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Messages - Kame

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 95
Graphics / Re: My logo for a site Im working on with my friends.
« on: August 20, 2009, 04:32:19 am »
I'll give it a go.  ;)

Are there any certain colors you want?

This is what I have so far


If you want different colors let me know.

just for fun

Try making those texture lines on the whatever-that-thing-is on the H a little curvier and possibly shorter. And there appears to be some broken lines, but maybe that's just the rasterization, since it looks like this is a vector image. I really like the design for this logo, kudos to both of you guys.

Debates / Re: World Peace? - Truth or Fantasy?
« on: July 22, 2008, 01:03:08 am »
Am I the only one here who doesn't want world peace? I mean seriously that would make for one heck of a boring world. No one would have any reason for doing anything, there wouldn't be any competitions worth competing in. History would be quite dull to, I mean people think history is dull now? Can you imagine what it would be like if it was all like and the 15th century was marked by an era of peace with the no fighting or war just like all the other centuries whoop-de-doo and hurray.
are you !@#$% serious? it would be exactly the opposite. without heaps of money being tied up in war-related purposes, there'd be even more being circulated for cultural consequence. life would be far from boring.

Debates / Re: World Peace? - Truth or Fantasy?
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:36:29 am »
Jay's right, selfishness and so-called materialism have been evolved by most species, the human race no exception, in order to aid survival and procreation. Who could survive if they never attended their own needs?
Now, individually, world peace is obviously just not feasible. Nobody can expect everybody to be completely tolerant at the same time - if that happened for a split second it would be remarkable, let alone for a controlled, extended period of time.

Political world peace, however... that I can believe in. Still a very distant picture, but possible with a radical shift in direction.

Kucinich? =D

Debates / Re: Vigilantism - Justified? or still wrong?
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:27:32 am »
How can you put the value of a life in terms of a prison sentence?

Hunting the guy down and breaking his legs isn't justice, it's being a vengeful !@#$%. I think a better example would be, say, if you saw a robbery in progress and you apprehended the thief yourself. That would be a better example of true vigilantism and should be justifiable.
Being a vigilante doesn't mean wreaking violent revenge on offenders. To be honest, you couldn't have been a vigilante in that situation. Being a vigilante is, say, watching someone stealing a piece of fruit and instead of calling the cops or alerting somebody, forcibly taking the fruit back and returning it.

Debates / Re: Love, Crack and Selfishness
« on: November 18, 2007, 09:01:18 pm »
No, love does make sense biologically because of the nature of society. If one person "mates" exclusively with another, and this is commonplace, then fighting between males over a woman can be minimized. This is even supported by reproduction, actually. Research indicates that the same chemicals in your brain that encourage a long-lasting relationship with a partner are increased by the number of orgasms you have with that partner.

Entertainment / Re: 80s Music
« on: November 18, 2007, 03:52:15 am »
I love 80's college rock. Pixies, Jesus and Mary Chain. !@#$% amazing groups.

Don't Unity games play in a browser plugin, though?

Debates / Re: What do you call a nerd/geek?
« on: November 06, 2007, 04:01:39 pm »
Personally, I don't give a toss either way. I don't think it makes a !@#$%'s worth of difference. Even if they called you "amazing supreme overlord," the fact is that you'd still be on ZFGC and they'd still be on MySpace. And yes, for the record, ZFGC > MySpace.

Graphics / Re: free sprites?
« on: November 06, 2007, 02:10:47 pm »
Not if those sprites or sounds are good quality. If you manage to be consistent with  your style while using public domain sprites, it'd be completely feasible.

Other Discussion / Re: This is why Windows is the best
« on: November 05, 2007, 11:24:02 pm »
MS Paint

Goddamn why the hell does the free software community fail so hard at a SIMPLE GRAPHICAL EDITING TOOL

I mean for crying out loud, GNU Paint doesn't even have undo!
Quoted for truth.
I have never found a program as intuitive as paint past the features paint already has that is still good for simple functions.

Graphics / Re: free sprites?
« on: November 05, 2007, 10:54:45 pm »
Still, there really sohuld be a resource like this. Maybe we should create one. (Not that I have the time, I'm too busy pixelling for.. *ahem*)

Audio / Town theme & request
« on: November 05, 2007, 10:47:57 pm »
OK.. first off, I posted a song a while ago, (http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=9616.0) and as you'll notice if you follow the link, the file is broken. I no longer have it on my computer either. If anybody saved it for some reason and still has it, please e-mail it to me. I can always remake it but obviously that'd be a hassle - besides that, I can't remember the entire composition anymore.

Secondly, I do have some actual new material for the same project that was for. It's another town theme, or possibly a ranch or farm or some similar location.. something country-ish. Here it is:


Other Discussion / Re: ITT: My Sister's Boyfriend is an Idiot
« on: November 05, 2007, 05:12:59 pm »
Source, it's like this:

It's your house?  Tell the !@#$% he better listen to what you say and respect you.
If he does not comply, tell him he can get the !@#$% out.  If he does not get out, threaten to call the police.
If you have to, call them anyway.  Tell them there is an unwelcome guest in YOUR house and is causing problems.  Yeah, they'll take an hour to get there,but !@#$%: Problem solved!  If your sister does not approve, then you need to have a serious family discussion about family values and loyalty.  She should know that her boyfriend acts like that and you don't like it.  Seeing that, she should not put you into that position.
I don't care if she is your sister.  If she let's you get treated like !@#$% while your doing HER the favor, toss 'em out.  Let mom take care of them.  It's not your responsibility.  If you let this go on, your only going to keep feeding your rage.  You might end up doing something very stupid.

Just my thoughts of wisdom...Though they come from a guy the same age as you...lol
quoted for complete truth. if your sister wants to date this !@#$%, fine, but it shouldn't be your problem to deal with him and his abusiveness towards your house and hospitality.. and his son.

Just wondering whether you've implemented some sort of pause/inventory/status menu yet. I sent the demo to a friend who basically sang its praises, but when he asked where the start menu was I suddenly realised there wasn't one. If you haven't, are you planning to?

Graphics / Re: hmm not much yet, but a tree tile (well, more than 1 tile)
« on: November 05, 2007, 04:47:40 pm »
Wow, this is really really nice. Probably the most realistic tree texture I've ever seen. Good luck with your "unmentionable project"

Debates / Re: When is lying okay?
« on: November 04, 2007, 07:40:14 pm »
I could argue that we like seeing other people happy because we expect nice things in return 8)

An eye for an eye goes both ways and all that.
Except that I already answered that idea in my post. And disregarding that entirely, that doesn't explain why it often makes us happy simply to see other people happy. Not when we have done something for them, but just that we know they are happy, and that makes us happy.

And your hypothetical situation about killing 1,00 people vs. a million people defies this idea as well. If you think it is better to kill 1,000 then a million then you obviously have some value for other people's lives, even when you are given no reason to. After all, you can throw all the "might"s you like around, but the fact is that in your situation these are simply numbers and there is no solid reason why one choice would benefit you more than another.

Debates / Re: When is lying okay?
« on: November 04, 2007, 05:15:40 pm »
Why are humans not 100% selfish? Because there are obviously other components to humans than selfishness. Human ethics, possibly, could be considered 100% selfish, but not simply humans.
In any case, I think you are confusing selfishness with human experience. Obviously all experience is only from oneself, nobody experiences being another person (except in some transcendent/chemically altered/etc. states), and so all our ideas are relative to ourselves. When we do something nice, it makes us happy when we see that the other person is happy. So is it selfish to do nice things, because we are really only doing them for ourselves? No, of course not, it's just altruism, and it's a very good thing. True selfishness would be a disability to feel happy because of other people.

And I don't think people always wear masks, either. Obviously, all thought has to be expressed in ways other people can understand, but many people do try their hardest to make those expressions as close to their actual thoughts as possible, and striving to be true is the complete opposite of wearing a mask.

Graphics / Re: Recently switched to custom tiles...
« on: November 04, 2007, 04:54:49 pm »
Looks very nice. the edges are obviously quite unpolished, and there are a few things that are sort of inconsistent with the style, but I really like the set - you've got the retro look down perfectly.

Graphics / Re: What do you think of this HUD icon?
« on: November 03, 2007, 10:03:30 pm »
I'd suggest giving it some curvature. The squareness is a little bit awkward. Inward curvature might help the "keyboard key" look.

TWW >> MM >>>>>> TMC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OoT >> PH(haven't been able to play too much of it though) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TP >> OoS >> FSA > LA >>> AoL > LoZ >>>>>>>> ALttP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OoA
TP > OoT > TWW > MM
That's more like it :)


No. Of those four...

TWW > OoT > MM > TP

TP was good. But compared to others it was nothing.
quoted for truth.

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