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Messages - Corniune

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Updates / Character Competition has a WINNER!
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:43:01 pm »
Remember to spam fuckaroni in the chat!

Also, let's hope for lotsa quantity next year.

Updates / Character Competition has a WINNER!
« on: January 26, 2010, 06:33:19 am »
Thanks, and thanks to those who voted Gnome : )

Entries / Re: The Gnome of Profanity Far Underground
« on: December 13, 2009, 09:45:18 pm »

Great, now this one doesn't make sense either.

Entries / Re: The Gnome of Profanity Far Underground
« on: December 13, 2009, 12:55:35 am »

; )

Entries / Re: Can of Meat
« on: December 11, 2009, 03:45:52 pm »
Haha, nice! : D
I actually thought of something like this too, but I couldn't find a service that could allow me to randomize links. : (
OH WELL, my use of it was kinda boring compared to this XD

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The legend of Zelda 3D Flying Rooster
« on: December 06, 2009, 10:55:01 am »
I don't hang around these forums are lot, but dang; this is the best fangame I've seen come out of them. : o

You HAFTA finish it!

Entries / Re: General Vector
« on: December 06, 2009, 10:41:06 am »
That's the second hottest pink military sheep I've ever seen!

Love it! : P

Entries / Re: The Gnome of Profanity Far Underground
« on: December 06, 2009, 10:20:49 am »
Thanks! : )
I wanted to do something very different from other entries, so this one's backstory is left to interpretation.
(Although, to be honest, my initial idea was that he was gonna be stuck down there, but then I gave him a title halfway through, and things just didn't add up. Oh fuckaroni.)

Entries / [Secondary] The Gnome of Profanity Far Underground
« on: December 06, 2009, 01:14:09 am »

Entries / [Primary] Phantom Fringe
« on: December 01, 2009, 03:08:40 pm »

Time makes fools of us all
Daisy Gimlet is one of those fools. Believing that she could make a living simply out of her gorgeous looks, she went through life remaining dense as a woodpecker, relying on her one feature to take her to levels above all else. Unfortunately, this greatness isn't timeless.

She was a photo model and actress, although a pretty lousy one, enjoying life as the soon-to-be richest person in the neighbourhood she eventually settled down to retire in together with her husband. She was only in her late 40's as she did that, and had given up due to a state that all the plastic surgery applied to her face and body had caused her to end up in. Merely her golden curls remained as beautiful as they had always been; they were the only things keeping her spirit alive, the only proof to her that she was still worth something.

"I'm afraid that I bring bad news" the doctor cautiously said, eleven years after her retirement.
Daisy's husband held his hand on her shoulder as the doctor looked through his papers. What was merely seconds felt like years, as both Daisy and her husband awaited the worst possible...
"Y-your hair..." the doctor stuttered, knowing who Daisy was and probably fearing her reaction "... has only months left to remain."
Daisy had been born with a disease that makes you completely lose your hair at an early age, but using the money she earned as a photo model while eighteen years old, scientists managed to complete a medicine to postpone this effect. Sadly, nothing lasts forever... The operation needed was out of the question, as it was expensive enough to put them in the trenches for the rest of their lives.

Daisy ended up in a depressed phase, and her husband noticed this. He only knew of one thing to do.
He had been lucky to keep his hair as well, but his genius idea was to cut it off and show sympathy to Daisy's horrible situation. As a caring husband, this was the only thing he knew how to do.
So he headed down to the barber's, even though all he needed was a clean shave...

Unfortunately, his hair was being cut by a radioactive barber!
He threw himself out of the barber's shop, writhing in pain on the street, holding his forehead. His hair was pulsating like a collection of blood veins, his teeth gnashed loudly, and he could only scream for help as his body went through a horrible transformation.

(Clean image: http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8435/phantomfringeclean.jpg)

The Phantom Fringe had his goal set. He would get the money needed for his wife's operation. He would use his controllable, powerful, dynamic and stretchable fringe combined with his newly gained physical abilities to become the most feared thief across the corners of the world!

Hang-gliding, stopping bullets, lowering himself from ceilings to approach guards... Nothing and no one could stop him. All of the world's grandest treasures were sure to be his.

Wanted to make a comic presenting my character, but I'll have to pass on that. I just don't have the time. It'll be one picture and loads of boring text this time as well... : (

Gonna do something ridiculous for my secondary entry if I get the time. Obviously these are not meant to have as much energy put into them, since they might get disqualified.

I hope I have time to make one heavily based on background rather than design (like the Nevermind, where you really needed to read the text to understand what you voted / did not vote for) and one more based on design than background, but I'll see.

No red hairdos this time.

You're submitting The Actually-I-Do-Mind and the Nah,-I-Still-Don't-Mind this year? ;)
That's the obvious next step, but now it wouldn't be a surprise anymore... : P

Ooooh, two characters? That's great; will make it lots easier if I can't choose between two concepts.

... though I don't have any ideas yet... BUT COUNT ME IN!

Oh yeah, hi. I'm the member who passes by once a year. :>

Two competitions a year can't be too much, can it? I mean, we could have summer and winter winners, or something like that.

Just sayin'. I don't think anyone here lacks the imagination to come up with the double amount of interesting characters, that's for sure. :P

Previous Matches / Re: [ROUND 2] Ntharcan vs Fartriloquist
« on: January 06, 2009, 06:57:27 pm »

Watch out, everyone! We're dealing with hazardous logic over here!

Previous Matches / Re: [ROUND 2] Ntharcan vs Fartriloquist
« on: January 06, 2009, 10:24:35 am »
More fond of the Fartriloquist, to be honest, but they're both quality characters. 'Sad that they have to face off so early on. :P

wow, I haven't seen you in a long time, Corniune! I wish you had entered a character this year, The Nevermind was excellent and helped make last years competition the best one yet,
Haha, thanks. :P
I've been snooping around the boards every now and then, but I mostly checked if a competition was coming up during the summer. Since I never found any clue about its existance, I supposed that there was nothing going on this year, and just forgot about the site for a while. Then I checked again a couple of days ago... >.<

But hey, you made up for any loss I could cause by submitting The Fartriloquist. XD
Best of luck!

But how does it matter when a character was thought up? That's not a definition of how much thought was put into it.

It's a Jalapeño vote here! :D

Graphics / Re: mother 3 smash brothers
« on: February 10, 2008, 08:32:26 am »
... As well as Luigi and Fox. :P

But hey, these look awesome. Keep up the good work, and make the entire Brawl cast or something. XD

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