you for your patience. Once the game gets into gear, it will be worth the wait. Thanks to the volunteer spriters. It's all down to you guys, but we believe that you can pull through for us, and we can't have the beta without your skills. The team is working hard to bring you the best beta they can give you.

Also, remember that these screenshots are VERY early, and there is still a lot of aesthetic work to be put into it, so don't take in too much from them. They are simply a preview of how things work.

Until next time!

(copy from http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/index.php?topic=771.0#msg7648)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on September 16, 2007, 02:16:03 pm
OH MY GOD!!! THAT'S THE BATTLE ENGINE?!?!?!?!?!? WTF!?!?!?!!!!!

Luke, thou art my God! O_____O I'm gonna post at your forum in a second. Daaaang... Now that's presentation!
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 16, 2007, 02:53:40 pm
rofl thanks, although those sprites are commerical ones that i'm using for now, but they will be replaced with the custom ones maed for the game which will be using the exact same style

but thank bulletcatcher (on my forums) for the presentation of it ^^
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on September 16, 2007, 06:15:54 pm
Ah, I see. Still, if the original sprites look this good, I know how much praise that spriter'll get!
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 16, 2007, 07:42:18 pm
yeah, they just need to exist now >_<
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Colbydude on September 16, 2007, 09:12:32 pm
Oh very nice, and I'm really excited about the beta, it'll be tizzight!
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 24, 2007, 03:40:08 pm
OK, now basically all pre game menu stuff (including account creation and logging in and character creation) is done, but it will need some tweaks later on.
I've also just done the basics for loading in the external maps, so now map updates can be done very easily and fast with the main exe being left alone, a lot smaller and a lot less laggy ^^
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 02, 2007, 03:05:16 pm
There now seems to two spriters that should be of a good enough standard to make the required sprites for the beta, as long as they dont run off like the rest D: but these two so far have done the complete opposite to running of. of course more spriters are welcome though

so the beta is advancing a lot faster now, which also means the full game is advancing a lot faster too

external maps are now being made too and as long as all goes well, i just need to add all the functionality that's over the top of the basics back into the client now.

Updates are far more fequent on the official forums for the game (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com) and because seeing as barely anyone seems to care here, they're far less frequent here :x
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on October 02, 2007, 10:44:20 pm
There now seems to two spriters that should be of a good enough standard to make the required sprites for the beta, as long as they dont run off like the rest D: but these two so far have done the complete opposite to running of. of course more spriters are welcome though

Good to hear that you found not just one, but two spriters! I wish you the best of luck! (Err... kinda groggy that I am...)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 04, 2007, 02:30:22 pm
Thanks ^^ lol
Progress really is speeding up now :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: wildex999 on October 04, 2007, 03:34:07 pm
The World,eh ;) remember .heck very clearly actually ^^ God I loved that Anime =P

Screens look nice, so does the trailer, it does however look a lot like a game made using Playerworlds.... no that it matters, I guess this is far better anyway, can't judge only from screenshots ^^
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 05, 2007, 02:20:39 am
It's made in Game Maker (although the server is in C++), and that's limiting enough as it is. So using some pre made MMORPG maker would kill me :x lol
Well... I say limiting, but I think this game will show quite the opposite to what some people may expect of Game Maker though :P

But check the front page again now (added the update from the previous page, as that's now quite hidden) ^^
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 12, 2007, 07:22:55 pm
I'm just waiting on maps to be made/remade externally and the character sprites
then an alpha test will be ready (will be needing some place to host the server though :/)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on October 14, 2007, 10:04:09 pm
I saw that you needed a server host on your forums. D: I hope someone is able to provide that for you!
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 14, 2007, 10:19:40 pm
that always seems to be the easiest step, finding a host, compared to finding anyone else to do development such as spriting >_< lol
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 17, 2007, 06:27:15 pm
Woo, just done a major step of making the overworld (out of battles) movement via keys and clicking perfectly, locally and networked (the local key movement took about 6 hours and 3 attempts O_O but it now works very well :D)

Edit: I have just made an EPIC external file updater/protection system.
Meaning that generally most files likely to change will be kept externally (this was already done), but that means that if we update any, then we can upload them, your game will detect that there are new updates and automatically download them. But, because the files are all individual and seperate from the main exe, these files are very small will take a split second to download ^^
But that's not all. Also this means that if a file is edited (you trying to hax my game?! :O) then this will be detected and the proper one will be downloaded and used. But of course they're all encrypted anyway.

So in short, the game can now update parts of itself that are likely to be updated often, automatically and very fast. Also this would make the game far easier to locally heck, but thanks to the security, it's done the opposite and is made even harder to locally heck :P

Edit: And now the main game exe updater is complete and all of this (updating/external files/checking) fits into the game perfectly
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 25, 2007, 09:33:15 pm
I really wish I don't have to tripple post, but to bump the topic with the latest updates, I must >_<

I've done a bit of the character stuff, being the bit that animates the characters in game. Still need to do the real character creation, sending all the charater data and loading in the external character sprites and what not bits.

The base of the sound playback system is now complete.

And that system now works well with actually playing the music it should (like the background music it gets from the map file) or any other music that it loads in that it's told to play.

Lately I've just been fixing any tiny, rare bugs that I've found (and have so far fixed all the ones I know of, except two, which are where the "surfaces" the game uses die if you lock windows and you get an error if you start the game with fraps running XD) and just adding in small tweaks here and there and mainly making it all very stable (so if you all try to break it by using it in the most retarded way possible, you'll fail )

All the automatic updating and everything related to that is now also complete.

All that's left now is to get the rest of the features that will be included in this alpha designed, graphics made for them and programmed, wait for the maps to be complete, wait for the character sprites to be complete and then all that's left after that is just bits of tweaking it all all over the place.

So, we're getting there and are getting very close now ^^
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on October 25, 2007, 09:36:21 pm
Sounds like you've been extra-extra busy! Keep on picking at it! :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 25, 2007, 09:40:22 pm
Damn right o_o
But like always, I'm generally waiting on other people that don't always seem to want to work >_>
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on October 25, 2007, 11:25:24 pm
Damn right o_o
But like always, I'm generally waiting on other people that don't always seem to want to work >_>

Reminds me of my problems with my *cough*sister*cough*. :P She's likes drawing and making dress up games but hates spriting... who'd ever guess?!
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on October 25, 2007, 11:28:51 pm
They just hate the core people that bring the games to life D:
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 02, 2007, 03:41:38 pm
We now have the site up, finally
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: King Tetiro on December 02, 2007, 03:48:51 pm
When will the demo be released
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 02, 2007, 03:52:48 pm
As soon as the maps and the rest of the character sprites (as well as a few touches of programming here and there) are complete :/
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: King Tetiro on December 02, 2007, 03:53:57 pm
When will that be?
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 02, 2007, 03:55:16 pm
I'll tell you when my crystal ball arrives
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: King Tetiro on December 02, 2007, 03:58:17 pm
Lol. That's a good one
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 02, 2007, 03:59:41 pm
Just that I have no idea. This things are pretty much out of my hands, and people losing motivation etc doesn't help :(
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on December 02, 2007, 05:23:31 pm
Cool, Luke! I haven't been checking your site lately, though, but its good to know you're still working on the World! :D G'luck!
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 02, 2007, 05:25:01 pm
Thanks ^^
I just wish more people than me would also be working on the game >_<
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 08, 2008, 10:53:31 pm
Just saw some really old comments here and i'm sorry to of had to keep everyone waiting for so long with nothing ;_;

but right now i need a few more hair style sprites, i need to do a few more hours of coding and i need maps and then the completely redone alpha is ready, can be tested and i can get back to the half done battle engine as i update the online alpha over time with more and more content >_<

oh yeah, still need someone to host the server though :/

for a LOT more info go to
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: gm112 on January 08, 2008, 10:59:17 pm
The World is my world now :O.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 08, 2008, 11:02:29 pm
I'm hoping thats a good thing :P
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: gm112 on January 08, 2008, 11:17:12 pm
I'm hoping thats a good thing :P
Maybe, perhaps, indeed... What you think is what I think :O.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on January 09, 2008, 12:30:31 pm
Luke! Glad to know you're still working on The World. :D I haven't been checking your forum though so I kinda feel bad about that. :< Well, g'luck with the hair sprites (notice how just about the biggest problems come from lack of sprites? XD). I also hope you have the time for the coding XD although at least you can do THAT. :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 09, 2008, 05:40:28 pm
yeah the coding's not really hard or will take long but with no one else bothering to do anything motivation is lacking >_<
but yeah its always that way T_T
although funnily enough right now the problem is lack of maps lol
as we ALMOST have enough sprites for the alpha i guess, but still thats really not many at all :/
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (Looking for a spriter) (PROGRESS UPDATE)
Post by: hawthorneluke on November 07, 2008, 11:15:19 am
* hawthorneluke comes back from the dead

As you may see (or don't see I guess), not much progress >_<

But wait! A post explaining possibly the biggest new yet?  :o

In order to do something about this non-progressing-ness, I will be releasing a pre-alpha test (? O_o) demo once I get a hold of few things (currently made maps, somewhere to host the server etc).

Still not quite up to the standard I want for even this simple alpha test, but with no progress or motivation in quite some time, it's time for some action!  >:D

Currently it'll just be like a rea~lly simple chat game >_< (which is what I was planning for the alpha test, but now with even less features! :D >_<)
But judging from some screenshots it should have some nice areas to uh... walk around in and... chat ^^; but I've not actually got my hands on them yet (in progress now) so not too sure how that'll work out.
But I'm fairly sure the client and server programming side of things isn't too bad, but as to be expected, lacking a few features. But if this does get people interested and motivated then expect those to be fixed and updated automatically before your very eyes! :D

More updates on how this is all going soon!

(Please feel free to check out this games website and forums (BBS) in the mean time :D) (http://www.theworld.dayjoaspen.com)

Edit: Have a few screenshots:

(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/interior.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/interior.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot002.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot002.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot003.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot003.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot004.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot004.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot005.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot005.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot009.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot009.png)(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot010.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/game/screenshots/pre-alpha/screenshot010.png)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Infinitus on November 07, 2008, 03:34:20 pm
*rapes hawthornluke*

Nice :D. Goner have to go check it out.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on November 16, 2008, 10:41:05 am
Thanks :D

Updates! :D

No ones responded to my contact for maps so far >_<
Where've you gone damn it >_<
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Sophist on November 16, 2008, 03:25:09 pm
hawtty horne you lazy ass ass
you can do better than a "chat alpha test with less features"
took me  ~5 days to convert my engine to multiplayer with chatting
and i wasnt making a multiplayer game to begin with
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Cassyblanca on November 16, 2008, 05:28:47 pm
hawtty horne you lazy ass ass
you can do better than a "chat alpha test with less features"
took me  ~5 days to convert my engine to multiplayer with chatting
and i wasnt making a multiplayer game to begin with
And you did not happen to be attempting a two-dimensional MMORPG with a client being built in Game Maker, now did you? For that matter, you were probably even running the server through Game Maker, likely as a peer-to-peer system. He is running through a central game server that is being programmed specifically for the task in C++.

Looking good, Luke. I honestly thought that you had stopped working on the project, due to the lack of updates on the site. And everything I keep seeing on the forums is you fuckers posting in that Japanese topic, so I kind of just stopped administrating the place XD
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Sophist on November 16, 2008, 09:41:14 pm
yes i made a daemon, and both are not game maker.. server dedicated, and p2p? you realize tcp/ip IS p2p
it was a joke btw, seeing as how hawthorne knows me all too well, he will shrug at my laughable joke attempt
the actual test could surprise though, but as he said he hasnt touched it since the middle ages
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on November 17, 2008, 10:20:48 am
Because I can't make eeeeeeeeeeeverything myself D: (Even if I did go ahead and make all I could, you wouldn't be able to play it anyway because of lack of other things outside the code such as graphics, and the now current problem, maps, etc >_<)
Which is where relying on other people becomes a fun game >_< lol
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Cassyblanca on November 17, 2008, 11:42:11 pm
you realize tcp/ip IS p2p
I rest my judgment of your intelligence on that statement. You're an idiot.

TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a PROTOCOL set. Peer-to-peer is a logical sequence of operations in which both communicating machines share the duties of both server and client, hence the term peer, versus a client-server architecture, in which clients connect to the server to retrieve information.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on November 22, 2008, 02:54:28 pm
Anyway >_>

Been tweaking a few things to make what there currently is perfect and if I had maps to use the game could be ready for public play in a day >_<

Where on earth did Knightmare/Knighty go? :(
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Xiphirx on November 24, 2008, 06:23:31 am
Anyway >_>

Been tweaking a few things to make what there currently is perfect and if I had maps to use the game could be ready for public play in a day >_<

Where on earth did Knightmare/Knighty go? :(

Hmm, I could help... If you need it.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on November 24, 2008, 09:24:20 am
If you have the skills and the time and motivation, then I (and the rest of the current team) would love you to help :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Xiphirx on November 24, 2008, 09:44:22 pm
If you have the skills and the time and motivation, then I (and the rest of the current team) would love you to help :D

Send me the map editor please :) and other info I might need as well.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on November 25, 2008, 02:57:25 pm
Pretty much finished making an external game launcher/updater (made in c# :o) which seems to work quite nicely and simply :D
(sorry helios >_<)
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Infinitus on November 25, 2008, 06:11:00 pm
Pretty much finished making an external game launcher/updater (made in c# :o) which seems to work quite nicely and simply :D
(sorry helios >_<)
lol, no problem :P. To be fair, given half the chance I would have done the same as you. The old one was pretty badly designed.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 08, 2008, 01:02:10 am
And I now have pretty much everything I need to make a release :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Xiphirx on December 08, 2008, 01:06:05 am
And I now have pretty much everything I need to make a release :D

Oh yeah, that map I still need to finish it (its 50% done). *tries to fit into busy schedule*

> .  >;;
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 08, 2008, 01:22:33 am
Thanks ^^
Can add it in as an update later on so no need to rush it to be done "in time", as long as it'll end up good :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Xiphirx on December 08, 2008, 01:23:53 am
Thanks ^^
Can add it in as an update later on so no need to rush it to be done "in time", as long as it'll end up good :D

Don't worry, I am a good 2D mapper.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 08, 2008, 03:47:35 am
Looking forward to it then :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 11, 2008, 07:35:17 am
Just to let anyone that cares know, it's all coming together quite nicely now :D
Just a few tasks worth a few hours and something very basic (>_<) should be release-able :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Wasabi on December 11, 2008, 02:03:50 pm
Hurry up damn it :P.
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 13, 2008, 08:00:41 am
Just need to wait on someone to do a small favor and set up the server and I guess it's ready :P

But it's still just a walk and chat engine >_<
But at least something can finally be released and updated over time while you can play :D
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Xiphirx on December 14, 2008, 12:49:50 am
Just need to wait on someone to do a small favor and set up the server and I guess it's ready :P

But it's still just a walk and chat engine >_<
But at least something can finally be released and updated over time while you can play :D

Would that "someone" be me? :(
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 14, 2008, 12:56:54 am
No :P
Someone setting up the server etc
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: Xiphirx on December 14, 2008, 01:04:29 am
No :P
Someone setting up the server etc

Oh, ok *escapes doghouse*
Title: Re: [Trailer] The World (New news?!)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 14, 2008, 09:28:51 am
Found a rather large bug in the server ^^;
Fixed it but the person hosting it's currently asleep >_< lol
Apart from that it all seems good to go though :D
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 15, 2008, 05:36:01 am
(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/bbs/Sources/site_content/Download.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/index.php?action=media;sa=downloads)

Barely anything to do, but now you too can "play" :P
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: Colbydude on December 24, 2008, 09:19:45 pm
Sweet action just got on. Shortly logged off after the two creepy people started annoying the !@#$% out of me. There names were like Helba and Curia or somethin...
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: Xfixium on December 25, 2008, 05:55:32 am
Heh, yeah I saw those same people online, but they weren't doing anything but standing there. I also couldn't log out for some reason. Kept clicking "Exit Game" at the portal, to no avail. had to quit via ctrl + alt + delete. :-\

EDIT: Ahhh, I tried to recreate the problem, it seems this only happens if you decline quitting the first time. Then when you attempt to quit again, the message box doesn't show up making sure you want to quit. Thus leaving you stranded. Hope that helps.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 25, 2008, 06:40:06 am
Lol yeah, the can't log out bug :D
(Not much to save atm, but even if you end the process the server still cleans up and saves your data :D)

* hawthorneluke takes attempt #2 at fixing it >_<
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: wildex999 on December 26, 2008, 12:34:25 am
I tried the demo, and I can see that it have the potential to become a great game. I have seen most of the .heck series, so I just HAD to try it ;)
Anyway, after walking around a bit, and talking to someone in there, I suddenly got stuck on the spot, and couldn't move, but could still see others move, and chat. i tried logging out/Quitting, and it didn't work, the game held me hostage :( A good old CTRL+ALT+DEL fixed it tho ;)

Anyway, I can't wait to see this game as it nears completion, good luck :D
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: Xfixium on December 26, 2008, 01:31:02 am
I did experience that also. I couldn't move, but I could face different directions. When I went to type a message, it kept pasting text when I hit the "V" key (Without holding down the ctrl key mind you). So it basically acted like the ctrl key was being pressed down, when it wasn't. So I pressed the ctrl key once more, and bingo I could walk again. Very weird bug though.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: wildex999 on December 26, 2008, 01:43:12 am
I did experience that also. I couldn't move, but I could face different directions. When I went to type a message, it kept pasting text when I hit the "V" key (Without holding down the ctrl key mind you). So it basically acted like the ctrl key was being pressed down, when it wasn't. So I pressed the ctrl key once more, and bingo I could walk again. Very weird bug though.
Exactly the same happened to me, also another key i pressed(Don't remember it) made the entire message I had written, just delete itself. Kind of annoying =/
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on December 26, 2008, 01:59:33 am
Eh O_o

Indeed that does sound like the game thought the control key was being held down. But was it just the game, or was your computer stuck thinking that for some reason.... (As both seem rather possible.)
But if two people suddenly experienced that, then I guess it's bound to be the game >_< lol

More bugs to look into :D
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 27, 2009, 01:31:05 am
For those that care, have some up to date screenshots: http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/index.php?action=media;sa=media
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: King Tetiro on January 27, 2009, 06:51:11 am
These screenshots are awesome (BTW, what with .heck?)
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 27, 2009, 06:55:59 am
Thanks ^^

(BTW, what with .heck?)
What? lol
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: gm112 on January 29, 2009, 08:04:21 am
These screenshots are awesome (BTW, what with .heck?)
O_o... I thought everyone at ZFGC at least knew about some anime.. oh well. Here's a wiki article to educate you a little bit.


You may or may not like it. It has several different series each taking place with new characters. They're all different in "flavor", if you're catching my drift here so you may find a series in .heck you may like.

Can't wait to finally have some Dodongos to kill, Luhke :(.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 29, 2009, 11:22:18 am
Oh, King Tetiro was asking what ".heck" is?

Just spent all night tweaking features and small things and adding in music :D
Will create a new update when everything's polished off and then be onto creating an item system soon :P
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: Wasabi on January 29, 2009, 11:44:42 am
Oh, King Tetiro was asking what ".heck" is?

Just spent all night tweaking features and small things and adding in music :D
Will create a new update when everything's polished off and then be onto creating an item system soon :P
Well that sounds a little more interesting :).
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on January 29, 2009, 11:47:51 am
Yeah >_<
Ah, and we may have a mapper now :O
So you *may* expect actual maps to actually play the game on :O
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 13, 2009, 11:38:52 am
I've been working on programming the client the last few weeks/months, and a client update is finally ready!
You can download it when you start the game normally.

Seeing as I've only been working on the code side of things, there's no new content such as maps or anything (we need your help here!). Also I had to make the new GUI graphics, which is why they're terrible (help here too please!). So please put up with this until the right people with the right talents step up to conquer these problems!

See you in game! ...Maybe.

For those of you that have never downloaded the client once, get it here:
(Those of you that have, you can just get the new update by playing the game normally.)
(http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/bbs/Sources/site_content/Download.png) (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/index.php?action=media;sa=downloads)
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Update! 13th March 2009)
Post by: Xfixium on March 13, 2009, 01:05:30 pm
I like the addition of music. The other little things that were added are nice. Like the fading in of the area names when you get closer to them and such. When I updated it gave errors. Something to the effect it couldn't find numbered .wav files, then it shut down gracefully. When I started back up, it was fine though. This is looking better every time you update. Keep it up.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Update! 13th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 13, 2009, 01:17:41 pm
Thanks ^^
I keep adding in/tweaking small things to make it all play nicer, but I really need to get into bigger things such as items, enemies and battles >_<
But then graphics etc are needed and this coder's stuck there :(
(The basics of a battle engine are half made since a long time ago though (as you can see in old screenshots) :D)

The only reason I can think of for it erroring out the first time is just that it couldn't connect to the site and download the said wav files for whatever reason :S
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Update! 13th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 17, 2009, 12:56:01 am
I've released a new client to fix a lot of small things.
As always you'll get it via playing the game normally.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Update! 13th March 2009)
Post by: cheesepie on March 17, 2009, 12:58:10 am
nice job mate XD
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Update! 13th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 17, 2009, 01:01:29 am
Thank you :D
Seems like I've managed to fix some very weird bugs that have been in the game for a very long time :D
I'm happy :D lol
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (Update! 16th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 18, 2009, 03:50:40 am
Finally! New maps are starting to come in! :D
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: Xiphirx on March 18, 2009, 04:28:55 am
Finally! New maps are starting to come in! :D

o h  m y  g o d  .

My apologies, I do not have the map editor anymore since I do not believe I have the time to sit down and actually make one. :S If I do, I'll re-get it and make one...

Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 18, 2009, 04:29:49 am
Np, and thanks ^^
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: Garoth Moulinoski on March 27, 2009, 02:39:20 am
Bah! I finally find a download button to this! XD

I've been getting your e-mails, but lately, I don't post much except on Romhacking.net and on A Puppet Prose. I'm going to try this out right now.

Wow! It looks professional... At least, the downloading news screen... XD Hopefully, my friend will try it out with me right now.

Haha, my friend, Rogue-Aine, SkyEye, and I were the only ones online. We pretty much played Hide n Seek where I was always it (or the Pedo). SkeEye got stuck to a thing there.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on March 28, 2009, 04:22:07 pm
Glad you're making some fun out of it :D
Good to see you again :P
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: Krynn on April 25, 2009, 08:09:46 pm
Hey! Is this project still happening? It looks amazing I'd love to play it and possibly get lots of other people I know to play, is the server offline still? Tell me this is still going on!
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 26, 2009, 03:21:29 am
It's been on and off for a few? years now I guess lol. For some reason there was a burst of production for a while a while ago, with a few people finally helping with a few maps as well, but like always it seems like it's just me left again >_< killing off motivation quite a bit D:
But that's generally how it's been going for years now ^^;
As for the server... I'm not too sure what's going on with it at the moment. It suddenly started BSODing, so I removed some features from the server application for this game to see if that was the cause and I think it may of been ok, but I'm not hosting it and so lately I'm not sure what's up. I'll leave a message for the person who is and see what they say :x
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: gm112 on April 26, 2009, 04:01:21 am
As for the server... I'm not too sure what's going on with it at the moment. It suddenly started BSODing, so I removed some features from the server application for this game to see if that was the cause and I think it may of been ok, but I'm not hosting it and so lately I'm not sure what's up. I'll leave a message for the person who is and see what they say :x
I'll be happy to help you debug the server. You know I'm still happy to beta test for you xD.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 26, 2009, 04:10:46 am
Seems to be some clash between netlimiter? with the same bsod always occuring, thanks to my server running, but then even though even if netlimiter's not running and then i remove some stuff and it seems ok and then maybe not and... I have no idea wtf's going on >_< lol
Seems to be very specific to Aku's server pc though
Talk to him on IRC lol
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: Krynn on April 26, 2009, 04:53:22 am
I would love to help out with anything I can or help beta testing if possible! I'd love to get in on any programming projects or do testing, hopefully this project can keep on going!
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: Krynn on April 28, 2009, 05:17:41 am
I'm online playing, no one is playing as I expected but I'll test it out for a bit... looks good!
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on April 30, 2009, 06:44:19 am
If you can help (ie have the skill to do so and are extremely motivated to do so), then try to contact Aku on our IRC channel (http://theworld.dayjoaspen.com/index.php?action=community;sa=irc)
And thanks ^^
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New maps! 18th March 2009)
Post by: hawthorneluke on June 23, 2009, 07:57:35 am
Finally, we have a lead artist! Start the game up and you should see some very nice changes :D
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: hawthorneluke on June 28, 2009, 06:30:38 pm
This game is far from dead :P
Join us! :D
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: MG-Zero on June 28, 2009, 06:53:53 pm
Impressive work, Luke, keep it up!
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: hawthorneluke on June 28, 2009, 07:06:48 pm
Thank you, will do! :D
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Darunia on June 28, 2009, 07:10:33 pm
Ahh, I love MMOs! :) I'll check this out whenever I have the chance, I've been keeping an eye on this for years now. :P

Oh btw, are all of those graphics custom?
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Vash on June 28, 2009, 08:11:41 pm
Looks good...   I still want to see a game that integrated IRC directly into the system, rather than building it's own chat system (just because I think it would be a great management tool. >.> it may not work at all though)
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Raen on June 28, 2009, 09:39:46 pm
I'll check this out in a bit, too.

EDIT: BTW, I can't seem to find a download link anywhere. Maybe I'm just being a n00b, but point me in the right direction?
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Balmung on June 29, 2009, 09:04:22 pm
mmmh where have i seen this game before :O
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: hawthorneluke on June 30, 2009, 10:25:56 am
Thanks for the comments.
We finally have a graphics artist now and so rapidly replacing all the game's place holders with custom graphics. The start of that is the main menu.
Currently the tiles and character sprites are from RPG Maker XP, but the character sprites will be completely custom and extremely customisable.
The in game UI is also in the process of being updated.

Having one special area that links into the IRC channel could be interesting lol

Ah, from moving the forums things seemed to of been a bit messed up. Download is here:
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Retro on July 10, 2009, 09:26:13 pm
It's sick to see your still working on this hawthorneluke!  I'm glad you finally found a graphics artist haha I knew you were looking for one for the longest time.  The project still looks dope I can't wait to see more.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: hawthorneluke on July 11, 2009, 12:02:12 am
Long time no see :P
Thanks ^^
lol yeah, it's all going pretty well as of late :o
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Krynn on September 21, 2009, 11:24:15 pm
Still up and running?
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: hawthorneluke on September 22, 2009, 03:08:59 am
It sure is :D
The server seems a bit unhealthy and may be down for a while (much less than 24 hours) every now and then though >_< But hopefully that'll be sorted out by the time the game gets another large update (probably replacing the place holder characters with real custom customisable ones).

I'm pretty busy atm, but there are still others on the team slowly getting things done. This project's forums (http://theworld.gd-u.com) is also active.
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Krynn on June 30, 2010, 05:33:32 am
I really hope this project is still happening, any updates?
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: Xiphirx on June 30, 2010, 05:46:43 am
Krynn, huge grave dig. I am not going to lock this topic for a few days since luke has been somewhat active lately and can answer your question, although PMing him is the preferred way.

I do hope there are updates as well :)
Title: Re: [Demo] The World (New graphics coming in! 2009/06/23)
Post by: hawthorneluke on June 30, 2010, 12:19:44 pm
I can't honestly remember the last info I posted here, but the forums for this project (www.theworld.gd-u.com) are always active.
Work on the game as of late isn't though >_<
We're actually trying to do some big changes which are currently secret, but the artist has move house, found a new life, I've gone from Japan to the UK for some months, time zones have changed etc etc and yeah, everything's out of contact, so nothing's moved forwards as of late :(
Hopefully some time in the future we'll find a point in life where we can work together to get things moving again though, but with me trying to get into uni right now that may have to wait some time.

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