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Dungeons / Re: [Work in progress] Ancient Manor (Sheikiah Temple)
« on: June 17, 2012, 09:41:47 am »
Looks great.
I know the style isn't a match, but here are some old manor tiles to look at, if only for inspiration.
Obviously not Japanese or Arabian themed but certainly an old manor.

Updates / z3 2010: Suspension and/or Death
« on: August 04, 2010, 05:11:48 am »
I think the low application turnout might have been from the application itself. I was in the process of applying but stopped because it was asking for too much information upfront that I didn't have prepared. Maybe you can let people sign up and then let them fill in all the blanks later on like how myspace or facebook is set up.

Other Projects / [Trailer] Ikari Sine6
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:40:30 am »
Basically you're a kid with black hair that suddenly one day gets in an accident that traps him inside his nintendo gameboy. His arm gets infected with a virus that gives him amazing super powers. You also ride your favorite songs.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gpsA3S2VbM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gpsA3S2VbM</a>

You can load any mp3 you like and you can ride the e.q. waves. Gameplay is way faster than in this youtube video btw.

Things I'm working on adding-
Attacks-a transforming arm that turns into all sorts of things swords, giant hammers, rocket launchers, also the power to grab and slam enemies.
Enemies - some sort of glitchy viruses you have to fight in droves
improving the way you ride the music :]
skyscrapers in the background that move to the music.

This is my fun side project I've been working on as a creative outlet when I get tired working on my main project.

I'd also love any form of help with this game or just some c.c.

Coding / Re: water tiles [solved]
« on: July 01, 2010, 05:24:20 am »
Ok I figured it out on my own
This is a really nice way to tile water, moving flowers, or lava. If anyone else wants to use this method go right ahead. Give credit to dlbrooks

edit:it didn't save but now its the correct version

Coding / water tiles [solved]
« on: June 29, 2010, 07:42:50 am »
I thought making the water tiles animated into a tile set would make tiling out areas easier, but I'm having a problem. I'm using Dlbrooks33's tile changing example but the problem is it's also changing other tilesets. Can you guys take a look at it and see if theres a solution to this? I'm about to just make the tiles into objects and be done with it :[

Coding / [Engine] Pigeons
« on: June 24, 2010, 11:58:36 pm »
This is a fun little engine I made inspired by an idea mentioned in the community project board.
The engine includes pigeons that will fly away when link walks too close
Press left to walk towards them.

I've always meant to release an engine so this is my first one. I hope you like it :]

Discussion / Consolidating a large GM project
« on: February 06, 2009, 01:23:47 am »
Ok so I have my zelda project that I've been working on for years, and the filesize has grown pretty large (about 10 megs). This has caused game production to grind to a crawl. Everytime I load up to test a tiny change it takes about a minute.

What kind of fixes, techniques, changes can I start using to get load times down?
I'm using game maker v6

Other Projects / Gameboy Rider - Trailer
« on: January 05, 2009, 08:26:36 am »
This is the sloppy fun little side project Ive been putting together
Its really fun to just load in any song and ride along to the beat
Have a look -> http://www.facebook.com/v/54593037304 CLICK TO PLAY

The story as explained from an IM conversation :
its about a video game tester who stays late at work
gets tired and is playing his gameboy
and goes to microwave a burrito
!@#$% happens where he knocks over some coffee or something
and then he gets trapped in the game
also he has a pixelated arm now..just because

Im going to have a gameboy color as the border set around the window of game play as a nice touch. Enemies, points combos and all that good stuff are coming too.

Its nice to have a small project that isnt (MAKE AN ENTIRE ZELDA EPIC)

If anyone wants to help me with this one I'd love some help. I can put up the source so you guys can see how crappy a coder I am.

Graphics / Re: Shatter Effect?
« on: October 26, 2008, 05:13:03 am »
Nevermind did it myself.

I chopped up the image into 3 layers of fragments in photoshop then
pieced them together in gamemaker and triggered them to randomly fall down
while it saved screenshots in a folder and numbered them.
Then i just loaded all the even frames and then reversed the animation
It looks awesome and I made it so Ganon's face is the last piece to fly in!

Graphics / Re: Shatter Effect?
« on: October 26, 2008, 02:28:34 am »
I'm saying I can just rip it to a gif....

Graphics / Re: Shatter Effect?
« on: October 26, 2008, 12:29:24 am »
 It doesn't matter as I can just convert it over to whatever format it needs to be.

Graphics / Shatter Effect?
« on: October 25, 2008, 11:35:28 pm »
Ive been looking around the web for ways to make a sprite shatter
and the only tutorial I could find is for after effects
Does anyone have it or know a good way to do this?

I want to have the shards from an already shattered stained glass window fly back and reform into place to begin a battle with phantom ganon

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request: RL Picture Conversion
« on: October 22, 2008, 07:23:55 am »

theres my go at it

Discussion / Re: Ocarina of Time 2D Discussion
« on: October 21, 2008, 01:30:39 am »
I think a big reason they fail is that you're translating to 2d but people still try not to lose else in the process. If the remakes were interpretations and just omitted some of the superfluous stuff they could be really fun and exciting in their own right. They would progress way faster that way.


The viewing circle for the telescope foreground could use a rim or border and it would be cool if you could see the moon from Majora's mask.

Very Sexy

Coding / Re: Stopping an Enemy
« on: October 11, 2008, 02:11:20 am »
I was looking at that as an option but couldn't figure out how to use it
I actually solved the problem in a gheto way by using a "bumping engine"

How does move contact solid work?

Coding / Re: Stopping an Enemy
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:57:30 pm »
Nah that wont work. That only checks if the enemy isn't near a block before he starts moving. It doesnt stop the object while its moving. That stops it from ever moving once its near a block. Besides, I want it stop on contact with solids not blocks.

I need to somehow get a point of x and y based on the direction the enemy is moving and then plug those into a collision check I guess. I don't know either.

Coding / Stopping an Enemy
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:36:14 pm »
Alright the forums have probably seen this question asked a thousand times a thousand ways but here's the code

if (distance_to_object(objlink) < 90) // Or however close you want the enemy to start moving
    image_single = -1;
    move_towards_point(objlink.x, objlink.y, 3); // Set 3 to the speed you want the enemy to move
    image_single = 0;
    speed = 0; // This stops the enemy from moving
alarm[1] = 30; // Reset the alarm

I don't want the enemy running through solid objects as it chases Link around. I need the enemy to stop when it comes into contact with solids.

Ive looked over the help file with no luck. Thanks

Coding / Re: Game maker screen scaling?
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:31:26 pm »
Alright, I think Ill code my own resolution settings for minimized and full screen then.

Coding / Re: Game maker screen scaling?
« on: October 10, 2008, 08:28:15 pm »
Anybody have some emulation code?

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