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Messages - HyperKnight32

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Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: April 30, 2010, 11:41:34 am »
So, I'm thinking you should move to Montreal and join my guitarist and I in making the most awesome band in the world. Bring a drummer.

On a more serious note, I really like this so far. I really enjoy how the guitar has an echo-y feel.
Aha, the most awesome band in the world sounds good, but that's a long way away. I made sure I added reverb, it gives the track heaps more atmosphere.

I really like it too, you've pulled off the repetetive guitar rhythm well. When I say repetetive I'm not saying it in a bad way :p, I really do like the way the rhythm stays the same and you just change the chords and stuff that go along with it, makes for a nice background part.
I'd suggest changing that choir patch as at the moment it sort of takes away from the rest of the piece, it doesn't sound as realistic as the piano and guitar. The violin's fine, although could probably do with more articulation.
I really like this though, well done :)
Yeah, the choir is the most annoying part, I may change it to a different instrument entirely. I'll have to record the lead instruments live just before the mixing stage, I find it heaps easier than having to humanize the velocities and timing and program all the midi date and input all that myself.

Well it'll come together eventually, so far it's working and I'm happy with the progress made. I've got a handfull of VSTi's now, so none of this should be a problem.

Though my progress will be less frequent for awhile as I've got an OCRemix project I'm apart of and need to start working on my tracks for that. I'll be sure however to get more done within a few weeks, might touch up on the whole intro first before I lay down the rest.

Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: April 29, 2010, 12:31:35 am »
Ack, sorry to bump three times in a row but it's finally done, the complete rewritten intro. It now spans just over 2 minutes, still have to add extra orchestration to the intro and fix up the choir sound and fix minor flaws in the acoustic guitar/piano harmony.

It's nothing like how it was before, I have been more patient this time around and did not rush things. It has dramatically altered, much more melodic and soothing.

Entertainment / Re: The Youtube Topic 2.0
« on: April 26, 2010, 12:26:30 am »
Not bad Hyper :)
My favourite guitar solo in a J-rock/pop song would have to be at 3:33 in this song:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5C8Tb3qcDo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5C8Tb3qcDo</a>
Thanks, I'm working on a solo album at last and want to do a solo similar to the one I made for one of the tracks, it's going to be heavily JRock inspired, allthough I don't know too many JRock bands. Also that guitar solo was pretty neat, I enjoyed it :).

My favourite JGuitar solo is about 4:12 in this track:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWz__SpSXhc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWz__SpSXhc</a>

And a good song by the same artist:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7gzrEHi44c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7gzrEHi44c</a>

Mind you they're all dudes(that's visual kei for you), but their music is AMAZING.

Entertainment / Re: The Youtube Topic 2.0
« on: April 25, 2010, 12:13:37 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ils2hL5Ttg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ils2hL5Ttg</a>
First video in forever. Just demonstrating a JRock/Metal guitar solo I made up, not sure how JRock/Metal it is but it was definitely inspired from it :).

Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: April 25, 2010, 12:09:34 am »
Not a real update here, I upgraded over a month ago from Sonar Home Studio 7 XL to Sonar 8.5 Producer, it loads the project file but the vsti is playing up and wont let me change or add any instruments, so I'm going to have to export the midi data only and start in a new project file.

That's not the real news, for those interested I am actually re-writting this track again from the ground up, it'll still contain the same melody at least for the intro, but different instruments and a different style, though it's only going to be better than before. That's it for this quick news fix ;).

Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: February 27, 2010, 01:00:13 pm »
DoD is worth checking out because you hear both the good and the bad. Usually the top 3 tracks are actually good enough to submit to OCR and get passed, unless it's MAGfest or over 20-30 entrants then it's usually the top 10 entries.

And the long 10+minute medleys are well worth it, though OCR has increased the filesize limit recently, so an 8-10 minute track might just be possible.

As for this track I'm not working on it right now, haven't done any more work on it actually, I will next week though :). But atm my top priority now is my first OCR submission, which may take weeks/months to finish. Though I will work on this track bit by bit, and will keep you guys posted even if no one replies, I'll keep updating :).

Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:26:11 am »
As far as my influence goes, to get an idea of what styles I'm going for check out Nightwish's "The Poet And The Pendulum"
Ew, post-Tarja Nightwish. :(
Okay in your case, Ghost Love Score, Gethsemane, Phantom Of The Opera...and not sure what else. Though preferably one of their more long melodic tracks. I'm aiming for a 7-15 minute length track here.

lol I just listened to a track you did on DoD. Sol Sanctum Drained My Batteries?

It's good to see your progression, and this track really is quite good. I wish I had 1% of your musical talent.
Ah so you follow DoD? Originally I was planning on blowing their minds with a prog rock version of Sol Sanctum but I really ran out of time. I do intend on making a full length track out of it and submitting it to OCR ;).

As far as musical talent goes, if you've got an ear for music and can think up melodies in your head, you're half way their.

Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:17:00 am »
Thanks for the responses guys.

Haha yes Mirby I did visit your page on OCR, dunno how I found it but I did :P. As far as the vocals go, if I complete this track well enough I'm going to visit the OCR forums and request a female vocalist(there are a few excellent ones there). Someone like Tarja would suit quite nicely, though I'm not as big on the opera style singing, need a vocalist with a bit of an aggressive rock/metal flavour. Though I feel to get enough feedback and reception there I'll have to work my ass off and get a sucessfull remix submitted...then people will pay attention to what I have to say and share there..

I know I have a bit to go as far as getting the right velocities goes and EQing/mastering. The drumkit I'm using most likely won't be pernament, if I find a better sounding kit I'll switch to that.The kick pedal is good but a tiny bit too loud, unfortunately I don't know how to soften the volume while remaining its intensity with my current VSTi. Darklight, the constant double kick does play a bit funny on my headphones during the final piece, also are you familiar with the style I'm going for here :)? I'm not 100% sure on the drums on the last bit either, maybe that sort of action is better left for a more 'aggressive' part of the track.

I'm using instruments from Yellowtools' Independence Pro and Dimension Pro, the guitar is my playing as usual, unless I'm going for video game music I wont go to sequenced electric guitar(however the bass and acoustic guitar samples are superb and I'd use them in any track I please :)).

As far as my influence goes, to get an idea of what styles I'm going for check out Nightwish's "The Poet And The Pendulum"
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71jj-ksrb_Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71jj-ksrb_Q</a>

Also one of my favourite bands Stream Of Passion:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85bx1fsqu9Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85bx1fsqu9Q</a>

And some Dream Theater of course:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uHLIqI2XVM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uHLIqI2XVM</a>

Thanks again guys, I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Other Projects / Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:42:26 pm »
Hey guys.

Okay I know it's been like forever since I've really posted anything here, but I've upgraded my music software recently and have taken on a Symphonic JRock/Metal track :). Heavily inspired by Stream Of Passion, Symphony X, X Japan, Versailles and a bit of Dream Theater. This is going to be part of my solo album project which I intend to release commercially some time next year, however this is going to be a free download after release.

I have not completed much as of yet but I am willing to share with you guys what I have done so far.

Current version, intro basically complete, just need to touch up on adding more orchestration and acoustic guitar:

Previous version(scrapped):

Software used so far: Sonar 8.5 Producer, Garritan Personal Orchestra, Dimension Pro.

Feedback/criticism welcome :).

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: December 28, 2009, 10:56:06 pm »
I reckon I'm gonna try some restrictive composition tonight. Like restricting myself to four chords, or four instruments or something. See what I can come up with.
That sounds like a rock band :P.

Personally I've tried a demo version of FL-Studio and Reaper, attempted Cubase and really did not like it one bit...not quite my cup of tea. When it comes to music composition and recording I stick to Sonar Home Studio 7 XL: http://www.cakewalk.com/products/homestudio/english/overview.asp, I could upgrade to Sonar 8.5 Studio or Professional edition but I feel I don't have use for the extra features included besides a more finer interface.

Discussion / Re: Game Maker 8
« on: July 28, 2009, 12:45:40 am »
I was considering to code my own map/room maker engine for whatever project I make, if they don't change the room editor I will definitely make my own. More time consuming to make but once it's complete then map/level editing will be a blast.

Not sure whether or not I should get GM8, perhaps I should purchase GM7pro now so I also get the free upgrade to GM8, I might still think GM7 is better.

Audio / Re: Golden Sun Forest's Requiem Remix
« on: June 06, 2009, 12:20:24 am »
Hmmm I wonder what I can do to fix that. Thanks for that ;).

I still have to change the velocities of all the instruments to even out the sound a bit, add more reverb and apply a bit of EQ where needed. I don't think I really have to worry about panning much because they're pre-panned I'm sure.

Is there any more instruments that could be added or to replace the existing ones?

So far I'm using:
  • Pan Flute
  • Wood Flute
  • Bb Clarinet Solo
  • Celesta
  • Section Strings
  • Large Choir Essemble

So if there's anything that needs changing that list might help pick them out :).

Audio / Golden Sun Forest's Requiem Remix
« on: June 03, 2009, 11:45:20 pm »
Hey guys, it's been awhile, it's been even longer since I posted anything here :P.

I recently upgraded my music software and a few days ago got a program called Dimension Pro. Here's the description found on the site:

"Dimension Pro is the critically-acclaimed synthesizer that combines real instruments with advanced synthesis, giving you endless sound possibilities."

I also got some expansion packs for it and discovered some neat orchestral instruments, I really wanted to make a Golden Sun track and I found one. Took me hours to learn by ear and get everything right but here's what I've been able to do so far, I feel it's incomplete but this is the first draft:


Comments and feedback would be nice, I think the overall sound quality is better than what I've done in the past ^_^.

Other Projects / Re: RUINED in WARIO
« on: March 22, 2009, 11:33:55 pm »
I remember seeing this posted on MFGG, looked pretty neat so I'll download it and give it a play.


Small, simple and a good way to spend that quick 10 minutes or so. I give it a 9/10, proves a challenge and has some replay value, would love to see a bigger game out of this =]?

Audio / Re: [MIDI] Fairies
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:46:14 am »
I'd have to agree with those who are reminded of a dark forest, it's very interesting that's for sure.

I really enjoyed it, it was a great tune, would be great in a game, especially of zelda origin. Not sure what you can do to change the atmosphere of the song though, but it in itself is good enough for any mysterious purpose.

Audio / Re: Original Rpg Intro Screen Music
« on: February 14, 2009, 12:30:10 am »
Thanks for the feedback and such, I've slightly adjusted the volume and panning of some instruments.

Hopefully it's a tiny bit better now. Also thanks for the midi DarkLight :) I do have the same soundfont so it was no problem to load it up. However the settings on the oboe for some reason didn't agree with Cakewalk, it put the oboe up a whole tone, I tried my best with the volume and such though.

Anyway I've now included the second version and the midi, take a look if interested.

Audio / Re: Original Rpg Intro Screen Music
« on: February 12, 2009, 09:28:36 am »
Wow, what you've done with adding the oboe solo is incredible!
 Yes please send the midi data, i could as sure learn a thing or two :). Thanks for the advice on the harp too, i'll take a look at it when i get home, also i must ask, what is the range for an oboe?

Audio / Original Rpg Intro Screen Music
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:11:19 am »
I am slowly making my own RPG soundtrack for a game I wish to make. It's inspired by my imagination and not much else. So here is the intro music:

It's short and cuts out at the end but that is only because the title screen music will then kick in. Can't think of a name for it though, and the game title, any ideas/suggestions?

EDIT: 2nd version with slight volume adjustments, Oboe solo thanks to Darklight and minor pan adjustments:

Also the midi file for those interested:

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 05, 2009, 10:42:44 pm »
That's unfortunate, well I hope you are still able to get some progress when you have time. I'll be looking forward to see whatever progress done(no matter how big or small) you've able to accomplish.


Audio / Re: Experimental cave music
« on: January 19, 2009, 10:51:28 pm »
Thanks for comments, I appreciate that some of you have had time to listen this to give feedback. I'm not entirely sure on the instruments I've used either, any suggestions to what could be changed?

The first half definitely sounds very cave-like.  When the piano starts and whatever else is in there it flows nicely, but when the choir is singing in beats rather than long notes, it sounds like a different song and the choir beats sound fake because of the repetition.  Overall very good, but I think I'd like it a lot more if it had a section in the end that tied it all together and made it loop more properly.  It's good, but the spacey ending suddenly peters off and decides it's not going anywhere after all.
Haha, yeah that last sentence pretty much sounds like me. Yeah it is a tiny bit repetitive and the choir could be improved I guess, I'm much better at writing rock and metal tracks but I like to experiment. The end seems like it's about to go somewhere but then it doesn't and the track just screams "Oh look, a squirrel!" and wanders off. Well thanks for the constructive criticism. The final version will be entirely different, there will be many versions of this too, but don't expect much for at least a few weeks as I am busy working on my attempt to make an ocremix.

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